"Good fellow Ding Yu couldn't help laughing and scolding, "I said Lao Gu, you tell Han political commissar, don't be so stingy, OK? What's wrong? You have to be the so-called local rich man! This is not very good! What an impact on the image

"Director, it's easier to talk about personnel matters, but it's really not easy to explain other things. Do you think it's right? What's more, it's also a way to improve your reputation!"

Guzhuang is not fooled! This matter still needs director to make this decision better!

"Yes! I'd rather not have such a reputation. It will never do me any good! " Ding Yu scoffed at this, "what's more, what kind of reputation I'm really like? I'm still very clear about it. How many people are painting villains to curse me behind my back? Although I don't know all about it, I understand it too!"

However, on this issue, Ding Yu is not good at saying, "I! I really need to tell the old man that there are not too many problems with the so-called money, but if this name is given, it still needs his political commissar to take the lead, at least it is a famous teacher and put it on my head. What kind of a thing is this, isn't it? "

Put down the phone, Guzhuang shook his head and laughed, director! Let oneself some have nothing to say!

Now such a time, is still not giving up any calm, too alert! Should be their own problem, there will never be any refusal, but if it is not your own problem, I'm sorry, go!

It's not impossible to ask the military to pay for it, but if that is the case, there will be many constraints. Therefore, Guzhuang also took advantage of the opportunity to mention a word with director Ding Yuding. He didn't expect that director Ding was totally indifferent to this. It had nothing to do with his family and career!

What's wrong with big family and big business? Because of the money in my house, I should take this money, right? There is no such reason under heaven and earth! But Ding Yu didn't say anything and didn't even have any hesitation. However, Ding Yu had a feeling that he couldn't evade the fame and reputation!

What do you think? I don't know, but I don't want to. I don't have any interest in this aspect. How far do you go! If you don't want to talk about something, we need to talk about it!

Isn't it a little too simple! Even a little too straightforward? It doesn't matter. Anyway, Ding Yu is such a person. If you don't want to accept such conditions, ha ha?!

Will the military not accept it? Certainly will accept! For such a matter, if you can, of course, I hope director Ding Yuding can be all right. It can be said that it is a trial, but also can be said to be trust! See how to distinguish!

But in these so-called "minor details", director Ding Yuding has never made any mistakes and mistakes, which is particularly admirable. In such a position as director Ding, it is not easy to achieve this!

Not everyone who stands in the position of director Ding can still maintain the so-called normality. Even a considerable number of people have not yet reached the position of director Ding, and they are no longer able to do it themselves! Of course, their fate is the same as expected! Vanishing, I'm afraid this is light, and there are too many associated!

Han Quan there in the know about this matter, but also slightly twisted his mouth, this matter he did not mention with Ding Yu, how much so some not very good meaning! Previously, in the military area command, there were not so many things that people ate horses and chewed, but after they came out, the situation was different!

Of course, the military should pay this money, but it is true that such a thing is true, but some problems can not be done like this. This is basically two times, OK?

Director Ding is still on the road! You feel that there are some problems and situations about this, but for me, it is not any problem at all. But similarly, I have undertaken some. Do you want to bear some of the same? Is it better for everyone to do the same for each other?

So Han Quan here in the know the specific situation, this just called Ding Yu in the past!

"Director Ding, I heard that I've been busy recently!" Han Quan has some understanding of Ding Yu. At least he is a donkey. He can't be tough. He can't be too soft! According to his character, don't go too far, basically there is not too much truth!

Temper is not very good, but does not mean that he does not reason! This is two things, we must distinguish to look at!

"Not bad!" Ding Yu exchanged greetings, "what? Is feedback so fast? I didn't think of it! "

"Of course, they need to be faster. There is no way. All their expenses are on account. There has never been a reasonable explanation. It seems that there are some things that can't be justified. Do you think so?" Han Quan's words are quite interesting!

"I see!" Ding Yu did not have too much hesitation, "the specific situation, you this big leader is responsible to arrange! I believe that there should be no other problems and conditions, after all, this is not the first time! To put it too far, I have no interest in this matter! " What can you do with that tone or attitude?!Han Quan is a well-informed person! But for Ding Yu, there is really no way! Can he not understand what he said? With a sigh, Han Quan went on to say, "however, director Ding, the staff has been fully equipped! But you, the director, have never been in that position. Isn't it a bit inappropriate? "

"They do their work, I do my work, everyone is irrelevant! What's more, I'm not a member of the military. Now some people have been choosy. If I was in the past, I might say something! So don't go to this muddy water! It's good to be at peace with each other! "

Get it! Listen, that's the tone. If someone else hears it! Don't you feel dizzy?

"Xiaoding! I can understand your difficulties, but they are all new colleagues, aren't they? When you have time, you still need to see each other! At least give them a so-called guidance in the general direction! If they can't, let them stare at themselves! It's still a little inappropriate, isn't it? "

"No time!" Ding Yu said, "there are a little more busy things! All aspects may come to me. If I relax a little, who knows what kind of consequences I will face? I can't even go to the hospital together with me! "

Think about it, it seems that Ding Yu always goes to the hospital for a walk when he comes back to his hometown, even busy for quite a long time. However, after returning this time, the time to go to the hospital can be said to be very little, because he does not want to go there? Absolutely not the reason for this!

"I just want to remind you that you still need to deal with specific matters!"

Can't continue to say it! Go on, there is nothing to say, Ding Yu! Is it true that people have so some embarrassment, sometimes they have so many doubts, do you really have such a good temper? Even such things are not taken seriously.

But on second thought, if this matter were placed on other people's bodies, it would never be such a situation!

Are you kidding me? Others dare to stab in front of themselves! What do you think?

"Director, a Mr. Zhao Hongyang is looking for you?"

Ding Yu, who was in charge of his office, was stunned for a moment. He raised his head and said, "let him come here. I still have a little unfinished business here." Then I started to process the files on the desktop again!

When Zhao Hongyang came in, he saw Ding Yu's appearance. Before waiting for himself to speak, Ding Yu pointed to the sofa next to him. "There are tea and cigars over there. I still have some documents that have not been approved. Wait a moment!"

Get it! Zhao Hongyang also did not say what polite words, do not need! I often come here, but in the past the house is more. Although I come here many times, I seldom come to the office!

It's not hard to make tea for yourself! In this regard, I really have some experience! But the cigar that thing, he really can't adapt to, or cigarette is better, that kind of taste thing, or let Ding Yu enjoy himself!

"Do you have time today?" After approving the documents, Ding Yu came over and took a sip of the tea cup. The taste could still be said in the past, "didn't you? Take a handbag like an electricity collector? "

"You are a loser! How old is NIMA's already if we have to let the tide be a little bit? Return the tide? In another two days, the waves are beating. Don't let me go all over the sea! " Zhao Hongyang is also helpless, "I see! It's just that she gets used to it! I went back to the village for the autumn harvest! Don't you feel tired? "

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "Now there are a lot of land in the village, but there are not many large pieces of land."

"Who said no! I also regret after I go back! Only a few acres of land, and how many houses in front of the house behind that kind of, also not enough weight! I don't have any problem. The losers can't do it! That howl with your voice! I don't know. What do you think I gave her? No one has stopped coming home! "

"Run here to hide? What do I say? "

He declined Zhao Hongyang's cigarette, but he was not so interested in it now. "I've seen my sister-in-law, and it's not as exaggerated as you said! What are the benefits this year? Did you wear mink in the past year? Didn't you see the upper body this year? "

"Give me a break?! When I was young, I still had that mind. Now who has that mind? In the past years, it's this time? Do you want to have activities, but also have some worries? Do you want to have activities? I think it's almost the end of the New Year! What's wrong with that brother? Help me quickly. Don't wait until the new year's Eve. I can't stand it. I'm living well, but what about others? All of them are bitter! It's hard to see! " Zhao Hongyang said with emotion!

"I think it's been a little bit slow for the past two years?"

"You didn't know when you were young, but later you did? Are there so many wastes? Now it's all right! One by one, they are like a person! A lot of cars have been bought! Rich people Zhao Hongyang showed a little arrogant thumb, it seems, is really happy about this!"The house and the car are already there! That is to say, has entered the well-off society initially! Even if you ask them to fight and kill now, you will not do it! " Ding Yu also said with a smile!

"When you're in a bath, you'll find an old man! Have a cup of tea, but these guys are really starting to be stingy! Still let me this old guy pay, a bunch of punks! All of them have money to go home to honor their parents and daughter-in-law! Me! It's just a big fool

"Stop talking about them! How is your business? " Ding Yu asked, "although I am here on the farm! However, I have not paid much attention to farm related matters. The main reason is that I am a little busy in other work, and I have no leisure at all. I come to visit all aspects! There is no way to refuse! Some headaches

"I'm quite satisfied now. How much do I earn? Right? However, the business has been booming in the past two years. However, the loser in the family is in trouble. This is not the case when I went to the capital to take two houses. They said that in the future, my son and daughter-in-law will go to Beijing, and she will leave me as an old man to watch the house! If you have time, go and have a look. If you don't have time, she is not rare. I'll see her! It's not enough to clean up! "

"Lao Zhao, fortunately you don't have grandchildren. If you have grandchildren, you may have done a lot of things about Sun Tzu." When Ding Yu said this, he was joking, "stop talking! Eat here at noon? "

"No! I'll take it at noon? How about it? "

Ding Yu tilted his head and looked at Zhao Hongyang, "it seems that you really have something to say! What kind of things are you hesitating about? This is not your style! "

"It can be seen that I'm still not very good at it." Zhao Hongyang pretended to be annoyed and nodded his head!

But Ding Yu didn't refuse Zhao Hongyang. Qu he who followed Ding Yu had some tongue smacking. He didn't see that Zhao had some skills! He is really underestimated!

It's not too short for me to follow the director?! The people who came to this side of the farm were one by one. How many of them could be similar to Mr. Zhao, saying that they had pulled the director out, they had to go out! For myself, there are so many incredible feelings!

There is also a place for two people to eat. If it is a big hotel or a luxury restaurant, you can understand it at all. But where do you come from? good heavens? It's an ordinary shop that can't be ordinary any more! But one thing can be very sure, clean! neat!

"When did it open? Did your brother spare such a big circle just to get into the city and have a meal? "

"No, it's mainly because I want something, isn't it? Really, have you made a lot of money in the past two years? In my heart! It's a little bottomless! " After ordering something, Zhao Hongyang also said bitterly, "and the people in our city also have some ideas about this aspect."

"It's not about breaking the law and discipline. What's to worry about?"

"Hi! My old brother, you don't know. At that time, although he said he made two small money, how could you say that? When I go out to have a meal, I feel a little shiver in my heart. If I order better, I will spend money. But I don't know how much money I have in my pocket? It's almost a shame! How to go out to meet people in the future? They all ate together. Who doesn't know who? "

"Yes! I know how it's going to happen! " What's more, it's not easy for Hu Dingyu to do too much

"There is no such thing as mischief, but there are some flowers in my heart! If you really want to say who abandons his wife and son, he can't afford that man! "

"I don't care? what about you? What's the idea? Let's hear it! "

"We discussed it! What about the money? It's a disaster! It's better to do something meaningful, isn't it? This word inside the heart how many can also slightly comfortable, this money does not make in vain, also does not have in vain! What else do we think? There are so many pull, only education! No matter how the money is spent? Can accept it all! "

"It's not enough for you to come forward alone. It needs the municipal Party committee to come forward! At the same time, the school comes forward, you! Just be a nameless hero! If you agree, try it. If you don't, you can do it yourself! As if I didn't know about it! "

Ding Yu obviously has considerable consideration for this matter!

"No! Old brother, you can't just look at him. I'm like a big fool on the stage, can you? "

Zhao Hongyang said is very straightforward and sincere, "how do you say, how do we do, to ensure that there are no problems, you can rest assured, if anyone dares to disclose your affairs, let him go to the frying pan, this is what I said!"

"Stop it! What kind of oil pan will you put in Ding Yu said with a smile, "let the municipal Party committee! Both the Education Committee and the school come forward. After all, they know the most about this aspect. As for us? Just pay for it! But to say the point, a hundred year plan, such things in ten or twenty years, have not seen any effect! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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