The next morning, there were quite a lot of cars parked in the courtyard and gate of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, which made the city bureau a little nervous!

What's the situation? These vehicles seem to have some nicknames in the city. To a certain extent, they have been paid attention to by the Municipal Bureau. Even now, there are still people with quite a number in the city!

What's the big deal, really? It's really not. But after all, there was a problem in this area. What's wrong with this one today? All of them ran over! Therefore, the Municipal Bureau also deployed a considerable amount of manpower and material resources, for fear of what kind of problems and conditions! The so-called not afraid of 10000, just in case! Right?

These guys still have a lot of energy. If they are handled carelessly by the Municipal Bureau, it is easy to cause problems in other aspects and even have a considerable impact on the society! We should know that the development of the city in the past two years is particularly fast, especially strict in terms of organization and discipline! It's not a joke!

After reporting quite a situation to the superior, they began to receive these visitors in succession! After knowing the specific situation, the Municipal Bureau is feeling that there are so many stupid eyes, what situation? Are these people stupid? Or water in the head! Or do they suddenly repent? This is not normal!

As the saying goes, it's not the same as when it was!

The most common example is that when they are checked, they don't care about that. If you have the ability, you just post the list? I don't want you money, and even take the initiative to lean on your side of the position, let you paste, and even take turns driving and parking next to you! At that time, it was really a toad jumping on the instep of one's feet. If one didn't bite, he would respond to him!

What about today? One by one, they all boast their own identities and come to the Municipal Bureau. All the problems, large and small, that should be said are abandoned. There is not much concealment and concealment! Take the initiative to explain their own problems!

"Mr. Cai, we will verify your personal information as soon as possible! During this period, we may need your cooperation. If there is anything wrong, we hope you can understand it! "

Originally big bald head! Big gold chain! Cai Ying is wearing a mink, but now she is wearing a simple dress and a coat with half of her upper body. Although her hair is still bald before, the gold chain is no longer visible! I really look like a business person!

Cai Ying points his head at the person in front of him, and looks at the doubts on his face. He is also quite proud of himself! Even a little bit proud! "Huludou, we are also classmates! We are all in the same school, right? I didn't get into high school, so I didn't study! You started to make a fool of me when I was in junior high school. When you became a policeman, you were looking for me every two or three days

"What?" Hu Feng snorted! The mood is very dissatisfied! This asshole! I call myself a nickname, but I mean "gossiping". If it wasn't for today's special situation, I would like to let him know!

Cai Ying also responded with a hum, "get used to it! It's a little difficult to change for a while. You should include more! You came back to be a policeman. I didn't follow you at all! Come on! I'm here today to clarify that it's my job. I admit that it's something that should be punished, or something else. There's no problem. It's not my business. I'll never take it on me. "

"Starting to learn from good people? What's the matter? You agreed? " Hu Feng pointed to the outside!

"Hi! I opened my eyes yesterday! You don't have such a chance! " Speaking of this, Cai Ying was also elated, "mad, when you didn't call me eagle, you just called me chicken. Don't think I don't know. I just don't have a common sense with you."

Hu Feng felt a little funny, "look at what you did in the original time! Do you mean to say that? "

"I admit, I have done some bastards, but huludou, you know, although I have done some bastard things, I have basically not done any cases and so on. Of course, I am not so clear about your internal affairs, but I try my best to cooperate. There are some messy things that I still know!"

"Who? It's not like you're an eagle with such a face! "

Cai Ying took it out of his pocket and motioned to his old classmates, "don't dig your Hongta mountain! It's delicious, but it's humiliating! But I'm not a great thing. I'll give myself some proper enjoyment, no problem, but don't do it! "

"If you had understood this earlier, you would have achieved more than today."

"Hi! Who said it wasn't? But now I understand, don't you? It's not too late to change now. You old classmate, you can't just watch, can you? "

"So I'm very puzzled now. I've advised you many times that your mouth is about to be polished! There is no effect at all. With so many people coming this morning, the Bureau attaches great importance to this matter! "

Cai Ying flicked the ash! I'll just say it! But you just need to know. Previously, Mr. Zhao called us together, and we all sat down together! ""Zhao Hongyang?"

"Yes! Later, we learned that it was Mr. Ding who invited us to dinner. Last night, Mr. Ding invited us to dinner at the courtyard of the farm. He told us some truth and mentioned some things to us. Hi! The eloquence, the conversation and the demeanor of others! You! " He looked at his old classmate with disdain, "what a pity! At that time, we didn't record it. We really talked about it in our hearts? "

"Mr. Ding Yuding?" Hu Feng asked tentatively! There are also some small shivers!

"Of course! We guys are a little foolhardy. We start to work after we have money. Obviously, Mr. Ding is not very satisfied with us. This is my guess. It's not what Mr. Ding said, and they didn't tell us any great truth. Instead, we talked about some problems with us. At the same time, we also gave a good lesson to those losers We all know each other fairly well! "

"So you're here today? ....!”

"Hi, I had dinner at the courtyard yesterday. Besides Mr. Ding, the president and his wife, as well as director Ding's children and apprentices, all showed up." When he spoke, Cai Ying stretched out his thumb, "NIMA!" Perhaps also realized that his speech is not right, Cai Ying waved on his face to give a slap!

"I'm a rude man, and I haven't studied much. I'm a bit careless in my speech. We met the child, looked at the child, and then looked at the son of our family. Compared with him, he was called a man! The one in our family said that they were animals. I think they are all so flattered! "

"Wei Ju's son and they are classmates. They are all in the same community! Sometimes I've seen Ding Yun and Ding Chang when I went to school together. As for the two new apprentices, I haven't seen much of them. I've heard of them! "

In fact, what this said is slightly implicit. I haven't seen it, but the relevant information is clear in the mind of the Municipal Bureau! Even everyone in the Yuding family is like this! After all, Mr. Ding Yuding has made considerable contributions to the development of the city. Without Mr. Ding, there would be no city today!

But this Mr. Ding! You say low profile?! At that time, the Ma family and the Song family made a lot of trouble, but should we say high profile? Basically, I can't hear anything. When I come back, it's home or farm or hospital. It's over! Other times, you can't see at all. You can't really see it, instead of hiding intentionally!

People don't have any other thoughts at all. Sometimes the Municipal Bureau is really worried that there will be people who are not long-sighted who will run into the Ding family and make trouble. It will be very difficult!

However, from the farm to now, we have never heard of anything in this respect, and no one dares to do messy things under the banner of the Ding family. President Ding and his wife often appear, but they just support treatment and education, or eat and drink tea with old friends!

They didn't feel that there was anything different between them!

But from this also can feel the Ding family style, quite different! With Ding Yun and Ding Chang coming back to school, we can say that we can see clearly their performance!

Director Ding can't get in touch with him, because he is a homestead man, but Ding Yun and Ding Chang are different! They are here at school every day! Teachers and students are getting along with them day by day, most of them have a lot of understanding!

After understanding more, we can feel that Ding Yun and Ding Chang have many different places, but the difference does not mean another kind! In terms of personal accomplishment and tutoring, just like Cai Ying said! No one can compare!

"We all saw it yesterday. We came a little late. It seems that we made a video with their mother and apologized to us for being late! Then cook in person! You didn't see that Dao skill. Anyway, the black lady of our family doesn't have to think about it! I can't catch up with you! If you take a bite, you will feel immortal! "

Cai Ying now think of it, still feel that this will be his biggest talk in the future!

"Eagle, I feel that you are so different from you all!" Hu Feng said suspiciously!

"Of course! If you think about what you said to me in the past, it's not unreasonable. However, huludou, what you said is great truth. It doesn't sound like much. Mr. Ding also told us yesterday! What he said is a little broad, a little scattered, and even ordinary words, but the truth condensed in his words is deeply touched by us! "

Hu Feng glared at his old classmate and ran to this side to deliberately bury himself, didn't he?

"We had dinner yesterday, and then Mr. Zhao called together and we went to take a bath together! After sitting together for a period of time, I changed my clothes in the morning and came here! "

Hu Feng deliberately looked up and down at Cai Ying, "however, it looks like it's like that again!"

"Well, if you just say I'm like a person, it's over! I'm not a fool Cai Ying hummed, "say something practical, we should compensate for those problems that should be compensated, we should apologize for those that should be apologized, and we should deal with them according to law. I think there must be, and I will come directly at that time! You don't have to come to our house with handcuffs! I'll frighten the black sheep out of our house again! That's not good! ""Eagle, I can tell you, don't try to be small and broad, and avoid the heavy ones! This is a matter of principle! "

"Come on! Since it's here! I didn't think about those messy things. I had committed anything. I knew clearly in my heart that if I really killed people and set fire to fire! Or something else, I can still sit here and be honest, are you kidding? What's more! Huludou, we here is a small county, these people are not sensible at the beginning, quarrel, or fight! At the beginning, you didn't miss me

"That's the same

Hu Feng raised himself so much that he was too devoted and too serious!

This is just a small county, not a metropolis or a big city. If you want to talk about trivial things, you can say that there are endless police, and there are no police! But really speaking, there are some murders and arsons. Good guy, I haven't seen one case in a few years. At this point, there is still a considerable guarantee!

"You are in a good time! But speaking of, also need to be a little more leisurely, I also want to find you to talk about the relevant issues, a little rowdy a bit fierce! You've made a lot of money, but don't do anything wrong

"What? Heard the wind? " Cai Ying is also a smile! "All right! Don't be sour in your heart! We also know that at that time, it caused quite a lot of trouble to you. Let's not get involved in other aspects of things. If we were involved! I don't have any problem. I'm afraid you can't make it clear! So we discussed about donating more cars to the Municipal Bureau and donating funds for handling cases! That's it! This is a donation, not a bribe. What's more, you should try your best to use it in practice. We can make money quickly, but we also hope that the money can be used in the right place. "

Hu Feng felt a little funny, "I said you eagle, when did you start to have this idea? I heard about the Education Bureau! What do you think? It's hard for you! What's more, you have seen the situation in our city in the past two years, which is not to scare people! And it will be the same in the future! "

"Hi, huludou, I'm more clear about this than you are. It's a pity! At that time, I really bothered you, so I didn't find a time to have a good meal. I'm afraid it's hard to have such a chance in the future! "

"Explain your own problems first."

"What should be explained, what should be proved? If there is any problem, I will tell you everything. After this village, there will be no shop! I understand this very well! " Cai Ying was very arrogant and said, "but it's not my problem. I can't depend on my head! We need to talk about it! "

Hu Feng couldn't help laughing! "We will never frame any good man! Don't worry about this. After so many years of time, I know that you must have other Xiaojiu in your heart. Don't think I don't know anything! "

Then he also raised the file in his hand, "but if you tell me clearly, I won't be hard to do it!"

"Shit!" Cai Ying couldn't help calling out, "our old friends for so many years! Old classmate, you still have such a hand in hiding! "

"This is not a secret, but we need to pay attention to evidence when we do things! Do you understand? "

"Understand!" Cai Ying's reply was very happy, "when I was doing things, I was confused, but what I can think of, I made a considerable explanation. If it was amazing, I would go in and squat for a few years!"

"If you don't have to trap me, it's basically impossible to go in for a few years. Things are not so big, but some things still need to be handled by yourself. If you can reach an understanding between both sides, I believe there won't be too many problems. If you can't reach an understanding, we will come forward and deal with you according to law."

"Understand!" Cai Ying answered solemnly! "It's not just our losers who are ready! The others are all ready! At the beginning, I didn't think of it clearly. To speak of it, your ideological work was not in place. If it was, why should we delay such a long time? "

Hu Feng couldn't laugh or cry. It really had a lot to do with them. What Cai Ying said was very correct. The ideological and political work was still not in place. That's why such a problem occurred!

Too much time too perfunctory, will only say the so-called great truth, and not to consider some aspects of the problem! We must learn from this aspect in the future!

"Right thinking! In the right direction, you! It seems that there will be considerable development in the future, as an old classmate, I am still very happy, I hope you can be magnanimous in the future! What's more, your head is a little over the top Hu Feng is helpless to see a look, "too abrupt!"

Cai Ying touched his head and said, "other things are easy to handle. I've taken off my clothes! I've taken off the chain, but the hair can't grow out if it grows out! This is deliberately difficult for me

"What's difficult for you? Dare you say you didn't mean to do it at first?" Hu Feng took a look at it, "make a good one in the future!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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