In the evening, we eat in the canteen of the farm. Not only the farm staff, but also director Ding and his family are all here! Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Wang An and Tong Tong, as well as a little girl, should be Wang An's sister. They are all here! OK, including director Ding's parents!

Good guy! It's true that all the staff are present! On the other hand, there are many people on the farm greeting director Ding's family. It is obvious that director Ding is no stranger at all. Even when some people greet him, director Ding has to stand up!

This scene seems very different, even out of place! Who is director Ding Yuding? He created the farm, right? But here it is? Sometimes it looks like a third grandson! What is good to say?

Deliberate affectation? Bullshit! Only those who don't know why will make such a judgment!

Even if director Ding wants to be deliberately artificial, he doesn't need to be deliberately artificial in such a place, OK? There are more suitable venues than this one! It can only be said that the people on the farm here are really familiar with director Ding! Director Ding didn't regard them as outsiders, nor did these people regard director Ding as outsiders!

Relatively speaking, what's on the table? Very good! At least relative to the school food, there is no problem! But to say exquisite! Not at all, most of them are big plate celebrities, with the unique forthright in the North!

Because they are close to director Ding's dining table, Yang fan can clearly see that director Ding and his family are not picky or unwilling! Especially those kids! Whether it's using chopsticks or spoon, it's clear and clear, and it's quite cultivated and cultivated!

How about tutoring? On the dining table! Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the placement of some chopsticks and bowls! Eating habits and so on, but in other people's eyes, there are really too many in this!

Another point is that director Ding ate a little too much! Even the big bellied men in the army can't eat more than director Ding! Good guy, more than half of such a large table of food has entered director Ding's stomach!

After the meal, several of the children tidied up the table and helped them. There was no need to borrow a hand. Ding Yu sat there with the old God! Guo Kai made a color for Yang Fan beside him!

It's not appropriate for everyone to see Ding Yu in the past, and it's not appropriate! However, Guo Kai and Yang Fan together in the past to see Ding Yu, or can! It's also necessary! After all, this time Yang Fan is the leader!

"Director?" When he came to Ding Yu's side, Guo Kai stood at attention and saluted!

The same is true of Yang Fan beside him. Ding Yu took a look and then stood up and stretched out his hand. Yang Fan had quite a few accidents. But it was also the first time that he held director Ding's hand with both hands. It was a little soft, but it was very white. Relatively speaking, his hand was a little rough!

Slender fingers! But the bone is not so prominent! I can't feel that there is too much force on my hands! Yang Fan has so many dare not to force, for fear that if he uses a little force, there will be other situations. If you really want to pinch out the red print, then it will be really embarrassing!

"Hello, director Ding! I'm Yang Fan

Ding Yu nodded, but he didn't mean to continue to sit down. After all, this is a canteen, not an office, and he has had dinner here! "Well! After dinner, let's go for a walk! It's a nice night! It's not so cold. My parents and their children should go to the stadium to watch the game! "

What a sudden change! People do not know how to answer the call! When Guo Kai saw this situation, he responded and said, "director, is there a competition so late? However, director, you want to get up early to exercise. You haven't seen the same exercise at night! "

"In a different way! Personal habits Ding Yu has a look at Guo Kai! "What? Did you have a good dinner today? "

Get it! A word to the death of Guo Kai there, Yang Fan listen is very clear, OK?! It's true that you won't give me face at all! See qualified meaning, if Guo Kai continues to say, then what kind of treatment will be next, it is really a little difficult to say! But I haven't waited for my side to open my mouth!

Director Ding, who was in front of him, said aloud, "it seems that the treatment today is a little too good! Let you have so many to jump up, after a while the stadium is over! Go clean the gym! You are so leisurely anyway

Qu he, who was following him, lowered his head slightly and rubbed his nose with the back of his index finger. Guo Kai was just trying to make himself uncomfortable! It seems that I need to work harder tonight! After all, today's dinner was arranged by myself! The director didn't say that, but I don't understand the truth?

Out of the canteen, Ding Yu did not go straight to his office, but strolled in the small square outside!

Guo Kai and Qu he have been mixed together at this time. Guo Kai is full of bitterness. Who could have thought that such an arrangement should have happened? A little bit of a bully? Right? The director is really not reasonable at all! It's hard to say anything on my side! And Qu he here is also very helpless!"All right! I still have to accompany you at night. What did I say? I didn't say anything either? "

"Brother Qu! Is the stadium big Since there is no way to refuse, enjoy it! Do you dare to give up? At that time, you can guarantee that you can't say how you died! "And what's more, the cleaning over there? What kind of process is it? "

"I don't know! But I can check it for you! " Qu he takes out the mobile phone from his own words. Compared with the ordinary mobile phone, the screen is slightly larger! Soon, I found out the cleaning process of the gymnasium. After taking a look at Guo Kai, I knew that there would be nothing good next!

"Guo Kai, I know this is definitely not good news for you, but I still need to say that you are a little bit unlucky today. After cleaning up in the evening, there is still disinfection process? All of you are a little bit affected! "

"After cleaning, do you want to disinfect it?" Guo Kai didn't seem particularly crazy, but felt a little confused! After all, I don't know much about it, so I'm interested in it now!

"Yes! After all, stadiums are public facilities, aren't they? However, the good thing is that most seats are injection molded. In addition, our hygiene management is also in place, so cleaning is not so troublesome, but disinfection is a little cumbersome, such as ultraviolet disinfection. The process is simple and needs to be back and forth! After all, we can't have direct contact with ultraviolet rays! One is that direct irradiation does harm to human body, and the other is that ozone is produced during the process! "

Yang Fan, who is half a step behind Ding Yu, carefully looks at Ding Yu's side. He has never had such a chance! Also did not want to all come over this time, unexpectedly can so close with director Ding Yuding walk together!

It's a little quiet. I walk steadily, but I can't hear any sound! The pace is very steady, and Yang Fan carefully observed, every step of the step is like a ruler to depict the same! Extraordinary precision!

There is also director Ding must be Virgo, some obsessive-compulsive disorder, from the process of walking can be very clear to feel one or two of them! "Yang Fan, right?"

"Yes! Director Ding Yang Fan quickly cut off his thoughts, should face Ding Yu!

"During the day, I made a phone call with the ancient political commissar, and he said you were his student?" Side of their own head and looked at Yang Fan, but did not want to stop their own pace of meaning!

"At the beginning, the ancient political commissar was our political teacher! But now I'm a bit of a poor student! "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu gave a noncommittal smile, "how is Guo Kai's performance at school? His father and I are comrades in arms, and his mother is also my hometown! The relationship is a little complicated. It's my nephew! "

Do you talk about it? This?! Yang Fan is a little unclear. Therefore, in his own imagination, director Ding should be a profound one. Every little thing and even every sentence he says should have profound implications, so that he can ponder back and forth. But now? Oneself is a head of fog water, what situation? What does director Ding really want to express?


"Don't be so polite! Just say it! Guo Kai is a little bit smart, before entering school, he also received some education and guidance! But what kind of effect did these education and guidance play? This question? He is not only himself, but also needs the joint help of the school and his classmates. He is a little younger, and some things are as young as ever! "

Ah?! Yang Fan, who originally wanted to talk, felt that his voice was a little blocked! It was a big truth just now! Suddenly, it seems that I was still in the fire. Now I throw myself into the ice hole. I really feel that my physical condition is good, isn't it?

Director? It's easy to talk about! I know that it's my fault to be a little abrupt this time! But it doesn't need to be! It's really a bit too much to eat. I don't know how much brain cells need to be consumed by the conversion of his head back and forth! What's more, if it goes on like this, I have some doubts about it. Will I lack oxygen?!

"Director?! Since Guo Kai came to the school, his performance has always been the leader of many students, he can unite students well! Leading students and helping them play a leading role in this group! I believe he will become a benchmark for many students! At the same time, the school will spare no effort to help Guo Kai? "

"Yang Fan, do you have any children?"

"Yes, a little girl, I got married a little late, and now I go to kindergarten!" Looking at Ding Yu, Yang Fan is still a little unclear, so since director Ding is interested, he can chat with him! "It's a little naughty, a little noisy, but it's clever!"

"Ding Yun at home is a little naughty and boisterous. She feels like a tomboy, and there is nothing she dare not do! I even have some doubts, she and Ding Chang is not wrong gender, Ding Chang a little bit so quiet too much! Two people should be reversed, at least one or two together! "Instead of letting Yang Fan continue to speak, Ding Yu said slowly, "Guo Kai! No matter how good his study is, or how excellent his aptitude is, he is still a child after all. From my point of view, it is like this. From Yang Fan's point of view, should it be the same? "

After a moment's hesitation, Yang Fan clenched his fist. He did not agree with director Ding's statement. In terms of his age, Guo Kai is still a child, but what era is it now? Whether it's yourself or director Ding, we should not rely on the old and sell the old! Such director Ding, a little bit let his image in the heart be destroyed!

"Director Ding, I don't quite agree with you!" Since I can't help it! Yang Fan did not want to bear the meaning, but a direct retort, he is a soldier! If director Ding disagrees with himself and accepts criticism, he must state his own views and opinions!

"Well?" Ding Yu's pace slightly has so some stagnation!

Hurt a little excited Yang Fan almost hit Ding Yu's body! Good guy usually training did not pull down, otherwise there are so some explanation is not clear! But in order to avoid being installed in director Ding Yuding's body, Yang Fan also buried a big step to the side, driving the dead leaves on the road to fly up!

Ding Yu took a glance, and then walked on without hesitation! "What do you think of it! Talk freely? I don't know what to say. I always boast that I can listen to other people's opinions and ideas! The effect of family talk is too small! As the saying goes, "if you listen to both sides, you will be bright; if you listen to one side, you will be dark!"

What do you mean? There are so many unknowns in Yang Fan's heart, so! Or complex mood! Director Ding said that? Is it intentional? He has already expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with his own words, so that's why?

Do you want to stick to the principle? If we don't adhere to the principle, it is possible to bring the field back to the circle and criticize himself! But for other things it must be OK! But if you insist on the principle, you will offend director Ding to a certain extent! There must be a lot of influence on the follow-up?!

How to make this choice? Is it firm or not?

That's not true! I'm going out of my way! Yang Fan also slightly coughed, "director, from my personal point of view, Guo Kai is no longer a child! He already has military status, is already a soldier! Under such circumstances, he needs to be an example of a soldier. I have parents, I have children, but first of all, a soldier! "

"It's a little hot blood." Ding Yu snorted, "no wonder the ancient political commissar told me that you can't get promoted now. You are already at this age! Still so hot blood, it is not easy, but hot blood is a good thing, on the head is not a good thing! It's necessary for you to calm down a little bit! "

Sure enough, Yang Fan sighed! When I said that, I also regretted it, but now what I said has no effect! Say it! Director Ding didn't directly express his dissatisfaction with himself, but he didn't show that he really couldn't understand the problems and conditions inside?

"Director Ding, let you laugh!"

"Not bad!" Ding Yu's heart is also very clear, but there are some things you can point out Yang Fan, as for whether he can distinguish, even analyze, this is his thing, has nothing to do with himself! I can't explain all the things properly? I'm not a kind of idle person!

It's like what he said just now! He is already a soldier! It's not a kid!

But then there was a burst of silence, and Ding Yu also came to the office building this time, stopped his own pace, did not look at Yang Fan's meaning, "OK! A hundred steps after a meal to live to ninety-nine! I've digested a lot. Go back and have a rest. "

After that, he left alone without any intention of staying!

Qu he and Guo Kai, who were not far away, came out. I didn't know where they had gone before!

Since director Ding has left! Qu he and Guo Kai are also separated! However, when he left, Qu he made a phone gesture to Guo kaibi and listened to his phone later. The cleaning up tonight is definitely the one that can't run away! Hope Guo Kai can run? But the question is what is he doing?

"Instructor Yang?" Seeing that some of Yang Fan's emotions were not high, Guo Kai stopped his steps and inquired about what happened. He didn't know and didn't know what was going on! But we still need some care!

Ah? Ah! "It's Guo Kai." Yang Fan smiles and shakes his head slightly, "nothing. I talked with director Ding, deeply touched! So there are so many distracted! Yes? It seems that evening activities are inevitable? "

"How are you! Just talked to the assistant! It is a little cumbersome, other aspects of the problem should not be very big?! I don't have any problems here! You can rest assured, drillmaster! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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