"My old brother! We are a group of what kind of goods, others do not know, we do not know? With Yu Shao in the past two years, you have to make a lot of money! We don't think about airplanes and cannons. It doesn't matter to us, does it? We just wonder if we can do something for these children in our city! It's so simple! "

Zhao Hongyang said it sincerely! Between the words also has the quite sentiment!

Is it very progressive Ding Yu looks at Zhao Hongyang and points his head slightly.

"What is the development of the city? People! No one said that there are so many other bullshit, in recent years can be better, no matter what the reason, there is still a considerable backflow, this is not easy! But want to leave these people, two aspects, good environment! Good development

"Don't you understand?" Zhao Hongyang expressed his original intention directly! Don't give Ding Yu this face!

"Good environment refers to many aspects, such as geographical environment! For example, ecological environment! For example, traffic environment! For example, medical measures and education and so on, good development, it is more simple, we have a head, have a goal! At least in this place, I am not only able to survive so simple, even eat well! Sleep well! Have a good time

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Zhao Hongyang couldn't help nodding, "I've heard people in the city mention something like this. In the early years, there was no development in the city. Even if there are plans in this area, what can we do? The goal is too long. We can't see any benefit in a short time. However, in the past two years, we dare not say anything about our living environment and conditions, as well as public health! Medical treatment and other aspects are definitely one of the best! "

"Yes! When you go out for exercise in the morning, you can feel many differences tomorrow. The streets are neat and clean! Travel people have a considerable spirit, these are already very good! As far as education is concerned, I know something about it. I heard that the high schools set up in our city in the past two years are very good! "

"Yes, although we say it's a small county, it's still very talented. Don't talk about it! Now every year Tsinghua University and Peking University have, although the number has not yet appeared blowout, but at least can see! There are other students, even the University on the other side of the city, there are! It's not a big place. How can I say that? It's also an outstanding person

"It's almost gone! However, it seems that there are still quite a few students now? "

"A lot, of course! I know my place is good?! Who doesn't think that the children can come back to study. What's more, because of the hukou, they have moved to other cities, just like the capital. One is very difficult. What's more, if they go there, there will be good schools? More trouble

"I'll ask someone to contact me. I can't do it these two nights. I have something to do. Let's have a couple of days! Anyway, you are the convener. Let's have a meal together. If you don't dislike it, it's pig killing. If it's convenient, it's on the farm side! If it's inconvenient, we'll fix another place. We'll talk about the specific situation then! "

Qu he didn't eat anything here, but because he didn't sit on the same table with the director, he ordered something a little more casually, but basically there was no difference. The food here is really very good, and it makes people drool. Although it is said to be a home cooked dish, it does not have a taste in it!

What's more, the director seems to have opened some foreign meat today, and all the fried forks on a plate have been eaten! Qu he also looked at Zhao Hongyang next to him deeply. He could still see a little bit of grass. However, such a person could still have such a good relationship with the director. It's really not easy!

It's really a response to that sentence. There are so many people in the world who are full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. No one can look down on anyone!

"Yes! Yu Shao, it's said that you have two apprentices. I haven't met before! Ding Yun and Ding Chang have seen each other. The black sheep of our family are rare! The other two apprentices have never seen them! "

"The two of them are new comers. Wang An can be better. As for Tong Tong?" Ding Yu thought about it for a while, "don't inquire about children. It's not good for you. If they want to know about you, they don't say a word freely. Even if you are three years old, they will find out for you."

"I wipe, don't I?" Zhao Hongyang is also a smart man, "I don't mean anything else! Feather less, you know me best, I was a Maha, I put a good day, but, I pull those messy why? Isn't it? "

"I just want to tell you that there is a secret in your heart. Tong Tong himself is indifferent, but they are in their home! Boy, I'll feel a headache after watching it anyway

Ding Yu pointed to his head and turned it two times in vain!

Zhao Hongyang couldn't help swallowing. Don't be kidding! On the whole, I can guess what kind of family Tongtong is! Even Yu Shao feels that there are some thorny problems. If you are joking, you are just a fart, so it's better to roll as far as possible, isn't it?"Yu Shao, I have prepared a lot of things here. It's not a mess, it's just the things on my own mountain! Two days ago, when I was free, I went in with them and played around! It's like exercise

"You have a heart!" Ding Yu can't help but stretch out his thumb!

"Hi! What fun! Now this project is so hot and hot that ordinary people can't get a name at all. It doesn't mean that you can go if you want to, nor that you can go if you have money. You need to pass the assessment at different levels, and these examinations have passed! The talent from the forest farm and the mountain farm will take you into the mountain with you. You need to sign an agreement! "

"I really don't know?" The farm is true of Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu cares about and knows all things, which is impossible! "It's a friend who came to visit before, but I just strolled around. There was nothing else!"

"Hi! It's a pity not to go in for a walk! If you have a chance, go in and have a look, delicious! It's fun. I don't want to exercise my body. I'm going to bring in the losers of our family. She's doing nothing every day. It's not like talking

"I don't listen to your ink! Another day we'll have dinner together! "

"Come on! See you later Zhao Hongyang also did not have any tardiness! Can have a meal together, oneself already very have face!

However, on the way back, Qu he obviously felt that he had some doubts, "director, I'll ask a lot of questions!"

"You want something about Zhao Hongyang, don't you?" Looking at Qu he nodding, Ding Yu laughed, "Lao Zhao! It is true to say that he is a rude man, but is it really a bad man? It's not that I was impulsive when I was young, so I can't deny that I made some mistakes! "

"Director, judging from his situation, it seems that some of them are too chic and unrestrained!"

"Hey, it looks smart, but actually it is! How to put it? That is to say, the past two years are OK, so we can slow down! A few years ago, you didn't see his appearance. From the outside, it was a bit like a person in the lake. But in fact, the courage is smaller than anyone else, and the inside of that pocket is really not as drum as imagined. However, there is one thing that is quite praised by people, that is, comparative righteousness, and self-control is always the same! "

"Loyalty?" It's hard for Qu he to imagine being able to listen to such words from the director's mouth!

"There were a lot of people who were fooling around with him at that time, but when we got to a certain age, and the economy of our side was still a little poor, they were in the stage of development, so sometimes they didn't have to eat! Porridge is a very difficult thing! You may have just heard about picking up cabbage leaves in the market! "

"Yes, but I really haven't seen it!"

The matter is said by the director, Qu he absolutely believes it!

"Lao Zhao still has some thoughts! There are friends who are poor in the middle of the night and can't afford to see a doctor for their children. They say that it's a bit fake for Zhao to drive to the hospital in his underpants, but we can see what happened at that time! "

"Take heart to heart, director. There is really no such situation in my family!"

"Everyone wants to live well and smoke! Drinking a little wine, lying on the Kang, what a comfortable thing, but wife and children! Family and other reasons can directly crush a person to death! From the situation, if Zhao Hongyang doesn't care, others can't say anything, but you don't see it! There's a bunch of them behind you! It's like a beggar's leader! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu can't help shaking his head.

"But really, he! There are also some skilful people, but after so many years of wandering around, if you don't have a little glib, you won't be able to muddle into today's situation, but fortunately, you also have self-knowledge, good! And his son is also very interesting! When I was in high school, I took my daughter-in-law home! I was also involved in it at that time, but now I think about it, it's a bit humiliating! "

When talking about this, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing!

"What? In high school? Can't you? I don't think Mr. Zhao is old enough. "

"It's OK. I have a lot of self-control. It's not as dirty as you think, but that boy deserves it. At that time, it was just for fun. Now it's good! With a housekeeper, the food and clothing expenses are the same. Good guy! I think he may have been a rake ear all his life

Back at the farm side, Ding Yu also found the people on the farm side, and said something about Zhao Hongyang. After all, Zhao Hongyang took the initiative to look for the farm, and Ding Yu arranged it for two times!

"Sir, the municipal Party committee! There are no problems with the Education Bureau and the school. The relationship between our public relations department and them has always been very good, but it may take some time, because this is not to be completed in a short time. We can coordinate this relationship here, but we need to discuss it there! ""Zhao Hongyang's affairs will be arranged by me. Whether they have this heart, or they are superstitious or indifferent, the starting point is good, isn't it? Good deeds! It's a good thing after all. It's better than letting them go out of the big five or six. But they're only responsible for paying, and there's no need for other things! "

When Ding Yu said this, the person in charge of the farm was relieved. He didn't say that he was worried about anything, and he was afraid that he would have other requirements. That would not be good! What's more, this matter can also let Mr. Zhang come forward in person. Who knows how the municipal Party committee will think, right?

The farm has quite a foundation here. This is true, but there is no problem with mutual cooperation. However, when considering problems, we need to take a long-term view, and we can't focus on the immediate point!

Just like Mr. Zhang, if you only focus on the present rather than the future, will the development of the farm be like this? It's impossible, is it? Fortunately, I don't have to worry about this problem. I have already considered it carefully!

"In terms of money, they are ready to come! More than dare not say, there are still eight million! For the sake of children's education in the future, I believe everyone will be happy to see such a situation! "

"I see! Sir, I'll get in touch with this! In recent years, the leaders of the province and the city at the next higher level are particularly concerned about the development and education of our city. This is a good thing! At least others are starting to step out! We are no longer weak! "

Ding Yu stretched out his finger and nodded his head. The horse let you shoot it, but I felt very comfortable listening to it, so I didn't pick and choose! "I hear your arrangements have come down?"

"Yes, the interview is over! The rest is the handover, and the new one is Mr. Hu! "

"This time it's your best test! You and Mr. Hu will be responsible for it together After thinking about it, Ding Yu stood up and walked to the back. Before long, he took a small box to come over!

"There's nothing else here. You're promoted! I didn't come to congratulate you personally. This is a gift for you

"Director, let you worry, with your advice and support, I can do this job well!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "don't show any sincerity! Just take it! If it feels good, let me know later! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, it's a big decision for the people to come. You can say that you have given yourself a promise. There's nothing more to thank yourself than this! There is nothing like this to make yourself happy!

"Don't be so stingy. I heard that! The people below say that you are like a local rich man in Shanxi! "

"Hey, director, these guys are on purpose. If I spend my personal money, it doesn't matter. Anyway, my salary is high. But sometimes these guys don't restrain themselves, and their spending is just like running water. They can't stop it!"

It's just a joke. Everyone knows how it is. Ding Yu also understands it!

However, since he can be promoted, it means that he does not have any problems in this respect. To know that the supervision department of the farm is not joking, it is fierce. If you want to know that, unless you don't do it, it's not as simple as joking!

In the evening, Ding Yu called Zhao Hongyang and said, "Lao Zhao? Prepare, see who are invited to have a meal, say in advance, are voluntary! Don't pretend to be such a mess

"Well, then you'll see! If something goes wrong, I'll take your head off, but I have less feathers. We are all rude people. There must be some places that are not so particular. Even if we let them pay attention to them, they are just like me. Dog meat can't be on the table! This is the heart of everyone

"It's a rare good thing to have such a heart! What do you think? Isn't it? " Ding Yu was so sentimental, "it happened that my friend sent some sheep here. I'll add a dish and roast the whole sheep! I'll arrange it! "

The style is slightly bold, even unruly, but it is to Zhao Hongyang's appetite. Why? Let them go to the so-called big hotels and big hotels. This is not to say that there is no, but how to say it? He doesn't look like a prince in a dragon robe!

"I'll prepare for other aspects, Yu Shao, you can see it!"

For these things, Ding Yu is not so concerned about, Zhao Hongyang he to arrange, always has his idea!

"Take your wife and children with you! Anyway, the whole family is a little more lively, as well as your family, come over to have a meal together, some things? They are willing to, but their wives do not have the ability to understand. They all come and sit down together, have a good meal, and say well

"Little feather, isn't that good?! It's a bunch of losers coming, and they don't have a chance to go to the pit during the Chinese New Year

"Too much male chauvinism! To respect women, women are also half of the sky. If the family is stable and harmonious, we still need mutual respect between husband and wife. Only in this way can a family be achieved. I said, bring your wife and children and have a meal together! It's impossible for us to eat the sea plug there, can we? ""Yes! You feather less give them face, they must carry, I go back to tell our family that the black lady, let her prepare, don't disgrace at that time! I can't afford to lose that man

"All right! Who doesn't know who! Don't kneel on the washboard at home, it will be burning high incense! Take it easy. There's no harm in it! " Ding Yu said a little sarcastic, joking!

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