Looking at Guo Kai standing in front of him and full of youth, Yang Fan nodded and seemed very satisfied. The previous insistence made him lose a considerable score in director Ding's mind, and even some subsequent things would have a considerable impact. However, I have no regrets about this!

"Go back and prepare. The work in the afternoon is already very hard! I believe in

Half of the time, Yang Fan stopped? Because Yang Fan felt something was wrong! Should I encourage Guo Kai? But did director Ding mean the same thing? He seems to have a lot of love for Guo Kai. He seems to care more than himself!

What's more, what does the refutation to director Ding represent?

Are you a bad person? Or is director Ding a bad person? For a moment, Yang Fan felt that he was a little confused!

"Instructor? Instructor Guo Kai obviously found something wrong with Yang Fan?! I just said two words to the director. How did it suddenly become like this? I said it was out of my wits. It seems that it is not so! But there must be something wrong with it?!

Ah! Yang Fan shakes his head, he is absolutely not in what enchantment curse!

"Guo Kai, go back to rest! I still have some questions to think about! "

Get it! Although Guo Kai was very clear in his mind, he also did not reveal anything. Some things the director can do like this, but it does not mean that he can do the same thing. This is totally two things! No one knows whether there will be other problems and situations in this process?!

What's more, instructor Yang Fanyang is obviously trapped in the mud pit set by the director! The whole person has been covered with paste! Now, if you want to reflect on it, it means that he wants to understand this thing by himself, which is unlikely! But other people can reach out, only if they reach out, the trouble is big!

At that time, I can guarantee that the director will definitely raise his feet and kick himself in the same way, leaving no room and affection. After all, I have experienced and felt such a thing!

However, the people who came back first looked at Yang Fan who was a little shaky, but the question is, what happened? Who can say it clearly? Director Ding Yuding must be able to speak clearly, so can Yang Fan. But the question is who dares to ask director Ding? What's more, Yang Fan is definitely clear, but Yang Fan's previous attitude is obviously not willing to say!

Back to the room, Yang Fan did not immediately rest, but sat on the chair, but after sitting for a period of time, I felt that something was wrong! Then he stood up and changed his slippers and clothes. He felt much more relaxed in his body! But the mental pressure is still there, and it's Alexander's!

Standing at the window, the lights are bright outside. Maybe it's OK in the small county town at this time, but it's not so obvious on the farm side. At most, there are quite lights in the gymnasium! Moreover, street lamps should not be entirely attributed to the farm, but also to the municipal administration!

Hesitated for a moment, Yang Fan took out the phone to call Guzhuang in the past!

"Hello, teacher! I'm Yang Fan?! You haven't rested yet, have you?! I don't know if it bothers you? "

Also did not wait for Yang Fan to say other words, Guzhuang took the lead in laughing, "ha ha! Listen to this voice, it should have been given to the bear by the director! good? It's really good! " Guzhuang on the other side of the phone is so happy!

But such a talk, for Yang Fan, is no different from a knife in his chest! Boy, there's no such thing, OK? I'm already like this! Teacher, if you don't say sympathy, it's OK! It's been a while, some of them can't stand it! My heart is really dull pain up!

"Teacher?! We don't take such, I know I came here have so some abrupt, even some rash? But I really don't mean anything else Yang Fan is still arguing about it!

Guzhuang, on the other side, gave a good cry. Obviously, you can feel it from the Chinese language. Guzhuang is very happy, even a little excited, about Yang Fan's experience. This is not a normal situation!

At the beginning, Yang Fan went to see director Ding, and Guzhuang also knew it! I think this thing should have a considerable probability, but can it be achieved? To be discussed, is Guo Kai awesome? This is one aspect! What's more, we need to see what the director thinks. The most important thing is whether Yang Fan has this destiny?

Now, everything seems to be very good!

Yang Fan didn't just see director Ding? Even taught! Be happy! If it is not allowed by circumstances and conditions, it is absolutely worth mentioning! After all, Yang Fan is also a student of his own, isn't he? Students are promising! Can the teacher be unhappy?

As for Yang Fan now? Stupid? So it's not clear! The whole person slightly shows some confusion and fear, this is also a matter of common sense! After all, he is facing director Ding, not a little man like cat and dog. Director Ding is absolutely famous! In the eyes of quite a lot of people, the existence of absolute idols!"You should be taught a good lesson! Was it a little unexpected? How did you feel? Speaking out, it also makes me a happy old man. I haven't heard such good news for a long time! "

What? Teacher, I have said so clearly? Now you have to continue to sprinkle salt on the wound! Really good?

"Teacher? Is that really good? "

In the face of Yang Fan's suspicion, Guzhuang was also positive, and his tone was serious, "you! It's true that you don't know if you're lucky! Who do you think you are? And who do you think director Ding is? Do you underestimate director Ding? "

"What's the situation?" Yang Fan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "commissar, your consciousness is to say?"

"Not bad!" Guzhuang took the words and said, "you! It's a chance! This is what director Ding often says! With this fate, no one envies the things that can't come, and no one has a way out! When you went there, I thought about it, but I also had some worries. If director Ding didn't see it, he would look up to you! You may not get into the director's eye! It's not that the director's eye is picky, which has nothing to do with it! "

"But commissar? I feel that director Ding has already despised me! "

In this regard, Yang Fan is particularly aggrieved, but do not know to whom to explain! It's not that I complained to the political commissar here. It's not because of this, but because I really can't get over this hurdle in my heart. That's why I called the commissar! In fact, I also know that the political commissar is a little old!

"Well, tell me what happened. At least I have to know what's going on in my mind."

Soon, Yang Fan also narrated the process of the matter. There were some things related to Guo Kai, and of course, some things and problems related to himself! In the process of Yang Fan's retelling, Guzhuang didn't say anything, listening very carefully!

Under the heart also has the quite judgment! Obviously, the director still has some advice on Yang Fan, but he didn't hear it at all, but this is not a strange thing!

What's more, Guo Kai has definitely communicated with the director, and even he is most clear in his heart. However, he had better not mention any words now. If Yang Fan could be a little more alert, he would be able to see Guo Kai's problems and conditions, but how could he be a fan of the game!

Don't wake up Yang Fan! I am very clear about the problem! Yang Fan still needs to rely on his own understanding, his side is to give him a boost, so that he will not sink so quickly, is the most necessary!

So when Yang Fan finished, Guzhuang laughed!

"You! Let me say what's good? What a great opportunity! "

"Commissar, I also know that this is a very good opportunity, but at that time, I was really impulsive! So it led to some things out of control! I don't deny that! "

Hum! Guzhuang didn't criticize Yang Fan severely because of it, and even supported it in his heart!

However, how this discourse should be said, I still need to weigh it well!

"What do you think director Ding means by saying this? What do you think of yourself

"I think about it a little bit more, but I think it's a bit messy! That's why I called you! "

From this discourse, we can hear that Yang Fan is still more concerned about this matter! If the ancient village face to face, you will find that the present Yang fan can not sit still, and the mind is complicated when he is walking back and forth in the room!

"Not bad, not bad!" The way of Guzhuang comes slowly! "How many days have you been in contact with the director? What's more, the director is angry because of what you said! Do you think that's true? Who do you think your boy is? How wonderful, even director Ding needs to keep you in mind? "

After this saying comes out, Yang Fan suddenly stopped his own pace, even the whole person also feels a bit silly!

"Yes Some of Yang Fan, who came to realize it, blurted out, "it's not right! Commissar, things are wrong

"What's right! It's good that you can stick to the idea! I believe that after listening to your statement, the director should still be more happy! Is the most taboo! It's worth praising to stick to the principle and not to be moved by external and other factors! "

What the commissar said made Yang Fan blush, even embarrassed! I don't seem to be as good as the political commissar said!

"Commissar, I know that I did something wrong! Director Ding, the adults don't care about villains! Don't take me for granted The commissar said that! I also want to be soft now!

"Ha ha, the Lord who never looks back after breaking through the south wall can say this. It seems that the sun is really coming out from the West! It's quite surprising that there are so many accidents! " Guzhuang snorted, "but relatively speaking, these are just minor details. How is Guo Kai's performance? Since he met the director? "This is another wake-up call! Even if Yang Fan is elm's head, under such a knock, there will always be an enlightenment day!

As for the day, does it matter? It's not important! Not so people care!

"He has received a lot of criticism. Director Ding seems particularly dissatisfied with Guo Kai's performance in the school! I don't know if I'm not satisfied with the school, or I'm not satisfied with Guo Kai! But... "

"But what? Don't falter Gu Zhuang reprimanded and said a word!

"From my personal point of view, I may be more dissatisfied with the school side! Guo Kai should have come here. Although he said that he had been punished quite a bit, these punishments were just one time! This slap was photographed, but there was no skin on it

That's it! I think the commissar should understand what it means!

And some words Yang Fan is not easy to say, too obvious! After all, I am also a member of the school. If I say so, what's the difference between picking up a bowl to eat and putting down chopsticks to curse my mother? You can't do it yourself!

"School issues?" Guzhuang also calmed down for a little time, and then asked, "Yang Fan, if it's a school problem, what is director Ding's dissatisfaction with the school? This is very doubtful! After all, what about the school? Still very concerned about it? "

For this point, Yang Fan also racked his brains, did not want to understand! The school pays great attention to Guo Kai and supports him. Isn't director Ding satisfied? Shouldn't it?

But not in this respect, but in what other aspects? But there is no way. Director Ding has no attitude to show. What is the problem? You can find it by yourself?! If you can't find it, I don't have much to say!

But for Yang Fan, dare not look for the reason? If you don't find out the reason, then the next plan can't go on! So be sure to look for it! But how to find out, director Ding can give even a little hint here!

But? Nothing? With their own words, I turned over the past to think, also did not want to understand!

Originally, I expected that the political commissar could give me some hints, but seeing this meaning, I was a little too wishful thinking! The commissar didn't mean that at all. Even some old gods were there. They didn't know what they were thinking about? Anyway, I feel dizzy here!

If it goes on like this, Guo Kai will be able to hold on, but he can't hold on to it!

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