"Fat man, what are these?" Ding Yun looks a little different!

"All the information I can get!" Wei Lai is a little short of breath, running a little fast! "I didn't ask my father to help me, but I should borrow his face, otherwise people would know who I am! I don't know what kind of information is involved, but what I can do is just these?! As for the rest, is that not hard for me? Because I can't do it at all

"Oh?" Ding Yun didn't say anything, but Ding Chang nearby seemed to be interested in it!

"Can we do a little research?"

Looking at Wei Lai who wants to stop talking, Ding Yun is very direct! "What's up? You're stuttering? "

"I have asked about this issue. I don't want to say that these things are not of much significance and value. Is there any specific change of Uncle Ding? It should have started after high school! Or uncle Ding graduated from high school! And then he began to serve, and there was a considerable change! "

In this matter, Wei Lai's own understanding is right or wrong, a little unclear! Anyway, Wei Lai's own understanding is like this, some of Uncle Ding's information is too simple, in Wei Lai's opinion, there is not much practical significance!

"But it's a little different now?" Looking at several nodding heads, Wei Lai continued to say, "quite a lot of people in our city know uncle Ding. No matter it's rumor or other reasons, there are many people who know uncle Ding. Of course, there are not many people who have met him specifically."

"In this way, the reputation of the master is very good."

"Absolutely Wei Lai was a little excited. "Anyway, as far as I know, everyone has a very good evaluation of Uncle Ding. Because of the farm, we all made a lot of money. It can be said that with the help of the east wind of the farm, we have such a good life. Anyway, it is better than my father and their reputation."

"Can't you? I heard that the municipal Party committee and the Municipal Bureau have made considerable improvements and achieved considerable results in the past two years. "

As expected, the children born from different families are also different, so we should pay special attention to the news in this respect! What do children do everyday? At that time, it's true to play a little more and have no interest in knowing these things. For them, these things are too far away and make people drowsy!

"Hi! The policy is good policy, this is true, but for a considerable number of people, the effect is too slow! It's easy to say that he doesn't pay too much attention to the long-term interests! But the government has to do this, and naturally there are contradictions! "

This is the truth. We can only say that we understand each other. In this process, how many people don't understand each other, and some of the pain is really clear to only these government departments!

A young teacher who was passing by the classroom on the way, when he heard Wei Lai's words, his expression was a little disappointed. A child knew that? The government's policies and concerns, but what about a teacher? What do you know? Is it because of this reason that I can only become a little teacher?

"Wei Lai? I feel that your basic research on Marxism Leninism is a little inadequate? "

"Don't tell me about it! I took a look at the outline?! You can't understand it at all, OK? "

Wei Lai can be said to be a face of resentment, "I don't know what it represents? I have some doubts. Am I a fool? I know all the words inside, but the problem is that they are combined together and I can't understand what they mean? I doubt it? "

What do you suspect? Does this need to be said? Wei Lai and the three of them look at Ding Yun with different eyes! What kind of monsters will you see those things? You should know that politics is just beginning to contact after junior high school, but for yourself, it seems that there is no difference with Tianshu!

Do you have some doubts after reading political books? What kind of talent would study this? Of course, his old father is not within the normal range, after all, that is the guy who eats!

"You may not learn, but you must understand? Because this is to explain the society! Economy and other aspects are the most basic and the most popular thing! " Ding Yun is very patient at this time, "for example, learning is very important, Ma Lie! Mao Gai and Deng Lun and so on! These are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! Understand the subtraction, addition, multiplication and division, you can start to understand mathematics, understand words, and understand Chinese! Only then can go further! Otherwise, why do we offer political courses? You think we are in the middle of a family! "

"No, the metaphor is not vivid enough!" Wei Lai shook his head and was with Ding Yun. Wei Lai didn't have too much caution and caution, or even too much restraint! Because Wei Lai's heart is very clear, if he behaves like a dog, he will be looked down upon!Ding Chang turned his eyes, thought for a while, then slowly said! "Of course, learning is very important. There is no doubt about this, but is it a life? It's also very important, but to be a person, you need to have your own principles, your own ideas and ideas, some things you can do, some things you don't want to do, why don't you want to do them? I can't tell you clearly. You can use horse and Lenin at this time! Mao Gai or Deng Xiaoping's theory and so on

Wei Lai and the three of them blinked their eyes, "it seems that they are a bit of a beginner!"

"Is that nonsense? Of course you are! I've heard that when you didn't go to junior high school, you were a bully in your primary school. You have begun to have a certain contact with the society. That is to say, although your understanding of society is very simple, you have started to practice quite a lot. In the process of practice, you don't know what theory is, but after verification, you will know what you have Cut, it's all in it

"Uncle's?" Wei Lai suddenly scolded, "I suddenly feel that I am not a little monster now. When other people look at me, is it full of resentment?"

"Hard to say?! There may be some thoughts in my heart, but on the surface, there will never be any revelation. You are also the "shoulderer" of our junior high school Ding Yunsi mercilessly exposed the essence of the problem, "the combination of theory and practice, the effect is absolutely terrible!"

Nima! Are children so terrible now? The teacher outside the door really did not go in to preach some meaning, but drift away, if they go in, it is absolutely to find themselves uncomfortable!

After all, the children in the classroom are the national treasures in the school! For them, there are some Pediatrics, but the school hopes to drive the whole school atmosphere through them!

After all, it's hard to say that Ding Yun can stay here for a few years! It's been three years. It's been the sky! The school must make good use of these three years, lay a solid foundation, as long as this foundation is laid down! The rest of the problem can be solved!

In other words, the competition is too fierce now! School teachers are so a little chilly feeling? At the beginning, we thought that this was an iron rice bowl, and the work of ensuring a bumper harvest in drought and flood! It doesn't matter whether you use snacks or save snacks? As long as there are no big mistakes or mistakes of principle, there will be no problem?

But not now! Everyone is no longer a matter of saving heart? Even when it's all right, we also seize the time to improve their quality and recuperation, what professional level these are very basic things!

You can't make it? It doesn't matter? How many pairs of eyes are staring at you? Even a lot of people are ready to replace you? How many teachers in the city are looking forward to being transferred to the school! Isn't this a foreign market? Or from other provinces?

According to the grapevine, now the city is doing research in this field. We invite foreign experts and scholars to come and inspect it. At the same time, we are going to invite some famous teachers from home to exchange views and give lectures!

Under such circumstances, people really feel that the back of their buttocks is on fire! Originally, after class, the approval of homework, you can be all right! But not now! Seize the time to find the videos and courses of famous teachers and teachers, and try to supplement yourself. If you don't supplement yourself, you want to be a fish, and you can only be eliminated in the end?!

There isn't much to talk about! When you want to cry, you can't find the grave!

This is not a situation that everyone is willing to face? We should know that the city has a great deal of care and care for school education. What's more, the city's financial and social support for donations is also extremely enthusiastic? Who doesn't want to have a good life and a good reputation? Right?

"It's over? I feel that my reputation as a handlebar has spread far away! If my dad knows about this? I feel like... " Wei Lai couldn't help scratching his butt! Then she looked at them pitifully, "elder sister, have you ever been beaten?"

"Beaten?" Ding Yun and Ding Chang are stunned and immediately look at Wang Yang and Tong Tong!

"I have been educated! But things like getting beaten up? I don't have any impression? " "But the way of punishment is a little different, I think you certainly don't want to hear it!"

Wang an slightly twisted his mouth, "I will not mention it!"

Ding Yun and Ding Chang are very clear about elder martial brother's affairs. When Wei Lai was a little surprised, Ding Yun gave him a direct kick. Wei Lai showed his teeth! But he knew that he was wrong!

"In my impression, it seems that my mother has done something about it, but where's dad? Never? At most, sometimes there will be some preaching, which is very interesting! " Ding Yun kicks the music, Wei Lai, and then speaks frankly!

"It seems that people don't know what the taste of fried pork with bamboo shoots is? Now I think of it, there are still some miserable things! " Wei said, looking up to the sky and sighing, it is obvious that the pain is indescribable!When they were about to do exercises between classes, Wei Lai was also close to Ding Yun, "elder sister, what's the situation with Wang An? Did I speak a little too much just now? I don't know much about it? If I have a chance, I'll apologize to him! " For this aspect of the matter, Wei Lai is very interested!

"A little fidgety!" Ding Yun said a little bit!

"I'll wipe! Is this a fuckin 'human? Animal Wei Lai is also Ao, is a voice, and then also to the people around him to embrace his fist, "just a little loud voice! At noon, please eat ice cream, do not eat ice cream, yogurt served! To ensure everyone's satisfaction! "

Students are also a burst of coax, in fact, the vast majority of people came here, home is not poor money! And now the child's academic performance is good, this aspect of the constraints will be less! However, we are still very happy about such things as fighting local tyrants! Basically, it was a burst of fun, no one took it seriously!

It's very social to give a fist, let everyone give face, not let himself embarrassed, after expressing thanks, Wei Lai sat down again, "elder sister, do you have such a father? What if you're a dad like this? I threw him into the oil pan and fried it twice. I felt that some of them were not too hateful, too hateful? "

"There is no way out. When we met elder martial brother, it was a tragedy! But brother Wang An's performance is really great! At least this mind, no one can do it, you don't have to think about it! If you could do this, my father would not have accepted elder martial brother Wang an as simple as that! "

"No! That's it, dad? Now let him live? Don't kill him? " Wei Lai is very suspicious!

"What if not?" Ding Yun asked, "you haven't experienced such a thing. No one is a saint. My father can't get involved. Is Wang An's brother there? No matter how hard it is for his father to come true

"No, NIMA's dead! At least let him go to the frying pan, right? " Looking at Ding Yun's expression a little difficult, Wei Lai patted his chest, "can I try this thing?"

"What do you want? I tell you, fat man, can you take it easy? "

"NIMA's, so treat the elder martial brother, still let him eat hot drink spicy, why?" Wei Lai was very arrogant, "it's OK. If you offend the elder martial brother, you will offend all our classmates in the same grade. If you offend half of the sky in our city, even..."

Before finishing, Ding Yun slapped Wei Lai and swallowed all the rest!

"Be honest with me, and when I have a chance, I will show you some insight! How many people want to have such an opportunity, not that they can't do it, but they can't do it. What's the thinking of the elder martial brother? What about ten years later? What about 20 years later? Are you happy now? Who knows what will happen in the future? "

"Yes, I hate my father a little, but it's my father after all! My father

For Wei Lai's frankness, Ding Yun was helpless. "Fortunately, uncle Wei is busy. Otherwise, I really doubt whether he will directly kill you. There is a possibility in this respect."

It's lucky to have a break! Otherwise, it will be really difficult to say what the situation will be!

But after class, Wei Lai was very happy to find Wang An, "senior brother Wang An, just now I had some cheap mouth!" After saying that, also gave oneself a slap, but in turn a slap, but don't wang an to grab!

Wang an shook his head with a smile, "although it's a little embarrassing, it's the truth! But nothing? But you can't escape the treat at noon

"Shit, is this too light?" Wei Lai is a little incredulous! "I used to be the king of our school, but I set the rules at that time. Fighting and swearing are common, but I'm not allowed to bring my parents! Otherwise, the teeth will be broken off! "

"No way?! Such violence? " Wang an looks at Wei Lai, but he doesn't know that he has such a saying!

"No way? If children don't learn well, they need discipline since childhood! It's a shame to see the province go out in the future

Wang an felt so funny, "let's talk about it when we have lunch."! Anyway, you must have invited this meal! "

Since let Wei to treat dinner, it shows that Wang an did not put this matter in his heart, and this thing is really not a big deal, his mother? Can be better than the father, as for his father, I really do not want to have any mention! I really don't want to!

Do you have any so-called resentment in your heart? It's a bit of a drag! But if you really do it, you can't make it! Although the boy is still not a problem of his own, it is not even a problem of his own!Even if you don't need to do it yourself, even with a so-called look, it's enough to make him miserable! But what can happen? Just let their psychology and spirit get some satisfaction, there is no significance!

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