In the past, have people thought about this problem? Maybe I thought about it when I was bragging, but most of the time, I didn't think about it! Anyway, how much money do you have? We have never calculated it!

"Director Ding, don't you feel the impact is so strong?"

"Very straightforward!" Ding Yu nodded, "so say it! There is no subway in our city. Judging from the current development situation, we don't need it very much. But we get on the high-speed rail, which we all know. How much is the cost per kilometer of high-speed rail? More expensive, about two hundred million! Of course, the cost of subway may be more expensive, about 600 million! "

"I'm going?"

"Shall I wipe it?"

As if they were swept by the gale, they couldn't help but tilt back their bodies. Good guy, there is so much money for one kilometer. What's the situation? They earn so much money. Maybe it's not enough for others to build a kilometer subway or high-speed railway!

"Do you have an intuitive understanding of this?" Ding Yu looked at the expression of the crowd and suddenly laughed, "if our country is not developing and powerful, what high-speed railway and subway will be built?"?! These livelihood projects also mark the development of a country. We have made a lot of money, but do you still think that you are a rich man? "

"Director Ding, I feel a little chilly in the back of my head!" When talking, I also took two breaths of air conditioner!

"Right?! When there is no pressure, everyone is easy to expand. This is a very normal thing. When there is pressure, squeeze water to make it easier to see whether you are really fat or puffy! "

Some people are speechless about this, and even some people can't help lighting their own cigarettes. When they haven't seen it, they sit together, munch on haisai and boast. But now, after sitting with director Ding, we can see what others have said, which is fundamentally different from those rude people!

"Making money? Is it a good thing? I think it's a good thing. We all rely on our heads and hands to earn clean money. There's no cheating. To a certain extent, it's hard money, right? Have you come to the construction site in person? Did you go to the cold storage to kill fish

It's true that someone raised their hands!

"Director Ding, others don't know. Anyway, I've done it, and it's not a disgraceful thing. I'm not afraid to be laughed at. When I worked in the cold storage, sometimes my joints still ache! Later, I grew up a little bit, and I was leaning on my hands to support me! There is everyone's help

"Come on! Pit, the simplest way, may have the best effect! "

Looking up at this, we are more or less exposed to some envious look! "In the past, we all made hard money. When we were outside, we looked as if we were all dressed up. But in fact, we all regarded money as very important. How can I spend it indiscriminately? Right? Not even a cent! "

"Yes! Don't waste money when I used to! Even if I buy something to eat, I need to think about it. Do I make enough money today? For example, all the expenses of today, such as the arrangements for tomorrow, and the savings for emergencies, are all included in the calculation. It's over! I feel like it's still noodle soup today! Go back to your own kind! Great! It's a good meal to put some eggs and green onions in it

"It's all coming from hard times! No one is better than anyone to get there. Really speaking, these are all a process of accumulation. Without the foundation of that year, how can we have today's take-off? Do you think so? "

"Well, now that you earn a lot of money, how do you spend it? I feel that when I suffered myself, my wife and children, so now I forget myself, lobster and abalone every day! It's not only silk and satin, but also a gold chain of ten Jin and twenty Jin! How can I get here?! There are so many luxury cars, it's better for them to be able to direct them like an arm! "

"Director Ding, yes! It needs to be admitted that I have really done it. The lobster and abalone every day just can't stand it! "

"I believe you have done something more ridiculous than this! is it? But as long as you don't break the law, you can be happy! People in such circumstances, too much to suppress themselves, on the contrary, will make their own considerable problems! So it's better to spread it, but it can't always be like this! Enough is needed! "

"Director Ding, you can rest assured that we will absorb this lesson after we go back!"

"That's a little false, isn't it?" Ding Yu didn't mean to be taboo at all, "is that enough? Let your mother chicken soup every day! Sea cucumber! It's nutrition, but let's say it! It doesn't take too long! For two and a half days, if you don't have a bloody nose, I don't need to be a doctor. There are serious cases, which can't be mended. Good guy! The whole person will have problems then! And it's a big problem! "

"The so-called enough, eat beef and fish, eat some bean products, try to use some vegetables and fruits, enough! While maintaining good nutrition, it can promote one's health and make the money worth spending. It's not to say that you have made money, but to make it a drag on yourself. Why bother? "Dingyu starts from the simplest aspect, and tells you something quite, not that Ding Yu comes up and doesn't care, let everyone pay for it! It's not the way to do things!

"I know that there are so many idealism in your heart. I will explain to you today what the reasons are, which causes these problems! Old man, you are one of them too! Always feel this money made more, after, mess of things also more! Always feel a little upset in this heart! "

"It's not how! I beg God to worship Buddha. Don't be in our city! Even if I have been in the province, I have worshipped it. It is useless. Anyway, I will ask for a psychological comfort! "

"I'll explain to you what's the reason? Man! There are four things that can't be separated, food and clothing! At that time, we couldn't say it was a rag, but there were not many choices available! In terms of eating, there is no big fish and meat. Is it the place where you live when you catch up with the fierce eating of meat? Just have a home! As for the way? A car feels like it is already very bad, so it's just going to fly to the sky

"But after the living conditions are good, the four have undergone fundamental changes. They are all made of silk and satin. But the problem is that you have worn so many years of coarse cloth and cotton clothes, and your skin has been adapted! Now, the sudden change, which requires a process, will lead to the more uncomfortable you cross, the more uncomfortable you cross, the more uncomfortable you go through, isn't it

"Yes! That's right! I thought about bathing at that time, and I felt comfortable! "

"Of course it's comfortable! Wash it, let your skin adapt to it. This change over time can be adapted, but the process and its twist! In addition, we all said that I had two bowls of meat at that time, but what you were working at that time, you can't stand it without eating meat! After two toilets, it's over! Even at night, I can't even talk to my wife! "

People laugh, the voice is also more and more big, this is also let the outside work of a dream of a mother is also looked at each other, what happened in the inside, such a lively? So happy?

"Director Ding, what you said is in the process, but now they are all losers! No mention! "

"Hi! I know a lot about wrong understanding, wrong ideas and your situation. Who came with you together, are they? Who gave birth to you? Are they, too? You have seen the world outside. Who has stabilized your rear? Are they or not? After seeing the prosperity outside, my heart moved, and I had a normal thing. But the wife of the scuff would not go to the hall. If they were there, I had a home. No matter what kind of wind and rain you experienced, you could go back to this place because there was still warmth! "

"It's these losers who are not obedient, even some..."

"Is it a mess?" Ding Yu laughed and laughed, "you all know the flower world! What about them? Their thoughts and insights, now, that is to say they know the world, but we this city and television, there is no other channel! But what about you? You are deeply aware! You think there's a gap between them! It's normal and realistic, but you want to say that they're going to recognize that right now? This is not a requirement, but there are so many harsh, careful thinking, is that it? "

"Director Ding, we always want to give them the best?"

"What they need is care, it is necessary to let them do something, not to leave them at home, such as cooking, tea, or many other things, without need to let them spend money casually, they are not those so-called canary, or just playing mahjong at home every day! That's not the truth! But what about this? Just give you a wake-up! Let's put it in place first, and turn back to the four aspects of clothing, food and living! "

"I didn't eat meat at the time. Now? How much exercise do you have in a day, but what do you eat? All of them are high protein and high fat things. They can't digest in the body. They are OK for two days a day, and there are not many problems in three years and five years. Because there is a considerable base, but it has been a long time? All the problems in all aspects have come to the door! You feel, are you being rewarded? "

That's what it is! Ding Yuding director's explanation, let us feel so some heart to take orally! It was the same as it was forged on the body, now? Take a shot, and it's quite elastic! It's just different!

"Director, we were fooled in the past? Or other aspects, is to feel that there is nothing to pay, there are always so many not comfortable in the heart! "

"What about me? The inheritance is Taoism! If you have time, you can go to Taoist temple to feel it. What is the so-called "Inaction" once? Care about the body? Or care about heart? Is this the question? You need yourself! "

Some traditional cultures, Ding Yu does not need to explain too much to them!"Say it again? Now there are more than 80 Ping in that house, right? Isn't it? "

"Director Ding, it's almost the same. If the place is too small, people will come from home! It's a little bit obvious! "

"The place where I live, as we all know, is not a very small place! But whether it's my parents, me or the children in my family, the size of the room is no more than 20 square meters, and even some rooms are 15.6 square meters! "

"Director? Why is this? Isn't it that the bigger the better? " Some people expressed their curiosity!

"Nonsense, who said that the bigger the less, the bigger the room, the more open it will be. For such a large room, you are alone or husband and wife, too small. In the words of idealism, the house will hold you down! You are no longer the owner of the house! That's the truth! "

"And it affects rest and sleep too much! Even if you can't sleep for the whole night, the husband and wife keep quarreling. In this case, it's Kaiguang, this and that, but the effect is not so obvious. Think about it, is there a problem in this respect? "

Everyone looked at each other, as if it was really so. Now we all live in a big house, not to see outside, one by one is very loving, but at home? It's not so harmonious as you imagine. No wonder sometimes you can have a good rest outside, but you can't rest well at home!

Is that the reason? If you think about it, the places outside are not very large. Even some places have very small space, but you can sleep after lying down. But at home, after lying down, no matter what? It's just bad rest! But always can't find the reason!

The losers in the family always say that their hearts have been seduced by coquettish foxes! It's just about pulling NIMA eggs. Who's going to take these things as a real thing? After all, we are not stupid birds!

"What's the last word? Now everyone is in a luxury car! What BMW! Land Rover, I even saw it two days ago! Some people drive a Ferrari. In our place, we can see such sports cars. If the old people do something about it, it is quite reasonable. But we need to see the other side. Our economy has indeed developed! "

"Director Ding, I bought that car for the losers of our family. She said she liked it. And after so many years of following me, she didn't hear what she liked? Plus that car looks expensive, but it's not as good as the BMW seven series! I'll lock her in the garage and I'll show her off! "

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what do you say? What I want to say is, everyone has a good! I like to be a doctor and do surgery. How about you? Do you have any hobbies? I know that Lao Zhao likes to eat steamed chicken cake! Isn't it? "

"Just like it, but there's no need to go up to the so-called comparison because of this. There's no need. If your family has it, our family must have it. Otherwise, I can't afford to lose this person? Your BMW is a five series, our family must be a seven series, your family is domestic, our family must be imported! It's meaningless. I'm comfortable! The so-called face is earned by oneself, not by others! "

"Director, they've parked the car downstairs! I'll report it! "

"Get out of here, I've heard that the black sheep of your family are going to play mahjong!"

Listen to two people's quarrel, there are so some funny!

"To tell you the truth, how does face come from? When I went to the hospital, at that time, my father just wanted to find something for me to save me from other problems and situations. At that time, I also had face, but this face was just the face that everyone gave to my father! I'm in the spotlight. What's the so-called face of myself?! At that time, everyone said, "look, Lao Ding's son is still good!"

"Damn it, who dares to look down on Dean Ding? Is his head in the water?"

"Now I go to the hospital and everyone says," look at director Ding! We Dean Ding has a good son! Now I rely on my own hands to earn this face, I do not need to rely on my father's wings! But I know how it all came about? I don't have to argue about it either

"Speaking of it, we don't have much self-confidence. We always feel that earning money can make us feel more confident. However, we don't know that this kind of behavior has no significance. On the contrary, there are so many excessive debates on morale. Is this the result? If you are light, you will lose your face; if you are heavy, you will lose your wealth! "

"Director, we all listen. We are all rude. Now we just want to close our minds, but we still don't know how to come from. Brother Zhao gives us an opportunity. We are all moved, especially with director Ding? Everyone is the center of admiration, as long as you speak, we are no two words! "

"What if you don't dislike it? I would like to say a few words to you. Of course, from the perspective of age, we are all elders and elder brothers. What about me? It's just that I saw something different! If there is anything wrong, everyone can speak freely! ""If you count up, we are all farmers, so we don't need too much! Three generations up? Who is not a farmer? Let me hear it out? Where is the sole of one's feet not stained with mud , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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