You know, it's easy for you to talk?! I mean it

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "The problem is that although there are many people who want to hit me, there are really not many people who can beat me! At least I haven't suffered too much now! It's a pity, too

"Is this also a problem?" In this regard, Wang Jianguo is helpless! Feather elder brother son this guy also really lets the person very scratch the head!

After saying that, both of them were laughing. The little secretary sitting outside was so shocked, but he had never seen his own leader like this! How relaxed! Even a little bit reckless!

"Assistant Qu, please!" The little secretary is very careful!

Listening to the Secretary's accent, Qu he blinked his eyes, "are you also from the north?"

"Can you hear that?" The little secretary looked at Qu he, a little surprised, "I'm from the black province. After I went to university, I got a civil servant, and then I followed the Secretary!"

Qu Hebi drew his thumb and said, "I am a driver! I don't have so much culture. It's really nice of you to go to university! However, speaking of envy, but I feel that you are still very bitter. There are some brothers and sisters in my family who are not willing to work hard. It's unbearable to look at them! "

"It's OK. I feel that campus life is the happiest and the most carefree, but now life is also very beautiful. Each stage has different perception and understanding of each stage." Little secretary's words, a little flattering!

"I'm a rude man. I can talk, but I may be so rude! What a pity

Two people can talk together! However, compared with Qu he's forthright, the little secretary seems to have some restraint, but this is also common sense. If he is too indulgent in such an occasion, what will happen to director Ding? What will the Secretary say? What's more, he never felt that the person around director Ding was a rude man!

If you are a rude person, can you follow director Ding? What's more, it seems that I haven't seen the Secretary so happy. It's really hard to see it! I'm very happy to watch myself!

"I said, director Ding, I don't know the situation here, so why don't you introduce it?"

For Wang Jianguo's direct expression of the original meaning, Ding Yu sighed, "night owls come into the house, you have nothing to do! I really don't know what to say! But it's OK. I'd like to introduce a person, my classmate, who was in charge of the coordination between the farm park and the government. He is also a civil servant. He knows more about the situation here and in the higher cities. Of course! In other cities, I can only ask the public relations department of the farm to help you! "

Obviously, Ding Yu's words have considerable meaning!

"Well, I knew I couldn't hide it from you! My side is transferred to your higher level city. After all, it is also a sub provincial city. Relatively speaking, the geographical conditions here are fairly good. In the past two years, the sea transportation and air transportation have been booming! If the subsea tunnel is opened, the whole vein will be connected! "

"I heard about the undersea tunnel! But maybe ten years or so! You are ready to fight a long war! "

Wang Jianguo is holding a glass of wine. Instead of speaking immediately, he looks at Ding Yu!

"Brother Yu, it's hard to say, and it's not good to say. I have plans in this respect, and frequent transfers are not suitable. Although I have considerable experience for each post, it is not easy to agglomerate after too much experience. This is also the actual situation, but I lack a considerable understanding of the things here!"

Ding Yu also sighed, "third brother, you?! Deliberately force people to be difficult! "

But for this matter, Ding Yu didn't mean too much! "The public relations department on the farm side has a considerable relationship, which is true. It also has a considerable analysis of some situations. But third brother, some things can not be brought to the surface. You should also understand this situation!" Ding Yu is very sincere!

"I just want a word from you?"

"Yes Ding Yu didn't hesitate at all, "but there is one thing. I'm sure I won't go into the water. Don't even think about it. It's impossible. As for the third brother, how do you do it, I'll try my best to help. Is this OK?"

"I'll do it first!" Wang Jianguo for Ding Yu can say such words, or expressed considerable gratitude!

Why? Although the relationship between himself and Ding Yu is said to be in Pingmo, there has been no messy relationship between them. What's more, when he asks for himself, he really asks less. Is this a problem? But I have a little burden!

But I didn't expect him to be the same as before, without any change! It's not easy to be sincere!

There is no exchange of interests between each other! There is no mess, that is, ordinary friendship! For this point, Ding Yu can say such heavy words, he needs to do something else!"My family is poor, at least compared with you, a rich man. Before I came here, I asked someone to collect two things for you, one is ancient paper, the other is walnut! What's more, I have prepared some things for the two elders in my family, but I don't dare to cross the line. Just represent me! "

Ding Yu's expression was a little cold, and then he laughed, "third brother, you have a lot of habits. You don't scatter Eagles without seeing rabbits! So, if I don't promise you, I won't have it? Isn't it? "

"No, but if you refuse, I will shame you with these things! Collection of these two things, but also gave me a considerable cost, my wages go out a lot! They say that we don't spend money on food and drink. How can we not spend money? If it wasn't for your sister-in-law, I might be cleaner in my pocket than my face now! "

"Third brother, forget it!" Ding Yu thought about it for a while, but he didn't say it. If he said that his third brother really had this meaning, he could still do it, just like the sea! But he went a different way! That is to cut off the problem in this respect!

"Is the child ill? Is there anything wrong? I'm a doctor at least. I'm not a small doctor. I'm a famous doctor! Although not at the scene, it is not a problem to find someone! "

"It's too much fun. It's cool to play with water in such a weather! I don't know, so I have a cold! My side is better, Zhu Ying's soul is almost lost! I never knew that she took the baby so seriously? "

When talking, Wang Jianguo also deliberately looked at Ding Yu, "speaking up, really need to thank you!"

"Because of the summer camp?" Ding Yu asked back!

"Yes! Now there is a family here in the capital city. They are all very concerned about the quota. But the problem is that the number of summer camp or winter camp is too limited! Most of the time, the original children are recruited, and the new places are too few. We all have a lot of resentment about this! "

Wang Jianguo doesn't understand some of the inside information, but it doesn't hinder his children, right?!

"At the beginning, it was to correct some things, not to say that it was held for any special purpose, but to hope that they could play an exemplary role. If the stall is really too large, the cost is a problem, and it is easy to be gossiped about. I am not interested in it!"

"Now, no one dares to talk about it. They all hope that their children can enter it. No matter how much money they spend and what kind of capital they spend, as long as they can enter it!"

Speaking of this, Wang Jianguo slightly shook his head, "from the perspective of considerable conditions, our family can not enter at all. After all, so many people are waiting there! However, there are many people who say that I am, and some even find my way. But what can I say? Smile at me?! Then the hair on the forehead is blown up

Ding Yu sipped his mouth, smiling on his face!

"There are quite a lot of professionals dealing with this matter. What I always uphold is that professional people do it, and unprofessional people can only make it worse and worse if they get involved in it! Grasp one of the major directions! What's more, I really didn't make any money on this matter. At most, it's to ensure that these people who are involved in it have a certain profit! "

Wang Jianguo has the most say in this matter. It is impossible to achieve such an effect with such a small amount of money if it is replaced by his own family. Even if it costs ten times the price, it is said that this effect can be achieved!

Not to mention that there are quite a lot of human feelings and so on! These are invisible costs! And these invisible costs, more expensive!

"Yes! Your son and daughter? What about the apprentices? Didn't you see them today? "

"Go back to play in the evening! I heard it seems to be practicing together? I'm not so clear about their performances at the farm party this year. They all have their own hobbies and directions. I will support them, but I will not interfere with them! It has always been so! "

"Yu elder brother son, why do you want to do this? The children are small, you can't be too careless!"

"It's not because of this. I don't need me to discipline them in learning and other aspects, because they all have their own ideas and ideas, and have cultivated them since childhood. What's the problem now? Let them set up some correct world outlook! The values and the concept of consciousness are just the intention of comparison at this point! "

"You are a monster. I'm making a fool of myself by asking such a question!" Wang Jianguo is a little angry!

Ding Yu is so happy. It's not easy for Wang San Ge to break his mouth!

"Speaking of one thing, I always feel that I don't quite understand the plane! yacht! There are sports cars, these things you have, even are quite luxurious, but why give me a personal feeling, you are not like a nouveau riche? On the contrary, it gives me the feeling that you are like an old aristocrat. I don't know if you raise horses? But I think you like things, and we always have so many different things"There's not a lot of content, those things? For me personally, there are not too many problems with one use! Even more often, it's for function, so I hold it in my hand! In other words, there is not too much emotion. How about raising horses? Or a dog, from small to big, all the children in the family have small animals! "

"I know that, your dog! What can I say? We are all eyeing, and even some people are thinking about when they can steal one home, even if it is for breeding. But as far as I know now, no one has really done this. Moreover, it is your dog. It seems that the outside world has not spread it! "

"No, it's really spreading! It's in the first birth! "

"What? It's the first birth, really? Who's from? Tell me Wang Jianguo was also a little excited, "made, how could you hide so deeply? There is no news or hearsay about this aspect? Who is it

"There are not so many people in the world who can find him." Ding Yu murmured, "at that time, they were bullying Ding Yun and Ding Chang. They were relatively small and didn't understand the situation. So they took one of the dogs by luck. Now, Ding Yun and Ding Chang are still thinking about it!"

"I'll go!" Wang Jianguo knows something about the so-called people who can't be found. After all, his father had quite a way back then. He taught by his own words and deeds, and only knew some of the inside information! "What a pity! What a pity

"However, if you want to go through the road of this matter, it will take quite a lot of trouble from my side. If we can get through the door of Ding Yun and Ding Chang, there should be no too many problems! But if you need it now, you can find some other varieties at home. After all, the situation of little four eyes is a little special! "

"In any case, as far as I know, it has always been a substitute for you and has become a legend!" Wang Jianguo's words are obviously ironic!

"Hi! It's a stupid dog, right?! It's too much! He knows human nature very well. Ding Yun and Ding Chang are inseparable. But if you want to be smart, when you see me, it's the same as seeing a thief! I don't know what to say! I can't tear my pants off easily. I don't have a place to argue! "

For Ding Yu said this thing, Wang Jianguo is feeling very interesting, why say so? Did Ding Yu have no choice? It sounds strange, but it's also quite interesting!

"A little envious, but I think it's a good choice for children to have dogs. It's not only to let children know how to accompany, but also to let them know the process. This is the most important thing!"

"If you say this to other people, you will be sure that countless people will personally deliver it to your door, and even make you look ridiculous!"

"No! Not even! " Wang Jianguo said with emotion, "even if I don't want the sea to do this thing, he doesn't need money or this relationship. I never even mentioned this problem with him. For him, it's easy, but I'm brother and brother!"

"Oh! You feel more and more like a leader now! Anyway, you can take me a person can Jin pit! I don't know what I owe you in my last life? I don't understand some of them now

"I beg you tonight, anyway! You can do as you see fit! But... "

Before finishing, Ding Yu waved his hand for a moment, "you don't have to say any more! What you said is meaningless! It's not easy for you to get to this position today. Both I and the sea are very happy. We will spare no effort in the case of our ability, and we will never lag behind. However, we all hope you can go further! At least, there's a lot of glory on your face

"I believe it! But the sea so said, is completely in boasting, you feather elder brother son if so say! How can I feel so unbelievable? Don't give me ecstasy soup, I don't want to eat this set! "

Two people are completely joking, in fact, each other understand how a thing!

"It's too late to go back! I'll be at the farm to greet you tomorrow

"I feel like I'm so terrible, but when I go back, please prepare some of this for me and give it to my father. It must be a good thing. I feel that the liquor is still a little harmful. Of course, if you can get some medicinal wine, you can release it at any time!"

"Less than years old!" For this problem, Ding Yu expressed quite seriously, "and the medicinal wine also needs to vary from person to person, not to say that whoever drinks it is good! Can't look at like this! The drinks on the farm side are good, even excellent, but the time is too short! I won't joke about my brand! "

"Some people say you're old-fashioned, but I feel you! It's quite flexible, but sometimes there are quite contradictions. It's not clear at all! ""Why do you know so much?" Ding Yu snorted, "I'm seldom willing to understand. Sometimes I do things casually. Is there no reason for this? But we are quite different from each other in our positions. When government departments do things, we need to consider too many things and problems. Even a little bit of problems may lead to huge loopholes in the end."

"Yes! The problem that government departments are responsible for has never been a small problem, because our population base is really a little big! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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