"Director? I don't understand that. I heard that people are afraid of you a little bit! "

"Is that what you want to ask yourself? Or do others want to know? "

"Report! Director, I want to know it myself! " Guo Kai looked at Ding Yu with a very honest look. "I just don't understand it. I haven't seen the director do it before. But we all have some taboos about it. There is also

Ding Yu waved his hand and stopped Guo Kai from saying, "I understand what you mean!"

"You should have fighting training in school, kicking and wrestling! All in one! There should also be training on Traditional Wushu, but what do you think of the training of traditional Wushu? " What Ding Yu asked is quite different!

Guo Kai didn't know why, but his answer was more direct, "how do you say that? I feel that the traditional martial arts are a bit of the so-called frivolity. Compared with Sanda, it is not as good as it is. However, it has considerable advantages. However, compared with Modern Sanda and boxing, the disadvantages are quite prominent! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's a normal thing. You should have heard of the so-called Chinese martial arts. How can you describe it? It is used to kill the enemy. In other words, it is produced by fighting on the battlefield. Is there any so-called attention to fighting on the battlefield? No crotch! No drilling! You don't need to hit this part! You're not allowed to hit that part! There is one thing to be clear about. Modern sports? It's competitive sports! "

"Teacher, I've seen quite a lot of boxing, but sometimes their fight is more like a scramble!"

"What a normal thing, is it necessary to put on a posture? What do you think? The movie is the movie, is a kind of artistic manifestation just! Even exaggerated! Don't take this as a basis! "

I don't know where Ding Yu took out a coin, a shining gold coin! Is very abrupt to take in their own hands, and then in their own fingertips to turn back and forth!

"But don't trust your eyes too much!"

The gold coin was in Ding Yu's hand, but it came suddenly and disappeared. It was so mysterious that Guo Kai could not blink his eyes. After reading for half a day, he could not understand the secret!

"Can you kill me if I give you such a coin?"

"A coin, chief? How could that be possible? "

"Ding Yu pointed to a sculpture not far away," see After Guo Kai saw it clearly, Ding Yu was playing with the book. It seemed that some voices were roaring by, but the time was too short! When Guo Kai wakes up, everything seems to disappear again! What happened? Guo Kai, keep your eyes on it!

A coin was so nailed to the wood. After a look at the director, Guo Kai went to try it out. The coin was a little hot, even hot! Obviously, the speed was a little bit faster just now! Even the wood side still has a little paste smell! But to my curiosity, the wood didn't move any place!

The wood is a little heavy, but I can feel it. The wood is not so precious as I imagined. I don't know why the director put such wood here. Moreover, I can see that there are a little more scars on the wood!

"If I give you a coin, it depends on you. At most, it is regarded as a gold coin, but if it is placed in my hand, it may be a sharp weapon for killing people! This is the difference! Traditional Wushu naturally has its essence, but is it a society now? It's the age of firearms! The difference between them is too obvious, just like a crossbow on the knight! It can be said that everyone hates it! "

"Teacher? Why not expand? Is it because of this

"In many aspects, for example, modern sports are competitive sports, and Chinese martial arts do not mean that you can stop when you want to, sometimes you can't stop it! What's more, it's about one strike! On the battlefield, do you dare to keep your hands on your enemies? What do you think? You don't need to take such a way to die? "

The explanation is very clear and obvious! Guo Kai is also quite clear about this!

Guo Kai also received combat training, even for some of the moves is clear in the heart of that kind!

But all along, these moves have been sealed up, why? The reason is very simple, too cruel, but also too ruthless, if not for the enemy on the battlefield, will never use these moves!

Now, after the director explained to himself, he also had a good understanding of some of the problems, "the teacher, like a movie, slapped him and died half a month later. Is there such a situation?"

"Yes! But too much yin, and not too many people can use out, send and receive in the heart, said is simple, but in practice, it is too difficult to use! When you are lucky, you will be killed with one shot! There will be such time for you. What's the beauty of it? "Ding Yu said lightly, "of course, there are other relatively simple ways. For example, I am a doctor, and I have a detailed study on the blood circulation of the human body and the existence of meridians. I know where to slap, which will stop your blood circulation! At that time, the most direct reaction was numbness

These are digressions, even some gossip. Guo Kai has some interest in this, but these are only used to alleviate his previous surprise! After the transfer of considerable interest, the rest of those are not so afraid!

Finally, he took out the coins in the tree. Looking at the coins, he could see some scratches, but Ding Yu didn't mean to take them over. "Here you are! This kind of coin is very important. If you want to save your life in the future, you can come to me with the coin! There's only one chance to make a decision after you think about it! "

Ah? Guo Kai felt a little silly. He didn't know that there was nothing like this, so the whole person didn't respond to it for a moment. As for Ding Yu, he was indifferent and shocked by Guo Kai! The accident, even some small surprise, all looked in the eye, but that's it!

"Director? Guo Kai's words are a little excited and a little stuttering. Obviously, he doesn't know what to say about it now! People in a highly concentrated situation, it is easy to appear such performance!

"It's no big deal. I don't send back much! I hope you can be worthy of this gold coin, because next, you may face a little bad situation! Since you don't want to climb the bamboo pole, they may push him down. From the present height, you may not be killed, but it's hard to say if you break your leg and arm! "

"Director? Can they do it now? "

"No, absolutely not!" Ding Yu's mouth slightly cocked up, looking at Guo Kai's eyes is also quite different, Guo Kai can't help but hit a shiver, director of this exactly what's the meaning? Why is the look at oneself so different? Give yourself a feeling? Profound implication? What is this for?

"Director? Do I have no way to go back with this coin? "

Looking at the gold coin on his hand, Guo Kai really wanted to slap himself, and he knew it would be like this! Let your hands be cheap, is that ok? It's on the stand! Now it's not that you can refuse if you want to. How can the pie fall from the sky? And it happened to hit your head?

"Anyway, the coin is on your hand. You can do it yourself." Ding Yu snorted, "but I can give you a hint. This coin is a gold coin, but if you take it out, you can't say that it's worth eight million dollars at least! Why don't you try it? "

Ah? Guo Kai suddenly felt that the coins in his hand were so hot that he almost got rid of it. Good guy! Eight million dollars? What is this? Even if it's made of diamonds, doesn't it look like it's worth so much?

"Director? I'm your nephew at least. Are you like this? Isn't it a little bad? "

"You took it yourself. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. Do you think so?"

Get it! Dumb eat Coptis, there is a bitter can not say, Ding Yu did not let himself come over to take the coins! It's Guo Kai who thinks he's right. Now it's all right! Everything is already in Guo Kai's hands. Do you want to let go now? How could it be? Things have never been so simple!

But on second thought, since things are already in their hands! Then don't worry about gains and losses! It's no use mentioning these things now. Or do you think ahead and what should you do next? Otherwise, it's not good to wait for your own fate! At least the director can't pass this pass!

Determined, Guo Kai nodded to Ding Yu slightly, "director, let you worry!"

Looking at Guo Kai, who had already collected the things, Ding Yu's face did not show much joy. Instead, he showed a little worry, "do you know? To a certain extent, I really don't expect that. If you take this coin, I really have some worries. I can't explain to your father in the future! "

"Director?! If you do everything with foresight and foresight, then don't be a soldier! "

Guo Kai is very firm! Ding Yu snorted, "I hope you can bear the pressure and continue to talk about your current situation. Under such circumstances, I can't directly expose all the things, such as everyone holding you, taking care of you in many ways, and so on?! You still need to show off? "

After measuring the director's words, Guo Kaisi tentatively said, "director, because it's not the time yet? Besides, it should be because I can attract a lot of attention! "

"Well! OK, not too stupid! Quite a lot of people put their eyes on you! Because we are quite uncertain about the things in it! It's easy to expose the target by casting a net! What's more, there are so many involved in it, and my actions are always mercilessIf only from the tone of speaking, it is very common, but combined with Ding Yu, we will find that Ding Yu's words are quite overbearing! Even some wanton!

You can not be angry, anyway, the head is growing on your neck, not on my neck!

Many people have tried these years, but relatively speaking, the knife inside Ding Yu's hand is also extremely sharp. Dare you stretch out your head? Why don't I dare to do it? What's the matter? I'm very timid, aren't I? No hair, right? Try it!

It can be said that Ding Yu used his ruthlessness to expound his own ideas! This also makes quite a force feel too thorny. Sometimes we can't come to Yin with Ding Yu. If necessary, direct hostility may be better! At least there is a chance to live, and there is no big problem!

Because Ding Yu is a guy who doesn't have too many bottom lines, he doesn't dare to think about it! Don't dare to do, only you can't think of, there is no he can't do!

What's more, the relationship between Ding Yu and other aspects is extremely subtle, so it's not a bad thing to be more leisurely!

"Director, is it a little bit difficult?"

"So? You want to come down? " Ding Yu asked, "don't worry! You can't get down! You'd better stay up there! Of course, standing at a certain height, the head may be a little sober. Fortunately, your side is the school. Even if something happens, it will not be too noisy and too hard to end! "

"Director? I don't presumptuously say a word, how can I feel that you are a little gloating

"Is it? So obvious? " Ding Yu held his cheek and said casually, "what a pity! There is no mirror here, otherwise I can have a good look! "

Get it! I knew it would be like this!

"Director, isn't it too difficult? You pity me, don't you?"

At this time, Guo Kai deliberately pretended to be pathetic. He had no way. If he didn't scratch something in his pocket and pressed the bottom of the box for himself, who knows what kind of situation he will face next? I really dare not to do this aspect of the guarantee! What's more, the person they face is still the director, so there are not so many taboos!

As for oneself is a bit too cheeky? So what? Is it really bad to be thick skinned? It's good to be thick skinned at least at this time! Grab some dry goods first. There's grain in the bag. Don't panic!

"Well! Not bad! " Ding Yu did not change Guo Kai suddenly, so he was moved! How can it be? If it's hard hearted, I believe there won't be too many people who can catch up with Ding Yu! Ruthless to the end!

"But what about such a thing? Just think about it! Give you too much help, on the contrary, it will make some aspects alert! If it's not because your performance is too floating! I won't bring it to you now! Say, you guys! Sometimes it's not as good as some children! "

What does this mean? Guo Kai didn't understand. He wanted to ask, but he looked at the director's face. Forget it! That meaning has already shown very obvious! I know! Don't look at yourself like this! I'm still smart!

"Director, I don't know the situation of Zhang Piao and Wudong! There is quite a connection with them, but if there is more of this connection, will it be a little too abrupt? "

"I don't care about it. You are in this position anyway! What do you do? It's your own business. No one else will interfere! Quite a lot of people want to know, how will you behave?! I also have some questions to wait and see. Are you seeds really worth it? "

It's a bit of a joke! Guo Kai wants to say that there is no pressure in this respect? How is it possible? We should know that this investigation is all-round and comprehensive! And it's totally different from the previous theater assessment!

Note that this is not a drill, but the most practical action! If there are any problems and conditions on your side, then you will have a lot of people! Can you shoulder this responsibility?

Everyone for me, I for everyone, absolutely not say so relaxed and comfortable! It takes a lot of effort and effort!

"Director, I need some time!"

"Yes! Give you time! But it can't be more than three days. The group of instructors in your school came with them. What's their purpose? I think your heart should also be very clear, this matter, their starting point is absolutely good! But what about that? It's not that your starting point is good, and the whole thing will be pushed forward as expected, good guy, if it is really vigorous! In full swing, there's no way to end? Are they all stupid? "

"I don't know if you are stupid, but the howling is definitely one piece at a time! Director, to a certain extent, they are aiming at us, but now we can see, are they also aiming at you? ""Me? That is to say, I can still catch my breath now! But if that day, I suddenly did not breathe? What's the matter? You're going to have to lift all my coffins for me? Is that inhumane? "

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