The director treats his son and daughter like this!

Now you ask the director to treat those seeds and students better, ha ha! Will the sun really rise from the west? Everyone knows that this is impossible. At least it will not happen to director Ding Yuding!

"Director, when I came here, I found that the agriculture here seems to be quite different from other aspects of agriculture!"

Yeah! Ding Yu heavily nodded his head, "do you want to see it? However, I may just give you a quick explanation. After all, I'm not an expert in this field. If you want to hear the most professional explanation, I can only deploy two people to come over and talk about it carefully, but I don't think you will have too much interest! "

"If the director is interested, I can't refuse, can I?" Guzhuang seems to be interested in it!

"OK, I'll accompany you, a guest from afar." But Ding Yu looked up and down at Guzhuang and said, "you'd better change your clothes! Your clothes are really not so suitable. Where we are going, the distance doesn't matter, but we need to get down and take a walk. "

When he came out of Guzhuang with a new suit of clothes, Ding Yu looked at it twice and laughed, "I said, chief political commissar, you look like some old gatekeepers. They are very similar!"

"It's not bad, too! I haven't worn it for quite a while! What's the matter? Are you going up the mountain or wading in the water today

"Go and have a look. If you don't have a look, you will never know what the situation is! Is the so-called "seeing is believing and hearing is false"? Right? If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you know what kind of change it is! "

Ding Yu here is also changed a suit of dress, previously or suit, but now? It's also a suit of outdoor mountaineering clothes, but Ding Yu is definitely a representative figure with thin clothes and flesh! Clothes on his body, there is no sense of bloated, absolutely not like Guzhuang!

"It's over! Compared with you, I am absolutely bloated, like a big bear Guzhuang said with self mockery!

This kind of teasing himself also made Ding Yu hum, "I won't underestimate you because of this! I've seen their old man! There is a saying that your uncle will always be your uncle. This is not a boast

Although it is said to travel, but not many people with it! It's just the following! As for the people from the armed forces, ha ha, they just stay here! I want to follow, but no matter who it is, they can't afford it. What's more, director Ding of the family also personally took the lead!

"I feel that the life here is still good!" When sitting on the car, driving the car out of the window, Guzhuang couldn't help but say, "it's not the high rhythm of the capital."

"For the time being, it's good! The conditions here are good. When the farm was not stationed in the north, the living conditions here were good. As for the rhythm, it was really very slow. Even now, it is the same. The original time was eight o'clock in the evening! You can't see too many people on the street! right now? At most, it's nine thirty, or ten! I can't see too many people! "

"You know, in big cities, nightlife is just beginning!"

"In the northern cities, the small counties are basically like this. It's a normal thing. Go home early and have a rest and sleep. Even if you don't want to go home, there are not many shops on the street! What movie theater or coffee shop, etc., is definitely not the normal one! On the contrary, people get up very early in the morning, and even more than four o'clock, you can see a lot of people! "

"But it has changed a little in the past two years. I can't say that it has not changed at all! In my father's words, there are more colorful children

"What do you mean?" Guzhuang didn't know how to understand it. What is flowery? Is this a commendatory word? Or derogatory words, or neutral words? A little confused!

"Young people! The original small county is not able to retain young people, high school graduates are basically admitted to the University! The local enrollment rate is very good, but after going to university, it basically flies away. Why do you come back? As for those who did not go to high school, they basically went out to work! There's basically not much left! "

"Fancy? It seems that it means more?! "

"I don't know if it's commendatory or derogatory?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "after all, this is a small county, not a big city. Let alone the rest, let alone dye your hair. In a big city, there are all kinds of colorful and colorful styles. But in the small county, except for yellow or chestnut, if you dye a blue one, good guy! All the people who see you will regard you as an alien. In their words, this child doesn't learn well! "

"It seems that this situation is a little too much?" Guzhuang murmured to himself!"In the understanding of the old people, they can't understand such a culture. If they argue with them about such things, they will tell you, where can good children do this! However, the situation has changed a lot in the past two years. After giving them a good insight and understanding, their transformation is faster than you think! "

"I think this will be a very interesting thing!"

"No, I still remember a researcher here on our farm. She was a girl. She was quite independent. When she first came, her hair was blue and gray! Good guy, some people on this side of the farm saw her. They were all far away. She was almost like seeing a ghost. They were afraid of infecting their children! Bad influence? "

"And such things? It's hard enough! "

"I still remember the researcher crying at that time, but what about the change? In a flash, the researcher quickly showed his true talent and learning. No one went down to the ground in person. He just pointed out that the things planted are different! "

Ding Yu is also very interested, "in the words of ordinary people, it is the vegetable leaves that I planted, that is, they do not collapse the shelf, and look at the water, people can't stop at a glance! After one time, she didn't have blue grey hair! Even if it is red and purple hair, no one to pay attention to! It's one aspect that we are used to. What's important is that the color of hair is not as good as the things in your own vegetable field. It's powerful

"It's not just a habit to get a change?"

"But the researcher doesn't have so much time to study her hair now! They're all married! And research work hair is too long, it is a bit inappropriate! But all right! Now, riding a motorcycle to work every day is also a kind of unusual personality. No one can compare with this point! "

Guzhuang for such a girl with personality, also feel smack tongue, dye hair this thing oneself still can accept, but already married! Also involved in motorcycles to work? And listen to the director said that this personality, should not be a four wheeled motorcycle, straddle should be the most basic?!

"Director, such personnel, you are not afraid of their problems?"

"Come on! Good guy, I haven't seen it before. I've seen it many times. People ride motorcycles more steadily than you drive. They just like personality. It doesn't mean that they are the ones who die. On the contrary, they think their own lives are more important than everyone else! If you scrape a piece of skin, you need to look for insurance! "

Eh? This contrast is really a little big, so that Guzhuang did not even respond to it!

"Ah! I have also made an empirical mistake! " Guzhuang did not deny his own problems! "But director, I'm quite interested in what you said! Such researchers are really not so interesting! "

"I didn't dig it up, but she came here on her own initiative! Not willing to go abroad, but domestic institutions? For her more personality personnel, sometimes it is difficult to accept, just her teacher is here! She also came to the farm directly. In a word, can she accept her personality?! It doesn't matter if the salary is slightly lower! "

"If I were the director, I would take her as a treasure!"

"Absolutely! The farm provides the most professional laboratory, and also has the appropriate conditions, such as the annual salary of at least 16 months, what kind of food allowance and housing allowance, and even the children's education funds! Year end bonus and so on! My side is equipped with all the staff. Good guy, there are too many people digging now. I'm a little worried about it! "

"But there are not so many people who can bear her personality?"

"Who knows? But now we are not so concerned about her personality! Everyone is concerned about her research results, this is the core of the problem! But fortunately, she has always been very interested in the farm, and even very satisfied with the life in the small county here! "

"Director, isn't the price a little high! Don't say anything else! It's just a mess of subsidies and rewards. I don't think it's worth a million dollars a year?! This is not even his salary! "

"Hey, these are relatively small! No matter it's salary or subsidy, for me, it's not placed in my heart at all. Instead, her laboratory is a big head, which should be said to be a high-end laboratory! Good guy, I didn't dare to let her loose her hands. If I really let her go, I didn't know how much money this loser would spend! However, in the whole province, there are no more than six such laboratories? "

"Six?" Guzhuang leaned back and said, "as far as I know, the cost of the laboratory is almost the same as that of running water."

"Stop running! Even if it's a pump, it's not like this. In the early years, I really spent money. The money I spent really made me feel liver ache. How much profit was put into it, but fortunately, the money was not wasted! Still made a lot of money! How can scientific research be free of money? How much is spent? The lowest is ten times and a hundred times to earn back, which is just the length of time! ""Director, they say your farm is very profitable, but the farm has not been listed, at least not to disclose too much about this aspect to the outside world, but looking at your spending, the general people may not be able to bear it!"

"What is still barely possible is that after the scale is large, a considerable standard has been unified, even some of our standards, whether it is the United States or the EU, can not be reached at all. Korea and Japan are the most important ones now, and Europe and the United States are big households! Each other's needs are totally different! "

"I don't know much about this!"

"Korea and Japan will basically come to buy in person! Look at the planting base and production samples, as for Europe and the United States, they ask for another, emphasizing more standardization! But relatively speaking, although the mechanization of Europe and the United States is higher, but what is planted? That is, in terms of planting, we are their ancestors, and this is not boasted in vain! "

Two of them said this way. Although they said it was a small county, the road was very excellent, and the municipal management was quite in place. There was a word how to say it. They were quick and polite, and they knew about honor and disgrace. This statement was enough to explain the considerable problem! Only the people's stomach is full! I am full! Only in other aspects will be focused!

Just as it is now, because of farm and other aspects, we are rich and rich, and the quality of life is more attention! Whether it is the road, or the trees by the road, etc., it is very clean and tidy! And still forest various styles, not fixed in a style!

If the people are not full in their stomachs, you tell him these? You blame him for not scolding him!

"These trees look good, and in another 20 years, they will definitely become climate!"

"It is not so clear now, but it is still good. What we are going to is a forest farm, which is a forest farm, which is also a mountain farm. There are many trees and forests, but there are many mountains. Farmers have basically moved out, not to say that they are not left, but to keep their words, which has a considerable impact on the overall planning!"

"No wonder there are not too many residents on the road, but there are many houses not far away from the road! What's inside? "Care?"

"It is not entirely care, mainly because no one can guarantee that when on the road, there will be other problems and conditions. If it is a simple problem and situation, it is good to handle it with ease! There is quite a lot of water and other appliances over there! Just unlock your phone! Even if the phone can not be unlocked, it can be unlocked in other ways, which is very convenient! Everyone's response to this is also better! There are other public goods! "

"I didn't think of it, it was really not!"

There is no compliment, but there are some unexpected. After entering the trail, it is found that the trail is actually cement road, not soil road, and the laying of cement road is quite planned, not the one that comes out of the road casually!

And sometimes you can see pheasants, it's too common! Maybe I heard the sound of the locomotive, the pheasant ran far, but then stopped! But because there is a lack of natural enemies here, it is a little silly?


"When we haven't settled here, the mountain sealing and forest cultivation has begun! But what about the country? There are still quite a few questions. But after we settled in, we also thought about some ways to tell you the truth. And before, we had this leisure time. Now? They don't have this time even if they have this leisure! "

"No time?" After the ancient village finished, he immediately came to realize! I seem to understand what, "what, my chief executive, are you so short of people here? I feel like there are many people here! "

"Of course, there is no one! And the lack of that is the kind of experienced one! It is too scarce, there is no way, can only be slowly to adjust! Fortunately, the idea that there are quite a few people has been corrected! No way out! Who makes them earn more than big cities! Who can I get to reason? "

The place where the car stopped was a courtyard. It should have been informed before. So someone deliberately stood outside the place, and when he saw Dingyu, he was also in a hurry to go up!

"Mr. Ding, how can I have time to come?"

"Take this around and introduce him to the situation here. Help take a way later. What about them? All into the mountain? There are not too many dogs out there

"I'm afraid I can't come back in the morning, because I am afraid I will not be back! Now is the high-risk time, autumn leaves all fall! If there is something wrong with that place, the losses will be too big! So we need considerable care. Although we also have monitoring equipment, but we don't walk in person. It is not very reassuring. By the way, we also need to check the problems of the line and so on! In case of emergency! ""Well! Everyone is working hard! "

Ding Yu also said two simple sentences here, without the intention of going into details. There is no need for such a thing. Is it OK? They have their own management and an outsider comes in. What kind of a thing is this? Right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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