There are people walking in front, which can be regarded as a kind of Pathfinder. Some people may follow behind, but they can't see clearly! It's a little far away!

Walking in the middle is Ding Yu and Gu Zhuang, Ding Yu has a backpack on top of him, that's all! Not far from the side, there are two people following, and there are backpacks on them. Even this way, there seems to be a lot of things in the backpack! But relatively speaking, or the more relaxed one!

Guzhuang was leaning on his climbing stick, "the air here is still good, there is not too much dry feeling?"

"In some valleys, you can still see the scene of lush green, but it's a little far away from here, so we don't recommend you to go with us! There are also a few small hot springs! At ordinary times, it is also used as a habitat for employees. Everyone pays great attention to protection. After all, you can enjoy the opportunity with protection! "

"And so much good? It's not easy! "

"Although the city is small, it is a small county, but the four seasons are distinct, there are mountains and water. In the early years, we didn't find our own positioning. Now we can see a little dawn. In addition, the leading group is also relatively good, with considerable vision and planning ability, so the development of the city is also starting! In fashionable words, it's the future! "

We are just walking forward, not blindly for the sake of mountain climbing and sightseeing!

"I don't want to talk about the green mountains and green waters here. If you can see the mountains, they are all bare. At most, there are a few half dead and alive on them. It's amazing. If you look again, the situation is fundamentally different! When we reorganize and plan again, they are all of the same kind. Even every tree in this area has its own "ID card"! "

"Really? Is it necessary? "

"Hi! Who knows? Anyway, the experts here should not be idle and idle! " Then he saw Ding Yu take out his flat plate and enter the internal system. After that, he also pointed to the trees beside him, "see? This is his identification! The first one represents his nationality, place of origin and date of birth! After that are the branches of its species, which together form their unique identification! It's not a joke! "

"All the trees? It's a bit of a big scale! "

"It can't be said that all of them are basically valuable ones. If we say that they have no special value, they are at most a label and have a considerable identity certificate. However, these all need to have a considerable role. Even if I am afraid of felling at will, I will really come to the door and lose money. This is secondary, and I can't afford to lose this person!"

"I thought I saw a drone flying over the sky just now!"

"There are quite a lot of UAVs on the farm, and even a special logistics department is in charge of this item. Sometimes they can't get on! Also can't go down, total can't rely on manpower! It's not realistic at all, but it needs to be investigated. UAVs are very convenient and practical! "

"I knew that UAVs play a very important role in military affairs, but I really don't know much about civilian use."

"The military aspect has played the vanguard role, as for the civilian aspect, is backward!" Ding Yu took the tablet and quickly connected to the screen! Even in the above, it is clear that you can find the image where they are, "now the technology is quite advanced! It's even better than you think! "

"Is it better than the phenomenon? I don't know, but now the forest farm has taken such measures, which is a little exaggerated! I doubt that such a place is still a forest farm? "

Walking forward for about 20 minutes, Ding Yu also pointed to a tree in front of him, "this tree has been more than 20 years old! It is rare in the North! The main reason is that there are not so many people here! Plus the original time, the road is not so convenient, you cut down! It can't be transported out! As for the mountains, there are older ones, but few of them. When we built houses, they were basically beams! Or other materials. It's a pity if I want to come now! "

"Only 20 years?"

"Yes! My grand commissar Maybe he came to his own place, so Ding Yu is a bit talkative! He pointed to it with a climbing stick, "this is because later the mountains were closed for afforestation, and there were more houses built in the countryside at that time! But the use of wood is not as many as you think! Otherwise, good fellow, even if it's a mountain and a long road, you don't want to see it! "

Ding Yu's words are very clear, even if these things, it is not to say that you can see them if you want to see them. Fortunately, the current policy is good, coupled with other external reasons, so it can be re developed! Otherwise, what you may see is still a barren mountain, or even a tree!

"What is this?" Looking at a big tree not far away from an iron bar like things, Guzhuang can not help but ask up!

"For testing! I can't say what it is. It's used to check the acid-base change of the land, and the moisture and humidity in the land! Including the nutrition balance of trees and so on, anyway, there are more than one project, there are many! It's not just the forest farm here, but more in the farm! ""What? What else is on the farm? no It's a big joke

"That's right. What's the joke? We should know that the standards we have formulated are the most standard, the level of land nutrition in the farm, the standard of drug residues, or the impact of soil moisture on crops, and what kind of irrigation is needed? Whether root drip irrigation or aerial irrigation is needed is quite scientific. It is not as simple as we say it is! "

"Good fellow, it's all flowers in the field?"

"Why are our vegetables and fruits sold expensive or even in short supply? Because we have the most stringent standards, but also have extremely strict monitoring and management. We take us as the standard in many aspects. We will make rules, and the situation will be different naturally."

Guzhuang, on the other hand, stood up his thumb and said, "it's hard to do business like this! Now I have understood why the farm is so prosperous. There are quite a few reasons! It is not to say that with considerable financial support and technical support can be achieved! The lack of any one aspect may cause extremely serious influence! "

"Ten years of trees and a hundred years of people!" Ding Yu couldn't help sighing, "it's the same truth. It's a relatively simple thing to manage the farm. It's easy to say in other aspects. Only with proper management, certain funds and technical support, can we still have a bowl of rice in the end! But education has never been so simple! "

For Ding Yu's meaning, Guzhuang is so silent!

Education is never completed overnight, it needs a long process!

The director brought himself to the forest farm, which definitely had a very special meaning. He told himself that some things could not come in a hurry! Even if it is anxious, there is no use for it. Even if you are anxious now, it can only be counterproductive! At the end of the day, people and money are in vain!

"Director, when you first set up the farm, did you think it would develop so much?"

"Well?! I really didn't think of it. My idea at that time was very simple and even childish. If you said that I was a chivalrous man and served the country and the people, it was just bullshit. At least at that time, I was not as noble as that. Now? I dare not say such a thing, because I am just a little doctor. I really dare not to be such a thing. The countless predecessors in front of me are so brilliant

"Director, this is not what I know about you. It doesn't look like your style at all!"

"All the roads we are going are from our predecessors. We are just following this road! To say that we are even better than the pioneers in front of us, even we will feel quite ashamed! This is the quality of life! I'm not as conceited as that

Two people slowly leisurely up a mountain, almost an hour of time! It's not the same to climb high and look far! Gu Zhuang couldn't help but stretch out his hand and put it on his forehead! "Wow, I didn't see it. There is still such a view here!"

"Although the mountains inside are not so high, they are continuous. If you continue to walk inside, you can still see the mountains, but there is no need! What's more, even the mountains are relative! It's not high there. After all, it's not a high mountain and hilly land! Speaking of all, in recent years of recuperation, there are a lot more animals in it! "

"I've seen a lot of pheasants and rabbits all the way! I don't see much else! "

"There are no such things as jackals, tigers and leopards! Don't even think about it! The environment here is not so supportive. After all, the urbanization level here is still relatively high! Even these forest farms were planned later and moved a lot of people! Just a few years, all want to pass through the trees! There are so many wild animals that it's not realistic at all

"It's true. In a few years, I've been thinking about things that can be restored, which is not realistic, but also something that is not powerful at all." As he spoke, Guzhuang pointed to the distance, "what's that for? It looks like a house! Didn't they all move out? "

"That place is also a small base, which is used to rest and store some materials. Some instruments and facilities can not be transported on two legs! It's impossible, and it needs scientific examination from time to time. This is also a serious process, not a joke! What's more, we can't say that we went into the mountains in the morning and went back to the houses in the city to sleep at night. It's bullshit! "

"The plane? But I didn't hear anything

"The forest farm has its own helicopters, which are basically used for carrying loads. In terms of transportation, the functionality is too small! What's more, it's very uncomfortable. Anyway, the children at home are disgusted with it. The noise is too loud! "

Guzhuang can't help laughing, this is really the actual situation, the helicopter flying relatively low, so the noise is particularly obvious! It is really not what people can bear!"Doing scientific research here is also a very happy thing!"

"There is competition everywhere, and the farm will clean up some so-called little white rabbits on a regular basis. On the farm side, I don't mind if you work more and earn more, but you need to have a certain amount. After all, I'm a capitalist. What I need to see is profit. If allowed, the biggest profit is what I pursue!"

"Director, isn't it said that you are a black hearted capitalist?"

It's a bit of a joke. It's not aimed at Ding Yu. There's no need for it! What's more, they can't make such a target between each other, and the director has been together for a long time! Sometimes a joke can also adjust the atmosphere!

"It's not that no one has talked about it. I'm a black heart!" Ding Yu also smiles, but the smile is fleeting, "but what about that? I don't care about it myself! If you care, there's no need for a farm to exist! "

"Director, you are definitely the most heartless person I have ever seen! Is it? " Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "how about it? Do you want to go over and have a look? " The expression on Ding Yu's face is definitely a bit of fun!

Gu Zhuang could not help shaking his head, "director, don't make fun of me! It's good to have a look at it! Really, if you have visited this place all over the place! Or leave me as an old man to do something slightly meaningful, which might be better, wouldn't it? "

"Yes! Whatever you want Soon also found a place to rest, someone is responsible for the moisture pad and cushion and other things to take out, as for cleaning up? Ding Yu didn't mean to help much! He and Guzhuang are both sitting next to each other. The people next to him simply pack up some food!

"Director, I came here prepared for this time, but the result is good." Then Ding Yu handed over the coffee and tried it. The taste is really good. It's hard to say that it's still hot now, and there's no other flavor change. "The so-called holding hands are short! You don't have to "bribe" me, an old man with short mouths

"Those guys shouldn't be shortsighted either! Why are they so eager? It's hard to think about it! " Ding Yu looked at the distance and said, "these students can play the so-called leading role, which I can think of. They want to pay attention to some students, which can also be thought of, but they still think of other beautiful things. This is a little too much?"

"My Chief Executive?! Who encountered such a thing, do not want to be able to eat two mouthfuls! In the past, there has never been such an opportunity. These students will even become reserve forces and may become the backbone in the future. Under such circumstances, the more the better? "

"It's wonderful to think about it. Haven't they seen the learning methods of these students? What's more, they don't know. For the sake of this group of students, I'm almost exhausted! What's wrong? I must be tired to death

For Ding Yu's complaint, Guzhuang couldn't laugh or cry. He squeezed a piece of tea and ate it. How did it taste? Now it's a bit out of consideration! Anyway, it's true to fill your stomach. I just don't know if these things are used to plug teeth for the director? In my opinion, it is like this!

I think the director's appetite is very big. There is no problem with these things to provide heat. But to say that these things can eat fully is absolutely bullshit. Even Ding Yu himself will not believe this!

"Director, from my personal point of view, I also have some doubts!"

Ding Yu snorted, and then slowly said, "all the trainees who participated in the training all remember it in my head! I have a considerable analysis of their situation, and even made a considerable framework, but I do not believe you, but these things can not be seen by the outside world! At least we don't have to think about it until we close our eyes? "

"Why?" Guzhuang deeply wrinkled his brow!

"Let the outside world know too much, not so friendly to them! Although said to them now let out! But for them, such a test is not the most strict one. At least they keep a good attitude and pay attention to self mediation, so the problem will not be particularly big. After all, they still have wind and rain on their heads! The big tree of the military is the best support for them! "

"But director, from what I have learned now, I can still see quite a problem!"

"Everyone's pursuit is different. We can't make a decision about how to turn everyone into what you imagine, and how to go their way! It's all about how they choose! "

Ding Yu poured himself another cup of coffee! "I can't bear these people! I'll let you know at night! If you can bear it then, talk about the next thing! " Ding Yu deliberately laid an ambush, which made Guzhuang feel a little bad!At least in my own understanding, this director of my family? But it's very insidious! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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