Ding Lin said this without any other intention, that is to say here, the interest came! So I mentioned two sentences!

Ding Yu took the steamed bread in front of him, and took two mouthfuls. Look at this meaning, the steamed bread in the plate beside him is not enough! Fortunately, there are other things on the table, but it is obvious that all the people's meals together can not catch up with Ding Yu!

"Dad, if you were at that time, would you have to go hungry every day?"

"I don't know! Poverty makes you think! Thinking leads to change! Change is the spirit! Spirit leads to communication. What about the truth? Everyone knows, but what we don't see is suitable for everyone! Do you want to make everyone fit and satisfied? yes! People we admire, but too few! Very few! If we can make some people suitable and satisfied, it is already more powerful! "

Ding Yu never meant to be conceited! If we really say, the establishment of the farm has changed too many people! For the whole northern economy! Construction and other aspects have played a very important role! But Ding Yu has never been complacent because of this matter, not too much meaning!

"Dad, I think you've set a good example in this respect!"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Maybe in your opinion, it's a bit amazing, but in fact, what I've done is very limited, even to a certain extent, it's stained with the light of our country's development! It's a good thing to be able to help a lot of people, but that's all! The effect is limited! "

Wang An and Tong Tong are deeply impressed by the fact that they are not complacent and discontented, and can live in their own hearts. The more they think about this aspect, the more profound the impression will be!

How big is the farm?! Wang An and Tong Tong still have a certain understanding! Because the internal network has been a semi open state for them, the reason why it is not completely open is not to say that there are any opinions and ideas for them!

Even Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the same!

Because at this age, they can not completely control themselves! Some things let them know! After all, it's not a good thing, and it will even bring them unnecessary trouble! As for the danger? This is not supposed to be! If there are still people who dare to pay attention to this aspect, it is not bold? But the brain is a little too bad to use!

After breakfast, a child to go to school, school matters, naturally do not need to worry about! As for what school district, there is no problem with borrowing and so on! Just kidding! If you can't ask for something, if you have such a good thing, don't take the initiative!

Reserved? Reserve has an egg to use! Can you eat it? Or can you drink it as water?

Don't be reserved! You should know that although the county is not big, it is not just a junior high school, even if it is in the city, there are several junior high schools! There is no saying that you are far away from home! At least for the Ding family, these are not any problems at all!

The reason why I want to enter these secondary schools is not to say that the secondary schools here are really open to the conditions that are hard to refuse! That's not the reason at all! Even if the school wants to open conditions, it can't afford it! But because Ding Yu graduated from this middle school at the beginning! That's a simple reason! Other schools can only look silly?

What else is there to say about this? Even if you have a statement, what can you do? Other people's choice reason lets you have nothing to say!

Why do other schools know about this? It's not that someone deliberately leaked something! After the beginning of school, I have to pay attention to it once. Good guy! Not only other classes in the same grade have been pressed down so simple, in this city are invincible that kind of satellite is put is really some big!

Parents about other things? Can understand, even can tolerate, but only on the issue of performance, there will be no concession! Just at the beginning of school, the children at home have a considerable change! Whether it's better or worse! For the time being, all this is within the scope of tolerance!

Under such circumstances, the parents have maintained quite reasonable, after all, they have not made any achievements, right? In this stage of no achievements, let's wait and see! After the results come out, almost all parents are surprised? What is the situation of the children in the family, others do not know, they do not know?

Want to know to be able to with Ding Yu and Ding Chang in the same class, basically all have quite the beginning, moreover some? It's very lucky! But the luck is better, after all, it is not as much as imagined! After all, it would be self defeating if we were really reckless and reckless! No one can stand it then!

But this time the surprise is so big! Big let these parents do not know how to come from the place! Obviously, this is not the ability of their own children to show, in other words, they follow into the opposite temple gate! Burn Gao Xiang! Driven by Ding Yun and Ding Chang! That's why they got such a result!From the extended point of view, the good habits of the children at home seem to be gradually increasing. You should know that these children who enter the class of Ding Yun and Ding Chang have more or less some problems! They don't need to cover up anything, but their children really have nothing to say!

Are you kidding me? But now some problems in junior high school have been changed, that is to say, some problems have been changed! Too unrealistic!

But since Ding Yun and Ding Chang came to the school, the situation immediately became very different! Many of the children's problems have changed inadvertently! Even if I think about it now, do you think it's a different child?

What's more, they are playing crazy now, but learning is also very good! For the outside world to maintain a strong interest, at the same time is constantly enriching themselves! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are two children, and they are the younger ones, but they can drive a large number of children!

I wonder how the two children in director Ding's family were educated? I didn't see director Ding give them any so-called cram school, nor did he find any teachers in his home, or even see anyone supervising the two children behind their backs, but their grades were so excellent! The performance is so outstanding!

Don't say you are excellent! Even can drive a large number of people with the excellent! We are also really red eyes, but at the same time, we are very happy. At that time, we sent our children to the class of Ding Yun and Ding Chang, regardless of any cost. At last, it was not in vain!

In terms of the cost, it is a little big! But relative to the results of the children in the family, even if it is big, there is no problem! Even if it's selling iron!

What's more, how do you express your thanks? On this issue, we really don't know how to make a move! We should know that other people outside don't know, but can they still not know what is going on inside director Ding's house? Are you kidding? Whether it's food or clothing? Or cost? Even if you want to beat the horse at home, you can't catch up with the Ding family!

There's something really weird about it! How do I say this? Usually, we can see Ding Yun and Ding Chang! For example, school or school, too common! It's no different from ordinary children!

Also did not see the Ding family will appear to pick up or send the car situation?! To be exact, it's rare to see this scene. It's nothing more than taking a bus or walking! Even taking a taxi is very good, and I don't see what's wrong with others, or when there are other problems!

What's more, what they wear and dress up is sportswear or school uniform. There's no famous brand or no famous brand. They don't care about it! Even when playing football, we also noticed that Ding Chang wore kickback shoes. Really speaking, the price was less than 100!

Can't people afford new shoes? Or is there no money in Ding Chang's pocket? From the children's mouth, we can learn that Ding Chang's pocket or mobile phone has a considerable amount of money, but people have good self-control, can buy and treasure, but with friends, there is no need!

Comparison is the least practical significance and value! People in such a small age, they have been very clear about the truth!

Real people die more than people, goods are still better than goods! Their own children should be thrown into the dry well!

Although the children at home have made considerable progress, they are better than Ding Yun and Ding Chang! If possible, they really want to take their two children to their own home! Even for a day!

"Director, the old man's phone!"

Ding Yu, who was busy in the office, lifted his head and opened his drawer. His mobile phone was silent! I forgot when I was busy earlier! No wonder!

After nodding at Qu he, Ding Yu picked up his mobile phone, which had quite a call prompt. When Ding Yu took out his mobile phone, he closed the drawer! "Dad, my cell phone was silent just now! No notice! What's the matter? And you called? "

"I thought you had something to do with it? No one answered the phone Ding Lin gasped, "I support medical care in the countryside! Just now, Secretary Tang made a phone call. It seemed that there was an operation. Two people were injured! The situation is very serious. Now we are on the way to the hospital. The strength of our city is limited. If you have time, go and have a look! The city is keeping up with the first-class hospital contact! But the time is not fixed! "

"Yes! There's no problem with me! " Ding Yu also stood up, other things may not seem too urgent, but such things as curing the disease and saving people, still need to pay close attention to some!

Then Ding Yu also contacted the hospital. When the hospital contacted Ding Yu, he gave a big breath! It's really hard for them to call Ding Yu directly. They have other worries. Who knows what director Ding thinks? Right?So let the old Dean deal with this matter! He is the most suitable! Even the municipal Party committee can't call Ding Yu directly. To know that the hospital doesn't mean to call, let's not pretend to call! Speaking of the relationship between each other, director Ding is still closer to the hospital here!

When Ding Yu was still on the road, the hospital had already reported a considerable illness! The situation is more serious, otherwise the hospital will not look for a fight Ding Yu, what's more, this matter is more difficult! If it's some other injuries, the hospital may have some experience, but in the case of gunshot wounds, there is really no experience!

Ding Yu looked at the mobile phone pictures sent over. It should be the one that was directly faced with, and still close! The situation is a little bit serious, but the situation is more serious, but it is just appearance!

And it's not just standard weapons, but some of them are self-made, but there are some problems and conditions in the injured position, so the hospital side is slightly more difficult! In Ding Yu's side, the car has just arrived at the door of the hospital, and the ambulance is also following me, which is just the front and rear feet!

Some people put on a white coat for Ding Yu. As for the coat above, Qu he is responsible for it. No one else will take over! After all, sir is outside now, not at home!

"The operating room has been arranged?"

"Director Ding, the operating room is ready! The personnel are also ready! But our people have not dealt with such a situation, and I saw the specific injury, it is too dangerous! The superior leaders told us that we must ensure the life safety of the wounded soldiers. Now it's almost 20 minutes past now! "

"This problem is not so big, just a little exaggerated! It's not a big deal! " Ding Yu didn't care that much. It's not that Ding Yu is slack. It's not because of his laziness. The main reason is that he has experienced too much. His own situation on the battlefield is much more serious than this!

I've experienced that kind of scene myself! For Ding Yu, such a thing is not placed in his heart at all. "First send him to the operating room for temporary treatment, and take a photo of the injured position, which will help to better deal with the next step. Moreover, this is also a rare opportunity to let the big family follow suit and experience!"

"Come on Originally, this matter has nothing to do with Yang Bo, but the relationship between Yang Bo and Ding Yu is very close! They are Dean Ding's students, and they are Ding Yu's brothers. They often go to Dean Ding's home to play in the autumn. Other people are standing beside Ding Yu, but they are not suitable for him!

At least in some deployment, not as easy as Yang Bo, of course, there are other people, such as Liao Hai!

Ding Yu took a look at the person who came out of the second car, and then he frowned. While looking at his injury, he followed the cart and ran inside, "is he like this? Second injury? What happened? "

"Report! He was to save his comrades in arms, so he was shot twice! But he successfully saved his comrades in arms

Ding Yu didn't look at the one next to him. The bulletproof vest on his body had not been taken off, and there was still gauze on his head. It seems that the situation is relatively serious! "Doctor, you must save him! He's the only boy in his family. He can't be so gone! "

Ding Yu gave Yang Bo a color, and then called out Liao Hai. He asked him to make proper preparations, and at the same time, he deployed quite a number of medical staff, "Dean, let's open two operations at the same time! If you don't have anything to do, coordinate with the center. Other people don't have the ability! What's more, there are some things that need to be decided by the Dean, and no one else can do it! "

The tone was very tough, but the Dean didn't mean to refuse. He nodded heavily, "director Ding, don't worry, it's up to me! I promise there won't be any problems or conditions! "

To know that if director Ding really said a word, the hospital here also needs to be like a little maid, bow to say is! After all, director Ding is not at the same level as Ding Yu, who came to the hospital for internship!

The so-called three decades of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, this word has an absolutely good display on director Ding Yuding's body! However, director Ding has not come to the hospital now, which is not to say that he looks down on the hospital side, but because director Ding's work is really too busy! It has nothing to do with the rest!

However, the development of the hospital in the past two years is really good, although the original time does not belong to the place where birds do not poop, but there are not many people willing to come here. Although this is a city at all, it is a county-level city after all! The place is a little small!

But now? Boy, want to go to the hospital? Get some real skills first! You don't have real skills. You want to go to the hospital? Are you kidding me? Do you really think all kinds of dogs and cats can come here? Students who have not seen director Ding need to be careful here?

The students of director Ding can settle down here. What is their status? And you? What kind of identity is it? People's identity is very low-key and calming in the hospital. So what about others? What kind of capital do you have?Even if it's the identity behind you, is it difficult to be more powerful than director Ding Yuding? More arrogant? What do you think?

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