Four children sometimes sit cross legged, such as Wang An, and sometimes sit against the wall. Tong Tong is the most typical one! And Ding Chang? A little casual! Ding Yun is relying on his father, everyone's state is a little different!

"Today's meal is said to be Zhao Zong looking for me, but in fact, I have thought about this matter very early, but I really don't have much time, so it has been put down all the time! Not until today

"Dad, I heard it's about financial aid. Is that right?" Relying on her father, Ding Yun takes the lead in speaking!

"The farm is also a student aid program, even in a very large scale, but it has not been known for a long time! I think you should all know about this. All accounts can be investigated clearly. All expenses in terms of funds can be found out through the internal network. However, I still give a little reserve fund. Do you know what it is for? "

The boy raised his hand. After Ding Yu indicated, he also opened his mouth and said, "all things can't be one knife stuck. The plan is one thing, but the change is another. We have to deal with and prepare for the coming changes! This is the way to do things! "

Ding Yu nodded his head. "From a theoretical point of view, there are no mistakes. The plan can't be changed one layer at a time. It needs to be adjusted in time with the changes of time and space. What's more, I don't want you to understand this truth, but I have to mention it to you!"

"Master, we all understand it!" Wang An said in a deep voice, for the problems, there is no resistance, it is very natural to accept, it is obvious that we have also suffered some lessons in this respect!

"I believe all the staff are good and I hope to provide them with the best working environment, but is this realistic? The unrealistic thing is that it is very hard for them to study and teach. This is not a matter of building two novels, and then they can walk away. Children have a good school environment, just the beginning! It is a process to provide them with considerable education, let them know the world and set their future goals. As for the results? I didn't expect too much, I did! That's all! "

"Dad, is this the same thing with Uncle Zhao this time?"

"Not really!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Speaking of the situation in our city, even in the surrounding areas, there are cases that need funding, but it is not as many as we imagined. On this basis, we need to optimize education, and ordinary quality education can no longer meet the needs! We need to go further! "

"Oh Ding Yun also puffed up her mouth and said, "no wonder! The entry point is very good! But Dad, if this matter is made public, there must be other people who will follow in! The forces behind them may be more powerful, and the associated effect will be better! "

"You can't look at things in this way!"

This is not a criticism, but an explanation of Ding Yu!

"What about them? There are some problems with the starting point, including your uncle Zhao, who is also the same. In the current words, it is a bad child, fighting hard! Relying on a pair of fists, I feel that I can defeat the invincible hand! It's also something that people hate, but it's quite different from crime! "

"Dad, why are they?"

"Give them a chance to get to know themselves again. To a certain extent, after the development of our small county, some of the atmosphere has changed, and some of them are not so good! The speed of development is so fast that some people can't do it by themselves! "

Wang An and Tong Tong nodded their heads. For this issue, they have a considerable right to speak!

"Shifu, to a certain extent, they are really the leaders and disseminators of this ethos. They may be depressed or precipitate themselves for a short time, but the influence they bring is not eliminated in a moment and a half. Even for a relatively long time, they have a legacy!"

"Yes! I also have some considerations in this respect. When they are not floating, I will strangle the source and hope that they can make a change! Know yourself again! This is one of the purposes of today

Ding Yu said that there are so some implicit, so-called to be able to re understand themselves, if you can't care to re understand yourself, ha ha! That's not very nice! There's a saying. It's difficult to find the police, isn't it?

You don't even talk to me! Why do I have to talk with you implicitly, easy to discuss, you do not agree, then I'm sorry!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang have a look at each other. Their father is a little overbearing. Wang An and Tong Tong have no feelings about this problem, because they don't get along with their father for a long time. When they get along with each other for a long time, they will obviously feel different places, which will frighten people to death!

"Master, it's just a meal. Can they make a change?""This is not such a simple meal." Ding Yu said with emotion, "Ding Yun, say something! Ding Chang, you make a supplement! Wang An and Tong Tong, you should understand and analyze it well! "

"Well! I'll say it first Ding Yun has a white look at his father, but it is not a big deal, just start with yourself! "After Dad came back, except some people in the hospital, he basically didn't deal with other people. Even on the farm side, there were very few of them. Quite a lot of people wanted to have a close communication with him. Even if he showed up, it was a rare opportunity for quite a lot of people."

"What's more, all the people who came here today started around the whole farm to a certain extent. For them, the farm is just like their parents. If there is no such meaning on the farm, there is basically no possibility that they want to eat this meal again!"

What I said is quite clear! This opportunity to curry favor with Ding Yu, for all people, is the trend, not to mention invitation! Even if there is no invitation, the pole will come!

"Dad, what did you say to them at that time? We are all interested in it

"Clothing, food, shelter and transportation!" Ding Yu simply said the previously mentioned topic, "can they understand the so-called great truth with them? Can nature understand? But they will not care too much, there is no effect, they will only superficial perfunctory on you, so tell them a little bit of the most practical! It's the most appropriate! "

Four children look at each other, for different people to take different ways and methods, and in this point, their father and master is really perfect, let people even don't know how to deal with it! Not only can you listen to it, but also can produce quite a feeling!

"Dad, you are so good! Go straight to the point

"There is no dispute over interests, that is to say the most practical situation to them, right?! They are short of direction now. If you talk to them, you should listen to me? Will you follow me? What do they say about such a thing? Even on the surface listen to you, but the heart there are other total! So it's better to adopt another way, as it is now. They don't say anything when they listen to it, and even actively adjust their direction! "

"Dad, that's why you didn't go with this at night."

"Yes Ding Yu drew his thumb and gave a little praise. "They need a lot of understanding and discussion now. If I go there, they will not be able to do it by themselves, and even have a sense of restraint. Under such circumstances, what can we do? I just want to avoid it, and I'm not interested in it myself! "

"Come back to the question! They have no sense of direction and lack of self-confidence. Therefore, I found them and gave them a certain direction and confidence. I hope they can correct themselves and understand the world and society again! "

"Master, it may have a considerable impact, but how big is the effect?"

"Is success a necessity?" Ding Yu asked back! "Success is a necessity, but success is also an accident. The so-called success is a necessity, which means that after countless failures, success will always be achieved, but success is also an accident. Without the time, the place and the people, success can not come!"

The four children are so silent. They bow their heads and think about some things. They even record something there. For this habit, Ding Yu doesn't refute anything. This is Tong Tong's own business!

"Dad, I think they will achieve some success this time. Although this success can't be huge, it will increase their confidence and help them to build up their confidence again. Is that right?"

"The plan is good! But the plan can't be changed. What if it suddenly changes? In such a case, you can't make any kind of arrangement. In that case, you will be successful! The road is too narrow, even there is no way to turn around! "

Four small is not very understand, can only say ignorant, but this thing for their touch is still very big!

"Master, if tomorrow, what will they do?"

"What kind of action?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes and said, "is something funny coming? Shall we make a bet? Entertainment nature, transposition thinking, how will they do? A very interesting thing

"Dad, are you trying to embarrass us? But also deliberately set traps, let us jump inside

Wang An and Tong Tong looked at each other for a while, and they didn't know why. However, at this time, don't speak at random. It depends on the specific situation! There may be good results, maybe better results, no one knows, no one said good, but such a scene, it seems very interesting!"That's a little too biased! I didn't let you jump in on purpose? "

Wang An and Tong Tong's eyebrows both jump up. Why? Does the reason need to be explained? There is no intention to let them jump inside, which means that the trap has been set! It depends on when to punish! The meaning is so simple and clear that the master didn't deny it!

"Senior brothers, comment on the reason!" Ding Yun was a little angry, but he directly put the spearhead on Wang An and Tong Tong!

Ding Yu snorted, "OK! Don't bully both of them! The two of them don't know anything about it. You've got a good idea! "

Both of them snorted their little noses. Then Ding Yun and Ding Chang also communicated some ideas with Wang An and Tong Tong. There was no way for them to deal with Ding Yu's father! Under such circumstances, we can only unite all the forces that can be united!

Wang Yang and Tong Tong are the best choice. Don't think about being able to defeat your father. Under the current situation, it is absolutely impossible, unless it is a trap or bait, because they can't reach the level of their father at all. In such a case, they can only make themselves strong as far as possible!

But its own strong, is needs time, cannot come out of thin air, and now the best way? Is to unite more people! Wang An and Tong Tong's qualifications are not any problem, but still need considerable time and supplement!

There is also the father there, he is very happy about this matter, Ding Yun and Ding Chang of course they are happy! And it's a very happy one!

"Dad, from your point of view, what would they do?"

After all, the best way for them to deal with the old problems is to clean up their mistakes! It's also the most direct way

"Daddy? This is digging their roots! Is that all right? " Ding Chang feels a little unable to understand!

"If they want to change, they have to start from now on. If they don't have the meaning of this aspect, they will be embarrassed!" Ding Yu said indifferently, "it's not that I didn't give them a chance, nor that I didn't give them a high hand. It's because they don't cherish such an opportunity and have a chance to turn over a new leaf. It's true, but the boat! Not all the time! "

"Daddy, will everyone get on the boat?"

"No, there should be some people who will be lucky, but most of them, I believe, still have considerable direction and ambition, but they have lost some of them before! This is not a great event. If you change it now, there will be no problem! I believe the municipal Party committee and the police will be very happy! "

"Come on! Ask Wei pangzi tomorrow. His father is the deputy bureau. He must know the news. Moreover, these things are not confidential. There should be no problem! "

Ding Yu frowned slightly and nodded Ding Yun's forehead with his hand, "how can you give others a nickname? This kind of behavior is a little inappropriate?! And you won't be... "

"Daddy? You don't understand that, do you?! In this way, the relationship between each other will be more intimate. This is not an insulting nickname. If fat man Wei wants to say that he is fat, he is really not, that is, we call him in a mess! "

It's Ding Chang who has some headache. It's over! Dad knows this thing! Don't look now what did not say, but this matter is definitely in the heart of my father! The question is when it will explode! I don't know what to say for a while, and it's too late to say anything now!

"Dad, they did it! Is it all right? "

"How can it be ok?" Ding Yu laughed, "if you make a mistake, you need to be punished. The so-called family law, state-owned state regulations, the same truth, but they voluntarily confess their own problems, after this? If the so-called mutual understanding can be reached, then the nature and problems of things will be different! "

The four children all nodded clearly, but the meaning of this thing for everyone is certainly different!

"Master, this is the beginning of turning them around, so if you invite them to have a meal, you can kill them with one arrow, and if you really succeed this time! It will certainly have a huge impact on other aspects. If there is another time, then other parties will actively participate in it! "

"Yes! If there is a next time, they will certainly actively participate in it. As for whether there will be a next opportunity, I really can't say clearly! This time the matter is also hard work, it depends on the development of the situation then! After all, this is my hometown. I still hope it can be healthy Here! Fast! Steady development

"Dad, I'm sure they'll understand what you mean!" Ding Chang slightly narrowed his eyes, his father gave himself a good lesson, through this lesson, he understood a lot of things! The next step is to sort out these and transform them into your own things, which may take a little time! But it's definitely worth it!And Ding Yun! Wang An and Tong Tong, they have also understood quite a thing, they still can not relax! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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