Hello, director Guo Kai. Is that me

Qu he was stunned when he received the notice. "The director is busy now. What's the matter?"

"I have a classmate who had adverse reactions. The hospital has checked it, but it has no effect. I seem to have heard the director mention this matter. His bone has been dislocated some time ago! Originally, this is a very normal thing, but now it has been unable to connect, and the hospital is also a little helpless? "

Hmm?! Qu he couldn't help but say, "when did it happen? I've heard about this, but Guo Kai, you seem to be a military academy there?! Such things should not happen. At least as far as I know personally, military academies are different from other schools and universities. What kind of management is very strict? "

"The specific situation is now under investigation, but the hospital for this situation is very difficult, my classmate is a grade higher than me, academic performance is very good, and the performance is very good and good, the result suddenly happened such a situation, the specific reason still needs to be investigated, at least now there are not too many results!"

"Well, I'll go and ask the director for instructions. I don't know what's involved. I'll see if I'm free? We'll get back to you when we get there! "

After putting down the phone, Qu he went to find Ding Yu, "director, are you busy?"

Ding Yu looked up and said, "what's the matter?"

"Guo Kai called just now!" Qu he simply said things again, "dislocations are very common, but after dislocations, things like this are not very common! I know some techniques to achieve this goal, but there are not many in the world these years! "

Although we can't say that he is well-informed, Qu he still has his own way and opinions on this aspect!

"Where are the commissars now?"

"The political commissar and other personnel are not here now. They all have quite a job. Although I don't know that clearly, I went to inquire about it just now in order to report to you. They are not here!"

"Yes! If you're all right, you can go to see the specific situation and choose two people by yourself. "

"Yes! Director, what should I pay attention to? " Qu he doesn't mean to take over everything! On the contrary, it is very cautious!

"It's just to see how the specific situation is. As for other aspects, we don't have any interference, whether it involves love or hatred or other aspects, which has nothing to do with us. We just went to see how the situation of this classmate is? That is, some medical discussions! Do you understand? "

It's not that Ding Yu is afraid of things and has nothing to do with it. It's mainly because he doesn't have any investigation on specific things. It's extremely inappropriate to make a speech now. Therefore, he would rather not say anything than make a judgment! Hope Quhe can grasp the scale of it!

"Director? Do you want to contact Guo Kai? "

"No! Let him be at ease to study! Although he found you, he didn't need Guo Kai to come forward. No one knows what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd. Now? Just wait and see what happens

Ding Yu is calm and sophisticated. He doesn't mean to refuse Guo Kai. He even sent Qu he to the past. However, it's not appropriate to say how much Ding Yu really cares about this matter. At least, Ding Yu doesn't have much interest in this aspect, and even seems a little cold inside!

Qu he came back the next day! After an interval of one night, he didn't even go to rest after coming back, so he went to fight Ding Yu directly, "director, the matter has been solved in general! What is involved is not so clear. I just put my dislocated arm on and take a little rest. Basically, there are not too many problems! "

"What a trick! It's not so common now? " Ding Yu asked curiously!

"I don't know, like the one from Tianjin Wei? I seem to have heard of it vaguely, but it's not clear who is involved in it! " Obviously, the crane is keeping the bottom? Some things are not afraid to check, down the vein, in fact, is very easy to check, is willing or not willing to do things!

Ding Yu can certainly understand the meaning.

"In that case, it has nothing to do with us!" So far, Ding Yu doesn't care about it any more. As for whether there is any meaning in the Naval Academy, or whether there is any intention in other aspects, it is not as important as imagined!

As for Ding Yu's carelessness, some people are really surprised! Ding Yu didn't catch up with him in person, but let Qu he go! After Qu he passed by, he didn't even ask about the situation. At most, he looked at him and didn't know what kind of technique he used. Anyway, he solved the problem in the end!After the problem was solved, the prescription was left, and Qu he left immediately! They didn't even make any stay. The school wanted to express their gratitude, but there were some people who couldn't find anyone. They just wanted to leave. Even if they wanted to stay in the Naval Academy, they couldn't stay. After all, they were director Ding's people!

Come fast, walk fast, there is no stop in the process, even Guo Kai there is no meaning to meet! For this matter, there are still some small embarrassments in the naval academy!

No one knows what kind of situation is. Is Qu he too cautious!? Or to say that director Ding Yu Ding has other ideas, no one knows, no one can say clearly!

"Director, I don't think the problem of which student is so big, but the Naval Academy seems to be over enthusiastic!" Qu he looked at his director and said in a low voice!

Ding Yu was slightly stunned for a moment, and then hummed, "how do they want to make a fuss? Which is their own business? We should not worry about it blindly! What's more, it's not something we should worry about along with! "

Some don't understand why the director said this, but Qu he understood that one thing, the matter has come to an end, at least his own affairs have already ended here! There is no need to mention any more in the future!

It was near noon that Guzhuang called. Ding Yu's room was a little warm. After heating, the room was a little dry. As for the humidifier? Ding Yu placed special materials inside, so there is a slightly special flavor, light! But it's refreshing!

"Director? I just got the news on my side! " Obviously, Gu Zhuang got the news a little late!

"Well! I asked Qu he to take a look at it. I didn't mean to ask him in detail. Qu he didn't ask any questions. After he cured the man, he came back! It's just the way of the river and lake! "

Ding Yu said it clearly, and Guzhuang naturally understood it!

"Director, I've transferred people away! The purpose is to hope that the naval academy can be a little more stable, or even stop a little, but how long is this? They did not understand the intention, but Guo Kai's performance was good! It's worth praising! "

For Guo Kai's problems, we all have a considerable understanding, so there are not too many problems in Guzhuang's expression. From Guo Kai's point of view, he can't be too straightforward. If the performance is too direct, it is easy to see through!

"In fact, Guo Kai's problem is not as important as imagined. It is true that everyone is optimistic about him. But whether he can grow into an imaginary talent in the future is still unknown. No one dares to make this guarantee! After all, the present does not represent the future, does it? "

"Director, it's not a simple thing to control the situation. The new deputy director and deputy political commissar have met with them and explained the process to them. Judging from the current situation, the performance is still very good! As for the follow-up, you may have to work harder for the director! "

"I don't have this idea now, but relatively speaking, the water has not been confused, which is a good thing! But my personal intention? I prefer some of their own problems and situations to the actions of the Naval Academy. What do you think of this

"No investigation, no voice?"

Guzhuang said in a low voice, but Guzhuang also knew that it was impossible to block the director's mouth in this way, so he also said, "under the current situation, Xue Guangming's affair has just passed. Now, it is understandable to put the spearhead on the military. But if you continue to put the spearhead on the director's head, you can understand it On my body, I don't think this thing will be so stupid? "

Why not put the spearhead on Ding Yu's body? Does the reason need to be explained? Because of Xue Guangming's reason, Wang An and Tong Tong are both received by Ding Yu, and they have made considerable arrangements!

But the fire in Ding Yu's heart has not dissipated! Even has not any vent, but all eyes of the people, all know how this is a thing? Ding Yu's fire didn't spread out. If Ding Yu is provoked now, who knows if it will be a great disaster? Hard to say? Who dares to make this guarantee?

So now under such circumstances, how far away should we be from Ding Yu!

Now with Ding Yu, there will never be any good things, nor will there be any good results, this is a very obvious thing! In this case, the Naval Academy is quite clear!

Of course, there are some people who can't see the reality clearly, or some people don't know the situation, so they will make a fuss. It's no big deal if such things come out! Can accept! Of course, enough is enough. This truth still needs to be understood. If you continue to make trouble, ha ha!

Do you really think Ding Yu is a vegetarian? Right? What if Guo Kai was in the naval academy? We should know that the navy is not such a university, and then again! The navy can't. the army and air force are still waiting there!"Director Su, I've done a good job on her side."

Suddenly mentioning Su Yang's situation, Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, but he was also stunned for a moment, and then snorted, "I said that the chief political commissar, sitting in the central government is not enough! I went down to inspect in person. Did it highlight that I was so incompetent as a director? " Between the words revealed quite dissatisfaction!

"I dare not! Your director is in charge? Host direction, let's run errands for the following things! We! It is suitable for this kind of thing, as for other things, there is no such ability! "

I don't know whether Guzhuang was intentional or unintentional, but the meaning in the words is not to be hard top Ding Yu! However, Gu Zhuang is more or less aware that Ding Yu is not so interested in Su Yang!

If it was other students, Ding Yu would never do this. But Su Yang, a little pepper, didn't know what Ding Yu thought? Anyway, it's not face! Even when mentioned, they are quite impatient! I don't know whether the two people are really incompatible?

According to Gu Zhuang's understanding, after Su Yang came there, he was faced with many problems and situations. To say that among those students, there were no women, really! But the director is "looking at the pepper differently" and has no idea about this problem? No one can say why!

Today, I just mentioned a sentence. The director didn't give any face, even forced himself to face-to-face. This situation never happened before! It can be seen that the general! I really don't know where the little pepper really provoked the director. In my impression, it seems that there is no such thing!

When putting down the phone, Gu Zhuang's expression on his face was a little serious, his hands crossed on the table!

Now I have two headache problems. There are some in the naval academy that are too urgent! What's more, is the director's question about Su Yang? Are there really some thorny problems?!

If you want to say that the director really can't look up to him, the director seems to have never mentioned the equivalent words, but if you want to say that the director looks up to Su Yang, it seems that he is quite different from Guo Kai and other people, even can't be compared at all! Under such circumstances, what kind of arrangement should be made? For this, Guzhuang has such a difficult feeling!

"Commissar, it's time to have lunch?"

When I heard the knock on the door, Guzhuang woke up! Two hands released, with the right hand hit his head, "think a little more things? Your work is over? "

"Yes! It should not be difficult to prepare for some work of the school, but the final learning is a little messy. I am gradually sorting out. Learning anything needs to be orderly, not without any context. In that case, it can only highlight my ignorance and incompetence! "

"Sit down!" Guzhuang pointed to his position in front of him. "I know you are not so convinced in your heart, especially when it comes to Guo Kai's problem, you always want to be able to crush him!"

"Commissar, I just didn't have a correct understanding of him before, which led to considerable personal problems! Has not been able to find back this face, so there are considerable problems and conditions! I will gradually understand this problem, but now I think it is difficult to correct it! "

Not to avoid their own problems, but also some of their own problems were analyzed!

Guzhuang is watching Su Yang, "you little pepper! I still have a lot of thoughts, but do you know why the director still has that attitude so far? "

"Because I couldn't do it myself and lost my way. This is my own problem. It has nothing to do with the director!" Thank you very much, Director Su. I have no idea about it

"Not the most important reason?" Gu Zhuang laughed. "The director is very strict. He is strict with others, and he is also strict with himself. Sometimes he is so strict. There are often situations where no defects are allowed. Can you understand this feeling?"

"I don't have this experience, but I can feel it!" Su Yang listened very seriously. Although he said that he didn't care so much on the surface, it was just an indication. In fact, he was still quite concerned about this issue!

"You have given up, which is why the director looks at you differently! What is the reason for giving up, now there is no need to investigate! It has no meaning at all! isn't it? Those are you from the last moment! The question is, what are you like now? You've lost an important opportunity. I don't want you to lose everything! "

What does the so-called loss of an opportunity mean? Su Yang of course understands that losing an opportunity does not mean losing everything, but if you say you give up, then you really have nothing! For this, Su Yang of course has a very clear understanding!Did not be able to divide with Guo Kai a superior inferior, oneself already is very not angry? Under such circumstances, how could he give up such an opportunity? Originally, he did not know the direction and had no goal, but at the same time, he was just like a fly without a head!

Now that you have a goal and direction, how can you admit defeat in such a situation? I don't want to try that again!

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