The reaction on the side of the capital is a little bit fierce, and the relevant situation has been passed back! There is no so-called frying pan, mainly because it is not yet that time! But the intelligence department has been criticized to a certain extent, Ma Dan! You're going too far!

Good guy?! There is not enough children, but there is a Wang'an hidden. If it is not Xue Guangming, we will not know it at all! Director Ding Yuding is also really able to bear, and from the news we got, Wang An was not hidden for a day or two, there was quite a time!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Not to mention Wang Xiaogang. Now there are more Wang An and Tong Tong. Some people are also moved!

Before the beginning, we really didn't put children in their eyes. Why? Because Ding Yu did not make the corresponding pair for Tong Tong! Those tutor nannies, security and other personnel, these children are not at all! It can be seen that Tong Tong is not so important in Ding Yu's mind!

In addition, the identity of Tong Tong's emotional management department is too obvious! There are really not many people who are willing to cause the big trouble of the emotional management department. In such a case, there are so many people who neglect children and don't take it as a matter! More often, we still put our eyes on Ding Yun! Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang are three of them!

But now look, we are so some look out of sight! Ding Yu gave Tong Tong to the income, not to say, but also the one of his own, which made people so unprepared! And after the reaction, there are also some root itching!

However, it is impossible to say that everyone has no idea about this aspect! This time, Ding Yu is very passive because of Xue Guangming's trouble. It is said that Wang An and Tong Tong are on the way to go. They have also experienced quite a lot of waves! Even close to seeing Ding Yu!

Director Ding didn't let Wang An and his brother and sister and Tong Tong come back together. This is understandable. The relevant information about Wang An has been put on everyone's desk! It doesn't help if he goes back! At most, it is to clean up, but what is there to clean up? It's better to stay with his sister at director Ding's side!

But with the return of Tong Tong, there are some things worth pondering about! Is it hard for me to come back and watch my parents? It's bullshit! It's not that it's not important to see your parents, but now it's really so important. Do you need to come back in person? Can't you just watch the video?

So this time the return of children? It may be that director Ding Yuding has maintained the face of the information management department. However, it seems reasonable to think about it. Why? The relationship between director Ding Yuding and the Department of emotion management is an enemy! When it's good, it's honey. When it's bad, it's very angry! But if you really care about it, it's not clear!

Is director Ding really watching the intelligence department suffer? This kind of thing has never happened? More than that! Zeng Guozeng, Minister Zeng, has passed in person! But I heard that Su Quan, director general of Su Quan, got off at the provincial capital! There is no further step forward! It's fun to think about it!

I don't mean to look down on anyone! But there are some exclamations! There are not many people who know the problems, but there are also many! Everyone knows that is definitely director Ding's weakness, but no one wants to pierce this layer of window paper! No one is willing to bear the consequences! No one is going to try!

At that time, it's not really a matter of being immortal! It's about being able to die! And it is not a matter of one person or two people. If you don't say it rashly, it may be light!

However, there is another thing that interests us. At that time, director Ding Yuding seemed to have something to do with Mr. Wang! It seems that director Ding Yuding never comes to the door! Otherwise, you can see it carefully! It's always the children! Director Ding has never been there!

It's not to say that we don't meet each other, but when we do face-to-face, we are basically outside or in the hospital! It's never been in Mr. Wang's house. What about this? Really do not know how to judge? Too stubborn? Or something else?

It's hard to say! There are so many bad things to say! After all, this is not a business, it can only be said to be a family affair! And to a certain extent, it's private! We all know, but who dares to put this matter on the surface to say, not to die? I really think director Ding is a good temper, right?

"Minister Zeng! Welcome back Some people come to pick up the station in person, there is no way not to pick up the station. There is considerable involvement in it. At this time, even if it is a fake gesture, it also needs to put on a show! Otherwise, it would be embarrassing enough!

"Well!" Zeng Guo nodded his head and shook hands with each other, "the work is relatively busy, there is no need for this! Xue Guangming, they all come back with them! " Just point it out! It can be said that he brought Xue Guangming back in a bolt. This matter always needs an explanation!"Minister Zeng worked hard!"

It's good to stop at one point! This kind of occasion is not suitable to say other!

It can be seen from director Ding Yuding's hand that Xue Guangming can be brought back to the whole person with all eyes, and the speed is so fast. It can be seen from this that Zeng Bu and director Ding have had considerable communication! Even need to have considerable friendship, otherwise, why does director Ding Yuding sell such a face?

And Tong Tong came back with him! No matter what kind of agreement has been reached, at least face is not lost too clean! As for the next thing how to deal with, we close the door to solve it!

After waiting for the bus to get on the bus, the window in front of him rose. He came to the side of his body and looked at Zeng Guo. He said respectfully, "minister Zeng, this is a real trouble for you!"

"The trouble is not troublesome. Comrade Guangming can come back! What happened next is that there were some thorny problems. Director Ding was very angry, but he was able to deal with the problems calmly and showed great rationality. I can't see that there is too much anger! "

The visitor couldn't help biting his own back teeth, the expression on his face was a little gloomy! I hope that director Ding can be angry, even the kind of thunderbolt. In that case, he can be settled down! But things are totally different from what we expected!

"Director Ding said to me," this time, Lao Xue's side is a bit too much! "

Ding Yu's speech is a little bad, so Zeng Guo didn't express it directly! But can the visitors not know? If director Ding's words are too good to listen to! That's the hell!

"Zengbo, what's next?"

"It won't be too good for Lao Xue! Director Ding! Sometimes too small temperament, careful eye! He has always been in such a situation. As to whether there will be any connection or not, it is hard to say! "

What's so hard to say about this! For sure, Ding Yu has always been like this. If you don't provoke me, it's OK! Everyone's good-bye! Even if you are provoking me, if it is what big deal! Ding Yu is too lazy to pay attention to trivial matters! Everyone gets confused, doesn't it?

But this time it's confusing? Such a mistake can not be committed at all! What happened? It's death!

"Is Tong Tong back? Can you stay? "

"Director Ding gave him a week's leave, and I talked to him about it! But director Ding didn't believe it! I'm speechless, but fortunately I'll be back for a week

What is the so-called disbelief? Naturally, we are clear! Wang An's affairs are only clear to the Department of emotion management, other aspects are basically unknown! Why didn't Ding Yu refuse the intelligence department at the beginning? There are considerable considerations and reasons in it!

However, Xue Guangming made a mess of everything! Even Wang ancha didn't return to Ding Yu safely at all! As for people, I heard that they also arrested several, but they didn't have much effect. They were basically dead chess pieces! As long as exposure, there is no effect of that kind!

As for the so-called living chess, you will never expose yourself!

However, such a thing for other countries, may be difficult, but for domestic, it is not difficult! What's more, it's the small county where director Ding Yuding is located? But the forces that exist there are basically those that have disappeared! Director Ding has never been soft on them!

It's not that director Ding Yuding is overbearing. It has nothing to do with this. It's mainly because someone has done too much! So director Ding's side is also a direct hand, aren't there any of you? OK! I'll let some of you! I will give you some direct, direct let the forces behind, have already jumped!

There is no way, director Ding Yu Ding's knife is really sharp! And raw and cold do not bogey, this quite let a person taboo! That is not simply to grasp and not to let go! So now there are really not too many foreign forces to go close to that small town there!

We should know that the small county town in director Ding's family has developed quite a lot because of the farm. Even the urban planning is very obvious and prominent! Now the development of tourism is also quite prosperous, whether it is at home or abroad, it is a kind of small name!

If from this point of view, there are so many people coming and going, and there are more opportunities to sneak in! But even so, there are not too many people willing to explore! Willing to contact, because Ding Yu is a devil! The word "devil" is not enough to describe the ferocity of Ding Yu!

"The bright side is really anxious!" Come on, look at Zeng Guo with bitterness!

"I don't care about it. It's possible to find director Ding Yuding. But at this time, director Ding will let go of this matter easily? I haven't seen it! If possible, you can see director Ding Yuding! I'm sure director Ding won't refuse the door! But it's hard to tell what will happen! "It's all done! Even some things said are too clear and straightforward! After all, the follow-up development of this time may hurt some forces, so we don't need to reserve too much now. In that case, it will do harm to people!

"What's more, at this time, director Ding is still able to keep a reasonable mind. Besides, Wang An and Tong Tong are still around him! Although the timing is a little too early! But it's also free from worries. I think director Ding will consider these things! What do you say? "

"Ah! A little worried and afraid! We all know something about director Ding's temperament. What's more, it's really worried that director Ding will have other ideas when things are so noisy this time! "

"I'm afraid I have quite a lot of opinions and ideas now!" Zeng Guocai won't let the emotion management department come forward to provide the bottom line. Does Xue Guangming seem to be a person from the emotion management department? But what is the actual situation? Zeng Guo understood that, to understand, Ding Yu is to understand, since all understand, then there is no need to let people back the black pot!

Ding Yu has never been such a disposition! More than that! The information management department here must give Ding Yu an account! But this account is relative to Xue Guangming? Basically, it's not worth mentioning! The nature of each other is completely different!

"Zeng Bu, I'm ashamed to say that! Now I can't find the gate with my pig's head! "

This is not a simple thing to say! Want to see Ding Yu, if you can, have a good talk, at least Xue Guangming made things wrong! You should also make an apology! Right? But the problem is that you hold a pig's head to see Ding Yu, the Bodhisattva. How can you enter the temple?

You can't even get into the temple gate? Do you still worship Bodhisattva? Are you kidding me?

Other things may be a little better, but this matter Zeng Guocai won't mix up blindly. He can bring Xue Guangming and Tong Tong back! I have done my best! Human relationship is not used in this way, nor is work done in this way!

"It's hard to do! Director Ding will give me this face! At that time, Wang An and Tong Tong became masters. I also happened to meet them, so I had such an opportunity! Speaking of it, there are also some shame! It was only through two children that I entered the door, and some of them were ashamed to see others

Hearing Zeng Guo say so, come to understand what meaning! Speaking of this is also a very normal thing! Why did Zeng Guo help himself! Previously, my side forced Xue Guangming to be arranged in the intelligence department, which has caused considerable dissatisfaction!

After Xue Guangming entered the Department of emotion management, whether it is for people or doing things, they are slightly high-profile! It is true that the intelligence and governance department is a violent department, but it does not mean that the emotional management department does the same thing! They are totally different from the police and supervision departments! Each other is not the same nature!

Is it true to say that Wang An's incident was not reflected in advance or even reported afterwards? I really don't know. I'm so forgetful! Or the skull is broken! Some words are not easy to say, too straightforward! After all, this is a matter of our own family. How can we say that family ugliness should not be publicized, can it?

With Zeng Guozeng minister mutual said a few words, on the whole for the matter is also quite a judgment and understanding! Director Ding Yuding certainly won't let Xue Guangming go. Even a Xue Guangming is not enough to let director Ding Yuding get rid of his hatred! If Xue Guangming has no support behind him, does he dare to do so?

But as far as the faction is concerned, this matter is really unjust! Even after the incident, they didn't get the news at the first time! It can be seen that the general! Now there is a very fashionable word, called pit father, and Xue Guangming's behavior, are no longer pit this word can describe!

He's got the whole faction in! Even if you are a little reserved! Or your decision a little bit slower! Try to think about things around a bit, not so eager, may not be the result of today!

However, Xue Guangming's side, good guy, was so open-minded that he even went to find director Ding Yuding directly. After he came up, he also talked a lot. What's the matter? Is it true that director Ding Yuding is made of noodles? Right?

You should know that even if the faction knows about this situation, they will discuss with Ding Yu, and will never be hard with director Ding! That would only hurt both sides! But Xue Guangming is good! It's not just the hard one! Even face-to-face threat Ding Yu! And even sold Wang an!

Even death? You don't have to do that, do you? It's not enough to play with fire. Do you have to play on the gas tank? There is no such thing!

Now everyone knows that Xue Guangming is a bomb, but also a big bomb. This time, I'm afraid that the death of Xue Guangming is not only his own, but also many people will be buried with him. In such a situation, who dares to be close to him?

As for the faction behind him, he has to leave as far as possible!Avoid it far away! This is the right way!

When I think of it, I feel a little sad. When did my faction come to such a state! Even if it's smelly dog poop, there are a few wild dogs coming! However, I'm afraid there are so many stinky dog poop at this time. It's really disgusting to say so, but the fact is the fact! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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