Ding Yun and Ding Chang get along with Wang An and Tong Tong very well. They are not very old, and they often get along with each other. This time, there are some intentional elements in them!

As for why? Does the reason need to be explained? Young, this heart is really a lot of, in this point, Ding Yu is really not ready to give them what? But a little lesson still needs to be given to them! Otherwise, they will raise their own tail!

However, it's a pity that when Ding Yu came back at night, the only people to greet him were Xiao Bu Dian, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, as well as Xiao Siyan. This situation was a little bit special! Ding Yu rubbed his nose slightly, and then walked to his parents. Looking at the two people jumping on the sofa, he snorted!

"Dad! You are back Ding Yun immediately rushed forward and hugged his father. Looking at the expression on his face, he couldn't see why he came. But he had inquired with elder martial brother before! Dad must have penetrated their little secret! This is a little bit troublesome!

So let's have the soft one first! Ding Yun rushes forward directly, saying that her daughter is her father's little cotton padded jacket, isn't it?

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying don't know, so they think it's the intimacy of their son and granddaughter! On the other hand, Ding Chang looked at his father's appearance and turned his mouth slightly. It seemed that things were not as simple as they imagined! It seems that this time there will be quite a lot of trouble!

In fact, they don't mean what they really want? It has nothing to do with this. They don't attach so much importance to money. They are also small wealthy people! It's just a little temptation for two elder martial brothers. There's no other meaning! But I didn't think about it. The two senior brothers are really weak in this respect!

But when two people wake up, it is also a little late! Looking back, they also realized that their two senior brothers did not have such a chance at all! There is too much lack of experience in this area! Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them to reach this level!

However, it is too late to know this matter, not to mention now that dad is looking for the door! They need to think carefully about how to deal with their father! First run to the grandfather and grandmother side to avoid it!

Although they also know that this is not the way to solve the problem, they can still buy themselves some time, which is probably one of the few ways! I didn't think my father came a little fast!

"And this way?" Ding Yu, who sat down, snorted, "do you want to say something? What good things have you done?" It is true that his parents face to face, but Ding Yu does not have any ambiguity! I don't mean to be unreasonable! At least the stick in his hand didn't fight directly!

Hearing the eldest son say so, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying feel a little funny. After the two children came back from school, they came here and said they wanted to make something for their grandmother. Now, it's just a cover! At that time, they felt something was wrong! Now, there is a problem!

"Dad, we know it's too much to do that before! At that time, I didn't think too much about it! "

If you don't make a mistake, it's not terrible to admit it! There is a little bit of palpitation in it! Do not dare to be vague!

"What has been done?" Looking at the two children standing there, Zhao Shuying asked! "I'll see if we should give some criticism! If you do something right, you should be praised. If you do something wrong, you should analyze where the mistake is! Arouse your own vigilance and attention, and then correct it! "

Like two children, but will never indulge two children! This is Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying's consistent practice!

"Dad! Mom! It's like this! The two of them! Have their own industries! I remember mentioning this matter to you. It's not to say that we expect them to earn a lot of money, but to cultivate them and let them have this understanding and contact. It's hard to expect them to make money to support them! Judging from the current situation, the development is still very good! "

"Did your father and I know? What's up? Is there a problem? "

"Aren't wang an and Tong Tong just here? There is no awareness and awareness of this aspect! And I was bluffed by both of them? " Ding Yu also felt tired of being a father! "Bad? It's not about this. It's just a little rowdy, a little naughty, and a little jealous! "

Get it! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying immediately understood that they were holding their great grandson and granddaughter! A burst of laughter!

"Ouch! How old are you? How could it be Both of them are laughing so much! It's obvious that Ding Yu's concern for Wang An and Tong Tong makes Ding Yun and Ding Chang have a little jealousy! But if you really feel jealous, it's not like this! Not much to do with this!"All right! I got it! However, Yun Yun still has Xiaochang. You have done something wrong with this matter! "

Love to love, education to education, each other can not be confused!

"You are all good friends. There are some small problems and situations between each other. It's normal. The children on the farm often fight with each other! But it didn't take two minutes to make it up again! There is no hatred, and there is nothing wrong with it! Do you know? Be open-minded! "

Ding Yun and Ding Chang have some bad intentions! As for the time when Wang Yutong and Ding Yutong tried to solve the problem, they didn't know how to solve it! But from their state, obviously can feel, between each other is fused together!

At their age, there is no right or wrong! There is no so-called right and wrong! There is nothing involved at all, of course, they have begun to have quite a world view! Values and consciousness, but Ding Yu still hope that they can grow carefree, not affected by the outside world too much!

However, the faction behind Xue Guangming was seriously damaged this time. Director Ding Yuding didn't have a big talk from the lion, but the other wolves were not so easy to deal with! How much or bite down quite a lot of things, together with Wang An and Tong Tong two people, can be said to have been a considerable drag and influence!

"Director, a lot of people have sent things here, express delivery, and other ways! Almost all kinds of things are given to Wang An and Tong Tong. Ding Yun and Ding Chang also have them! How to deal with it? " Qu he then handed the list to Ding Yu, "these are specific lists, and some are not marked, but can be investigated clearly!"

"What are there?"

"There are so many different kinds of food and clothing, which are basically covered! Good guy, I've never heard of a lot of them, and this time I've opened my eyes a lot! " The director of his family is in front of him, so Qu he's speech is a little straightforward! Anyway, I have grown so big, I really haven't seen such a world!

"Let's deal with it over there and give you a fair return! good heavens! Wang An and Tong Tong receive gifts. I am a master? I haven't received too many gifts. I still need to post them backwards. Who do you think I'm going to talk to? "

Obviously, Ding Yu this is a joke, as long as not stupid people, can understand!

"Director, they are the best gifts! This is a gift from God! Ask but not! Now both of them can worship under the director's door. It's also a lucky star! "

"This horse let you shoot it!" Ding Yu is not a curse, but can hear, still have a little bit of pride, "ah! I don't have to worry too much about the gift, but since they're here! You need to care for them! This is the same truth as being a father. The son does not teach! Father's fault

"Director! I say a word, I feel two children are very good! Excellent! Anyway, when I was a kid, if I compared with them! I feel like I'm a fool, I don't know anything! It's nothing but a little talent for practicing martial arts! What I said is true! It's like uncivilized! "

"So? What do you want to say Ding Yu looked back and said!

"Not that! Director! I really don't mean that! " Qu he also said in a hurry, "director, I just don't understand. Why don't you put them in the capital! I'm sure you can do it! Younger martial brother and younger sister are more like this! I really can't think of it

"Have you learned about American education?"

"I don't understand! But I've heard of some? " Qu he could see that the director had nothing to do, so he asked more questions!

"Say something about American education! There is quite a spread on the Internet. There is a saying that happiness education, and this kind of happiness education has a considerable market in the United States! But it is true that happiness education now accounts for a large share of the United States! "

"Director, is the so-called happiness education really that important?"

"So called happy education? On the one hand? Really can't deny completely, for example, mathematics, if you are willing to learn, can be unlimited! You want to surpass teaching, surpass own teacher, it is very common thing, nothing can not be understood! But the same, some high school mathematics problems, for our primary school students, are not difficult, very easy to do, they are not strict with this requirement at all

"Director, will that work? Can you still be admitted to university? "

"It's common! That place in America! Education is a business. Good high schools and universities are basically private! Unlike our country, you study well, in addition to individual schools and political review and other constraints, basically you want to go there! But in America? Do you study well? You can go to a good school if you don't see it! Even to exaggerate a little, even if you go, you can't afford the tuition fee! "

"Don't think it's like our country. The wage earners can basically afford a month's salary just like our country! There may even be a considerable surplus! The better the school, the less tuition! I'm talking about tuition fees, other aspects are different! Don't confuse the meaning"Not much of a book! I don't know that clearly! " Qu he's smile!

"The better the school, the less tuition, the higher the scholarship! Even sometimes you don't have to rely on the home, you can live in the school very moist! But in America? Are you kidding me? The better the school is, the more expensive the tuition is. As I said just now! They regard education as a business, no money? What school do you go to without money? Get out of here

"That's a little too much of a damn thing?"

"Too much? Not at all! So say it! Middle class families in the United States, I according to the income of 100000 dollars a year! If a child is admitted to a university, then their college tuition and accommodation will be on average $60000 or $70000 a year! Not counting books and other expenses! "

"What? On tuition and accommodation? Is it so expensive? What's more? How much money can I have for books? "

Ding Yu shook his head. "I can tell you that you haven't understood the information in this respect, so say it! Not many students buy first-hand! It's not like our students, they are all first-hand! stateside! Buy one? Are you kidding? Do you have a mine or something? It's basically secondhand! But what I'm talking about here are all those famous schools. You have to go to those pheasant schools. It's another way of saying! All things are universal and special! "

"Ma Dan, if you are in America, you can't afford to go to school!"

"In the United States, education is a business, and it is also a very expensive business. No one forces you. You said that you were in the pheasant high school, and you were admitted to the top university in the United States. However, people don't like you, or discrimination, or other reasons! I won't admit you! You don't know how to do it. In China, do you want to try it? "

"All say America is good! That's it, I can't stand it! "

"There are both good and bad sides!" Ding Yu said, "this is the so-called happy education. Improve it. Talk about the so-called elite education. Those elite schools that ordinary families can't get into. They have a complete elite system. They start school at six o'clock in the morning and finish classes at five o'clock."

"I'm more exaggerating than our school?! Our school has lightened the burden on the students now

"What do you think? Pure elite education, they pursue is the pyramid style! In the eyes of Americans, two to three percent control the other 98 percent or 97 percent! Can be people, can be funds, a lot of variety! There is a considerable coverage! They start from where the children are! "

"Sir, what kind of education do they bring up?"

"Complete elites! What kind of excellent academic performance must they have and be able to enter these schools? Family background is more special, they began to cross each other since childhood! That is to say, the network has been formed at the beginning of their enrollment! It's not that you can enter if you want to! They absorb quite a lot of blood, but the selection process is extremely harsh and strict! "

"It's a little exaggerated! Study well, and family conditions are better than you! It's hard to imagine! "

"I asked Ding Yun and Ding Chang to read. There are many reasons to let them feel how American elite education is. At the same time, they can find children of the same age. After all, they are a little ahead of time! It's the same in learning and consciousness! The result? It doesn't make me feel too disappointed! "

"I feel better at home! Although you can still hear quite a lot of news, but the forest is big! There are all kinds of birds, such things are inevitable! There is a shriveled seed in the melon seed! It's common! At least compared with the United States, I think our country is better! "

"Ding Yun and Ding Chang don't need to go to elite schools to baptize themselves and build a so-called relationship, because they already know how to learn, and what's more? Let them structure the relationship now? Ha ha

Ding Yu didn't explain the reason to Qu he, and Qu he didn't ask what! However, Qu he understood that he was worried! There's no need for that! Speaking of or their own understanding of some not in place! The so-called long hair! Knowledge is short! That's the truth!

I don't have so much knowledge and understanding, I know very limited! However, these limited things are not enough for supporters to express themselves, just like the educational differences between two countries!

I know happy education, but I don't know that there are so many things behind happy education! I think that the math level of the students in the United States may be the same as that of the primary school students here, but I don't know there are quite a number of them! They are all geniuses. What's more, they are still working so hard!

"Director, am I a little too humiliating?" The crane scratched his hair.

"What's so embarrassing and normal? If you don't know, ask more and have a look! No one is immortal. He knows everything. Even if he is immortal, can he do this? Why don't I believe it? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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