After Ding Yu got on the car, he looked at Qu he! I asked casually!

"Qu he, a delegation has come to our city. Do you know that?"

Ah? Qu he was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, director Ding, I don't know about this matter?"

Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "it's my problem. I don't pay much attention to this matter, let alone you? You go and arrange it. In the evening, I'll invite Wang Jianguo and Wang's third brother to dinner. He finally came here and came to my door. If I refuse, it's not very decent of me to refuse it! "

"I haven't heard of it before, chief?" Qu he is very honest. After all, he came to Ding Yu's side for a short time. It's one aspect that he doesn't dare to be interested in. In some places, Qu he will never go beyond one step! So there's nothing strange about him saying this!

"When I went to Beijing, thanks to the care of third brother Wang, I was able to enter the medical school, or was he arranged for me?! Their father and Tong Tong are more familiar with each other. Brother Wang's development in the past two years is still good! Now they are all cadres at the bureau level! I haven't seen him for a while, too

"Yes! Director! I'll arrange it at once

In the evening, it was dark early, but Wang Jianguo didn't stay in the room for too long. After saying hello to the people around him, he also stepped out of the guest house!

"Secretary? We are not familiar with the situation here? Do you want to say hello to this municipal Party committee? "

Wang Jianguo didn't speak. Instead, he looked at the door not far away. Then he saw a car coming slowly. It turned out to be a business car. The door opened slowly. Ding Yu stepped down from the car and looked up and down at Wang Jianguo as he came up and down. "Three brothers, is that the spirit?"?! I didn't get fat

"I don't have much to eat in the evening. I'm waiting for your meal."

Then two people are very kind embrace, not handshake, but embrace! Even gave each other two fists heavily! Dong Dong sound, see the Secretary behind is also some gaping! Isn't the Secretary too dispassionate?!

"I came to your land and didn't see you today! You know how disappointed I am! "

"Come on!" Ding Yu was reluctant to say, "I have never been involved in the affairs of the city. Even the leaders here do not know so comprehensively. You know me, I don't know you! Who knows if there is any other sum in your heart? So it's better to ignore everything! "

"You! I don't know what to say! You know, we all come straight to you! You are good! I didn't mean to show up at all! How about giving your brother a face? "

Standing in the back of the small secretary, the body suddenly is a shock, he seems to suddenly think of what? Then he was staring at Ding Yu. Ding Yu shook his head and said, "eat first! I knew you were here! It's not going to be a good thing. I'm ready for it

Then everyone got on the bus, but it was the people in the guest house who saw Wang Jianguo outside. They were all so strange. But soon we knew the situation. Unexpectedly, Ding Yu, who was unable to meet everyone, actually came to meet Wang Jianguo in person. This is not a matter of great face!

"Third brother, I'm afraid many people have seen this scene!" Looking out of the window, Ding Yu pursed his mouth and said a word!

"If you don't give them a little awe, they won't be too honest!"

Ding Yu handed a cigar to Wang Jianguo with a smile. "It's made at home. There's not so much left this year. If you don't come, you really won't have your share, but since you've come! I'm going to give it to you as a gift! "

"We're going to have a look at the farm tomorrow, just as if we were visiting your chief director! Is it a bit too shabby for you to use this as a gift Wang Jianguo is not satisfied with the appearance! But it's not to be denied.

"Yes! Your third brother has spoken! If I refuse, if I go back to the capital in the future, we don't know how to arrange me? Tomorrow morning, I'll be waiting for you at the farm! But I don't get involved in the farm. At most, I work there. "

"Come on! This time, your sister-in-law brought some things to you, and your sister-in-law was ready to come, but the child suddenly became ill, and she couldn't follow her! As for the things brought here, they will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! I bought it with my salary. Don't do it once! "

"If I bought it with my sister-in-law's salary, I might still take it as a matter. I said, third brother, are you too stingy? How much is your salary? I really have some doubts! Is there enough for a meal Ding Yu is not polite at all.

And all of this let the little secretary next to him lower his head, just like a little quail. Why? I just heard of director Ding Yu Ding, but I never met him. But after seeing him today, I found that he was totally different from his imagination! But there is not too much disappointment, just feel different!"You think I'm a big spendthrift with you. I may still have a little savings depending on your sister-in-law's salary at home. As for other aspects, my salary has not much surplus or even is not enough. You should pay less attention to our family!" Wang Jianguo also said with a stern warning!

Come to the place, is a more ordinary courtyard, but clean up very clean, also can't see any other people!

"It's a good place. I feel very comfortable! It's a little bit of a farm! "

"Well! It can also be regarded as a special private dish here! This afternoon, I was deliberately cleaned up. My father often came here to eat. He praised the food and the taste here, but I didn't come here much. In general, I either stay at home or in the canteen, and have less time to eat out! "

Wang Jianguo sighed deeply, "if you don't say it, I don't know how to describe it. I say brother Yu, we don't take it like this. Everyone says you are too homesick! Of course, your threshold is also relatively high, this you have no words?! For at least three hundred and fifty years, the gate is closed for four or five days

To this, Ding Yu does not agree to smile!

"Third brother, there are some good things in Siheyuan, and they are worth a lot of money. But what I value most in the courtyard is everything except the study and pharmacy? I don't have to put it in my heart. What's more, if the gate of the courtyard is really opened? What kind of a thing? I don't have much interest in it! "

Come to the room, the temperature is a little high, we all take off their coats, the room is relatively large, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling, the Kang and sofa can be well integrated together, although there is a suite, but there is no sense of style difference! Something unique!

"It's a nice setting here? Actually can each other fusion together! It's amazing

"My father said that the daughter of his family had studied design in the past, but there was not much development in the north at the beginning. What should we do? Only to the south, but now back! In the city opened a design company, business that called a red fire, here is her own design! When I first came in, I felt really good! It has a certain style! "

"This is not just a combination of Chinese and foreign countries! There's something funny about it, great! "

"In our place, after all, the warm way to treat guests is to put slippers on the pit. What's the matter? I invited you? Or do you take the initiative? I'm all ready for this

Wang Jianguo didn't refuse. He took off his shoes and went to the Kang. He said it was a pit. But there was a chair back around him. He could lean on it. It was very comfortable! "Is this rice wine?"

"Yes! We also have products here? The degree is not so high, and it's quite delicious. Have a taste? "

"You brother Yu? It must be extraordinary! "

They just sat down and didn't pay much attention to it. Ding Yu didn't eat anything in the evening, so he ate it without any politeness. Wang Jianguo had eaten, but the yellow rice wine was warmed, and there seemed to be other things in it. The taste was very different! lead a person to endless aftertastes!

"I said Yu elder brother son, you take a little more leisurely, OK?" Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu and jokingly said that!

In fact, the food on the table is not a kind of delicacies, but some of the specialties here, but the taste is naturally different. What two people eat is full of oil. In fact, is the food good? It doesn't matter what you care about is who you eat and drink with!

"I didn't eat at all just to wait for you, OK?"

Wang Jianguo raised the glass in his hand and touched Ding Yu. Ding Yu took a sip, while Wang Jianguo drank it in one gulp. There was no other thing to say about it. So naturally, you don't have to care about those messy statements!

And people who know Ding Yu know that Ding Yu doesn't like drinking very much. Even those who can drink with Ding Yu are very few. Wang Jianguo is quite satisfied with today's situation! There is no such a saying between two people, as long as they are satisfied with each other!

"I came here today to have a look, and I feel that the development here is really different! It's amazing

"I have nothing to do with it. The planning and development of the city is the government's business, and I have never been involved in this aspect. We all know this very clearly."

"Without the drive of farms, there would not have been so many industries springing up like mushrooms, too fast! However, because there are no other problems here, as long as the government departments coordinate with each other, the development speed will be extremely fierce! "

"Third brother, there are other meanings in your words, why? Are you going to transfer? " Ding Yu looks at Wang Jianguo with his head askew! A little curious!

Wang Jianguo pointed to Ding Yu, "where did I leak? You know, this thing is very confidential, not many people know it, and I know that you are not so interested in such things! ""You said so much! No one is willing to do economic research here, so it's not difficult to guess one or two! " Ding Yu said it naturally! I believe Wang Jianguo will understand his meaning!

"So it is, but Yu Ge'er, sitting with you, sometimes is full of worry, because you are so powerful! There are so many people who can't defend themselves! "

"Except for the limited number of people, they are not willing to make too much contact with the outside world!"

For Ding Yu's aloofness, Wang Jianguo can understand that Ding Yu's age is even younger than himself, but it's too fierce! Not many people are his opponents, but fortunately, this guy is a very good friend although he is cold-blooded. It's really a blessing to be friends with him!

The two met at Pingmo. At that time, Ding Yu was just a guy who just retired. But this guy rose too fast, and he didn't expect Ding Yu to have such an identity. As for the follow-up? The relationship between each other is not broken, and there are still a few people who can keep in touch with Ding Yu!

How many people in Beijing are envious of this, why? Because Yu Ge'er's friends can be said to be quite few, few have so some pitiful, and he is very house, often the gate is not out of the second door, even if you want to enter the temple to worship Buddha, you can not find the temple gate, because the temple gate is basically not opened!

Even if it's turned on! How many people are waiting for it? How could it be your turn? Right?

"I've started to prepare for this! The transfer order may be issued next month! However, this time, it is also with the help of some forces in the family, but to a certain extent, it is also because of the rapid economic development here, but there are still some problems in some aspects! So you won't object? "

"No, I don't have a deep understanding of some of these problems, but I have a certain understanding. This problem is really not something that can be solved by the farm. I have always been reluctant to get involved in this aspect, and the farm side has never been involved in this matter!"

"Brother Yu, this is what I admire you most! To be able to calm this mind, we should know that placing it on other people's bodies, not many people can be stable, for them, their eyes have been spent! "

"You mean farms, no vertical development?"

"Yes Wang Jianguo stood up his thumb. "Aiming at this point, I really feel extremely admirable. I have inspected many aspects of the farm. You should know that there are quite a number of groups that like vertical development. However, from my personal point of view, their vertical development not only does not bring benefits to enterprises, but also brings down the whole group! The early stage may be good! But no experience! It's just a reckless bet! "

Ding Yu slightly took a breath, "third brother, are you coming to the bottom?"

Holding up the wine glass in his hand, Ding Yu was helpless, "farm side? It is not to say that there is no vertical development at all. There are some, but I have stopped some aspects! It's not like we're going to eat everything! So what about the others? "

"There are not many people who can see this. Most of the time, people want to eat as much as possible."

"It's nothing to eat more, but do you have such a big appetite? If we don't have such a big appetite, we are happy at the beginning, but more and more hurt. In the end! I'm afraid it's going to explode

"Yu Ge'er, the farm also has vertical development. Why don't I feel it?"

"Vertical development is relatively rare, and relatively rare, for example, research laboratories, such as some investment in scientific research, and so on. This is also a part of the vertical development, but it has not attracted too much attention from everyone! What's more, I don't agree with the vertical development in some aspects, such as transportation and so on! We can't be referees and we can't end up in person. It's a bit too dark! "

"Is there something wrong with this metaphor?"

"Well! There are quite a few problems in the farm. There is no need for any evasion. Some things are on my desk! In the end, we still need to deal with them. If I can't face these problems, will the people below face them? Will you pay attention to it? No more! If so, the mine will not explode for the time being, but who can guarantee that it will not explode all the time? I don't have this confidence! "

"Such a sense of crisis? Not everyone has it! That's why I said you! It's amazing

"I said, third brother, did you come here to drink on purpose? These drinks are all for you to drink! Take it easy

"Happy or not, when I go back in the future, I will boast about it."

Ding Yu is feeling so funny, "don't brag! On the farm side, rice wine is not produced. On the contrary, there is considerable storage of liquor here. There are even some whiskies for the old maozi, and some of them are sent to the Kremlin? They are quite interested in it"Other people say this, I think it's bragging, but I know you can do it. I heard that the development of the farm there is very good, or you have the vision and courage! Everyone is thinking about * * some resources there. It's good for you to come here and let everyone have some unexpected resources! "

"It varies with time. If you want to say it's my own credit, don't talk about it! I have a good relationship with the great emperor, but this is not enough to be a foundation! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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