"Teacher, do you want a game?"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. He looked at the boy beside him and blinked his eyes slightly. His face showed a little funny! "You obviously want to see my disgrace! But it can be! What do you want to play? Don't play games or anything! I don't know much about it! "

Two people play go together, the speed is a little bit slow, in the process, Ding Yu also put down his mind, Wang an side no matter what things suffered, he is also powerless, he has done his best! As for the others? Then it's up to God! I can't do anything about it! Because I have done my best!

Although Tong Tong is very clever, even a little fierce, but in thinking, with Ding Yu still has a considerable difference! So in dealing with Ding Yu, there are some difficulties!

Wang An's journey here is not as secure as you think. Although it is less than two hours' journey, and even less than one hour's high-speed journey, this one hour's journey is an extraordinary feeling and test for Wang an! At the most dangerous time, both wheels have fallen off!

When the car came into the farm, it was not like it at all! I wonder how this car got off! It also makes people suspect that if the car stops now, I'm afraid it will never start again!

"Here they are, sir!"

Ding Yu looked up and sighed slightly, "it's good to be here! Let them come here

Children also put down the clouds in their hands, they accompanied their teachers to play a game, but it is not finished, but look at the situation above, you know that they have no way to control the situation on the chessboard! It's just the rhythm of being hanged!

Looking at Wang an who came in, Ding Yu nodded and beckoned his hand. A rare smile appeared on his face, "it seems that there are so many noises along the way! How do you feel? "

"Master? A little bit of an accident, even a little surprise! " Wang An's small face is still calm on the top, but he can still see a little flustered in his eyes. If he is not flustered, it makes people feel strange. After all, he is a child, not a monster! This must be made clear!

"Your younger brother came earlier than you. You may also know his identity! Let's not talk about it! Wash up! Today is a good day! Now that you have made a choice, you can solve all the problems! "

Looking at Qu he over there, Ding Yu nodded, "Qu he, you know something about this aspect. Anyway, there is no other outsider, so prepare to be a witness."

"Lucky Qu he!" With that, he held his hands together and bowed deeply to Ding Yu!

What's the reason? The director's performance is so hasty. Qu he is not so clear about it. But what happened along the way, Qu he has all seen in his eyes, Ma De! If you say that in the noisy big point, is not your own small life to account for here! I can't imagine it!

Originally, I thought it was nothing more than a gun! Or the gun! If you want to do it, it's just these things, isn't it? If you can't do it, you'll risk your own life. It's no big deal! But they thought, these guys are too insidious! What a little steel ball! What glass bottles!

These grandsons are really not ordinary people who can play! Play their own are so a little scared! Good guy, he is suitable to be a meat shield! Other aspects, basically is a kind of white talk!

Soon Quhe cleaned up the farm. There was no problem looking for something on the farm! However, according to the director's intention, there is no need to do it wantonly! It's true that everything should be simple, but there are still things we need to have! After all, I haven't heard of the director and his apprentice!

Looking at Wang An and Tong Tong, Ding Yu sighed slightly! Two people kneel down and kowtow! You should know the master of heaven and earth! Although there are some too traditional and decadent, but the meaning is different!

If placed in ancient times, if you really take down your apprentice, then you should treat your son like you do! Even better than a son! Because this person, in the future, may be to support their own face! If the people who support the pole are not good to him, it's not just that the inheritance is broken!

Everything in the modern society is not the same!

For visitors, this side of the farm is blocked out! But the person who did not come over was happy package, the things inside were all a little surprise! It's not as simple as a couple of candy and boxes of cigarettes!

"Ah! I'm a little late, but I seem to catch up with you The leader of the information management department has come here in a hurry! There can be a certain guess about what happened inside. Director Ding Yuding got the two children over. It's not so simple to protect their safety! The follow-up certainly has the quite arrangement!Xue Guangming was also standing in the back position at this time, and his spirit was slightly depressed. Great leader Zeng Guodu personally rushed over. Can't we explain the problem? I'm afraid I made a big mistake this time!

What's more, he has already got the news. On the way to here, Wang An has been under considerable attack. If the car is not equipped with bulletproof glass, if it is not specially made, if it is not equipped with proper protection, and so on! Maybe Wang An's life is on the road! This is director Ding Yuding's reaction is relatively rapid, if you delay again, you can't imagine!

However, in a moment of hesitation, someone came out of the farm and didn't say anything else. He just did an invitation to clean up, "leader, please! I'm sorry for the poor reception

Not so many people came in! However, after we came in, we found that the situation here was slightly different. The defense was not as tight as imagined, and we could not even see too many people! Ding Yu's office is not so luxurious, but there are many doors are tightly closed, there is no meaning to open!

When he came in, he saw the situation inside, and everyone didn't speak. Ding Yu said something to the two disciples here! The sound is low! Outsiders can't hear it! Everyone has come! Treat it as a courtesy! It's not something you can't see, it's just a little bit hasty!

"Director Ding!" Seeing Wang An and Tong Tong go to one side, the visitor takes a step forward and says, "it's too late!"

Ding Yu stood up and arched slightly with his fist. For Ding Yu's indifferent attitude, Zeng Guo also exclaimed! Immediately sat beside Ding Yu! "I didn't expect to make such a fuss. I heard that when I came back, it was a little noisy!"

"It's OK. I've just come back! And they all came back whole! Good luck, too

Ding Yu is holding his chin, slightly side his body, "but your big leader came so clearly! Is it a little too hasty! I just took over two little apprentices! There may be some hard work, but it seems that it is not too much! Is this the wrong person? "

"Xiaoding! It's happened, whatever the reason for it? It's all happened, and now we still need to look ahead! " What can you say? It is said that this matter is caused by our people. You, Mr. Ding Yu, have a large number of them. Don't worry about this matter? I can't say it myself!

For some departments, it's not even helpful to treat them for a year! It is for this reason that Ding Yu did not evade the intelligence department in Wang An's affairs. After all, it is quite a secret keeping unit, isn't it?

But there once thought, unexpectedly someone made such a thing, sold Ding Yu's apprentice! I don't know what price to sell, but if Ding Yu's reaction is a little slower, I'm afraid his apprentice will not come back! And Ding Yu in this apprentice body has what kind of pay, only the Qing Zhi Department is the most clear!

Even if Wang An is exposed, it should not be exposed by the emotional management department! And it's far from time!

Originally, Wang An was raised outside, not that Ding Yu did not have such conditions, but worried that Wang An would not be acclimatized to the local conditions, so he hastily brought back Wang An. At that time, Wang an really had any problems, and his previous efforts might be wasted!

However, Xue Guangming was clever and thought that he had caught Ding Yu's handle and let Wang an out. This led to Ding Yu having no way but to drag Wang an back! If you don't drag it back, then Wang An will still be able to survive, this is what two said!

But even so, the road to return is also quite dangerous, the relevant reports have been read! See to let oneself all feel some incredible! Those guys really don't care about Ding Yu at all! When you come, you will die. If it is possible, you will want Wang An's life!

As for Tong Tong, they didn't even do anything about it. They basically ignored it! Why ignored! Because Tong Tong is not as important as you think! At least relative to Wang An, he is not so valuable! After all, you can only choose one of Tong Tong or Wang an! Of course, the choice is important! Right?

Ding Yu didn't show any attitude towards the leader's words. After all, he accepted an apprentice today and didn't want to make other things happen. Since the family came to the door of his house, then have a cup of tea! Sit down and have a rest. I don't have so much time to think about other things! At least not now!

Seeing that director Ding Yuding did not have any words and sat there lazily, I knew that this thing was not as easy to do as I imagined! Change to be oneself, now if can suppress the anger in the heart just strange! Even directly to you in the door, what can you do? I just don't talk about manners? You bite me?Xue Guangming is here! And it's out there! What will director Ding do with him?

Judging from the current situation, it is not possible for director Ding to start directly. You should know that Wang An and Tong Tong have already come! Even if director Ding started directly, it was reasonable, but director Ding did not do it very much, and even forgot Xue Guangming! Not suitable for director Ding's character, but it seems reasonable again!

There are other people to see the ceremony, we all come in one after another! But even so, the staff seems to be less, there are so some pitiful! If such a thing happened in the capital, or not in a hurry, how many people would come? What would it be like? unimaginable!

Kowtow to Ding Yu for tea! Wang An and Tong Tong's attitude is very correct! They are also very respectful!

"Good day and good hour! Of course, people are also very good! " A little smile appeared on Ding Yu's face! Compared with the previous, Ding Yu's dress is a little solemn! He helped the two disciples down and explained again! But the same, Ding Yu also took out some things for his two apprentices!

"I'm taking you two as an introduction today. I hope you can promote each other in the future! Mutual progress! At the same time, abide by the original intention, do not be moved by foreign things! Not fame, but a clear conscience

Ding Yu did not mention anything in a long and large scale! After the two apprentices took the things, they also instructed them. The ceremony is over! "This is the way to start dinner at noon! The visitors are guests, please

In fact, the number of guests entertained is not as many as imagined. All the entertainments are basically from Wang An and Tong Tong! They have undertaken this identity, so they need to do a good job!

"Director Ding! I don't know if I have time? "

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. Wang An and Tong Tong are now under their own income. It is true that things are a little hasty, but the name has been set down, so you can go to a piece of their own heart disease! Without this name, there are always people peeping at Wang An and Tong Tong!

But now it has the name! Don't worry! If we say that at this time there are still people to Wang An and Tong Tong two hands, then it is not so simple as to hit Ding Yu in the face! I'm afraid many people can't bear it!

"Are you a big leader? What about me? Ordinary people! A doctor at most, a little bit of a small asset! How dare I refuse your kind invitation Although this speech is very polite, we can all hear the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

"What big leader? You! It's not like this at ordinary times! Do not deny that this time out of quite a thing, but any thing need to be investigated, not too wayward! I think you can understand it! "

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and opened them immediately! "Well! I can understand that it was a bit too hasty before! Even a little bit forgetful! I need to reflect on myself! "

Ding Yu was intentional. How could Zeng Guo not understand it! Now Ding Yu has no intention to investigate. This is not only his own expectation, but also his own hope! So now I have some contradictions!

"Xiaoding, you know, I don't mean that?"

After Ding Yu snorted, he immediately sighed, "I said, what do you want, big leader?"?! What else do you want me to say when things get so noisy? I always need to account for myself, don't I? At the same time, we also need to give an account to Wang An and Tong Tong, and even to other forces! This is not to say that I don't give you great leadership face, or that I'm Ding Yu is dead hearted. I'm a man, not a god! "

The big leader really didn't expect that Ding Yu would say such words to himself. For a while, he didn't even know how to deal with it! Is Ding Yu wrong? No mistake! Even very straightforward and clear! But he said so, it shows that Ding Yu must have follow-up arrangements and actions!

"Xiaoding, I know that this matter is not appropriate for you, and may even affect your corresponding arrangements! But at this time, we still need to keep calm. Impulse can't solve any problem, and willfulness can't solve any problem! "

Ding Yu snorted, "and I am such a person! OK! Keep calm and don't be willful! Big leader, what kind of requirements do you have? Let's all say it! Let's talk about it, it's good! Isn't it? "

No way! Serious wrong! Ding Yu should be very angry now, even angry, this is in line with his own estimation, but Ding Yu did not do so, and kept quite calm, but this is not calm a bit too much! This is not good, very bad!

But Ding Yu's words have already put himself on the south wall! Keep calm, Ding Yu has done it! Not willful, Ding Yu did it! Even Xue Guangming is in front of Ding Yu! But Ding Yu is indifferent! Is it impossible to do this? So what do you want to ask Ding Yu to do?It can't be said that Ding Yu is a clay sculpture! Pinch as much as you want? What's more, Ding Yu is a clay sculpture, right? Even if you are a clay Bodhisattva, you will be angry! What's more, this man is still Ding Yu!

"Xiaoding! Let me put it this way! Comrade Guangming, you can't move! This is a matter of principle! "

"Whatever you want." Ding Yu waved his hand casually, "you can handle your affairs by yourself! I didn't have the meaning of this aspect! What's more, I am a doctor, a common people, of course! If it is sinful to think about it, I have thought about it! I admit it

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