Back home, Ding Yu also mentioned a word with his parents!

"Dad! Mom, in the next two nights, Zhao Hongyang will come with his friends. I'll roast the whole sheep. They may have to kill pigs there. Why don't you come here? "

"What's the matter?" Ding Lin asked casually, "it's pig and sheep again, so lively? However, the requirements on the farm side are so strict that no fire is allowed except within a specific range. If you are too reckless here, it will not affect you very well. Pay more attention to it! "

"It's in a fixed range! Isn't there a place to stay and play? It's over there! They have been arranged. Two big yards are left over there! If I take the lead here, in my father's words, the impact is really bad! I am also very attentive to this

My father is also concerned! There is no other reason! Ding Yu's heart is also very clear! Dad is an old school man! For this aspect can be said to be particularly particular, there are so some fastidious!

"What's the matter! He hasn't been here for a while, but he has sent a lot of things! "

"Haven't you been making money these two years? In their heart! There are so many worries! Maybe there are some small superstitions. If you make money, you should spread good things. You can't be too greedy. To a certain extent, you can find a psychological comfort for yourself. "

"Oh! What do I think it is? " Zhao Shuying sighed, "but I haven't heard that they have any nonsense. Our city is very strict about this problem. When I went to the Municipal Bureau earlier, I heard them mention it! No matter who it is, I will never tell you the truth

"What are these guys up to? In recent years, Zhao Hongyang's situation is also in their eyes. Now they are very interested in making money. It's not against the law and discipline. It's just that the speed of making money is a little fast. Let them have their psychology?! Always feel that there are so some not very down-to-earth! So I'll show them the way

"What do you mean?" Ding Lin seems to have a lot of interest!

"Other things? Let them do it. These guys are rude. They really don't have much effect. I just ask them to donate some money to the municipal Party committee! The Education Bureau and schools should unite to find some famous teachers! Let's talk to our children that whether it's broadening their horizons or increasing their knowledge, they can play an important role. No matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education, can you? "

"That's a good thing." Ding Lin's interest is also greatly increased!

"I let Zhao Hongyang start and invite them to have a meal together. How much is the money! It's good for them to have such a heart, isn't it? In the future, more and more people are involved in the common progress! For common development, there is no denying that they all made some mistakes in those years, but now they have all been corrected! "

"I think so! Zhao Hongyang is the best example. He was a bit of a jerk in those years, but he has not heard of this problem now. When people mention him, they always give their thumbs up, and the prodigal son will not change his money when he comes back! "

"OK, when I'm ok with your dad, I'll go and have a look at it."

When Zhao Hongyang went home, he looked at his mother and said, "Hey, what are you doing?" The mask on his wife's face is also frighten himself to jump! "It's almost midnight! Grandma, you put on a mask at this time. Are you loading ghosts? Or are you bluffing? "

"Looking for trouble? Right? Feel your skin a little itchy? "

Get it! Zhao Hongyang also lightly nipped his mouth, and he really did not want to tell this bad mother. What's important to you? Auntie, I don't look so awkward Although

was a little dissatisfied, he removed the mask on his face and cleaned it up quickly. But also in the face on the smear, "Zhao Hongyang, you give me less, I this is not to give you lose face?"

It's useless to argue with your own girls! "Seriously, do you remember what I told you before? Today, I went to see Yu Shao. It happened that Yu Shao was free. After talking to Yu Shao, Yu Shao agreed to come down here! " Having said that, I also told you all the situations!

"Anyway, in two days' time, Yu Shao calls everyone to have a meal together and takes all the women and children in the family with him. I'm at ease on your side. There are no problems with my son and daughter-in-law, but what about other families? This is not easy to say! It's OK to let them eat, drink and speak their own voices, but don't be shameful then

"Really? Did Yu Shao really agree? "

"Nonsense? This is not? " Zhao Hongyang is very dissatisfied, "if I'm ok, why lie to you? Yu Shao doesn't care how much money this is. It doesn't make any sense to Yu Shao. Our family has made a lot of money in recent years. It's useless to keep so much money. How much money we have is a disaster! It's better to accumulate some virtue"What I said is that I feel that there is a lot of money at home in the past two years, and my heart is shaking. Although we earn clean money, the speed is really so fast. Don't let us die at that time! It's as if it's for our son! "

May be feeling uncomfortable, suddenly kicked a foot Zhao Hongyang, "said this I am angry, in those years if you were not fooling around, how can now look like this."

Don't talk about those things Zhao Hongyang took a look at the complaint, "who has not made a mistake, at that time was not very sensible, but fortunately Yu Shao did not dislike us, also gave us a considerable opportunity!"

"Speaking of this, I didn't see my daughter-in-law come back with me, but the child is here! Can it be done? "

"You! Just worry about those tasteless things. You are a silly bird. Do you know what it is like to compete with Ding Yun and Ding Chang to become classmates? However, anyone who can find a way out is to sharpen his head and drill into it. Now the two disciples of Yu Shao also come here! What's more, it's hard to fight

"I've heard about this, but I've seen both Ding Yun and Ding Chang, but I haven't seen the two apprentices. I've been trying to prepare something, but I haven't found a suitable one! I also mentioned this matter to you, to see if there are good jade or other things, buy some! You didn't give me a definite letter

"I need to think about it carefully. If we are well-informed, we should talk about it! Where are you going? It's just that you never see them in the same way! If we don't even have this self-knowledge, then there will be some fun! Again! We are both old melon skins! Or do we need to lay a foundation for our son and daughter-in-law? Who knows what they can do in the future? "

"Better than you! Don't worry about that! "

"You're fat, but you're still breathing!" Zhao Hongyang is very dissatisfied with a hum, "I told you this matter, you give me a good deal! Tell those girls well, don't make me sultry and coquettish at that time, just dress up clean and tidy! Don't make up like a ghost! Do you hear me? "

"Lao Zhao, this is easy to do, but there is a saying that all of them are people who have been around for so many years. If you want to say that they really have any big problems, they really don't have them. Sometimes, they are a bit presumptuous. After all, at the beginning, we all studied little and didn't understand it so well. We knew they were fooling around! Let them change now, but some of them are not realistic! "

"Just pretend! I can't let you stay for long. I've decided on two courtyards, male and female, each with its own yard. It's good to rest assured! It's mainly for fear that you losers don't understand. It's really shameless when the time comes. "

"I give them lessons, absolutely no problem!"

After a few days, Zhao Hongyang took the lead in coming to the compound. Both the inside and outside of the two yards were very clean and tidy! Even moved a lot of flowers and plants, is to make the whole environment look more comfortable!

When Ding Yu came, it was a little late! Ding Yu and Qu he, no one else!

"Little feather, what about the children?" Zhao Hongyang took a look at it and asked about it!

"Their mother just videotaped them. It seems that something needs to be delayed! I'll come with my parents when I wait. It's not very far away! " Then he took a look at the people in the yard and said in a joking tone! "Mr. Zhao, would you like to introduce me?"

Zhao Hongyang patted his head, "look at my memory, ladies and gentlemen, I don't think I need to introduce it deliberately! Dr. Ding Yuding! Director Ding It's a little complicated!

But Zhao Hongyang said so, obviously also has the quite goal! Then you also introduced Ding Yu. The overall image of everyone is very good. There is no mink gold chain style, nor is it formal in suits and leathers. All the clothes are slightly casual and low-key!

As long as you wear it clean and tidy on your body! As for other aspects, don't have any requirements!

Think everyone is like director Ding! Look thin in clothes! In addition, director Ding's dress is very fresh and fresh, not so luxurious as expected. The temptation is bright and attractive. It looks even a little plain. Besides being handsome, is it anything else? They are very ordinary!

But relatively speaking, such handsome is enough! That small face a face of Shu SA! It seems that it really makes people feel like a snack. When many women present saw Ding Yu, they were both watery. After all, they did not see too many such romantic figures!

Zhao Hongyang introduced them one by one. After all the introductions were finished, Ding Yu looked at the people next to Zhao Hongyang and laughed, "sister-in-law, she is always a heroine, but today, it's a bit different!""Don't listen to their nonsense. Heroine is bullying and bullying Lao Zhao at home and teaching Xiao Zhao a lesson! Zhao's is still outside, and we need it! They have to be supported! Otherwise, the waist will not be hard! "

Ding Yu also responded with a smile, "it's rare for us to get together today. We don't need to be so nervous, and there's nothing else. We do it ourselves. We have plenty of food and clothing. We all bring out the skills of housekeeping."

It's just a joke. When we come here, we still need them to do it in person. It's a bit of a pull, but people's interest is still very high! I have heard of this Mr. Ding Yuding in the past. Now I can't address Yu Shao any more! Age up, is not so appropriate, although he looks so young!

However, people have heard of Ding Yu, and even everyone can tell several stories about Ding Yu in their mouths. But if you really want to say that they have met Ding Yu or are familiar with Ding Yu, there is no! Except Zhao Hongyang, there is no such thing!

Ding Yu has his own plan in his heart. Since they have all come here, Ding Yu can't have no idea about them. Even Ding Yu has made a considerable understanding of them, especially for some details!

"Sister-in-law, you have to show your skill today. I told the family that you can't say anything about your craftsmanship. It depends on your performance today! What a shame! If they break your pot, I don't care! "

"Don't worry! I dare not say anything else. If there is anything left in the pot today, I'll make it all right! "

When talking, she also took all the women away! Because my husband has winked at himself, it is absolutely not suitable to stay! The room is very spacious!

There is a big table on the ground and a Kang Table on the Kang. They are not small!

"What's the matter? I'm going to take off my shoes and go to the Kang today?! Isn't it a little too elegant? "

"Mr. Ding, if you don't go to the Kang, everyone dares not to sit down. You have given us this face today. We all need to take care of it. Please take your seat!"

Get it! Ding Yu did not hesitate, "say it! Don't wait for a while. It's too hot! It's not good if you burn your butt! I'm afraid there will be so many people who can't sit still! " A small joke, but also make people burst into laughter, and this not too elegant joke, but also quickly pull into the relationship between each other! After all, we are all rude people! It's not like Ding Yu!

If you sing any songs on the mountain top and associate with these people, it will have the so-called counter effect if you are too gentle. Of course, Ding Yu can't be naked. That is another level!

Sitting cross legged, Ding Yu seems to be at ease, but for others, it seems that the requirements are a little high, although not as big as one, but also similar! "You need to pay attention to your body, don't be too thin! This is not good, but also can not be too fat! Although it's frost resistant, the organs of the body can't stand it! "

"Dr. Ding, sometimes you lack perseverance."

Looking at the cigarette handed over, Ding Yu was connected to his hand. Tea had already been made on the table. Some of us sat on the Kang, some sat on the edge of the Kang, and some stood on the ground, but they all watched Ding Yu!

"You! Did not go to the hospital to have a good check-up, after you go to the hospital for a check-up, then there is no need to urge, let you go to the ward for two days, to ensure that you are more diligent than anyone! I don't believe that there are still people who are not afraid of death! "

Words, but also let everyone roar up laughing!

"Now the living conditions are good! Society has developed! Let's not say why we made money! I'll talk about it later. What about the money? Should you be healthy? What can you do without a body? Drink? Eat meat or smoke? Nothing! So you made so much money? What's wrong? Isn't it? "

"Director, don't dare to check it! Once checked, it's all wrong? "

"You like that? It's just right. Now when you have to go to the hospital again, it's over! At that time, you are asking your grandfather to sue grandma. It's useless! At that time, I can only say something and eat something! "

Think about it, it is really such a truth!

"What if you listen to me? After all go back to their family to do a physical examination, also do not have much money, really not at ease, you want to go there for a physical examination? Is it Beijing or America, I'll find someone for you? Is it the head office? "

People are a burst of laughter, said that really is not a lot of money, not to mention also do not need how much money? Right?

"Let's talk about the second thing. We've made some money these years. Why? Say it all

"Director Ding, I think it's because of the farm!"

Ding Yu stretched out his hand. "This is flattery. Do you know that? It's a bit slippery to say that! "The crowd is also making fun of, but all are kind sarcasm!

"Director Ding, I think I'm catching up with this trend!"

"In fact, what you mean is to catch up with the policies of their country! Have a good taste of it, isn't it? Actually, is our road and traffic better than before? More convenient? Are sanitation and environment cleaner than before? Is urban planning and adjustment more orderly than before? "

Seeing the reaction of the people, Ding Yu continued to say, "all of us, including me, want to do this? Is it possible? Even if you put all the money into it, you can't do it! Isn't it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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