"Director Ding, have a taste. I cooked it myself! You don't know if it's in your appetite, either? "

The shop owner wiped his hands, can see that there are still so some small tension!

Ding Yu slightly nodded, "master Jiang, make four more dishes and pack them! I'll go to the hospital later! With meat and vegetables, the patient's appetite is not so good, do a little more meticulous! Trouble

Ding Yu doesn't mean to be domineering. This is not Ding Yu's character!

"You can see! If it's disgraceful, you'll be ruined in my shop! "

Ding Yu indicated to his old classmates, but before Ding Yu picked up his chopsticks, the phone was very abrupt. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then connected the phone, "third brother, what's the matter? Did you call me today when you were suddenly interested? "

"Don't ink, I'll have dinner with you in the evening. Please arrange it for me!"

"Coming?" As soon as Ding Yu heard it, he knew how it was! So there is no ambiguity, "OK, I'll have someone arrange it for you to make sure you're satisfied! I'll call you then! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also took up chopsticks here! "Eat first, and then go to the hospital after dinner. It's not suitable at noon, and I don't drink much! These two days must arrange you a good meal! Let's take a look at the hospital first! Let's talk about the next situation! "

Two people simply had a lunch. Although Ding Yu said that he wanted him to treat him, someone had already paid for it! Even prepared quite a few things, "old classmate, this is too polite? Can't be like this? "

Because when I enter the hospital, I can clearly see that in addition to the food just now, I still carry some other things in my hand. I'm not stupid. I can see the value of things clearly!

"Come on! This is not for you! Originally, we had no time and no chance. It's not easy for you to come back! Now that I'm back! Then listen to my arrangement! Just follow me

When he came to the hospital, Ding Yu didn't go through the main door, but went to the side door. When he saw this scene, Liu Bo felt very strange. When he came to the hospital, he walked the main door! I didn't know that there was such a side door!

"The elevator over there is a little jam. This is for doctors only. There are not so many people!"

But even so, when someone saw Ding Yu, he was stunned and ran straight to Ding Yu! And he stretched out his hand from afar, "director Ding, how can you be free today?"

Ding Yu's hand is also free from his own. Two people shake hands, "ah! Just had a meal? A little late! The father of an old classmate of mine is in our hospital! He didn't tell me the news that I only learned today, so come and have a look at it! "

"Which department? I'll take a look at it

"Yes Ding Yu also introduced his old classmate Liu Bo, "my old classmate, Liu Bo, is his father, but the situation is a little special, the lung cancer is late! It's too late to find out. Now I can only do my best to listen to the destiny! We don't have to be so busy! It's enough to have a heart! "

"Come on! I'll inform you that Lao Lin is now the director! I'll let you know! "

"It's a nuisance to all of you!" For other people, Ding Yu will never be so interested, but for people in the hospital, Ding Yu is more pleasant, at least the expression on his face is not like a rock! Very stiff!

And the hospital is also quite aware of this, director Ding for the hospital really did not say!

At that time, director Ding was asked to come over for an internship, but he brought earth shaking changes to the whole hospital. The rebuilt hospital building has a lot of credit, which is attributed to director Ding! Of course, in order to change the medical conditions, the hospital must be rebuilt, otherwise it will not be enough to meet the growing number of patients!

However, when the government paid for it, it was very happy, and even there were some other investments. The construction of the hospital building was better than before. It was equivalent to the purchase of medical equipment and the replacement of doctors. These are not what the hospital can do!

What's the status of director Ding? But if the hospital really has something to say, Dr. Ding does not say that he is on call, but there is not too much ambiguity. What else do you want? They don't owe you anything to the hospital!

On the way to the ward, when many nurses saw Ding Yu, they all looked at director Ding kindly! Liu Bo, who followed him, even felt uncomfortable!

Came to the ward side, Ding Yu went in to have a look, the patient's condition is not so good.

Before Liu Bo talks, a man and a woman who are talking in a low voice beside the hospital bed stand up fiercely! "Mr. Ding?""This is my brother and sister! Liu Mo and Liu ran! " Then he also looked at his half brother and sister, "this is big brother Ding Yu. He just knew his father was ill! So come and have a look! "

I'll wipe it! Liu Mo and Liu ran are totally stupid! Do they care about their big brother? Not too many feelings, can only say that there is a considerable relationship between each other! On his father's question, the elder brother didn't have much to pick on. Basically, he came back every year, whether he had more or less money, and never stopped!

And every two or three years, also personally come back to have a look!

To be able to do this is quite difficult!

But today, this big brother really opened their eyes, and even brought Mr. Ding Yuding here. Their brother and sister were born and raised here. For Mr. Ding, it can be said that he is a family treasure! But I never knew that big brother had a good relationship with Mr. Ding!

"Come and have a look at uncle Liu, what I just learned here!" Ding Yu presents the things in his hand, and the crane in the back also puts some things down! "You haven't eaten yet?! We've brought some things here. I don't know if it's appropriate. It's hard for you two to take care of the patients! "

"No hard work, no hard work, that's my father!"

It can be seen that the two people are still quite nervous, or Liu Ran's reaction is a little quick, "Mr. Ding, you sit down!"

"You're welcome. Liu Bo and I are classmates. When we separated, he gave me the best stationery box, and I gave him a frog toy which was not very valuable. On the day he left, I personally sent him to see him off. Now when I think about it, I still have a lot of experience! It's like it was yesterday! "

I wipe! This is a real bull! Never heard big brother mention this matter! If I had known this, I would have been on the farm! But now the conditions at home are good! They both went to work on the farm. What else? Can not talk about, but the salary is really good!

It's 100 times better than working outside! If you work outside, you don't have to worry about getting up and down in the dark. Sometimes the salary doesn't guarantee much, and although the salary looks good, sometimes the outside expenses are relatively large. If you divide the three by five, the rest of the money is barely enough to let the family have enough food and clothing!

It's like now, working on the farm side is a little hard, but I feel that all the hard work is worth it. In terms of the farm, it's piece work. How much do you earn? You have a good craft and earn more! On this side of the farm, no one dares to cheat you! After all, the monitoring department of the farm is not joking!

For Mr. Ding of the farm, the workers under the farm really didn't say anything about it! There has never been any bad words, even if someone said bad things about Mr. Ding in person, good guy, in the evening, it's not about the broken glass at home! It's even possible to be bagged in the toilet!

If there is any problem with Mr. Ding, it is not mentioned. But the problem is that Mr. Ding is always inactive. Except for farms and hospitals, when can he see Dr. Ding in other places?

Ma family and Song family in those days! They are really a disaster! But on the contrary, if it wasn't for their two families, the development of the city would have been better than it is now! Two families are delayed!

What are the problems and conditions? The following people think about is relatively simple, who brings them benefits and reality, they must face who, this is a natural situation!

After that, Ding Yu didn't shake hands with the director of the Department

"It's said that Gao Sheng, director of the University of Lin? When did I hear you say it?! Do you think you should be punished? "

"My fault, my fault!" Lin Ming said with a smile, "I haven't had this time all the time. I wanted to arrange a meal for everyone, but I couldn't find the opportunity. Today, with director Ding's golden mouth opening, I want to open a table for everything I say! At that time, I hope you, director Ding, will appreciate you! "

"I think it's true that you want to play autumn wind. My father also told me that it's not a day or two for you to covet the rice wine in the house!" Ding Yu also said with a laugh, "OK, I'll send you something tonight! But things are not taken for nothing. Liu Bo is my classmate and faxiao. Although he said that his illness was a little helpless, but... "

"Come on, it's up to me! If there's any problem, you come over and slap? How about it? "

Ding Yu patted Liu Bo on the back. Liu Bo was still cautious, but his face was flushed. "Thank you, director Lin, for your trouble."

"Hi, you are director Ding's old classmate, that didn't say!" Ding Yu and Lin Ming have a look at each other, and then they pull Liu Bo out of the ward together, and then Liu ran also follows him out! Four people went to the office together!"Director Ding, have a taste of this. My classmates sent it to me!"

From his office cabinet out of the remaining half of the cigarette, Ding Yu is no hesitation, took out a box, the rest are placed in Liu Bo's arms! Liu Bo was a little silly, but Lin Ming was very happy when he saw this situation!

Ding Yu tore open the seal, took out one by himself, handed one to Liu Bo, and then gave the rest of the cigarette to Lin Ming. Lin Ming also took out the cigarette impolitely and lit each one!

Lin Ming said in a low voice, "director Ding, the patient's condition is more dangerous. To be honest, it's a bit late to come! This is not to say the late stage, it is the end stage. Director Ding, you are a big doctor. You know that this condition is different from other diseases! It can only be said that it is now struggling to maintain! What's more, I've seen his condition, and it won't last for a few days! "

Ding Yu has already read the report and nodded to Liu Bo slightly, "Liu Bo, the specific situation is very bad. I hope that there will be a preparation at home. I haven't seen it for more than a week. This is even the limit! It's too late to find out! What's more, there is no good way to deal with this disease! "

Take a look at his sister, two people look at one eye, then Liu Bo is also deep voice said! "Ding Yu! Director Lin, we can all understand that we hope that my father can be a little more peaceful when he leaves at last. Besides, there is no other requirement. "

"There's no problem with that!" Lin Ming took the lead to say that it is impossible to save this person or prolong his life. Even if the emperor Laozi came, it would not have any effect, but it would not be a big problem for him to let the patient not suffer so much!

"It's a nuisance to you!" Ding Yu and Lin Ming are the last to come out. It is obvious that they also talked about two more sentences in the office! Then Ding Yu came to the ward again, looking at the bed above this, this time has opened his eyes! But very reluctant!

Ding Yu is also attached to his own body. It's very good to say that the old man is very happy with Ding Yu's arrival, but now he can only lie there, grasp his hand, look at that meaning, want to exert himself, but he can't use his strength any more!

"Uncle, don't worry. When Liu Bo comes back this time, we two brothers will get along well. If there is anything wrong with us at home, you can tell me! There is no problem! "

Cough, cough, cough! The patient had a fit of coughing, which was obviously difficult. Liu ran whispered something to her father. The patient nodded to Ding Yu!

When Ding Yu left, he also put a gift bag under the bed. He was very polite!

"Mr. Ding, this can't be done!"

Ding Yu waved his hand. "I met uncle Liu when I was young. I remember riding a big bicycle and taking me and Liu Bo home together! You haven't been born yet. I don't know the specific situation. Then Liu Bo left! I also have some things here, there has been no too much contact! That is to say, if you have anything, I'll let you know and let him inform me. "

Ah?! Liu ran and his brother and sister agreed, "thank you, Mr. Ding." Two people did not say too much thank you, Liu Bo here is to account for his younger brother and sister, "you look at the father, I'll go to see Ding Yu off!"

"Big brother, there's nothing wrong with Dad!" Liu ran looked at his elder brother, "I didn't expect that Mr. Ding could come here in person and sent so many things here! We really don't know how to thank you! "

"It's OK. He's still the same. You can rest assured."

Ding Yu and Liu Bo got off the elevator together, "what's the arrangement for the evening? What can I do for you? And where did you live at night? What is the specific situation? Say it all

"Sometimes in the evening, I will stay with the bed here in the hospital. Both of them have jobs. They have asked for leave these two days! It can't be said that they can take care of them day and night, can they? I live in Liu Ran's house! The conditions are OK! There's nothing wrong with it! "

"In this way, the conditions of Liu Ran's home are not as good as mine. I'll find you a comfortable place to have a good rest and be more convenient at the same time! What's more, I'm afraid I can't arrange for you tonight! I have temporary guests here. It's scheduled for tomorrow night, just the two of us, no one else! I'll call you when I get back. I'm afraid you haven't had a good time these days! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also patted Liu Bo, "clean up and tidy up, are already adults! Don't let uncle Liu see you in low spirits! After all, you are big brother too

Liu Bo nods to Ding Yu. After waiting for Ding Yu to take a bus to leave, Liu Bo goes upstairs again and comes to his father's ward. When Liu Mo and Liu ran look at their elder brother, they are slightly different!"Big brother, Mr. Ding is gone!" Liu ran asked in a low voice, "the things Mr. Ding sent me are a little expensive, and there is his gift bag. There is a lot of money! There is a stack of them

Liu Ran's brother and sister are very clear. Mr. Ding came here for his elder brother. He has nothing to do with other people. They don't have this big brother. They can't see Ding Yu at all!

"Pay for Dad's medicine?! You also spend a lot of money, these years are your care! I have not been able to do my best! " Liu Bo sighed and said, "there is no other thing here, you are also tired, go back and have a rest! I'll just stare over here! If there's anything wrong, I'll call you back! "

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