When Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying come with their children, the whole atmosphere is also a climax!

Ding Yu is a little strange to everyone, because the distance is so far! But Ding Lin still has a considerable impression on the public, Zhao Shuying there is also the same, even see one of their students, is not live to shake his head!

Two people have lived in this small city for so many years. One is a doctor and the other is a teacher. They are in contact with many people in all aspects! So now to see their own students, it is not so strange!

But to say that now face-to-face recognition of this is their own students, is not true, appearance has already changed! The main thing is that we have known each other before! So after seeing it today, I feel that there are some kind things just!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang's four children are also big and square. They don't have any twists and turns. Of course, they are not bear children. Ding Yu's family education is very strict! This is also to arouse everyone's considerable interest and good will!

"Dad, are you cooking today?"

"Show your hands!" Ding Yu didn't have any dissatisfaction or unwillingness, "how about? Do you want to show it? "

"Good!" Ding Chang didn't have any politeness. He washed his hands soon! Take up the kitchen knife inside the hand, start to cut meat, see the people around are also stunned! good heavens! Look at the children in director Ding's home. It's omnipotent!

Just now, when director Ding started, we were surprised, but at least we could understand. After all, director Ding was already an adult? Right? Ding Lin and his wife are more strict with director Ding, so they do some so-called family routines. There are not too many accidents. At most, they are a little surprised after watching them!

Director Ding's identity is that he even cooks in person. There is light on everyone's face today, and there are also some touching!

But now Ding Chang is here? Look at the gesture and movement of his hands. It's over! People's confidence was knocked out at once! What and what? Is this? Ding Chang is director Ding's own son, this is not running. From director Ding's family background, do you need Ding Chang to do these things?

Anyway, if placed in their own words, it is absolutely in the mouth afraid of melting, holding in the hands of the role of fear of falling! There will be like director Ding, there is no scruples, is really not worried about children will cut hands?

But those cooked food cut up, there is no sense of stiffness, and give people the feeling of flowing water! Go to the kitchen to cut vegetables and lotus, is absolutely a good hand, of course, there are so many joking!

"Director, I'm really satisfied today! How much money do you earn? I really don't envy at all. Really! How much money do I have? I don't feel how great I am. But when I see children like this, I really envy them! "

Ding Chang was talking to the people. He was a little shy. Ding Yu looked at his son and shook his head. Everyone was cheated by his appearance. There was a ghost in his heart! But the performance is also very good!

"Hi! When it comes to performance, sometimes they are the same as them. They are excellent, but they are too noisy. The thoughts in your head are one after another. You have some doubts. What do they think? What a headache

Ding Yu did not show too much modesty, nor to belittle their own children, what this can not, that can not, there is no such a saying! Children's performance is good, the idea is not wrong, mainly because of the adult's discipline problems, so the child will appear a considerable situation!

"Director's, I didn't say that! When we see children, we can see the quality of a family. In this regard, we are really ashamed of ourselves. However, we are lucky to meet the director and children, and we also see the goal? " Then he asked, "do you think so? There are endless feelings in my heart, right? "

"Absolutely, if such a child can be raised in my family, what kind of wealth, nothing to do with it?"

Ding Yu wiped his hand and handed it to Ding Chang. "There's nothing wrong. When they made mistakes, I was ruthless and really angry. But if you beat them up, can you solve all the problems? I didn't see it. I sent them to the countryside at that time, so that they could have a long memory

Although it is a past tense, Ding Yu still brings it out today!

"It's not that when parents are strict, they all want to give them the best they have. No one can deny that? But you can't give them the best, and then when there's a problem with the child, you can attribute all the problems to the child. This is not right! "

"Director! Now I understand a little, but the age of the children in the family is not so young! "

"Hi?! I think it's something! Even with grandchildren, what can happen? At this age, sometimes it is better to correct. The problem is that we are parents? Can you set an example? Ask yourself, can we set an example for our children? For example, when he came back to study in the evening, we read books together instead of watching TV there! Playing mobile phones, playing mahjong, etc.! "Ding Yu then said, "why should we ask others? Even their own children are the same. Why should they be their parents? This reason is not sufficient! It's a little bit self deceptive, isn't it? "

"Reading now?" Someone touched his head and said tentatively, "director, can you let people say it's pretending?"

Ding Yu here is also a smile, with a finger to talk to people, "see? When others haven't spoken, are you afraid? Why do you feel this way? I'm not confident! Why not self-confident, because they have never done so, and have not tried so! For the unknown, there is always a sense of distrust and uneasiness! "

All of us have some insights! Even if there is no study at home, the office of the company is also decorated with quite a number of books. In order to look like it, there are a lot of books arranged. But after buying them back, don't say to read them! Not even once! What's more, even the name of the book is not so clear!

Ding Yu has transmitted quite a lot of things to these people, and even made considerable verification. What is the purpose? Just to change some customs! The main drivers of the atmosphere in small cities are the people in front of them. If they can play a good role, then the changes in the whole city will be huge!

But this is a gradual process. It is impossible or even unrealistic for them to correct immediately. What are you kidding about? But to say that they are three minutes of blood, the possibility is not so big, so slowly to exert this influence!

When eating, it is basically a courtyard for men and a yard for women! But there are also a series of field! Anyway, the atmosphere is very warm! The drinks prepared by Ding Yu make everyone like it very much, especially the way that Ding Yucai drinks, which also makes us see different things!

In the past, everyone was drinking a lot, regardless of his liquor! Beer or red wine? Basically, it's the kind that pours into the stomach! No time for these so-called sentiments? Would you like to? Certainly is not willing, although said everybody likes to drink, but above certain degree, also can!

Today, however, I have also seen different places. There are white wine and yellow rice wine. The taste of the two is absolutely different. No one forces anyone to say so. Everyone likes it! Even if you don't drink, you can have a drink. There is absolutely no meaning of anyone going back to force them. This is what Ding Yu means!

Drinking is to help people have a better chat. It's not to say that other people are not willing to drink in order to spoil the fun. You just want to satisfy your own desire. In that case, the wine will not taste any better!

"Only today can we know the taste of wine. How can it be? What did you drink in the original time? "

Ding Yu raised the wine cup in his hand, and the people were hastily holding up the wine cup in his hand, "everyone is at will!" Ding Yu took a sip here and didn't mean to drink more! Have been waiting for people to put down the wine cup in their hands, Ding Yu only then said!

"When I want to drink most, I am in the army! At that time, I couldn't drink, and I couldn't drink what the taste of wine was. It was totally following the stream, which was just a kind of catharsis of emotion! At that time, smoking was a common thing, but drinking was definitely not a common thing. At that time, the army had quite a regulation. As for now? The rules are particularly strict! "

Zhao Hongyang took over Ding Yu's topic, "when I was drinking, it was just an impulse. Is the wine good to drink? When asked, they all said it was good to drink! What's a good drink? At that time, I felt that under the sky, there was nothing more difficult to drink than this beer! As for liquor? It's called spicy! That's a choking

"No, it wasn't good not to drink at that time. Anyway, I was drunk! When I really can drink, I suddenly find that my body is not so good! Today, when I realize the taste of wine, I have some feelings. Was that a fool in those years? "

"I don't know if you're a fool. Anyway, it's the same way back then, but this may be life."

"It's like wine!" Ding Yu said in a voice, "when I just touched you, it was strong! Exciting, but let people infatuated, but with the change of time, feel hurt, but still reluctant to give up, and finally taste the taste of which, there is a considerable miss! Wine is life! "

"Yu Shao, you are a cultural man, we are! It's a group of big men who may know this truth, but they can't say such words. Let's toast you

Everybody, you have a word! I said, to the end, did not drink, are full of energy, but the next project, Ding Yu here did not have any interest! Is really not any interest, and if they are involved, they are not very comfortable, so it is better to leave space for them to wake up!"Mr. Zhao, the next thing is up to you! I don't care how you arrange it! But let's wake up. If we can have some understanding of today, my words today can be regarded as a little helpful! "

"Don't worry, I'll take them to wash and gargle, go to drink gas, and then have a good talk. After all, such an opportunity is rare. I believe you can't have any understanding of this aspect! I will do my best! "

Ding Yu patted Zhao Hongyang. He didn't know what he meant, but he thought he had quite a feeling! So there's no need to talk a lot!

"Boss, you are so interested today! But it's a little rare! "

Zhao Shuying goes back with the children first! Therefore, Ding Lin and Ding Yu walked back as if they were walking!

As for what his father said, Ding Yu nodded, "Well! Someone told me about some things in this respect. I couldn't find such opportunities because I was a little busy with my work. So after Zhao Hongyang came to visit me this time, I also wanted to give them some advice! Is the atmosphere in the city? It's quite related to them? "

This word lets Ding Lin Leng for a moment, then is to laugh out!

"It's true that these guys are very rich, and there are not too many problems in the way they come in. I spend my own money on eating, drinking and playing, and other people can't control it? Right? This is not a very good situation

"They! There are so many wanton, because the speed of money is really a little fast, our side of the economic development is very good, we are all caught up with this trend, but now the wind comes, we can do what we want, but the wind left? What should I do? Is it all dusted down? There's nothing wrong with doing some preparation in this respect! "

"No wonder you invited them all here. I said it!" Ding Lin is also relieved at this time!

"They all have a lot of courage, but now some of them have lost their way. Under such circumstances, it is very dangerous to sail on the sea. It needs someone to guide them, let them see the danger of the wind and waves, and at the same time, let them grow up. This is a process!"

Ding Lin is very satisfied with his eldest son's words. His side is very popular and spicy, but he can't make the villagers all bitter, right? Leading them, we work together! This is my son. With such a son, I really feel proud!

"Grasp a yardstick! They! Although some publicity, but to say that they are bad people, really not counted, there are so some arrogance! However, this is also a common thing. I'm afraid it's hard to keep calm if anyone encounters such a thing. Everyone is ordinary people's! "

"Look at their own understanding ability?! At least on this point, Zhao Hongyang is still very good. He can correct his mistakes and does not evade his own problems, so it's no big deal to pull him! "

For the evaluation of the eldest son, Ding Lin also laughed. His son can say this, but he has no need to say anything! Because I am a doctor, even the Dean, or reputation! If it was not my eldest son, I would have been at home now!

"Lao Gu called me earlier. Do you remember his son?"

"The one in the capital? What's up? What happened again? "

"Nothing! Have a baby! It's a girl. Gu and his wife have seen it before. Anyway? Father and son have no overnight feud, so don't come back? Decided to come to our side and have a drink with our old brothers

"I'm not so clear about his situation, but Uncle Gu is here! Just have a good treat! I'm not an outsider. What do I need to prepare? "

"You don't have to prepare for anything. If you are not at home, he may just stop and leave. You are at home! You uncle Gu is also fastidious about people. You can't leave like this, so I'll tell you! "

"Hi! It's not a big deal, OK! Let me know when that happens! "

For such a thing, it is not to say that Ding Yu is not hurt. It has nothing to do with it!

Back at home, Ding Yu washed and rinsed here. Several children are the same. At this time, they will not go back to their homes! That is to stay here, anyway, there are more rooms here!

When Ding Yu heard the knock on the door, he looked at Wang An and Ding Chang who came in and nodded his head slightly. But then Ding Yun and Tong Tong Tong also followed in! Ding Yu is to spread the pen in his hand! Back up your body!

"What do you say? So late? You don't want to rest yet? So diligent? "

"Dad, we've investigated a little bit, but some places don't understand that well? So I have to ask you! "

"It seems that you are quite touched by this meal tonight! It's interesting! "Ding Yu naturally has his own consideration and consideration for such things. Since these children are interested, Ding Yu will not deliberately make it difficult for them, so he also gets up and sits down on the carpet next to him. Then he greets several children and asks them to sit down with them!

I'm not teaching them, and it's not in line with my character!

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