"Report, clear?"

Ding Yu didn't relax his demands on Yang Fan because he said clearly, "clear?! Is that really clear? So what's your next situation? Self anticipation? In other words, what kind of arrangement will you have? "

Relatively speaking, Yang Fan's mood at this time is definitely not as stable as it seems. His heart can be said to be particularly complicated and interlaced. His hopes and wishes, as well as the upcoming facts, are all blended together. His life is full of flavors. He doesn't know how many tastes he has tried now, but it's a little too fast! Let oneself not have any preparation!

Director Ding in front of him did not give himself any preparation time, nor did he have too much time to think. Now he can only follow this line of thinking! There is no other choice! Yes or no, it's all like this! There won't be any change. It's a doomed thing!

"Report! Director! Because I saw that Guo Kai was punished. Some of them can't bear it. From my personal point of view, Guo Kai is the benchmark of the future, which should be protected and protected. It can't be taken out casually! He's not a rag. You can use it as you like! So I have some impulses! Anger is on my mind

"A good explanation! But this is not enough to make me angry for this, I have said just now, your reason is not so convincing! So it needs to be extended! "

Ding Yu gazed at Yang Fan, and could see the pain and struggle in his eyes. But this is the process of nirvana. If he could come out, he would not have said it! There will be some achievements in the future. If he can't get out, then I'm sorry! He has done what he should do, but he has not done what he should do!

"Director, I know what you mean, but I can't say that!"

"Good!" Ding Yu did not entangle this aspect of the problem, for himself, is not any need!

"You may not be aware of this problem, so I will tell you that due to other reasons, I need to add a new deputy director! The two deputy political commissars, after all, have a lot of things to do and a little messy. What about the ancient political commissar? Old, always can't just let him back and forth of the bumps! He still needs to be in the middle of the town. I'm a man who doesn't care! "

Yang Fan didn't have too much time to prepare. Ding Yu continued, "since we are going to perform a play, we should have a good performance, one deputy director and two deputy political commissars. This involves quite a lot of personnel arrangement. If two people are involved, the political commissar and I are good at coordinating and fighting for, but now there are three more people. Is the relationship really good to coordinate ? It's hard to say

Yang Fan widens his eyes and looks at Ding Yu. Is the director a little too terrible! It's just a simple personnel issue, and it's not a formal one. Do you even want to do it now? What's more, they only told themselves what they didn't tell themselves? What is it?

Once! Even to say that yesterday and today, I still have some underestimates, even despise the director Ding, but now, I'm too far away! The position between each other is not the same at all! There are fundamental differences in the views and ways of dealing with the problem! Each other can not be the same day!

At that time, what were you thinking about in your head? Why did the director show his so-called doubts about Guo Kai's arrangement? You know, the director is not only responsible for Guo Kai alone!

Guo Kai is a benchmark for all the students. In that position, the director will not say that he is looking at him differently, but he will not be different from him! But the problem is that they have never been able to face up to the relevant problems! That's why it's happening now! This is absolutely not allowed to be Rao Su!

"The commissar is waiting for news. Correspondingly, he will make other specific arrangements. But speaking of it, the situation you are going to face may be extremely complicated. Even throwing you into the muddy water is not an impossible and normal thing. I hope you can stick to it and live up to the expectations of the political commissar."

"Yes! Director! I will finish the task

He received a call from the political commissar again. He has calmed down now! Yang Fan should have made a considerable explanation!

But for the qualified question, Ding Yu didn't have much to ask about! After all, this is the political commissar's business, and I have always been reluctant to pay attention to such things, too much trouble!

"Director, I will transfer Yang Fan back as soon as possible! Even transferred him from school! But it takes quite a while, but this signal can be first sent out! Next, I don't know what kind of situation it is?! I think there will be some noise in this matter! "

"Ha ha! You can be more tolerant! In any case, I am not interested in the imagination of the things, you can grasp this discretion by yourself! At that time, it is impossible for each other to compete with each other, but I think it is necessary to pretend to be like this! At least give the outside world a false impression! "Ding Yu said the matter is very straightforward, even a little too popular!

However, Gu Zhuang's side is very grateful. If the director really wanted to seize power, he would not have anything of his own from the beginning, and he came here mainly to assist the director!

Director Naihe has no interest in this, but he has no choice but to shoulder the responsibility on his own body, even to such a situation now! If it is not for these students, if it is not for other considerations, the director will never do this, it is hard enough for him!

This time, Yang Fan's affairs really need to be sincere! If the director is not willing, or that he is simply indifferent to the kind! What's the matter? Yang Fan still wants to be able to show off in the director's land? It doesn't take two seconds to shoot you in the mud, and many people are willing to do it!

It is because of their own requirements, the director even personally hand, this human feelings will be remembered!

"Director, Yang Fan is gone! It seems to be the orders from the Naval Academy, and there are some other people who are in such an uproar! "

"In an uproar?" Ding Yu snorted, "let them be honest for me. This is what I said!"

"Yes! Director Since the director said it, then things will be easy to handle! After knowing the news, the people of Naval Academy suddenly seem to be wilting. What is this?

What is the purpose of Yang Fan's coming here? We are more or less clear, but did not think he was so bold, and even showed some wanton! On the land of director Ding, who are you going to show your arrogance?

However, there are so many sad things in our hearts, and there are some things that are not right! If director Ding does this, is there something that doesn't give the Naval Academy such a face!

Yes! Your director Ding is more powerful, and after the relationship broadcast, but this way but there are so some too much face! After all, Yang Fan is a teacher of Naval Academy, isn't he? If you really have any dissatisfaction, there is no need to tear your face like this! Let everyone's face above have so some tarnish!

Of course, someone said it! Yang Fan is really a little too much! Guo Kai was originally director Ding's student. When he was a teacher, he taught his students. What kind of onion are you?! Which garlic? What on earth do you want to do? If they didn't buckle you down, you'd better burn Gao Xiang!

However, what people didn't expect was that after returning to school, Yang Fan received a transfer order. Even if people didn't go back to school, the transfer order had already come! The one that comes is called abrupt, that is called quick!

Director Ding's hometown is very close to the place where the Naval Academy is located. Even if it is slow and reverses again, it doesn't take two hours to go back! But in these two hours, Yang Fan's order came? If there was no preparation for this? Is this possible?

What's more, people who are well-informed can still find out the so-called one or two!

Is it from Guzhuang and guzheng commissar? What does this mean? People feel so dizzy that they can't even understand what happened in front of them! Isn't director Ding and the ancient political commissar the same family? Why did the family come up with such a thing? What's going on here? There are so many clouds and mountains in the fog!

But what is the noise outside? The atmosphere of the Naval Academy is a little tense. What happened? Everyone is silent, now this time is really don't know what to say!

There must be some problems with Yang Fan. Director Ding also pointed out some problems! What's the matter? Director Ding is inferior to you, isn't he? But did not want to reverse, Yang Fan was transferred away! And was transferred by the ancient political commissar!

From this point of view, this matter has quite a way! What did the ancient political commissar really want? Why don't you give director Ding such a face? Is it difficult? People have other bad guesses!

Think of the previous time, but director Ding said! A new deputy director and two deputy political commissars! There's no reason for that? I'm afraid nobody will believe it! There are so many too many coincidences in the matter?! isn't it?

But this matter everybody dares to guess, but wants to say loudly to discuss, nobody has this courage! At least on the surface, no one dares to discuss what happened inside! I'm joking. Is this something that the following people can discuss?

Even if you want to die, you don't need to take such a way!

Gods fight, the first bad luck must be mortals!

As for Guo Kai, there is no change between him and before. However, when people from the Naval Academy see Guo Kai, their eyes are different! It's not that Guo Kai is really involved in what? Yang Fan's affairs, that is what he asked for, and Guo Kai really has nothing to do with it.There are some reasons why people don't look at him very well. It's very simple. They all want to be closer to him. But there are some worries. Who knows what director Ding will think of this matter!

From what we know now, Yang Fan is still a member of the ancient political committee! But even so, director Ding still did not give any face. It was said that in front of the building, he was captured by Qu he, without any affection!

We are not gods? Some people are not even kids! Under such circumstances, what do you want to do? Do you have to be crazy? So we can only look at Guo Kai, and even smile. As for other aspects? You don't have to think about it. The more I think about it, the more I feel that my neck is so cold!

Everyone is from the Naval Academy, but it doesn't look like Yang Fan! There is such a big Buddha there pestering, people have this confidence, their own side even! The involvement inside is too complicated, not they can play understand!

Fortunately, they don't need to stay here for too long. Director Ding has already given a notice to let them go tomorrow! Director Ding didn't show up, but Qu he gave us a banquet. There was no excess, and there was no drink on the table!

This meal is a little too tasteless! It's not that the food is bad! There is no relationship with this, that is, there is no nutrition between words! Everything is polite! This is quite disappointing to the people on the side of the Naval Academy. This is not what they expected!

Yang Fan left! Somebody needs to be on top of it, doesn't it? But there's no chance on the farm! I don't care who you are! What's the matter? Does it have anything to do with me? Since it doesn't matter, get out of here as soon as possible!

Although it is not so obvious as imagined, and there is no such meaning between the words! But on the side of the Naval Academy, there is no feeling in this respect. That is bullshit. Who is not a fool?

It's just that the farm doesn't say anything about it, and the Naval Academy doesn't know about it. We're all made up of each other! Such things will never be put on the surface! But there is one thing, we still have some complicated feelings, that is, about Guo Kai? What to do next?

What's more, will this incident cause other negative effects? This is all need to consider! Can't say as what do not know! Right? Judging from Guo Kai's situation, there seems to be no problem with him. If you think about it, what about director Ding? Certainly not too many expressions!

And even if it is expressed, it will not be known to all! But what should we do with the naval academy? What happened to Yang Fan? It's hard to make naval academy here! What's next?

What's more, the plan and response made by the college before! Do you want to go on?! If we continue, we will bear the brunt of the problem! Director Ding? He has already expressed quite impatience to Yang Fan's affairs, even has so some exasperation!

Under such circumstances, has the Naval Academy got such a hand? What is this? Against director Ding Yuding, isn't it?

Don't regard director Ding as a thing, that's all! Even deliberately disgusting director Ding? No matter how stupid you are! At that time, director Ding will not be so angry! They would even be furious. Who was in front of them at that time? Is it difficult to fill in the entire naval academy?

From this point of view, is director Ding Yu really looking at the Naval Academy differently? On this issue? It is really not good to make a considerable judgment, from the analysis of the situation! Director Ding should not have too many opinions on this side of the naval academy! Otherwise, there will not be any words until now!

As for Yangfan? There are so many problems in this issue! Because of the actual situation, we are not so familiar with, and now there is no way to talk to Yang Fan!

Is it Yang Fan's reason? Or did it involve some problems between director Ding and the ancient political commissar? No one dares to say so, and it is not good to judge in this respect! After all, there is too much involved in this! The big one is a little chilly!

For a long time, the cooperation between director Ding Yuding and Guzhuang ancient political commissar complements each other! Each of us has his own responsibilities, but relatively speaking, director Ding is not so concerned about all aspects of things. This is his consistent style. Therefore, most of the rights are held in the hands of Guzhuang ancient political commissar!

At the beginning, some people thought whether they could get rid of Guzhuang ancient political commissar, but at that time, the cooperation between director Ding and ancient political commissar was very good, and the ancient political commissar was responsible for quite a lot of things! In any case, because of all kinds of reasons, the ancient political commissar can be very stable in that position!

But from the present situation, the problem has appeared! And as soon as it comes out, it is difficult to reconcile that kind!

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to move director Ding Yuding! It is impossible to move the political commissar of Guzhuang! If the ancient political commissar is moved, there will be abnormal turbulence and even fragmentation!This is absolutely not allowed! But it is because of this, so things seem quite difficult!

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