To a certain extent, it is made of gold! No kidding!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Wang Xiaogang and Wang Xiaogang have been treated like this for a long time. As for Wang An, there is no need to say much about it. It has always been Tongtong, and there is not much resources! This situation has been quite a pity for the information management department, and even we have some other ideas and conjectures about it!

There is no way but to think about it! Right? Look at the treatment of other children, and then look at the treatment of children, it is not a level above! Under such circumstances, how can we not doubt it? But now it's all right! We finally understand the layout of Ding Yu! Sentiment management department here is also suddenly realized!

This light and dark layout, seemingly very simple, but in fact is to confuse everyone! Even the emotional management department here is not able to wake up in time! Everyone thought that this should be Ding Yu's test for Tong Tong, but he didn't think about it. Ding Yu had already made a decision in his heart! It's just that we don't understand this decision!

If we had known this, the intelligence department should have reached out earlier to do some work. If not, Xue Guangming sold Wang an! I'm afraid everyone will be hidden in the bones. Ding Yu is really not a general hateful guy. The same guy is not generally tolerant!

So hard suffering, and he can really bear it, relative to Wang An's growth, the growth of children is not as fast as imagined, because of the lack of guidance and guidance! At this point, Wang an doesn't know how many children should be forced out. This is why the Ministry of information management has not been so optimistic about Tong Tong!

I'm afraid it's the limit to be a student of Ding Yu in the future! There is no comparability with people like Wang An, but I once thought that things were not like this at all! Ding Yu is completely the opposite of the way, to play everyone, that is called a thorough ah! What's more, it's kind of dumb eating Coptis!

Now think of it, it is not a regret can describe! It's really a little bit painful! How to deal with these things, the information management department must think about it!

This time, Ding Yu gave a lot of face and let himself take Tong Tong back! If we don't take the children back, the emotional management department will definitely make more troubles! They can't accept Wang Anfei leaving! Children also left such a blow! You know, these two are their original dishes!

When the time comes, I will tear Xue Guangming alive! Even facing the power behind Xue Guangming, such a thing is reasonable! Zeng Guo did not mention this aspect of the matter, Ding Yu also did not mention, but each other's heart is very clear!

But from Ding Yu's words, you can clearly feel that Ding Yu is also angry. Xue Guangming! Basically, he doesn't have to think about it. Even if he has a great relationship, it's useless! What's more, the faction behind Xue Guangming is also in bad luck!

It's not as simple as eating melons! All along, although Ding Yu is not as good as he imagined, he didn't do too much, no matter it's the echelon! Or the students, or other people! In the training up, did not hear Ding Yu deliberately to who!

On this point, we are still very convinced! If Ding Yu did it like this! Is there anything else you can say? It's impossible, even everyone will enjoy it! But Ding Yu is careful, but in such things, people can't find any problems!

That is to say, director Ding Yuding's mind is still very open, this is like a fight between adults! No matter what the reason is, anyway, it's done! But this is the adult thing! There is no relationship with children, even when the children have any problems and conditions, but also take the initiative to help!

Is there something so hard to understand? It doesn't matter!

This is Ding Yu. Are you willing to accept it? I'm not willing to accept it? I am also like this, there will be no so-called changes! I can't change anything because of you! If you want to, look at it. If you don't, go away!

"Hello, Grandpa Su!"

Seeing Su Quan, Tong Tong immediately stood up and saluted! In terms of etiquette is absolutely not bad! Let people not have any criticism, also do not know whether it is Ding Yu's request, in this regard, Ding Yu has always been a very traditional, not to mention now Tongtong is his disciple! It also represents Ding Yu's face!

But this is just Su Quan's idea. Can it replace Ding Yu's idea? At this point, Su Quan dare not make any guarantee. His nephew! Strange! Can't measure it with common sense!

"It should be called uncle and grandfather! According to seniority, it should be like this! I'll remember it later! "

After the exchange with Zeng Guo, the great leader, both of them have some feelings!

"It's too much trouble! It's even too tricky! " Su Quan looked out of the window, his heart is very anxious, still like a fire burning, but can not get any change, how can he do? And this is not something that I can interfere with. I can contact my nephew, but my nephew! Some are hard to explain!Su Quan is really speechless, not feigned posture, in front of the old leader, there is no such need!

"Leader, is Xue Guangming back to the capital? Things are bound to ferment further! "

"Yes! Further fermentation! What to do? " Zeng Guo is also feeling his head, feeling a little gray these days! Staring at Su Quan for a period of time, "but if you think about it, you can't see anything bad. After all, it's a blessing in disguise. For Tong Tong, he has a bright future! At this thought, I feel much better! "

"This little fellow has his own chance!" Looking at the children not far away, someone is teaching him specially. He seems to be a nanny, but what he actually plays is a tutor! The so-called ten years do not open, open to eat a lifetime! That is to say, such a tutor, the leisure people can not please, also can not afford!

"I didn't expect to hide so deeply. I'm afraid only my nephew would make such a decision! How cruel! At the same time, there are some who can endure too much! At the same time, we are also a little too careless! Who could have thought he would have done this? What do you think? Can you really get down this heart

"It's not our negligence! We care too much about children! " Zeng Guo sighed for a long time, "because I care too much, I will interpret everything carefully, not to mention Wang an or where! After a comparison between the two, naturally, there will be other ideas in this heart! "

There is no intention of investigating Ding Yu. What's more, Ding Yu is not something we can pursue if we want to. What should we pursue? Why must he hide and tuck in? What a joke? Do not give you a white eye, this is already high to see you the same! Only idiots can ask such questions!

"Who could have thought that the old bastard should have played such a hand!" Su Quan is complaining, "but carefully think about it, it seems that it is really his means. What is put on the surface is for you to see! But is what you see true? What needs to be discussed, as for those things that are not seen? "

"Yes! What are those things you don't see? " Zeng Guo also had considerable doubts and doubts about this!

"Old leader, what's the arrangement for Tong Tong?" Su Quan looked around and asked in a low voice! Other things can be put on, but Tong Tong's is the first to bear the brunt!

"A week's holiday! This is the decision made by our director Ding. As for the afterwards? Look at Tong Tong's opinions and ideas, or stay in the provincial capital? Or with Ding Yu! That's about it

"Provincial capital?" Su Quan can't help but be stunned, "with Xiaogang together?" Looking at the old leader nodding, Su Quan almost picked it up, "what does this bastard want? Didn't he mean it? "

"Yes! He did it on purpose! What can you do? " Zeng Guo had a smile, but the bitterness and helplessness revealed in the smile was really heartbreaking! No choice!

"Yes! I get it! He's just taking revenge! Damn it

"Swearing can't solve any problems. At this time, we should be calm and have a good view of the overall situation. In this matter, the pressure on us is not so great. After all, there are not so many people who know about Wang An's affairs. This board will be beaten on us in the end! What's more, the matter of Xue Guangming has been investigated clearly? "

"The investigation is almost over! But I don't have much jurisdiction over this matter, and I don't have enough authority! "

Su Quan did not hide too much, how should be a thing, is how a thing! At this time, we can't be a bit false. There is no use for falsity. We can even bring out other problems. We can't be vague!

"Old leader, what are you thinking?" Looking at Zeng Guo who didn't speak, Su Quan asked unintentionally!

"When I saw Tong Tong, I suddenly thought of a question. Do you think that director Ding Yuding will have other apprentices? I've been thinking about this all the time? All of a sudden, I began to feel a little less confident! "

Zeng Guo's words, let Su Quan can't help but some stupor, after careful thinking, Su Quan also shook his head, "I don't know, it's hard to say, from our understanding, this possibility is not so big, but no one dares to do such a thing, what so-called guarantee!"

Looking at his old leader, Su Quan shook his head with a bitter smile, "other things can be explored, but such things? We can think of it, and I'm afraid others will think of it! But if you think of it, it will have no effect. I know a little about the temperament of the boss. He can't have thought of it at all! "

"If it's not Tong Tong's business and it's too unexpected, I won't think about it! But that child must be looked after! I always think there may be other ways in this, but there are some things that we can't see clearly. After all, we still owe the child something! ""Someone will find out, we can't hide it!"

"It's not a matter of whether we can or can't hide it. Although we have a good reason for Wang An's case, we can explain it clearly here. After all, director Ding Yuding is involved! No one will be too presumptuous in this matter, but what about the child? I think the military will definitely catch it! "

"Got it? Will it work? It's hard to say! What's more, my nephew! Hi! I don't know what to say Su Quan has a little complaint about this, "whether it's at home or outside! The people who can make him eye-catching are definitely not as many as they think. They are the same from the beginning to the end, without any change! "

"So? What do you want to say

"Some of the requirements are too strict, even some are so harsh. Take a look at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. From our point of view, they should be enough! But in the eyes of the boss, it's far from good! It's always a kind of answer! From this, it can be seen that it is normal! "

Zeng Guo did not speak, but his heart was also a total, Ding Yu, director Ding! At this point, it is true that, as Su Quan said, the requirements are not only strict, but also some harsh. But this kind of harsh is not only aimed at other people, but also at Ding Yu himself!

Judging from the situation above, Ding Yu also belongs to the people standing at the top of the pyramid! There is no need to be so demanding on yourself! No need at all! However, Ding Yu has never thought about this aspect of the problem!

When I'm free, I'll shut myself up in my study and read a book! Watch videos! Operation and so on! This kind of behavior and action is nothing but drudgery in many eyes! However, it seems wrong to say that Ding Yu is an ascetic monk, but it seems quite inappropriate to say that Ding Yu is extravagant. Anyway, Ding Yu's whole person is slightly contradictory!

There is no so-called light and wine, men and women, there is nothing to forget, wanton! To a certain extent, he is sitting in his own position, watching coldly. Even in front of him, he does not know how many curtains have been placed, which makes people unable to see through!

"Leader, boss, the character of that guy! Although there are so some indifference! There are even some ruthless, but on the national level, it is absolutely trustworthy! At this point, I can make this guarantee, that is, sometimes he handles things in a way that people can't accept! "

"I may have doubts about other aspects, but I never have any doubts on this point! Director Ding Yuding! Sometimes it's not really difficult to understand, but it's very difficult for someone to stand in his position. This is the main reason! What do you say? "

"Old leader! What do I say is good? The boss is my nephew. There is no way to erase this relationship! There is no way to ignore it! Sometimes I can't see it! But I am an uncle! Even at home, for his affairs, is also helpless that kind, otherwise I also will not be so oppressive

"Sorry! I'm going too far! "

Zeng Guoguo engraved on the wake up, this words a bit poke people's heart nest! To know the hometown of director Ding Yuding, for the people of the Wang family and the Su family, it is an insurmountable bottom line. No one can come, no one can use it. If anyone dares to step into one of them, his leg will be absolutely discounted. There is no reason to say!

Why did Suquan come to the provincial capital this time and did not continue to move forward! It doesn't mean that it can't be, but who knows if it can make Ding Yu angry? Hard to say! What's more, it also involves the intelligence department. Once it breaks out, there is really no way to end it!

What's more, Su Quan didn't want to pay for Xue Guangming, even if he did! Can Xue Guangming appreciate it? What's more, his nephew? Even if he explained the problems and conditions, could he just let things go? How could it be? You don't know him yet?

When nothing happens, he will turn a blind eye when things and situations happen? I really don't believe this, so don't give yourself and everyone trouble!

"Leader, this matter is not a joke, the family is already used to it! We are used to it! But there are no problems and conditions. It's not a good thing to toss children back and forth. I see! It's better to send it to the boss! In this way, we can all stop a little bit! "

"If you want to send it, you can send it! Hi

"Can we go there without going to the boss? Go to Xiaogang? Leader, you don't want to joke, OK? There is a considerable gap with Wang An, if you really stay away from the boss, the gap will be bigger and bigger! What's more, even if we agree to this matter! Can you agree with me

"Ah! It's a good thing to say Zeng Guo said with a smile, "I agree with this matter! You agreed! Even your family agreed! Can director Ding agree with me?! You really need to think about it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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