Ding Yu's words let Guo Kai not even know how to deal with it! Now also can only be firm own scalp, besides this, have no other way!

Because Guo Kai is very clear, if he does not do anything, is deliberately pretending to be dead, then the end will not be too good! Because the director does not like this situation very much, even has so many dislikes, he does not want to be the director's target! So now this time to wake up a bit, absolutely no harm!

"Guo Kai, do you think there is pressure in such a position?"

Hmm?! What does this mean?! What's wrong with Guo Kai? What is this? Why would you suddenly ask such a thing to come out? What's more, this remark is mentioned under such conditions. Obviously, the director has other expressions!

"Director, if there is no pressure at all, I'm afraid even myself can't convince myself! But it's really stressful. I don't seem to have any feelings in this respect. It's a little contradictory! "

"Do you know why you don't feel so much pressure?" Ding Yu asked back!

"Director? I don't know. When I started to go back, the pressure of myself was still quite big. Under such circumstances, I would like to start from other aspects and adjust the pressure! But this time is not very long, I feel that I have adapted to the school life, and can't say to get together with everyone, but the pressure is slowly dissipating! "

"Now to re evaluate, do you feel this is normal?"

Guo Kai, who was standing there, fell into thinking. After a little time, he shook his head slightly, "director, I can't say clearly, even now I'm almost confused! Why would such a situation happen? Even if I constantly reflect on myself, I can't find the problem and situation in this respect! "

"This is definitely not a way to transform pressure into power, but another way of guiding. This way is slightly insidious. Why do you say that, if you think about your current position, how much it seems to be so unattainable? In our common saying, standing too high! Will you never fail? "

Ding Yu, holding a small cigar, is a little relaxed to say this, but Guo Kai can't help wiping the sweat on his forehead. This is definitely not hot! The farm said it had been heated! But the effect is absolutely not up to now! So there is only one possibility, that is to start to fear from the inner place! Even some fear!

"Director, no one can succeed forever?"

"It's a little too absolute!" At the same time, Ding Yu could not help shaking his head, "other people can not do this, I am really not so clear, but from my personal point of view, I can't, is really can't do, success and failure are mixed together, but very often we just see success! And did not see the so-called failure! At this point, my cover up seems to be a little good! "

For the director suddenly this slightly joking words, Guo Kai should not take what kind of way to deal with!

With a slight sigh, Ding Yu pointed to the sofa in front of him, "sit down?! I don't know what I'm going to give you! " After Guo Kai sat down, Ding Yu went on to say, "it seems that you came to me. It seems that you have a certain relationship with your father, but in fact, it is because of your good qualifications."

"Director?" Guo Kai scratched his head! A little at a loss! What happened? Why did the director say such words all of a sudden, but he didn't let himself get goose bumps, and he didn't feel uncomfortable. However, he didn't adapt to it. He was still a little strict and might be more adaptable to himself!

"I don't deny that you have considerable potential. However, on the other hand, you lack considerable experience and experience. This is a relatively tough thing. Whether you admit it or not, this is the most practical situation. Fortunately, you are in school, so the problem is not so big, but I never thought about it It's impossible to prevent someone from doing so now

"Director, I am already like this in school! What about the others? Is their situation worse? " Although want to stop, but this word has blurted out! Guo Kai also bit his own back teeth and hastily explained, "director, I mean, is the situation they are facing more dangerous?"

"Bad? Dangerous? " Ding Yu murmured to himself and leaned back to his body. His eyes slightly turned two times. "How should this situation be described? Your two words are suitable in some places, but are there some places? Isn't that appropriate? From my personal point of view, I can only say that they are facing greater temptation! "

Temptation? Guo Kai fell into a little thinking!

"Add a little! You hear me clearly! No matter what happens, don't drink too much! Drink when you succeed! Anaesthetize yourself when you fail! No way! This is the bottom line? Do you know? ""Teacher, I don't drink, and the school has a clear regulation on this point!"

"I know!" Ding Yu glared back and said, "I used to be a soldier. At least when I say this, I'm more qualified than you are! How about drinking? Sometimes it's hard to avoid it! For example, when we go home in the Spring Festival, family reunion! This is a very normal thing, but try to avoid drinking too much. Don't let this become your habit or your excuse

"I see!" The director said that is so easy to understand, if you can't tell this clearly, then you really don't need to continue to stay here! How far is it, how far away is it!

"And smoking is not allowed for recruits, do you know?"

"Report! Yes, I didn't break the rules! "

Ding Yu snorted, "after becoming a soldier, prohibition of drinking can be completely achieved! But the so-called ban on smoking is basically impossible. You haven't been to the battlefield, but the people you come into contact with should have been on the battlefield. Have they mentioned the reasons for this? "

All of a sudden, the topic changed, which made Guo Kai a little uncomfortable, but it also changed quickly!

"Director! They didn't explain too much to me, and I didn't care so much about it, so I didn't know much about it! " Guo Kai said it truthfully!

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded, "in fact, this point is similar to that of a doctor on the operating table. Why? Is to ease their tension! Whether it is a veteran or a recruit, when they go to the battlefield, they will inevitably feel nervous. This is not to say that you can restrain yourself if you want to. As soon as the guns go off, you can't take so much into account at all! "

"Director, have you ever been afraid?" Guo Kai didn't have much smile on his face, but it was obvious that he suddenly said this word, and he was on the verge of death, and he was testing madly!

"I was not born bold, but also after considerable training, and later had experience in this area, so I adapted to it. Now I think of it, I even had the courage to grow hair at the beginning!" But it doesn't seem necessary to boast with Guo Kai! So Ding Yu's words are also a sudden turn!

"I'm not afraid? Of course! First time on the battlefield, that feeling? Although the specific situation has been forgotten almost! But the deep memory still has a considerable impression! It can be said that there is a blank in my head. I can't remember what I learned. I don't know what I'm doing at this moment

In this matter, Ding Yu did not hide anything. Guo Kai is one of his students, and he is optimistic about it. Of course, Ding Yu doesn't want him to have problems and situations in this respect, so he also explains some actual situations and experiences with him. Those tall things can't be used here! No need!

"Director? What's the situation? " Guo Kai is a little surprised, and the image in his heart feels a little broken!

"Why not? I am a very normal person, normal people have emotions! Even if it's a fairyland? Don't they have joys and sorrows? " Ding Yu is very disdainful of this! "And if you're going to do it later! Not much more! Two hundred years, at that time, our country was still a feudal slavery society! You said that if people at that time saw us now, who would they regard us as? I'm afraid all the fairies are the lightest? "

"It is? Modern society is too developed! Flying in the sky, swimming in the sea! Even outer space and so on! It's just hard to imagine. These are simply "immortal" means? Even the gods have never been able to do it! "

"On the other hand, I'm a normal person, so there's quite a reaction on the battlefield. This is too normal! But fortunately, the training is still good at ordinary times, so at that time, although the head is blank, but the reaction speed is still relatively fast! "

"Director? This should be a considerable cause of casualties, right? "

Ding Yu is very satisfied with nodding, "also be regarded as quite have bottomed out! In the beginning of the war, there should be a large number of dead people at the very beginning. Moreover, there are also many people who saw each other. As for why the most dead people were in the beginning, one was sudden, the other was? Is confused! My head is completely blank, I can't remember anything! It's like a fool! "

"Well trained, chief?"

"Can you train yourself?" Ding Yu snorted, "training is to let you on the battlefield, you can use the shortest time to adjust, even if you do not have any thinking, but muscle memory will let you do something, and these can let you adjust in time, so that you can survive! This is the purpose of training! It's not that you don't have to train if you are brave! If you don't train, when you get to the battlefield, you will not be able to coordinate with everyone, and you will be out of place, so...! ""Director, I understand a little bit! I will sum up the problems in this respect! " Although he didn't stand up, Guo Kai still had a certain idea. He should not be afraid of failure now. He should even take the initiative to find his own problems, enlarge some of his shortcomings and weaknesses, and then correct them. At least now, he has a lot of opportunities to correct himself!

Don't wait for the future, even if you want to correct, there is no chance!

"You see! Then go on to other issues, that is, you are now in this position, can not say that thousands of people admire, let alone you, I can not reach that level, but you are concerned about this matter, I think your heart should be very clear and understand! Now the time is so short, it has been such a situation! If it takes a long time, what will it look like? Do you dare to walk? "

Guo Kai didn't think about such a problem, at least not before, so when the director mentioned this problem, some did not know how to deal with it! "Teacher, if you look at the present situation, it is very likely!"

"Yes! It's very likely that everyone is holding you up. You can say that you are brilliant. You don't allow yourself to make mistakes. But if one day, when other people don't allow you to make mistakes, what will happen to you then? The thin bamboo pole has just climbed to a position not far away, but how long can it last? What a joke

"Director? This is just killing me! The means are too insidious and vicious! I'm just a student soldier. Although there are some so-called small achievements, they dare to do so? No one else is in charge of it? "

"It's not up to you to worry about such a thing, and it shouldn't be your concern! But you are in such a position, how to deal with it? How to lay a good foundation! At the same height, walking stairs and climbing thin bamboo poles are two things! Even it is not equal at all! But you need to admit that it doesn't take time and effort to make a thin bamboo pole. It just needs two hands to support it! Very fast! It's also very simple! "

"Director, I understand a little bit now! I not only want to lay a good foundation, but also need to prevent others to put me up, then I will not be able to own! Even if I want to get down and walk, all aspects will not allow me to come down. I can only walk down like this, and finally fall down from the air

"Falling from a building in the air is still a little frightening, don't you think?"

This is not terrible, so simple, it's just chilling!

"Director? Just because we trained for some time, just because we learned something, so we were treated like this? Isn't this too much? What are they thinking about? "

"Are you really stupid? Or didn't you wake up? " Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and asked, "you want to develop, I also want to develop. The so-called competition does not mean that you are on the surface of life and death. At least, we still need to pay attention to considerable demeanor. But behind this, although I can't give you any more? But I let you not have any reserve forces, what do you do? You can stand it now, but will you be able to do it in the future? "

"Director, this pressure is a little bit too much for me?"

"What you think is beautiful!" Ding Yu is very disdainful to hum a, "you even just just have a head have so some not count! Sprout! It's fresh and tender. If you pinch it, it's better. Will you be harmed in the future? Another thing to say! After all, you look good now, but in the future? Something else

"There has never been peace?"

"Yes! There has never been any peace? How is it possible to see the sprouts coming out of our vegetable field? Since the fence is too high to pinch, then use other ways and methods! For example, give him more light, give him more water, give him more care, I will let you grow, forget the kind, under such circumstances, can you Guo Kai resist? It's not to say you want to or not! It's a question of whether we can do it or not. "

Ding Yu is very straightforward about this aspect of the problem, to Guo Kai analysis is very clear!

Guo Kai solemnly nodded his head, "director, I have understood now. Are these guys really crazy? It's really the heart of death to adopt such means and methods! They should be dealt with! "

"Whether to kill them or not should not be your consideration!"

Ding Yu was a little dissatisfied with Guo Kai's attitude. "From my personal point of view, I want to kill their hearts more strongly than you. Do they want to kill my grudge? I guess I've saved a lot of money! But what about that? It used to be fighting, but now? Everyone is very reserved! "

Because of what is implicit! Ding Yu is still very clear about the reasons and problems, because quite a lot of things have been brought to the surface, so it is not so good to explain! Even after the event, there is no way to end!What's more, sometimes it's hard to control the fighting and killing. Another point is that Ding Yu's means are so hard to guard against! To put it more bluntly, however, is it not clear enough to say so? Isn't it straightforward enough?

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