From Ding Yu's words, we can clearly feel that the farm does not say that there is no action at all. Is it suitable for large-scale planting in the south? This question? Each holds his own opinion.

But to a certain extent, it is not so suitable for the development of the farm, because the conditions in the south are a constraint for the farm! Even a shackle!

Of course, it is not to say that the south does not have its own characteristics, and even there are quite a few places that have their own characteristics! There is still quite a place to be developed, but this development needs time! At the same time, it also needs considerable economy and conditions!

Song Zhen also has a considerable understanding of such a situation, and it is precisely because he has a considerable understanding that he deliberately came to discuss this issue with Ding Yu! And the answer that Ding Yu gives still lets oneself feel to have so some satisfaction!

At least director Ding didn't perfunctorily mean that. Looking at the display on the screen, this is definitely not made up. It must have undergone considerable audit. The price paid for this point alone will not be too small!

Is there any reason for Wang Jianguo? This thing? Ha ha!

"Director Ding, only after I met him did I know the power of it!" Song Zhen said with a sigh!

"With a considerable amount of effort, it is possible to have a considerable harvest. No one can become fat at one bite. Actually speaking, the development time of the farm is not short! Not only in China, but also in Russia. But from the current situation, what's the investment from farms? How much did you really not earn back? "

"Brother Yu, can't you?" Wang Jianguo is obviously not quite confident, "everyone says you earn a lot of money!"

"The income of the farm is good, but a considerable part of it has been spent. Because we don't have much foundation, we can only increase the investment in this area, but is it OK? There are not too many problems in maintaining the balance! "

Song Zhen sipped his mouth, but he understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words. I believe Wang Jianguo also understood it! From this point of view, director Ding is really a wonderful person!

We should know that the development of enterprises is only a few years, but the development is so large, but there is no debt. To a certain extent, it is unimaginable! What's more, the farm is digging people, not to say that they are crazy, but now there are too many people running to this side! Just want to be able to find a considerable opportunity!

Why is this? The reason is really easy to explain!

Because close to the farm, you will get considerable opportunities. What's more, you can earn a considerable amount of money and protect your own life. At this point, the employment problem of graduates can explain all this well!

In the past, there were a large number of talents exported from the north, and few of them could stay. As for the situation of backflow, it is difficult to be guaranteed. But now, there is a considerable return of talents, and the credit is great!

Talent return! On behalf of a local economy has begun to rise!

The economic take-off can play a leading role, and the life here does not belong to that kind of high rhythm, at least compared with Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it is a little slow! But the environment is good! Transportation is also very convenient, at the same time, the most important problem, that is, the problem of housing prices, or relatively low!

The development of the farm has driven the economy of the whole North. In this way, it is a little exaggerative, even a little bit of fun. But it can't be denied that the farm has played a considerable role in this process!

What's more, director Ding's working place and environment are all fresh in my mind. At most, the security is a little tight. As for other aspects, it's no different from ordinary people, and I don't see how luxurious director Ding is here, even if it's low-key, people can't understand it!

So called luxury car? Do you have director Ding? yes! But when did you see director Ding's arrogance! There is also a private aircraft, for director Ding, that is just a means of transportation, not for display!

And up to now, director Ding hasn't got too much return from the farm. Is it because the farm has no profit? Absolutely not. Relatively speaking, director Ding's expectation is that the farm will get greater development. This is the main point!

"Director Ding, more people should come to see it!"

"There are so many people watching! But I don't have much time here! The work is a little busy, and it also involves quite confidential, some things can not be disclosed to the public! Fortunately, the farm has made considerable progress and gained considerable reputation in recent years. In terms of recruitment, it is much easier! "

Song Zhen and Wang Jianguo both laughed!

After leaving the room, Ding Yu did not continue to accompany him, because there were other things that Ding Yu needed to deal with, so only Song Zhen and Wang Jianguo were left to communicate with each other in a low voice over there!"Leadership? Looking at the development here, it is really a sense of vigor and vitality! "

"Yes!" Song Zhen is also very exclamatory to say, look at it, there are no idle people, to know that now is such a climate! For the north, there should be no more living! But the spirit of all is quite different! This can be said to be very difficult!

"We seem to be so backward in comparison! High tech in agriculture! More exaggeration than you think! It is necessary to be eliminated if it is not suitable for the development of the times! This is not to say that simple! "

Wang Jianguo thought about the words of the old leader, and thought about it for a while before he said slowly, "leadership, what do you think of helping each other and helping each other? I think it should be a thought

"Well? Say it! "

"Our country has different terrain and landform! All have their own different advantages, but some of the advantages have been found out, but some advantages? There are many reasons why we still can't play it out. But the most important thing is that there is not much investment. On this point, the farm has a considerable natural advantage! "

Song really thought about it. It seems that it is a very good idea. Why do you say that? It is not easy for the farm to open up the situation in the south, at least compared with the North!

But from the production place of cigars, director Ding definitely has the idea of this aspect, or, the farm definitely has this idea. If so, then things can be well controlled!

Let go of all hands and feet at once, this is impossible at all, and it is also a matter of no reality at all. For this, we still know more clearly! What are you kidding? Let go of all the hands and feet in a hurry? Even if it is a big farm, it can not be so turbulent, right?

But open a few experimental bases, specifically to control, even in-depth experiments, believe that for this, the farm still has a considerable interest, the same if really successful! It's good for farms, and for the local, it's also good, so that we can achieve a win-win effect! Right?

"You! The head melon seeds are not generally flexible, but this matter may really need to communicate with the farm, can not be too hasty! At least not to make any bad impression on the farm, if it were to leave any bad impression on the farm, it would be bad! "

Wang Jianguo nodded to this, "I have known the supervision department of the farm, and it is really like Yu Ge'er, which is one of the important pillars of the farm, the law! Accounting, etc., this department can say that there are many talented people, of course, not to say that no one is concerned, but it has really achieved a considerable degree! "

"I've heard that once labeled by the farm's monitoring department, it's hard to find a job in the North!"

"I've heard about this!" Wang Jianguo said seriously, "is the farm supervision department only with the right to investigate, and the final decision? It's not in the hands of the supervisory department! However, the farm is also very important to this issue, mainly other companies, the farm supervision department is very firmly convinced! So it will lead to such a situation, for this, but really did not hear of any complaints! "

"If the supervisory department makes a mistake? What do you do? "

"My God, the supervision department is not good at all. Especially in the supervision department of the farm, countless eyes are closely fixed on, waiting for these guys to make mistakes. Moreover, the supervision department makes mistakes more severe than other employees, and the punishment is more severe. Because the supervision department makes mistakes, is this not a typical law breaking law?"

Two people are just as if they are joking, but also specifically discussing the farm model, after all, the farm is not a small sector now! But rather a large lump, the management of the whole farm and direction, are related to the livelihood of countless people, absolutely can not have any ambiguity! Good in director Ding in this point, or let people very assured!

"Founding a nation, and sitting you in this position, what will you do?"

"It's impossible. I can't sit in this position. I may try it out after 30 years. This is already so high for me! There is also that Yu brother is too tired to look at them, so some people can not bear, I and Yu brother's relationship is good, so learn more! To be reckless, it's not a human thing! "

"It was a bit too reckless to say that!"

"Leader, you have not seen it. I can settle my mind, but I can do everything I call it, and even not delay in other aspects. I don't have that energy. I think it is very difficult to do one of them well! Besides, in this process, we must face all aspects of problems! "

"Yes!" Song Zhen nodded very seriously, "Founding of the people's Republic of China, you are still young, and do you make friends with director Ding? It is a good thing, but also to learn more, absolutely can not have any slack, after a year from Dean this side is closer! It's a good thing, but the same, it's a test for you! ""Leader, I dare not make any guarantee now, but I will do it!"

There is no need to have any long speech, also do not need to have any heroic words, at least now is not much needed! Now too much expression, but it will appear that Wang Jianguo is not so steady!

After the conversation, they didn't have much time to have a rest. The lunch break was not very long. Everyone went to investigate the relevant situation of the farm. As for Ding Yu, there was not so much time to accompany them!

To know that the previous time to convey a signal, is already very good! It also gives Jianguo's third brother considerable face. For Ding Yu, it's not easy! Along with all the leaders in this city, there are also some people who are flushed and almost can't do it by themselves!

You know, they have been to the farm for countless times, but they have never seen director Ding Yuding's figure. It's not what you want to see! Director Ding didn't put up his name here on the farm, and he did! People just don't see you. What can you do?

Do you want some so-called means? Are you kidding? We still feel the fear of the situation of the Ma family and the Song family! People don't have the same insight as themselves, but if they do die, it will be another thing!

But today the sun is really coming out from the West! Director Ding actually accompanied him in person. It seems that Wang Jian, the Secretary of King Wang Jian, is really not an ordinary person. The relationship between director Ding and director Ding seems to be very close. However, what is involved? This is not what we can find out! No one can tell!

Who is secretary Wang? In the city, are you smiling? It's not that they don't want to say that, but they really know that they are not so clear. However, they have some small excitement in their hearts, because we all know that Secretary Wang has extraordinary ability and strong family power. Now it seems that it is really so!

At the end of the day's investigation, there are still some Mongols, at least for Song Zhen and his colleagues! In winter, it doesn't mean that there is nothing. On the contrary, there are many things!

In winter, it's not that the land doesn't need to be taken care of! On the contrary, in winter, the land needs to be well taken care of. Taking advantage of such free time, the land should be balanced and pregnant. Behind this, it is the result of technological upgrading, but it is also the result of the farm's efforts! Of course, the return of such a result is also huge!

"It's also true that there are no idle people on the street!" On the way back, Song Zhen joked to the accompanying mayor! That's a bit of a joke!

"Are you idle? Secretary song, I wish I could catch all the sucking children and train them for a period of time! Send it to the farm. The farm is short of manpower, especially the experienced migrant workers! It's really in short supply! For this matter, the farm and the city are all in trouble

"No way?! There don't seem to be so many people on the other side of the farm

"The farm is more than a canteen. What about the canteen we went to? It belongs to the old canteen! There are more people in the new canteen, but the distance is a little bit far away. Relatively speaking, the old canteen is a bit old, but director Ding likes it, and there are not so many people there, so there has been no change! "

"All right? The canteen over there is still old? " Song Zhen also laughed, "it seems that director Ding also treasures a lot of good things! We didn't see it. When we have time tomorrow, we must go and watch it! "

"Now entering the farm is not the same as entering the farm before! All the people who entered the farm are now skilled workers! The salary is very high. If we can bring out the apprentice, we will be treated fairly well. However, our place is so big, and the farm is in the whole North. As soon as we share it, there will be fewer people! Therefore, our municipal Party committee is always trying to "arrest people". If you can come here and provide certain conditions, as long as people come! The others are easy to talk about. We can help with it! "

"I heard that! Come here to provide quite a resettlement room? "

"Yes! A month's management fee of 180 yuan is OK! But even so, there is no way, now winter! Barely able to reach a balance, some time ago the autumn harvest, good guy, our municipal Party committee almost went bareback! It is true that there is no one. There is a shortage of people in all aspects! "

It's all true, not a boast!

"In the past, when it was winter, everyone had no place to make money. Everyone was a little lazy. In addition, the development of our side was not so good, so a lot of problems arose. In fact, people don't want to make money? They all want to make money and have a good life at home, but the conditions are not allowed! "

"But it's not the same now! There is a place to make money, and the reward is absolutely high, to say a joke, everyone's beautiful nose is about to bubble! Yes, of course! Our municipal Party committee and municipal government are the same, and we are very proud of them! People are comfortable! We can be comfortable! "Although said to be accompanied, but the words can still feel the pride of the municipal Party committee! It will be the same for everyone!

We should know that this is the hometown of director Ding Yuding after all. No matter whether director Ding cares or not, can the farm still have a little bit of this aspect together? So to a certain extent, it will be biased! This is a certain thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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