Wei Chun and his wife were surprised by their son. After he came back, they did not show how luxurious the villa of the Ding family was and how luxurious the conditions of the Ding family were. There was no mention of them!

On the contrary, he mentioned some problems about the quality and education of the Ding family, which made Wei Chun slightly embarrassed!

So when his son finished speaking, Wei Chun was looking at his son and his expression was a little odd! "Wei Lai! Your father and I, can send you to Ding Chang's class, there are so many favoritism! Of course, this is not a violation of the law and discipline. It does not go hand in hand with this. I did this for the simple purpose of hoping that you can learn from it. In fact, what is learning well? How far can you reach? For this problem, your mother and I have no bottom in their hearts! We can only provide you with a little platform and help, but this help is very limited

Wei Lai had a little accident, but it was not so unexpected. He just nodded to his father.

"Dad! Mom! In fact, I don't know why, all said after junior high school, it should be different from primary school! My side is really a little different! But compared with the previous confusion, now! More time to sigh, even with a little bit of small chagrin! But I know, this is not... "

"I know what you want to say!" Wei Chun's rare smile, "I want to say that our family is such a condition, let others hear, will say I Wei Chun is a bit shameless! But what about your father? It's a policeman. I don't believe that I put a lot of energy into you! What about the ghost? "

Wei Lai touched his head and laughed. At the same time, he took his mother's apple. Before this, he motioned to his father, but his father didn't mean to take it. So Wei Lai took it and took a bite. It tasted good! At least it's the kind that makes you feel sweet!

Today's conversation is quite different from the original, and the feeling is also different!

"Dad, I know what to do next!"

"You want to fly higher. I am proud to be a father, really! But I just hope you can calm down a little. In addition, there is no other requirement. The family can support you, and still fully support you. Your mother and I don't have high requirements. We can have a place to live and have a meal to eat. That's OK! "

"Daddy! The pressure you give is a little bit big, but I'm still small! "

"Small? It's not too small! " Wei Chun wanted to laugh a little, "but if you want to say that I give you pressure, it's not true. I really don't want to give you any pressure. Am I happy? It's not that you've got good grades! But you're in the right direction! At the same time, learning and recuperation have been greatly improved, this is the most let me feel happy! Now there are no stupid children, or not very enlightened! Too few! "

"Yes! I'm driving it! Dad, you're so... "

Forget it, or don't say it! After all, he is his father. What about this? Say too straightforward words, do not guarantee that he will directly turn over the face, hard to say things!

"Well! Now you need some support from your family. But in advance, there is a little savings at home, but the savings are not so much, relatively speaking, they are enough! "

"Not too much! In the past, it was a random spending! I can't even remember how I spent it now. As for now? At most, it's just eating or buying two books! As for other aspects, there is not too much. Relatively speaking, my allowance is already quite a lot! "

For this problem, Wei Chun is also grateful, for the Ding family's gratitude, why? My own son! At the beginning, I had a very bad habit in this respect. On my side, he was such a grandson, and his grandfather had only such a grandson. Under such circumstances, he was too spoiled to look like this!

But now? At this point, formed a very good habit, at least at home snacks and toys, basically can not see too much! Some are still in the room, but quite a cartoon! The posters and toys have been put away, and the books in the room are getting more and more!

Let him sit at the desk before, OK? With his small life like, I have never felt so hard, but now? Sometimes it's too late and you need yourself or his mother to let him go to bed!

Originally he still thought, is he secretly doing something messy? It's hard to say! After all, many of his previous deeds have explained quite a problem, but after a long time of investigation, I also know that I have misunderstood my son. He has really changed a lot!

"When you are with a group of friends, you can't just let them spend money. Friends don't do this, and you can't take advantage of friends. If you say that friends take advantage of each other, it's ok if you don't make friends with them!"

"Dad, I don't seem to be such a person." Wei Yunchang pays attention to not only the expense of wearing mobile phones, but also the expense of spending too much on sports No more! ""What kind of sports clothes? Your school has more than one uniform!"

"Dad, at most, our school uniforms will be put away in the future, which will be more pleasant to listen to and reserved for commemoration. If not, I really doubt if there is something wrong with the logistics eyes. What kind of things have we purchased? But there is no way, can't because of such a thing big Tiangong? Right? It's not worth it

Wei Chun's mouth slightly has so some twitch, previously oneself felt own son big change! But now I feel that my son is still my son, that is to say such a thing!

Whether it is right or wrong is a matter for discussion. However, the flavor he showed made him feel helpless. At the beginning, he also spent a lot of effort. Why did education have problems?

Fortunately, after Ding Yun and Ding Chang of the Ding family came back, their son had a considerable opportunity, and then they also adjusted! In terms of his fate, there is really no one!

"Yes! You went to see Mr. Ding. He had no opinion about the previous affairs? "

"Dad, do you really don't understand such a simple thing, or do you mean to test me on purpose?" Wei Lai was very discontented, "Ding Shucai doesn't have so many thoughts? Of course, there may be other considerations. I don't know. But what does such a thing have to do with me, a little man? "

"Whether it's related or not, we need to pay attention to it. After all, Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the parents and daughters of others, while Wang Yang and Tong Tong are your direct descendants. What about you? One of them

"That's true, but the four of them are really excellent. They are ashamed of each other! But fortunately, Wang An's sister is still a little worse, at least relative to her present age. But if she goes to junior high school, what she will look like is hard to say! " With that, Wei Lai, lying there, patted his head!

Looking at the son's appearance, Wei Chun and his wife looked at each other and laughed! Smile is very happy! It hasn't been like this for a long time at home!

"Are you full at night? If you don't have enough, I'll leave you a meal! "

"I'm full! And the food was good! Didn't I just say that? Uncle Ding cooks in person. I also thought that uncle Ding's home may be a delicious food, but it is also very normal. There is no luxury in imagination. At most, it is a little more delicate! It's delicious

"How old are you? Still taste? " At this time, Wei Chun didn't mean to straighten up his waist. He leaned on the sofa and tried to ease his body a little. During the day, he worried a little bit! Now delivery is relieved!

"Has nothing to do with age? How about that? " Wei Lai was not satisfied, "but Uncle Ding's appetite is really big. All of us eat less than uncle Ding alone. We're all going to be scared!"

"I know something about it. Mr. Ding is a warrior! An extraordinary warrior

"Dad, I also mentioned this to Uncle Ding?" Looking at his father's suspicious appearance, Wei Lai sneered, "it's mainly about the fight with Ding Yun. It should not be the fight, but the fact that I was beaten. At that time, I was cleaned up by Ding Yun with a black and blue face!"

"You don't mean to say that! It's lucky that Ding Yun doesn't have a common sense with you. It's also fortunate that Mr. Ding has considerable capacity. If you were to be someone else, you would not be as simple as being blue and blue faced! "

Speaking of this word, Wei Chun is still lingering fear!

"I know!" Wei Lai was very serious and said, "but I know! Ding Yun and their education is quite different, wrestling! Sanda, as well as Bock, jujitsu and so on, seem to have considerable contact, including karate! Taekwondo, there are really some doubts. When will these things be finished? "

Wei Chun looked at his son attentively. When he said this, his eyes were shining!

I know that he is absolutely moved at this time! But how can not find any direction!

"You don't care so much about things? Envy? Or are you really interested? "

"Don't know?" After a moment of hesitation, Wei looked at his father's body! "I can't tell what it's like, just a little expectation!"

"At this point, I can give you some convenience! The city council has been enlarged! Because our city's economy has been quite developed, so some departments can not meet the demand! In particular, the public security department has recruited quite a number of people with unique skills! Would you like to have a try? "

"Dad, can you do it?"

"But relatively speaking, everyone's work is a little bit busy, and when the work is not busy, there are still quite a lot of training waiting for you. If you are interested, you can go and have a look, but what they teach you can't see. I'll give you a chance!"Wei Chun didn't mention how to find this opportunity. He didn't know whether he could succeed or not. He didn't want to eliminate his son's enthusiasm! That would be a very serious blow to him!

Of course, I know that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers on the farm side. With the Municipal Bureau, they belong to the co construction unit. Sometimes, the training and exercise of the Municipal Bureau will be placed on the farm side? Because there are quite a few people on the farm, they are all retired from the army! And they're all very experienced!

Why not come to the City Council, but to the farm? Does the reason need to be explained? It's so simple!

The benefits of the farm side are good and the treatment is high, but what about the Municipal Bureau? You can't die of hunger! What's more, it's hard work. What about the salary? It's not as high as you can imagine. Anyway, it's suffering! The important thing is that the quota is quite limited. Under such circumstances, who is willing to come to be the so-called little daughter-in-law? Right?

What's more, this is Mr. Ding's hometown after all, and he attaches great importance to some security problems. Therefore, the quality of some staff on the farm is particularly outstanding. Even I know that there are special teams in the farm to deal with some unexpected situations!

In terms of special police, there are two people who came from this place. This one was recruited by a certain degree of relationship. Otherwise, they would not come at all, because compared with their origin, this one belongs to dowry!

"All right! I already know the details! If you don't have anything on your side, have a rest early! I have to get ready to rest! Today's work is a bit too busy! My hands are about to be called chicken feet! Anyway, the time of the day is basically on the chair, there is no room to move! "

"Ah? Dad! Is it so serious? " Wei Lai asked subconsciously!

"Hi! It's nothing serious, but they have explained quite a lot of problems. Some cases belong to old adult cases, but basically there are no major events. They are more shrewd than they imagined. They also know what things can be done and what things can't be done, but they have reported quite a lot of things! "

For such things, Wei Chun is particularly aware of!


"Yes Wei Chun explained, "these guys! They are not bold in general, but they are bold, which does not mean that they can act arbitrarily. Do you think Mr. Ding will contact them without any investigation? They must have made considerable contact. Now it depends on whether they can seize such an opportunity! "

Wei Lai spat out his tongue and said, "I don't quite understand this! However, seeing what Ding Yun and Ding Chang mean, they are not so interested in these things. They just want to know a result. As for the problems of process and other aspects, they just don't care about it at all! "

"But it makes the work of the Municipal Bureau much easier! It's almost the end of the year! The Municipal Bureau also attaches great importance to some problems. With the development of our economy, some problems are also breeding, which has caused a bad impact. Now, with such a thing, it is a good way to cut off the roots of some aspects! "

"By the way, Dad! If we want to investigate some old materials here, there should be no other mention? "

"There are really not many people mentioning this aspect now! Very few! "

"Dad, that thing you said is about the Ma family and the Song family. I knew it for a long time! Even if I know something that I don't know in other aspects, I don't have much interest in it! "

"Mr. Ding's information is top secret. It's impossible for you to read the information. Don't say it's me! Even Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the same! "

Wei Chun looked at his son with a bad smile, "I think Ding Yun and Ding Chang will soon understand this truth. In fact, you are walking into a misunderstanding! Compared with Mr. Ding, it's as simple as a young rabbit? "

"What?" Wei Lai had some small panic, even some astonishment. What was the situation? Because of this, I got into a relationship with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, but now my father told me that it was totally futile!

"Daddy, isn't this true?"

"What's real or not?! You guys! Some of them are too young! For some problems do not have a considerable understanding, there is no denying that you are very smart, but smart? It doesn't mean that you have a good understanding of the world and so on. What's the difference? "

"Dad, what you mean is that all our things are actually in the eyes of Uncle Ding, but he pretends not to know it! Is that what you mean? " Wei Lai is a bit eager!

"Who is Mr. Ding? How can he not know, but compared to him, you are just children. It's not a big deal for you to play with you or even make a fool of yourself. In other words, it's a good thing for Mr. Ding to let you learn some so-called lessons! ""This is still a good thing. Isn't this a clear bully?"

"Is it a bully? Think about it! " Wei Chun said a warning, "words can't be said indiscriminately, what you say should be responsible!"

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