"Is it because of qualification? I don't believe it! "

Yang Fan's head shakes like what! I don't believe what Guo Kai said!

"It has a lot to do with it, but absolutely! There are also some biases! But some things I can be sure of, at least our school now all these students, not many can pass the examination! Even they have no preparation and plan for this aspect psychologically! "

"What do you mean by preparation and planning?"

"Just like drillmaster Yang! What you think is too one-sided! The height of the problem is not enough, but this is not what I evaluate, but what the director said. You only see one side of it, and ignore other aspects in your subconscious, and even get caught in the fire! "

"What do you mean?" Yang Fan has his own interpretation of Guo Kai's last words!

"It's not only you, but also me. I didn't feel the problem and situation at all, so the director gave me a lot of punishment, which is the most fundamental reason! As for drillmaster Yang, you've been concentrating on this matter, but this is your wishful thinking, and

"And what?" Yang Fan felt a little angry!

"What's more, you still don't have the perception of this aspect. You think you are dedicated to public service, but someone deliberately took advantage of this point and pushed you actively, but you didn't have any feeling. Even now you are on this road, you can't stop at all! Because you're a little out of control! "

Can't stop or even be controlled? How could this happen? If Guo Kai comforted himself in other ways, he would never admit it, but even if he wanted to deny it, he could not deny it!

It seems that this is really the case? For a long time, I didn't realize this problem. Even for this problem, I took the initiative to go to director Ding, and for this reason, I almost made other things at the door of director Ding? Why is that?

So Yang Fan looked at Guo Kai, "why is it like this? And this is director Ding's side... "

"Yes! Why is this so? The reason is very easy to understand. Drillmaster, you see the benefits, and other people also see the benefits. But it is good for us. But for other countries and forces, is it also beneficial? On the contrary! As for the director? It's not to say that you have any opinions and ideas for drillmaster Yang, but you need to consider some things comprehensively. Since you want to understand this matter, you can't continue to stay in this position! Continue to stay in the position above, will cause a lot of influence, even can cause the opposite effect

Guo Kai's explanation is not so understanding, even not so straightforward, but I believe that Yang Fan should be able to feel the problems and the situation! If you don't go back, or continue to dig into the corner, that is really hopeless! No one is easy to use! Even if it is the political commissar of Guzhuang, there is no effect! That's for sure! The director will not be soft hearted!

For Guo Kai's words, Yang Fan was silent for quite a while! Then he looked at Guo Kai with a complicated look! Why is that? And why does Guo Kai know so much? Is it because he is a student of director Ding Yuding? And you're nothing?

What's more, it seems that I really got into the ox horn tip! For quite a long time, I didn't respond to it, and even went to drill inside! For a while, Yang Fan's feeling was very complicated. There was not a buzzing sound in his head, but there was always some restless feeling!

In other words, after hearing Guo Kai's answer, I was in a mess! Now, even if I want to calm down, I don't know how to calm down. I used to be so arrogant and even forgetful. But now I know the truth of the matter, I feel that I can't stand up any more!

Yes! Is such feeling, also do not know exactly is because of what aspect reason! I can't say it. I feel that I have no control over the whole thing. Even the whole person feels a little bit light!

Try to swallow a mouthful of saliva, try to calm down! Yang Fan tried to breathe a few breath!

"So you know it all?" Looking at Guo Kai, Yang Fan doesn't know what to say for a moment. His mind is very complicated now. He wants to say something, but he doesn't know where to start. There is also the direction of his own efforts. Now he doesn't know whether he is right or wrong! I don't know!

Anyway, my mouth is very bitter on the right! As for what to do next and how to do it, Yang Fan doesn't know at all. It seems that the belief between the whole person collapsed!

Looking at Yang Fan's appearance, Guo Kai is shaking his head. It is obvious that Yang Fan Yang's blow is a little bit big! Even the whole person has some cracks! This is not a good impression! If you just stand in your own perspective, you want to make him to cheer up again, not to say that there is no possibility, but it is very troublesome!This matter still needs the director to handle and solve! Although instructor Yang said that there are signs of awakening, and even quite civilized performance, but in some problems, still can't self growth, or need external considerable help!

I don't have any problems on my side! But if you do, the nature of the matter seems to be different! And what kind of effect can it play? It's hard to say! At least not to the extent that imagined, this is certain!

In this case, please ask the director to make a move, I believe it will achieve considerable results! For this, Guo Kai is really convinced! So while Yang Fanyang was confused, Guo Kai called Qu he and told him something! Take your instructor with you. It's not very good!

But if the assistant Qu Hequ did, it would be different! Before they two people's small conflict between themselves or know, at least to give the outside impression and guidance, will also be much better!

Fortunately, everything is in the plan, there is no deviation! Everything is perfect!

Qu he came here in time. He took a look at some lost Yang Fan. He didn't even spend any energy on it, so he took it away! But before leaving, he also glared at Guo Kai, giving him a signal! This is not the end of the matter! The director must talk to him then!

Guo Kai, on the other hand, puffed his mouth in response. There was still a tacit understanding between them. He knew that the director would surely settle accounts with him, but he still needed to pretend at this time!

It can't be said that Qu he was escorting Yang Fan, but when other people saw that situation, they all had considerable doubts. What happened? Why does Yang Fan have such a dull look and Qu he? Some expressions are serious. Something must have happened that you don't know! I just don't know if it's a big deal?

When he comes to Ding Yu's office, Qu he is still the first to knock on the door twice. With permission, he pushes the door open. However, he makes a sign to Yang Fan. He is still sluggish, and is slightly dissatisfied. Even if you are distracted, you won't be so, right?

After a push at the back, I also brought the door with me! She was pushed by a staggering Yang Fan, and then she reacted. Looking at Ding Yu, who was sitting in the office there, she also stood at attention and saluted, "report!"

Ding Yu looked up and pointed to the chair in front of him

Do not need to see his state, there is no need to follow far away, can feel his body above the frustration, also do not know whether it is because the nose is too sensitive! Anyway, to their own feelings, Yang Fan's situation is not so good!

Maybe I haven't received too many setbacks, so now I have some worries, or the blow received is a little too big! As a result, his whole elm head was cracked, but Ding Yu didn't regret it. It's a normal thing. If you don't knock hard, he won't be enlightened!

"Is there anything you want to say? Say it first

"Report! Director Ding, I don't know what to say? " When talking, he hung down his head and even didn't dare to see Ding Yu, because Yang Fan now feels a little ashamed of himself!

"I don't know what to say? Then listen to me! " Ding Yu still didn't look up, "how about beating you? It's not my original intention, but the request of the political commissar. The political commissar thinks that you are quite good. Although you get into the ox horn tip, it's not the kind that can't be made. So let me help you! "

"Report!" I called out a report, but I didn't know what to say! What do you want to say? What's more, under the present situation, it seems that nothing is right!

"What if you want to say that? Then I'll listen to your opinion. If you can't say something or don't want to say it, then I'll listen to what I say

How much of the language seems to have some reproachful meaning! I don't know if Yang Fan knows it!

"When the political commissar gave me this task, I didn't agree with it. Relatively speaking, it didn't have much value and significance."

Yang Fan couldn't help but lift up his head. Although he said that he was depressed, director Ding's words made his self-esteem suffer the most serious provocation! It can also be said that this is his last stubborn, is absolutely not easy to be contaminated!

But Ding Yu, who was sitting there, didn't pay any attention to it. "You are different from Guo Kai! Guo Kai is quite malleable, and his future is also one that can be expected. As long as he seldom gives advice and guidance, he doesn't need to add any explanation. He can understand and complete it well! "

"But since the commissar said that you are his student, I always need to give some preferential treatment! I have given you more than one opportunity, and even made quite a hint, but you have no response in this respect. You even have some complacency, which makes people wonder where you are confident? "Originally can also carry the head of the Yangfan, this time feel his waist has so some straight up! I don't know what the reason is, because of director Ding's words? Or the pressure in this discourse? I don't know!

"It's good to have self-confidence, but after self-confidence, you are conceited. Obviously, you have this problem! What's more, you are caught in the fire by others! I don't believe it. You don't feel at all in this respect. I doubt it. What do you think? No sense of vigilance? "

"Report, it's my fault! I'm so proud of myself

Although extremely unwilling to admit, but this point of mind and calm oneself still have!

"That is to say, you have this feeling, but you deliberately ignored it! Can I take this as your dereliction of duty? " Ding Yu's voice is not so severe, but it still makes people's heart beat!

"Report! Yes

"You want to actively promote this matter, so you know that there may be some problems in it, but you also deliberately ignore it! Because from your personal point of view, this will certainly play a positive role in promoting things! What I said should be no problem?! At least from your point of view, that's it

"Report! That's it Now that we've already thrown out this face! So don't worry about other aspects! Now it's time to think about face. What did you think before? At that time, why didn't you expect to have the situation like today?

"Childish!" Ding Yu snorted, "I used to be a soldier. No matter whether I am an excellent soldier or not, at least I still have a lot of feelings for the military. If I don't have experience in the army, my achievements today will be greatly discounted. It's hard to say whether I will have such achievements today! I also sincerely hope that our army and country can develop! Strong, but this is not one person two people can do, it needs the efforts of all people! "

Yang Fan blinked his eyes, his heart recognized this word! There will not even be any refutation. The development of the army and the country can not be achieved by one person and two people, but by the efforts of all people!

"In the process of development, it will not be smooth sailing, impossible things, need to face all kinds of problems and situations inside and outside, your starting point, there are no problems, but did not take into account the overall situation and layout, and even played a counterproductive role!"

Ding Yu continued to say, "don't tell you! You will concentrate on drilling into the ox horn, vowing not to turn back! From your point of view, you are the most correct, others have considerable problems and problems, let me tell you! You don't have this inside information. You can't make your chest thunder and your face not more colorful! You can only be transferred away! "

"Report, director! I understand! "

"Understand? You understand! But you have to know what the price is due to your impulse? Guo Kai needs considerable adjustment. You need to have certain conditions. Your school has considerable conditions. At the same time, the political commissar and I also need to have considerable adjustment. We even need to worry about whether you can be stable in the follow-up problems! I need to hear from you now. Can you do a good job? "

"Report!" Yang Fan directly stood up and said in a very firm tone, "I firmly complete the task! If there is any problem or mistake, I will come to see you

"Hehe, come and see you. Do I want your head to be a nightpot?" Ding Yu snorted, "you originally had great expectations for this time. If you want to say who is the most active in promoting this matter in the school, you are the top one! Now if there is no reason, I will transfer you away. Everyone doubts that there is something wrong with it! "

"It's a good excuse for me to come here and make trouble!"

"Excuse, it's just used to cover up. Everyone knows that sometimes my temper is not as good as I thought, but if it's you, I'll be small-minded, and that's too much to measure! You think other people will believe it?! What do you think? "

Then Ding Yu looked up and down at Yang Fan, "so! You're in bad luck! Since we have caught up with such things, we will not have the right to choose. It is impossible to be a victim, but it is necessary to be silent for quite a long time! Can you understand what I'm saying? "

"On the whole, I can understand some. My ability is limited, so I need to settle down! It needs to be supplemented! "

"Not bad. The elm's head is open at last! It's not easy to layout for such a long time! Since everything has been said, then there is no need to hide everything from you! Save time, you can't react, show the so-called horse feet, after all, in such things, you are a little immature

"Report, director, I'm already like this? It's not worth believing! "

"Your actions have considerable problems, but it does not mean that you personally also have considerable problems. You can't be compared with each other! It's totally different! On this point, I believe my own eyes, also because of the political commissar's strong recommendation, but you? It's in the middle"Report, I don't understand!"

"I and the commissar have a joint play, you? As the role of this chess piece! Is that clear enough? "

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