When receiving the call from Wang Bing, Ding Yu was surprised! He seldom calls himself, but there is no shortage of beef jerky at home, especially Ding Ding Ding! Boy, I don't know how much to build in a year!

If you want to say, it's all Baoyuan! This may seem a little exaggerated, but Wang Bing's home made quite a lot of things, basically no cheap other people! It's almost a logistics base!

There is no way to do things, we can eat at ease! And all these years of taste has been taken by their beef jerky supplies! Other people do that thing always feel not so suitable! Even at home there are products in this area, but how to say? When I eat beef jerky, it's from Wang Bing's house! It can be said that they are used to the problem!

Now the conditions in Wang Bing's house are very good! It's not just the farm, it's mainly because of the rescue of the sea that year, and this feeling has never been broken! But there is no such chance for brother Wang! His work is really so busy, that is, when the sea is free, run there!

But in Ding Yu's opinion, it's not because of thanks to Wang Bing, but because he is greedy!

"What's the matter? You called in the daytime! Is the sun coming out from the west Because it's Wang Bing, Ding Yu's mood is particularly good, "how are you recently? I heard that your son is very good! "

"How? At the beginning of the time, learning is really not a success! It's not to say that I'm going to enroll him in a tutorial class, or I'm not interested in it! Just can't! I thought he was going to be a soldier, the best soldier Wang Bing's voice is a little hoarse!

"I have heard that he was only a few years old at that time! Yes? Is something wrong? "

"Then I don't know what happened! Learning suddenly turned out to be good, I thought to test a military academy, should not be better! This guy, don't know it's Xinye? Or are there other problems? It makes my head big now

"I can see that the academic performance should still be OK! If you are admitted to a military academy, it is better than being a soldier! However, I don't dare to give you any package ticket for such a thing. It depends on the situation then! If you can help, there is no problem, but if you can't help, don't say I didn't try my best! "

"Hi! We need to talk about this between brothers? " Wang Bing expressed his serious dissatisfaction, "I call you is really not for this matter, involving some of my wife's things, her heart has a little problem! Our hospital here can not do surgery, the life at home is good now! You're a big doctor again. I'd like to consult you! "

"That's right! If there are other things, I can help, but it will not be too easy! But although I am not an absolute authority on hospital affairs, it is still my territory, isn't it? " Ding Yu is not ambiguous at all, "in this way, take the test you have done and the image data you have taken, and put them in order, and take your ID card with you! Come to Beijing! The rest is none of your business

"Brother! You can help contact a good! Other things you can rest assured that the life at home is too good now! It's not bad. Then I'll bring you something by the way. "

"Nothing! I'm in my hometown now! It's been a long time since I came back! You've dealt with the things at home now! And then talk about the follow-up! I'll call you now to arrange and give you a phone number? When you get to the capital, you can make this call directly! All right? "

After Ding Yu put down the phone, he made a simple arrangement! Then sent a wechat to Wang Bing! Other people have not seen such treatment, it is not to say that Ding Yu is using colored glasses to see people, with this point has nothing to do with it!

After school in the afternoon, all the children ran away! No one followed them, so they went to the provincial capital together! Ding Yu did not tell or explain anything, they left! On the contrary, it stopped a lot, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people told more, what cold weather, wear more points and so on! Over and over again!

In this matter, it is not easy to dissuade or speak! Ding Yu can't emphasize anything here! Their own so sheep, father and mother two people's hearts do not know how unhappy! If you say more words, who knows what kind of result it will be? It's hard to say! So it's better to watch quietly!

In fact, it's not a big deal at all! At least this is what Ding Yu looks like! After sending several children on the bus, Ding Yu's phone rang! Looking at Wang Bing's Caller ID, Ding Yu answered the phone!

"I heard you've arrived in the capital? Very fast! How is it going? "

"You're all set up! This is a little over the top! I really didn't expect that it would be like this! If I had known that, I would not have gone! What are you doing? Is this? Bury and eliminate people? "

Ding Yu hehe said, "if you go to other places, I'm sorry, there's no such treatment. After all, it's not our own territory. Even if I want to arrange for you, I can't arrange it, but I went to the capital? That's my territory. I don't care about other people. But you can't. how's your condition? ""After watching the film and asking about the details, let's do two more checks tomorrow, and then make specific judgments and arrangements. It has nothing to do with the time. People have deliberately told me! I'm afraid we don't understand. The attitude is good! I have never been treated like this! It's better to be a doctor in a big city! "

"All right! Don't be cheap! I'm not in the capital anymore! If you have anything, just call! It's not suitable now. When you have time and when you go to your place, you need to arrange for me. I heard that when the sea is OK, I will run to you! We're greedy enough

It's just a few funny words. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have some small accidents. Who is their eldest son? Other people don't know. Don't they know? Good guy, that is called a cold and indifferent ah!

That is, at home, there may be a little smile, as for other places, you don't want to think! It's basically impossible! There is also the telephone side, even if it is business, that is, that kind of simple and clear, when did you see him speak like this? It's a little bit of an accident!

Always waiting for the eldest son to put down the phone, Zhao Shuying just asked, "who is it?! You look like... "

"Wang Bing! There is nothing too big, his wife's heart has some problems, I'll arrange in Fuwai there! They are the best! I said two simple sentences! The problem should not be so big! The main reason is that after the living conditions of the two years are good, the diet is not so much attention! So there are many problems! "

Hi! Zhao Shuying sighed that if it wasn't for the two doctors at home, it seems that her side would not be better there! But now, in addition to the eldest in the family, I and the old guys eat less, more food and less food, and what's more, the food is not too greasy! It's really unacceptable!

It's OK to eat a little, but if you eat it in a big way, you can't! I can't accept the stomach! There is also easy to add to their own disease, at home now such conditions, eat everything! But still need to pay attention to physical health, after all, this is the most important! Everything else is bullshit!

"People now! Living conditions are good! But relatively speaking, the physical aspect is definitely not as good as the original time, even quite a lot of young people's physical quality, still can't catch up with us these old guys! If you don't take care of your body now, it will be troublesome in the future! Take life for money, and finally buy life with money! Ah

"There's no way out. Everyone wants to make their working conditions better. The education of the next generation can be better, and they can earn more money. But how many such jobs are there? It seems like a lot of people, but how many people's eyes are staring at, we can say that we are scrambling for each other! People who are better than you work harder than you. What should we do? "

"It's really a dead circle, and it can't be solved in a moment and a half! Want to work relaxed, healthy, and no life above the pressure, but also need to meet other aspects of the requirements, this is a bit too difficult! Not everyone can do it! Even most people can't do it! "

Living in a big city naturally has the advantages of a big city, but at the same time, we all only see the most beautiful side. What about the scenery behind it? What does it look like? Who saw it? It can be said that no one saw it!

"Wang Bing's wife, is the situation not serious?"

"There should be nothing wrong. If there is any big problem, the hospital will call now! However, the medical conditions in Wang Bing's home are worse than ours. If there is no big problem in his body, he will never go to the hospital! But when I go to the hospital, it's basically like that! "

Ding Lin is the most doctor, and is also an old school doctor. Naturally, he has a good understanding of the situation. Don't say anything else! Even if you are here, relatively speaking, the medical conditions are relatively lacking!

It can only be said that in recent two years, due to other reasons, it has been quite changed! But what is the result of this? Good guy, a little bit of medical resources, a little nervous situation has appeared! Why? Almost all the surrounding cities have come to the hospital here, because we all know that the medical level here is very good!

But even so, why are there Ding Lin and their support medical situation? Because a lot of people have different understanding of the situation of medical treatment, and even a very shallow understanding! All these need Ding Lin and them to do! If they don't do it, they don't know what's going on!

There is no meaning of complaining, and there is no such a saying, it is a little sigh, or need development, need progress, only development! Only progress! To get better! No progress! If we don't develop, I'm afraid it will be a dead end!

On the way home, a family of three basically spent their time discussing this matter! But back home, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying put the eldest son away! Go away, don't stay and disturb them! They still go out for a walk, such as the gym on the other side of the farm, or the square outside!The weather is not as cold as that, so the square outside is also a better place! As for the gymnasium, it is basically for the farm staff! Now it's still a little bit worse. When it comes to winter, it's basically overcrowded. At that time, if anyone runs wildly outside, his head will be flooded!

Ding Yu is with a little bit back to his side of the residence, in the parents side, little bit is very honest, but after coming back, it seems a little excited! No one can beat him there. He can only be a man with his own tail, but here, he also has a position! Hum!

"Hello, chief? Hello! I am Guzhuang! "

"Ancient political commissar?" Ding Yu, sitting on the office chair, stopped the medical video! He leaned back on his body and said, "this time is still so busy, which is in line with the working attitude of your ancient political commissar."

"Director! I have encountered some things here, I don't know how to make a decision now! I was invited by the theater to inspect the work of the team members. What's more, I think they should also have some plans for other aspects. "

Yeah? Ding Yu snorted, "it's a very strange thing, and it's also a very strange thing, but it's also a matter that can't be determined by listening to it. In ancient times, this thing is not easy to handle! What did the political commissar Han say? "

Ding Yu's question is still quite skillful. I don't believe it! Guzhuang knows about this! But the political commissar of Han Quan does not know? What's the matter? Do you have to let yourself make this decision? Isn't it a bit inappropriate? But Ding Yu is just like this to think about it, there is really no so-called expression!

"Director, isn't it up to you? You have absolute control

Hearing Guzhuang's words, Ding Yu already understood how it happened. He felt a little warm at his feet. After a look at the little guy, he was lying on his feet! A little confused. Maybe he felt something. He chewed on Ding Yu's feet. He expressed his dissatisfaction! Be honest! Don't move! I'm comfortable!

"I don't have much interest in those students. Now the weather here in my hometown is getting colder. It's better to stay at home. At least there is no wind and rain bothering me! It's a very comfortable thing! "

Gu Zhuang understood the director's suggestion! You should know that there seems to be no exposure on your side, but the director found the flaw from the details, which is really amazing! Will the director know about this from other aspects? Impossible things, absolutely impossible!

To know your side is just know, now to call the director is not their own meaning! I don't know if it is because of the flaw between their own words that this matter has been exposed? Bad things to say!

What the director said is obvious! If you continue to act confused, it seems that there are so some bad, isn't it? And even if I went to each war zone, but without the instruction of the director, I would be brave enough to deal with this matter. Would the director also be brave enough to deal with the matter?

The possibility is not so simple, or even impossible!

Don't you know the director's character? It has nothing to do with being eccentric!

"Director, or I'll get straight to it?"

"No, it's really meaningless to say that!" Ding Yu said decisively, "I know what you want to express, but I don't have this interest. What's the matter? Is the food at home not delicious? Are the conditions bad? I have to go to the war zone? What's more, is it not good to have a good rest at home? Do you have to go there? Am I a god man? Or am I made of iron? Are you kidding? Do you really think of me as one who has been through a lot of hard work, haven't you? "

"Director, that's not what I mean, let alone this thing? I don't need you to bump back and forth. I know you have a lot of things to do and are busy. So don't let you be too busy. Otherwise, how about I, an old guy, run casually? You should make a judgment at that time. It should not waste too much time! This can be guaranteed! "

"Ha ha! Ancient political commissar, it is very beautiful! Should I have a good rest last night? "

Dream?! Ding Yu's tone is very clear! Are you kidding me? What do you think you are? What do you want? Right? Let's not say how much resources and abilities have been spent on this matter. It's just time and energy, and not everyone can afford it!

At that time, I seemed to be fooling around or even doing nothing in the military area command, but that was just on the surface. What about the actual situation? I need to know all the colleges, because only in this way can we understand their situation and make appropriate arrangements for their next step!

It's not to say that you can arrange some things for them at will and let them learn! How could it be? That's not responsible at all! It is also unreasonable!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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