Guo Kai is also thinking when he is running circles. What is the reason? Why do you run circles with your parachute on your back?

From his performance back to school, there is no problem, right?! Is the performance of the difficult thing not good enough, not enough progress? From Guo Kai's point of view, I have been strict with myself! No slack!

Is it the problem of classmates? It seems that this should not be! Although they said that they did not have a particularly good to urge them, but in their own opinion, to drive them, influence them, let them maintain a good state and mentality, is enough!

Under such circumstances, what are the problems and conditions? I did not show any dissatisfaction with the school and the instructors. I always respect them very much! So there is no such problem at all!

The more run, Guo Kai also feel more aggrieved, even feel a little confused! I combed it over and over, but the more I combed, the more irritable I felt! Things are definitely wrong. The director will never say that it is because of his own performance, so it must be his own problem to impose these punishments on himself!

But where is the problem? And the parachute behind it! From time to time to drive their own, so that they have so many can not themselves, do not know where the wind blowing from!

At the beginning, it was a little better, at least he could keep it, but with the exhaustion of his physical strength, the more he could not control himself! see? A staggering, good guy, because of a wind blowing, Guo Kai was dragged out a long way away, even did not know how he moved? It's out of control at all!

The impatient Guo Kai looks at the parachute behind, is gnashing teeth, mad, you still bully yourself! However, when Guo Kai looks back at the parachute, he suddenly seems to have realized something, but this understanding is not so profound. He seems to have grasped something, but it seems that he has not grasped anything!

Ding Yu in the corridor looks at Guo Kai running outside through the window! Back your hands behind you!

So straight standing there, motionless! Qu he is two steps behind Ding Yu. For Guo Kai, who is running outside, he is a little puzzled. Why must he let Guo Kai Run? But obviously, he should have made some mistakes! Otherwise, the director would never do it!

During the whole process of personnel selection and training, I have had considerable contact with these trainees, and I have my own understanding and understanding of these trainees. At least, Guo Kai, who is running, can be regarded as highly valued by the director! Among all the students, if he is ranked second, no one really dares to say that he can be ranked first!

But after leaving, there is no contact between them! About their situation, I never want to ask the meaning, also have no interest to inquire! Because they have nothing to do with themselves!

What's more, Qu he is deeply aware that these are all subordinate to military secrets! When I'm free, I'm going to inquire about this? Is it true that you don't die fast enough? Or do you think you can challenge the director's bottom line?

Even if you want to die, you don't need to take any measures, do you? Anyway, Qu he feels that his life is still very good, at least bright. Now he stops and goes to the dark? What's the matter? How much did you give yourself? Or is it that you can't resist? Is that the same?

If it wasn't for the sudden notice today, I didn't even know Guo Kai would come here! But now? Just stand in the position behind the director honestly! Other things, I do not want to know, also do not want to know!

"Qu he! Let him wash up and come here! "

"Yes! Director Qu he didn't ask why and why, but Ding Yu had already walked through the corridor and returned to the room! Looking at the people leaving, Qu he knows that the director has given Guo Kai a small lesson. From now on, or the director thinks that this lesson is enough! Or what's wrong with Guo Kai!

In addition to these two, there will be no other problems and situations! But these have nothing to do with themselves, Qu he went out at the first time! With a steady step, he came to Guo Kai's body position and grabbed the parachute with one hand!

When he saw this scene, Guo Kai didn't feel too much. His whole body was wet through at this time! The whole body is steaming hot, as if just out of the steamer! Hold your knee and gasp! "Report, Guo Kai is training!" Finally, Guo Kai said with a salute!

However, when Yang Fan, who was not far away, saw this scene, they all felt so shocked!

Why, grab the parachute with one hand, especially the current wind speed. What kind of power is this? If you relax a little, the skin on your hand may be rubbed off. This is no joke! What's the origin of this guy? Young, also did not see what is different!

What's more, after running for such a long time, the sudden stop at this time is the punishment stopped? Or are there other arrangements? We don't know about it! It's not clear now!"Pack up your parachute and wash! The director wants to see you! "

Guo Kai nodded, "yes!" No other words, with the help of Qu he, Guo Kai packed up the umbrella bag! It is impossible for Qu he or Guo Kai to get back to the original state. Neither Qu he nor Guo Kai is a professional paratrooper. To put it in order is to gather them together! This is the only way to do it!

The process of re washing is also considering the previous problems. When I just realized something on my side, I was stopped. The time was too short! I have to seize the time and make good use of this time. I have to know that the requirements for myself and others are always strict. I don't want to lose face in front of the director?!

After washing, Guo Kai changed a suit of clothes, that is, his own military uniform. He did not mean that there was no other clothing, but now for the past, it is not so suitable!

Qu he walked in front of the position, came to the door! Gently hit two times, and then give way to their own body position.

Obviously, Qu he didn't mean to go in! Guo Kai yelled! "Report!" Then push the door and enter!

Ding Yu looked up at the Quhe who came in, that is to say, he took a glance and pointed to the position in front of him. He simply handled the documents in front of him, and then raised his head!

"Do you understand? Why are you running out there? " Ding Yu's voice is very low, but quite penetrating! And the expression on Ding Yu's face is a little serious, which makes people feel nervous after watching it!

Guo Kai didn't have a tight heart, but it was also a salute! The attitude is very respectful!

But this did not let Ding Yu give him any so-called good face! "Don't give me that. It's not in the barracks anymore! I'm asking you a question now! I want to know. Do you want to understand? Just give me an explanation! "

"Report! Want to understand some! After returning to school, there are so many forget oneself! Led to their own position has a considerable problem, can not be their own! Even now there are problems that are driven by other problems! "

Ding Yu snorted, "what's the matter? Running a parachute makes you feel smart? Isn't it? "

"Report!" Although there is no salute, but the attitude must be correct, Guo Kai straightened his waist, "I have never realized my own problems. After I went back, although I said that I had examined myself, I couldn't stand at a high level and position to examine myself, and I was even fascinated by the corresponding secular world!"

"Listen to this answer? If you give a report, it's very good, one set after another, even without duplicate samples. What's the matter? I have forgotten all the education I gave you in the war zone, haven't you? Are you so happy that you don't know your name when someone gives you a piece of sugar? "

For this, Guo Kai did not dare to respond! It's your own problem! I can't insist! Slack in some ways! It has led to quite a number of problems and situations, and even can't do it by ourselves. Is this the problem of the director? Or is it someone else's problem? Can these questions be found in other people? Isn't this a deliberate shirking?

After the training, the director did not mention too much, but the political commissar repeatedly mentioned this issue to everyone. We must be very vigilant, when they meet each other's pressure! Temptation!

I feel the pressure! I feel the motivation! But what about temptation? Guo Kai really does not have this aspect feeling! Even in Guo Kai's heart, there are some disdain for this, even the pressure can not give themselves how? What about the so-called temptation? Are you afraid of this?

Only at this time, I know all the temptation, not to say is what money! Beauty or power and so on! Temptation can be varied! What about yourself? Even the first wave of temptation can not resist! Although can not be said to be deeply involved in it, but at least by its left and right!

If the director didn't wake himself up, even at this time, what would happen with the passage of time? Think of here, Guo Kai is really feel scalp a little numb!

"Report! Director, I failed to live up to your expectations

Ding Yu was not angry and said, "look at the problem is too naive! What do you think I should tell you now? Or don't tell you anything? Just watching? "

I don't know where to find a box of small cigars. Ding Yu held it on his hand, but he didn't mean to light it. After smelling it, it was still very good! It's not so sweet and greasy, the taste is moderate!

"Report! Director! I will try my best to correct my problems! "

"Correct? How to correct it? " Ding Yu shook his head, "I put you on the fire. Is this what you can get rid of? You don't even feel it yourself! This is still the most elementary! What kind of problems and conditions will you face in the future? It is still unknown! How do you deal with it? ""You are just a little student, not that I look down on you, how loud you can be! That is to say, you still have two talents. Otherwise, there is no difference between crushing you and killing ants! It's just a matter of two sentences. What do you think? "

Guo Kai couldn't help but shiver. He seemed to realize some problems. Some things he can participate in, but some things are not his own. What he can do now is to accumulate his own strength, not to show what? Putting the cart before the horse!

"Report! Director, I was so proud of some of the previous ones! Along with other students and colleagues are like this! "

"Suddenly, what do you think?" Ding Yu looked up at Guo Kai, "I ask you, what is your way to reduce pressure? Don't tell me that you still haven't found a way to reduce your pressure. Decompression is not to kill time, but to let the spring of your body relax too much! So, what are your ways to reduce stress? Like running! Swimming, carving and so on

"Well?" Guo Kai thought about it and shook his head! "I didn't develop the habit of this aspect, and I didn't feel that it put too much pressure on me. Everything was fine!"

For Guo Kai's words, Ding Yu is quite helpless, "you don't have a hobby in this respect, but I do! In essence, I prefer to be called a doctor. I have a lot of colleagues who are doctors! Teachers and students, from the outside of the above, bright, but in reality? Sometimes, when you can't bear the pressure, you can cry and cry, and you can't stand a blow! beyond count! This is not a disgrace! It's normal! "

"Teacher, what pressure does the doctor have?"

"More! Once there was such a saying, called persuading people to learn medicine, heaven beat thunder! To persuade people to learn the law, thousands of cuts! Even quite a number of doctors need to take tranquilizers when standing on the operating table, because there is no way to properly relieve their own pressure. As for the so-called source of pressure? I can't leave my job for a long time. Even some inpatients are children who come to the hospital to see their mother and father! They have no time! "

"For example, if you are a doctor, especially in a big city, you must always be self-motivated, because medicine is always improving! In development, if you don't keep improving, you will be eliminated soon. No matter you are 70 years old or just graduated, it is the same thing! "

"What's more, we don't understand the problems of doctors and patients. These are what doctors need to face!"

"Lin Lin's various problems are all real problems. In other words, if you know your father is dead, you still need to stand on the operating table, because one is incurable, and the other can be cured! What do you say? When doctors are faced with such problems, it's too common! "

Ding Yu talks a little bit too much! I am more optimistic about Guo Kai. I have some heartache for his current development and performance. Therefore, to point out to him, the external influence is of course huge. This is still because of being in the school. If we say that it is not in the school, what will it look like? I dare not imagine it!

"No more temptation, director! It's more like some kind of means! "

"Well! It's not bad. It's a little insightful! " After so much waste, Ding Yu is still satisfied with some things. Originally, I didn't intend to make it clear to you now. It's not bad for you to feel it

Hearing the director say so, Guo Kai is to touch the sweat on his forehead, still feel the feeling? My God! Feel down again, what situation and problem will appear, oneself really do not know!

Want to know now all already is already deep in among them, have no way to break free completely! If the time is a little later, Guo Kai has so many doubts. How can he still be like that at that time? At that time, it's not really what you want to do? It's what others want, what they need!

"Director?" Guo Kai has so many chills!

"So you still want to hear what's going on here?" Ding Yu's face appears a little smile, but this smile is very strange. It seems that Guo Kai also has some shivering in his heart. He is wondering whether the director is tempting himself!

This trap is not as simple as imagined, but from another point of view, don't allow yourself too much time to think about problems, either agree to it or refuse? It's not a good thing to leave the director waiting there!

"Director, I still want to know?"

Ding Yu's face did not show any change in expression. He was completely unmoved by Guo Kai's reply, "tell me your reason!"

"Report! Director, although I am in the school now, if I don't know anything, I can't make a proper judgment on the next thing. Moreover, everyone regards me as a weathervane. I don't know what they are like now, but I need to transmit some information about this to them! ""Hehe, you are very righteous! This time even think of others, you even have so many difficult to protect yourself! And with such a plan, do you think you are stupid? Or is it true that the brain is flooded , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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