"Hi! Daddy

When they see their father, Ding Yun and Ding Chang blink their eyes. To know when they see their father come out, it's so amazing! How surprised and how surprised! But they can feel it. It's not for them!

If you come to them! It's definitely not what it is now!

"What? Eat here at noon? "

Ding Yu's face does not have too many facial expressions change, sees own son and daughter, with saw the ordinary person is not different! Then Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, as well as Wei Lai, were all surprised. They all came to say hello to Ding Yu! Attitude is very respectful of that kind!

"All over for dinner?" Ding Yu asked casually!

Yeah! They nodded their heads, but Wei Lai touched his head in a bad way. "Uncle Ding, you've come to eat. I made a little mistake today. Fortunately, elder martial brother Wang an didn't care about this matter, so as an apology, I'll invite you to dinner!"

Oh?! Ding Yu gave a rare smile, "you boy, it's smart enough!"

A little complimented. Yes, he said, "OK! Eat your food?! There's nothing terrible about making mistakes, people? No one is a God, no one is a saint, just correct! Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, as well as Ding Yun and Ding Chang, sometimes are quite mischievous. You are also tolerant of each other! "

"Come on! Uncle Ding, I'm at ease with your words! " Wei Lai is very happy!

"You are clever enough When talking, look at the people coming in! Ding Yu patted Wei Lai on the shoulder. "Eating is small. Pay more attention to study and exercise. I don't think there is any big problem in your life, but other aspects can't be too vague! We need to go hand in hand and catch up with each other! "

With the person who came in to say hello, and then also pull in the person to go directly! Wei Lai was not given any chance at all! When Wei Lai's two friends looked into the future, their eyes were straight, because they saw Uncle Ding Yu and felt that both legs were so soft!

Can't do the future so relaxed and comfortable! For Wei Lai's words and things to deal with, is really envious!

"Fat man, I don't see it! There is a standard Ding Yun and their thumbs up!

Wei Lai patted himself on the chest, and then he gasped, but then he jumped up. "I'll go to the toilet first. If Uncle Ding waits for a while, I'm sure you'll see the other side! As for what it is? Wait, I'll be back in a minute

The crowd looked at Wei Lai, who was running away, and laughed. It was obvious that the future was not as calm as expected? Look at him. I'm afraid he'll pee his pants later! Maybe it was a blow, a little bit sudden!

Just think about it. He had offended Wang an earlier, and was about to apologize when he was about to have lunch. He thought that he would meet uncle Ding Yu. When Wei Laigang saw Ding Yu, he thought he had come for himself? Not afraid at that time? How could it be? Scared almost pee pants!

However, Wei Lai's reaction is also relatively fast. Uncle Ding will never find himself for such a thing. Are you kidding? What's more, even if you are looking for parents, your father should also come forward!

What's more, it's true that I didn't do it right, but I didn't get to the point of looking for a parent. I've already mentioned it to senior brother Wang an! Elder martial brother Wang an also told himself! There is no contradiction between each other, and it can't be committed to any other extent!

And it turns out! Sure enough, I think too much! Thanks to Wei Lai's quick reaction, otherwise, even if he doesn't go home to change his pants, he can't go back to the classroom! Because of the scene, it is so unimaginable!

"Who is it?! Don't you think you've seen it before? "

"I don't know!" Ding Chang is also followed by shaking his head, "but to be able to come here and wait for someone else, it seems that there should be a considerable relationship?! But why didn't you go to the farm? Or is it something else that you can't think of? "

After coming back, Wei Lai wiped his hand with a paper towel, and then put the paper towel in the basket! "Don't look at me. Although I have some experience, the one who came first did not know and had no impression. At least he was not from the municipal Party committee or the Municipal Bureau. If it was them, the three of us could definitely recognize it!"

"Dad's classmate?"

"Don't know?" Ding Chang shook his head, "my father's classmates are also familiar with several people! As for other aspects, I don't know. There are photos at home, but how many years have passed! I don't think I have that ability! "

Get it! No one knows, we feel more curious!

"But elder sister, why are you so interested?" Wei Lai is also interested in this time!

"Father! Some are too homey! Usually it's at home, on the farm, or in the hospital! In this small county, he will not be found anywhere else! Its range of activities can not catch up with us, let alone grandparents! "Wei Lai thought for a moment, as if on his own understanding, really like this! Uncle Ding has never been an active person! To know that he may encounter his father in the street, of course, he actively seeks himself, such things have happened! But it won't happen now!

But even so, I have been in the street for many times! It is true that there is a considerable expansion of the county, but if you really want to visit the whole city, it will not take too long! If you drive, it will be faster!

"It's really hard for uncle Ding! But I'm more curious. Does uncle Ding not watch TV? Or is there no other sport? "

"The best time for Dad to get up in the morning is to get up in the room! As for the others? There are not so many things that interest him! "

When he said this, Ding Yun was a little disappointed, "it was with us to see the major league and NBA, but that was with us to go!"

"Big league? Major league baseball? " Wei Lai's eyes are shining!

"Yes! Because I live in Boston, I go to see the Red Sox game, and I have their autographed photos and baseball at home Ding Yun has such a little arrogance, "if you have time, you can be invited to watch the game together, but the development of our national baseball is a little weak!"

"I have a baseball bat!" Wei Lai said abruptly, "but I don't have much interest in baseball, but I'm interested in football." When speaking, there is a little light in my eyes!

"Fat man, I seriously doubt whether you went to play football or asked people to go! Very suspicious

"If you see through, you are still a good friend!"

Ding Yu pulled his old classmate and got on the car together. However, although it was said that he got on Ding Yu's car, he could still see from his sitting posture that he was quite restrained! After all, as far as I know, Ding Yu is quite different from his own identity! At that time, I was just a classmate!

"I haven't heard from you for years? When did you come back? You didn't look like that back then? "

"I've been back for a while! My dad and my mom divorced! I followed my mother! This is not my father's side! Anyway? You need to come back and have a look. The situation of life can only be said to be very ordinary! " When talking, I also licked my lips, a little dry!

"How is it going?" Ding Yu asked subconsciously!

"That's it! Advanced lung cancer! Now it can only be said that it is barely maintained! It's too late to find out! Now even if you know it, it doesn't have much effect. It's just these two days! After I came back, I inquired about it, so I called you! "

"When I left, I still remember that you deliberately ran to my home. Ding Ding was still there at that time! But now asked about her, I'm afraid he can't remember. I still remember giving you my favorite frog toy at that time! You also gave me the best pencil case, and it's still at home! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu is flipping out his mobile phone, and soon also the photo of the stationery box!

"The frog toy you gave me was ruined by my brother! Did not expect, you still have this toy box! If you don't show me this thing, I don't have much impression! At that time, I was a little young, and I didn't remember some things even! "

"What have you been doing all these years?" In fact, Ding Yu noticed that his hair was a little yellow, and he could see that his eyes were also a little dark. He didn't know whether it was caused by staying up late these two days, but according to the situation, it was a little different!

"I didn't study hard when I went to school. My study is not so good! I didn't get into high school, so I went to a technical school, but I couldn't use what I learned in the technical school. After I got out, I drove a big car. Later, there were some dangers and many things happened. Now I open the hooking machine! "

Ding Yu looked at the wrinkles on his face and knew what it was like!

"How's the house?"

"Two girls, the academic results are OK, but they are not too young! Have to college entrance examination! One wants to learn medicine, the other wants to take a financial exam. I don't know anything about this, just let them go! As long as they are happy! "

What? Are you going to take the college entrance examination? Ding Yu looked at his old classmate suspiciously, "no! How old were you married? Now the children are about to take the college entrance examination? You're not kidding, are you? You know, my son and daughter just went to high school, no, I'm all mad at you! My son and daughter just went to junior high school, and they still jumped the grade! "

"Hey, the age of getting married there is relatively early, and there is nothing else to pay attention to! Anyway, it's just marriage. It's not a big deal! I didn't have a good time with me. At most, I had enough food and warm clothes! But to say really adapt! It doesn't seem like this, but I've lived there for so many years! ""A little envious! Where are the two kids going to get into the exam? "

"I don't know. I don't ask. The children are old now, and we can't get involved. We can only prepare the tuition fee here! As long as you are willing to learn, I will give you where to go! As for you can't pass the exam, I can't interfere in this matter. I have such a great ability that I can give everything! "

"You father? I didn't say it either Ding Yu shakes his head a little. This can't be said to be bad. It's an old classmate of his own. Under such conditions, you can't ask for more, can't you? "How's your mother?"

"He died two years ago! Life is a little bumpy, but on the whole, a plain life

"Mourn your sorrow and change!" Ding Yu said comfortingly.

"The past is over!" While talking, he took out a box of cigarettes from his cotton padded jacket pocket. Ding Yu took a look and just opened the seal. The cigarette inside did not move at all!

"Old classmate! I didn't see you for so many years. I thought you forgot me? There's no need to be so polite between us Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse. He took one and lit it for himself! Even to his old classmates point, how much let him a little flattered feeling!

After I came back, I heard quite a lot from my old classmates. I didn't expect that my old classmates still gave me so much face. When I saw this car, I still felt a little scared! But the old students are not as high as they imagined! Of course, it is not so happy when I was a child!

It feels like what happened yesterday!

"Ding Yu, how are you doing here?"

"Good?" Ding Yu was stunned for a moment and then sighed, "the situation is still good now! At that time, it was called a miserable one! Said there was no way out! It's all light. It's almost impossible to think of it! The whole family is also tired by me, almost no way to live! It's hard to say! "

"No way?! I heard that you are in good condition now. I have been so hesitant before. I don't dare to make this call! I'm worried about whether you're going to answer this call! "

"If you don't make this phone call, you really don't have feelings. At the beginning, I liked that toy very much. Ding Ding Ding asked me for it, but I didn't give it to you later! Boy, you lost it to me! Just for this, I'll knock you out. It's not too much, right? "

"Yes! This is noon! it's my treat! You look for a place! After coming back, I didn't know him at all! It's changed so much! "

"In those days, we had a bowl of ramen and a pie. I still have some doubts when I think about it. What was our thinking at that time?"

"What else? There were only two steel bars in the pocket, which was not right. There were no steel bars at that time! "

Speaking of the situation at that time, two people also looked at each other with a smile! "What does your father have for lunch? Let's take it there! "

"Now I can't eat anything. The son and daughter over there are taking care of them. The conditions in the family are not so good. It's been a lot better in the past two years. My father has also enjoyed two years of happiness. Am I here? I don't have the filial piety, that is to say, I'll come back and have a look in two or three years! "

Ding Yu also understands this situation. After all, it is not easy to deal with two families, one is father and the other is mother! After getting off the bus, he saw the hotel, and Liu Bo frowned, "old classmate, who do you look down on? Yes! My life is average, but

"I haven't been back for years! Just have a taste of the specialty here Then he took his old classmates and walked into the small restaurant next to him. When the boss saw Ding Yu, he was stunned!

"Director Ding, my God, no wonder I heard the magpie cry when I went out today. Did I say that? Today is really full of light! "

"I met my old classmate at noon, and I haven't come back for many years! So come and find some feelings! Have something to eat. Wait a minute. I have to go to the hospital! You're in trouble

"That's it! The customer is God, you are the guest, I am too late to be happy? How can you say it's causing me trouble? You're a big fan of me The owner was very happy, and took the initiative to pull Ding Yu to a table inside, and even picked up a white towel to wipe it carefully! Then let Ding Yu sit down!

"What's new? Two! Then give us two plates of forks and stop drinking! "

"You see! I'll cook for you myself! This is a shame! After that, I really have no face to see you and the Dean! "

"You are busy. I'm here to have a meal. Don't be too restrained!"

After the shop owner left, some waiters came and even brought tea! It seems to be very enthusiastic!

"No! I said Ding Yu, I heard that you are already a big boss? ""What about big boss? If you don't eat, you won't sleep? What do you think? It's all human! Not much difference! The food we eat is almost the same. At most, it's a little more delicate, maybe a little healthier, that's all! "

"I didn't think of it, but it's quite different from what I thought it would be!"

"If you want, I can arrange it for you. You can rest assured that you can eat it every day. At the end of the day, you will find that the taste is better. Those things are really greasy and crooked when you eat them every day."

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