For Wang An and Tong Tong's affairs, Ding Yu naturally has quite a plan!

But there are still some fried dishes in Beijing! Especially the Wangs? Good guy, almost all of them came in one! No one thought that director Ding Yuding was still hiding such a hand! Everyone is really shocked!

We should know that Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are just the medical inheritance of director Ding, and they have attracted considerable attention. What about Wang An and Tong Tong now? That is Ding Yu's direct disciple! The significance of their identity is of course extraordinary!

At most, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are integrating some medical resources of director Ding! But what about Wang An and Tong Tong? What will they inherit? Think about it, we all feel quite hot in the eyes! If it is not revealed by Xue Guangming, good guy, how long is director Ding ready to hide them?

Now is the cloud movement of all parties, we are carefully speculation! Are you kidding? Do it? Where are you putting director Ding? To be able to take Wang An and Tong Tong back! Director Ding has used considerable strength and manpower! Even you can get some other information from other channels!

Tong Tong's side is a little better, as for Wang An's side, almost did not go back! One of the dangers can be seen in general! Why? I don't think someone has realized the power of it! If Wang An and Tong Tong have grown up, good guy, director Ding Yuding, has trained you! Who can stand it in the future?

If Wang An and Tong Tong can be killed, then the trouble in the future will be saved! It's just that it happened so suddenly! Let everybody not have any preparation! But even so, Wang ancha did not reach Ding Yu at all! It can be seen that the situation was so fierce at that time!

"The boss didn't answer the phone?" When she saw her husband back, Su Yuan was also tired. There was no way. She received a lot of calls these days! Basically it's all about Wang an! Everyone is quite hot about this!

What can I do? No matter be oneself or husband, to this respect matter is unheard of at all! The boss of the family? It is really not the general can endure! They've been hiding! Even at home do not know this situation!

At least Su Xiaoquan doesn't know the situation in his home! There are two small unconscionable, certainly also know! It's hard for them to keep such a secret!

"He answered the phone, but he didn't talk too much about Wang An. Who could have thought that he put Tong Tong in the front position and there was another Wang an in the back? Tong Tong is the identity of the Department of emotional governance, or let many people flinch! Add the boss to Tong Tong's side? I don't feel very dedicated, but judging from the situation at that time, it was like this! "

Su Yuan snorted, "who could have thought of it? Tong Tong is the boss who deliberately put the front cover, so that we have considerable scruples, the same back also hides Wang An, kill with one stone! It's hard for him to move for such a long time

What about dissatisfaction? Also have quite dissatisfaction, but want to say angry, also did not see how angry!

My boss is always like this! He just shows you what he wants you to see! As for what he doesn't want you to see, ha ha! You don't have to think about it! This time about Wang An's matter, is definitely an accident!

As for Wang Changlin? There is another feeling! You know, there's more than one thing hidden by the boss at home! It's like the layout of electronics and industry. Boy, how long has it been going on! So far, there is still not much movement! Is it really hard to make noise? Absolutely not!

But the boss didn't want to expose the matter! Hiding behind the position, even if someone knows! It may also be one eye open and one eye closed, or even as not see! It's not on the surface anyway!

But if it is exposed, everything is above the surface! At that time, a lot of things will be slightly more subtle. It's better to hide behind and operate flexibly! This is the idea of the boss!

What's more, this time Xue Guangming's affair, also let everybody read, quite have so some taboo!

In this matter, Xue Guangming is not authentic, this is one aspect! But on the other hand? The boss did not show the so-called revenge, but other aspects can ignore these? Whether it's selling well? Or deliberately for it, anyway, Xue Guangming behind the faction, this time was pit miserable!

This is still the case that the boss didn't make a move. At most, the boss had some opinions on Xue Guangming, but for the faction behind Xue Guangming, there was no big action at all! If the boss made a move, then the absolute Mars would hit the earth, and even cause more problems and conditions. At that time, the situation was very delicate!

Wang Changlin, sitting there, thinks more about Xue Guangming this time!

The boss, who passed Xue Guangming's affair, must also be warning some aspects. Although he said that he did not directly point the spearhead at himself, but? Hum! The smile on Wang Changlin's face is so funny!But this thing also depends on how to understand, to say that the boss is to put the goal on his body, some exaggeration! But he didn't mean anything about it at all? I absolutely don't believe it! I can only say that there is no such thing as cuddling grass and beating rabbits! Anyway, it doesn't delay business!

Hearing her husband's Hun Sheng, Su Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. Her face showed a little suspicious expression! The husband is very sedate to sit there, but look at the expression on his face, is not so angry and atmosphere, so many years of life, for this point, oneself still have quite sure!

When he is angry or angry, the tip of his ear will be a little ruddy! This is the conclusion of many years' observation, but what about today? No symptoms in this area, but the problem is that the husband snorted? What's the problem?

"Lao Wang? What are you doing? "

"It's OK!" Wang Changlin said, "boss! The heart has the gully, also really is not what person can guess through! There is no reason to guess at random, as for Wang an there! I'm afraid we can't decide! I haven't said it all the time. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? "

Looking at her husband's chin slightly raised, what's the situation? Is this pride?

"What's your situation?" The more Su Quan looked at her husband, the more he felt there were some differences. He could feel it. He had something in his heart, but he didn't mean to say it. "This is not your style!"

"How old I am! Style! It's no harm to be calm. If you have time, let Wang an come and have a look. It's said that the eldest brother took over all the things he and his sister had with him. Now I think of it, it's a predestined thing, also surnamed Wang, and it's very beautiful to see the photos! "

No! Serious wrong! Su Yuan tilted her head and looked at her husband! Lips close together!

"Lao Wang? This is absolutely not what you want to express in your heart! Tell me the truth

What? Wang Changlin a Leng, then complained of a look, "what do you want? Now we are talking about Wang An and Tong Tong. There are so many messy things. Don't make a wild guess. It's said that people are very interested in Wang An and Tong Tong. I don't know if they like the things you and I sent to you! "

"Don't deliberately avoid the topic!" Su Quan's face is also a little cold up!

Looking at his wife's appearance, Wang Changlin laughed and shook his head after laughing, "OK! Some things? I'd like to say it, but I can't say it. It really matters if I say it! You can't carry it, so can our family! But it's a good thing. You just think nothing happened and you don't know anything! "

"So serious? Have you heard anything? " Then Su Yuan also hissed and took a breath of cold air. The expression on his face also changed into a fright. "It's not the boss's business again! OK! How many things did he hide? Look at you. The thing behind is not too small! "

"The more you say it, the more excited you are!" Wang Changlin is also a straight face, "I told you just now! This thing has never happened, you don't know anything! Do you hear me clearly? "

"It's not as serious as it is!" With that, Su Yuan looked at her husband with her eyes fixed!

"Don't ask! What you think is your own business, but if this thing really leaks out, what kind of situation will it be? I'm afraid you have seen the end of Xue Guangming! Now it's really better than life and death! Along with the faction behind him, it is also a great loss of vitality! "

Su Yuan couldn't help but shrink his body. Xue Guangming's situation was even more miserable than others. The so-called wall falling down was pushed by everyone! Beat ten thousand people! Now, not only is no one to protect him, even the faction behind him has given him a hard kick. It is really what he has done, which makes people speechless!

But his end is really let people see after, feel miserable! After a shiver, Su Yuan could not help but get up. "The boss has some other ideas about Wang An and Tong Tong! From the point of view, is Tong Tong's performance in the capital still very good? Do you think so? "

"Are you going to talk, or am I going to say it?" Wang Changlin took a sip of his cup! Talk a little too much, a little dry tongue! Of course, this is just rhetoric! The main thing is that there is a little heat in my heart! Need to dissipate!

When her husband said this, Su Yuan also played the retreat drum. No one can say such a thing! Because it's no use who said it! Wang Xiaogang's affairs, the family is painstaking! Ding Yun and Ding Chang, both of them, are struggling at home, but what about that? What did the boss do? Not at all!

Now it's the turn of Wang An and Tong Tong. The boss will listen to everyone! What do you think? Don't plan on this at all! Now, there are a lot of people in the faction who have a lot of ideas. They still don't know the boss well enough!If you have a good understanding of the boss, you will know that this is absolutely impossible!

"But it's a miscalculation from the intelligence department this time! The boy came back for a week and then left! I didn't stay at all. I think many people will feel disappointed! "

"There is no disappointment!" In this regard, Wang Changlin has a different understanding, "Lao Zeng personally brought Tong Tong back, which is enough to illustrate the considerable problem. In the original time, Tong Tong was not selected! But now Tong Tong has the right to choose! But what family is Tong Tong from? There is such blood on the body, not to say that you can change it if you say it is changed! Other people don't have to waste this effort, it's useless! "

"Before there was Hou Tianliang, now there are children!"

"It's very enviable, but behind the admiration, the emotion management department is also under considerable pressure. Of course, the cooperation between them and the boss should be the reason for that. Hou Tianliang has some coincidence, but is Tong Tong Tong? It's a little bit deliberate! Boss! There are so many thoughts

"What do you say?" Su Yuan was discontented and raised his voice!

What is the mind more! Who does that mean? The boss is the husband except himself! What good thing is the husband, his genes are excellent, what is bad, is his own problem? For what?

"There are some problems in my expression. I apologize! Boss! Not many people can understand the idea in my heart! He thinks about a lot of things! What we see is just some superficial things! What's more, there is a huge consortium behind him? Is it the same thing that we know about consortia and real consortia? It's hard to say

Su Yuan couldn't help nodding his head. For this question? Through a considerable channel to understand, but the knowledge is still quite limited! Because behind some equity and replacement and so on, will not get above the surface at all! Also will not let the outside world investigate clearly!

"Do you think the boss will let them stay there all the time?"

"Why do you ask Wang Changlin for this question, and did not carefully consider, after his wife asked, is a rhetorical question, "how do you think about this?"

"I don't think the boss will leave Wang An and Tong Tong in the small county for too long. Is it my personal consideration? The reason is very simple! After all, it's a small county. It's true that it has undergone considerable development in recent years, but it still has considerable limitations. Even if it's the boss, I don't think he will deny it? "

"It's a consideration! The elder brother's educational resources are very deep, but he will certainly consider the influence of the surrounding environment, although Ding Yun and Ding Chang have gone back! But this is also because they have been baptized before! Since the eldest brother has put Wang An and Tong Tong under his own door, he will definitely make some arrangements! "

Su Quan leaned on the sofa and after thinking for a while, he also made a considerable decision! Tongtong said that he was from Beijing after all! For the capital side of things have a lot of understanding, so he does not come back, is not so important, but Wang An is not the same! He didn't feel it in such an environment! "

Wang Changlin deeply took a breath, "I now how much have so some understand! Why didn't the boss bring Wang an back at the beginning? He thought a lot about it

"At the beginning, if Wang An was brought back, even if Wang An's qualification was very excellent! But in such an environment, what kind of results and consequences will appear? It's hard to say that the capital is a melting pot! Even if there is no problem with qualification, it is easy to have problems in other aspects! Such examples are not one or two! We have seen too much too much! I believe the boss has considered this aspect! And it's the kind of careful consideration! "

"Tong Tong's home has the identity of the emotional management department, which plays a protective role in his mind! No matter whether the boss is interested in him or not, not many people dare to reach out, because the identity of the intelligence department has played a considerable role! In addition, he is in the capital, and he knows a lot about the world, but Wang An is different! "

"Yes! Wang An's contact since childhood is fundamentally different from that of Tong Tong! Even if it is valued by the boss, it also needs a considerable time to balance! After all, the identity of the boss is very different, to a certain extent, the position of the station is a bit too high! If Wang An is mentioned to that position rashly, he will suffocate

This is the reason why the boss put Wang'an outside. The boss must have cultivated Wang'an quite well all the time. Even if he came to the capital secretly, it was not once or twice! As for other experiences, there must be! It's just that the outside world doesn't know it!

But even so, it is obvious that Wang An has not yet reached the psychological standard of the eldest brother, so the eldest brother has taken Wang An to his side. Maybe that day, Wang An will come to the capital! But at that time, Wang An would be brilliant? Or a blockbuster! That's really hard to say! Nobody knows!But it's like the wife said it! Do some preparation in advance! Still can! Even necessary! But I believe that quite a number of people will see this! How would the boss think about it? This is also a problem! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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