Ding Yu sits in the operating room. Liao Hai gives Ding Yu a hand! Yang Bo is running up and down! The dean is in the middle outside!

The people waiting outside were looking forward to it, because the situation is really a bit of a crisis. No one knows what happened in the operating room. Previously, it was a little flustered, but now it is much better! But look at the expression on everyone's face can feel out, anxious!

"How is it going?"

"I'm still in the operating room, but listen to this meaning, Xiao Wang's problem is not big, it's a little exaggerated, in fact, it's OK! The hospital has made a considerable judgment and disposal! As for Xiao Xiao, the situation is not so optimistic! "

"No matter what the requirements of the hospital, and no matter what the cost, we must treat the two comrades successfully."

Many of the people present were slightly lost in their minds when the leaders said this word, but none of us had the meaning to say it! To know to be able to bring Dr. Ding Yuding over, has been a great face! People come, that is because of the past friendship in, but with other but nothing to do with!

Now it's in public. It seems that there's something wrong with it. I'd better tell you when you wait! There will be other problems and situations in the province. After all, director Ding is not a vegetarian! Right?

People are willing to come to help, which has given considerable face, but if you want to say that in front of director Ding Yuding, you really don't know how the dead word is written! At least one of them is one! No one dares to say that he can be presumptuous in front of director Ding Yu!

Ding Yu in the operating room looked at the ballistic trauma, subconsciously pursed his mouth, and then explained to Liao Hai and other doctors nearby. The situation is a little serious, and the wound looks a bit too penetrating. In this small county, it's really rare!

But here is the best hospital in the whole neighborhood! If you want to think about it better, that is to say, to a higher level city or province! But it's not allowed at any time! I'm afraid it'll be cold in the middle of the way! Fortunately, director Ding Yuding is here! And surgery for him, is really not a very difficult thing!

"Teacher, such a tear wound?"

Ding Yu sat patiently with Liao hai to explain, and the doctor next to him cooperated with Ding Yu in an orderly manner. However, the difficulty of the operation was not in suturing, or in the doctor's upper part, but in the internal organs injured. This is the most troublesome and thorny one!

Looking at the doctor running out, the Dean called out with the window, "less than, what's the situation inside?"

"Dean, we need two extra chest support. The director can't do so many things alone! There is also the plasma aspect, it is not sure how much is needed, but the director hopes to be able to make some spare parts, and there are other unexpected situations in the storage! "

"In a minute!" The president is not ambiguous. Now it is the cooperation of the whole hospital! Even with the cooperation of the whole city! You can't be careless! What about other times? You say you steal lazy, a little vague, it doesn't matter, but at this time, if anyone loses the chain, he will not have the chance to wear this dress in the future!

"How are they, doctor?"

Just after the dean's call, the people next to him couldn't help leaning over. Is this still across the window? If it wasn't through the window, I might have rushed in! This is also the reason why the isolation belt is set. It is afraid that some people can't control their emotions at this time!

"The operation is in progress! Please do not make loud noise, which will affect the doctors. We will try our best to treat the patients. Please wait patiently The small nurse's mouth stubble is not general fierce! What is going on outside at this time? No need!

What is this? Is it a little silly of the people who are shouting outside? A little nurse like that?

But other people's nurses will not pay attention to who is standing outside?! They have no relationship with themselves and have no affiliation with each other. What's more, there is Dean standing outside and director Ding Yuding inside! What are you afraid of?

The little nurse twisted her waist and walked away quickly, and the people outside were a little silly, and wanted to shout two words, but the words had already reached the mouth, or took them back, even if they were shouting! Can it help? Not only does it not have any effect, but also there are so many people watching here!

Even if he is a real temperament, also did not do so!

The people who can stand here are basically in the small county can row on the number! There is no way, this time the thing is a little bit big, that is to say, the satellite or put a little exaggerated! The result is naturally good! But if it can ensure that the injured comrades have no problems, then it is even more perfect!

When Ding Yu came out of the operating room, it was dark! The people in the room even changed two stubbles, there is no way, some people can not hold on! Small county town here basically did not experience such a big operation! This time is also a precedent, that is, a few people insist from the beginning to the end!"How are things, doctor?"

Good guy, this tone almost made Ding Yu faint! How many cigarettes did this one smoke? I can smell the strong smell from a long distance! What's more, I still wear a mask!

"Good! The operation is more successful, but next depends on the patient's willpower, the spleen was taken out! What's more, the intestines are also cut off! Two bones are broken. On the whole, the problem is not as big as you think it is! "

Such a situation continues to be a police problem is not big, six months of time or a hero, attack the front? May not be too flexible, but like normal people, there is absolutely no problem! As for other patients? There is no problem! Their problems are not so serious!

"Thank you! Thank you

There are a lot of hands out there! It's like a ghost trip! It's a little scary, and on their hands? It seems that some of them are not very authentic. Good guy, where did you just come from!

However, Ding Yu, who has always been a little cleanliness addict, has no scruples about these. The smell of gunpowder smoke is still strong, which can be clearly felt from their bodies! I had such a time, and even at that time, I couldn't be myself at all. It was too much more than the wanton one in front of me!

"Yes! It's hard work, everyone

Ding Yu simply shook hands with the others and said two words. Then he went back to the office and cleaned it up carefully. It's not that Ding Yu is a clean freak. He has to go in to see the patient's condition later. This is the situation on his body. Who knows what kind of influence will be exerted on the patient? Infection is no joke!

Now people outside have basically known who Ding Yu is? This is Dr. Ding! Director Ding! It's really not as lofty as you imagine, a little less words, but really did not feel the other aspects of the problem! There is no special expression of personality! This is slightly different!

As for why director Ding left the operating room, did not immediately enter the intensive care unit, the nearby Dean made a detailed explanation in a low voice. It is not that director Ding is a cleanliness addict, but for the sake of patients in the monitoring room, do not operate well! There are other problems! That would be sad!

So when Ding Yu came back, everyone nodded! It really doesn't mean to be close! However, quite a number of people have gathered here. Why? Things are very satisfactory, this time the operation is exceptionally successful, and the injured people have been rescued, nothing is more happy than this!

"Director Ding? In the evening? "

"Don't come together! Let someone take care of the situation here! " Ding Yu declined the invitation. He had no interest in such things. "And the children are at home! If it's too late! Not suitable! "

It's a very simple two sentences. If it is placed on other people's bodies, it may be a bit inappropriate, or it may make people feel that Ding Yu is not uplifting, but on Ding Yu's body, there is no such saying!

For a long time, if it is a small party inside the hospital, Ding Yu may still attend it. However, there is basically no shadow of director Ding in the external party, which is placed on other people. Such a situation is not appropriate. It seems too different and too personal! But placed on the body of director Ding Yuding, no one can be rigid to ask for anything!

The small county town is a little bit small. The relevant things spread quickly. The situation of Ding Yu's family is basically known, and even some of them are about to disappear! However, so far, no one really mentioned the Ding family what bad! This is not something anyone can do!

The so-called "same rice raises all kinds of people" and their mouths are all grown on other people's bodies, not to mention the freedom of speech now. What do others say? No one can stop it. Ding Yu has no hobby in this respect! Love as you like!

Ding Yu is driving away! However, the hospital did not dare to relax. In addition, the municipal Party committee made a big noise this time! These guys are so arrogant that they use homemade weapons! We must go to the bottom of the matter, and there must be no palliative situation!

When I came back from the hospital, my parents had already come back! The children at home are able to stop for a while while eating. As for other time, good guy! A little too noisy! Especially after Wang Yang and Tong Tong came over, the excitement of Ding Yun and Ding Chang did not seem to stop!

Ding Yu understood the reason, so he didn't mean to interfere! If they force their excitement down, it will have a considerable impact on their children, so Ding yuleng did not do anything, only their own slow cooling down, is the most appropriate! Is also the most appropriate!

"Ah! Boss, what happened to their children these days

Ding Lin is very puzzled about this, did not see his grandson and granddaughter will have such performance before?! Because Wang An and Tong Tong pulled it?! Their two children are a little calm! However, the great grandson and granddaughter in his impression are as calm as a monkey! This is not normal!"Yes! You two! Those who are in the game are crazy Ding Yu grinned bitterly, "in the past, they have always been unable to find a suitable playmate. What about those in the school? At most, they are classmates, because they can't play together with Ding Yun and Ding Chang! I don't know if you've noticed that? "

"I don't see it. I feel that the two children get along well with their classmates."

"Getting along well is just one aspect! My playmate! Can only be with them two people in the same position above, now their students really did not reach this level! At least there is a considerable distance and gap. This does not mean that I hold up the children in my family, nor that I despise the children of other families

"I seem to understand a little bit!" Zhao Shuying said in a low voice! There was a little worry on his face, "boss! What you said also reminds me of the previous things! In any case, we are all a small county. In terms of quality and education, there is always a considerable gap between us and the capital. This can not be denied! "

Ding Yu shook his head to express his opposition! "Dad! Mom, don't think about it! Nothing! Even if they are in the capital, they will be almost the same as here! The problem is not their education, but their communication. What is their current level of knowledge? Going to high school is not a problem! But I don't want them to be too mature! "

"There's nothing wrong with being mature."

"Not good?" Ding Yu thought for a while, then explained to his father, "what about the family? It's not that they are under pressure to grow up. It's not like selecting emperors in ancient times. They also need to raise poisonous insects! There is no such problem at all! I hope they can lay a good foundation for themselves, and I also hope that they will not leave any regrets! "

"But can they understand?"

"On the whole, it's understandable. After coming back, they stopped for quite some time. If it wasn't for special circumstances, Wang An and Tong Tong came! There will be some small problems, but fortunately, it is no longer a problem now! It won't take long for them to settle down! That's for sure! "

"Anyway, your father and I don't know a lot about this, but he is a director! I am a teacher, but I come from a small place! No matter knowledge or insight, can't compare with others! Anyway, since we have children in our family, we need to be responsible for them. Do you know that? "

"Dad! Mom! How many years has this been! Don't you trust me yet

"Well! It's OK. At least it's much better than Ding Ding Ding! " Although she is her own daughter, Zhao Shuying doesn't mean to be partial at all. To be honest, she still has quite a lot of problems and conditions compared with the eldest one in the family! If the two living treasures of their family come back, boy, it will be a problem!

Now it's not about Michelin tires! But the body is really a lot of problems, which must be Ding Ding Ding quite a reason! They are all the same children. Why don't Ding Yun and Ding Chang have this problem?

It's all children. Give it to him! Give him drink, give him the best conditions for creation, this is what every family and every parent will do! But when it comes to discipline, we must be strict in discipline, and we must not have any ambiguity!

I don't know if Ding Ding Ding is caused by the big city! Seriously, there are so many who can't catch up with Ding Yun and Ding Chang! But fortunately, there is still considerable time and opportunity to correct all these problems. If you are a little older, these problems will not be easy to correct!

Even if you don't become the so-called dandy, it won't be much better! For this, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying still have quite worry, sometimes it is not easy to say too deep! After all, Ding Ding's mother is already a mother of two children! She naturally has her way and method!

Some things go deep! Or shallow! No problem, but something? It's really necessary to stop. At this point, it's not to say that the elder brother has nothing to say about Ding Ding Ding's sister. From childhood to adulthood, even now? I didn't find any problems!

Even Ding Ding Ding now says that she wants to go back to her hometown. Maybe the first time the plane will wait at their door! Although it's a little exaggeration, it's not too much!

Is it true that the boss owes Ding Ding Ding? It's not really this problem. Sometimes it's a muddleheaded account. It's really that some can't be explained clearly!

If you can, I really want to get those two living treasures back, let them go to school in their hometown, and have a good taste of bitterness! Let them know what bitterness is!

But the eldest brought the two children back! And Ding Ding Ding? Even if they want to ask them to come back, they don't come back. Hi! How should things be said to be good? Sometimes there is really no reason to speak!

It can be that things in the world are always like this. When you want to, you can't ask for anything, but when you don't want it, good guy, it's like no money! Hit the top of your head! This is the general situation!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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