Ding Yu here with Liu Bo, is the two of them, really there is no other person?

I can see that after cleaning up, Liu Bo's spirit is good! With the previous state of mind is also a little different! At his sister's house, anyway? Will have a certain sense of restraint!

Why do you say that, after all, two people are half father and half mother, and after all these years, that is to say, they keep in touch with each other. If we want to say that the true feelings are in place, there is a little bit of pull, even if they themselves will not believe it! It's just that no one can break it! What's more, I haven't stayed there for a long time!

"How about the old man?"

"I'm in a good state of mind. I had some worries before, but I'm better now! But it's just a few days! However, I can see that it is very relaxed now. In the afternoon, I also let the children communicate with the old man through the video. I can see that the old man is still very happy! "

"Happy! It's a good thing to let the old man have no wish! Children should do what they should do! " Ding Yu said with relief, "the old man still had some worries about you before."

"Ah! Not to that time, there is no such feeling, now to this time, naturally this sigh is more! He and my mother! I don't know what to say, but it's their own business! When I was alone in the afternoon, he also mentioned it to me! A little bit of emotion! "

Ding Yu also sighed, "I'm afraid it's what I remember? That's two days! Talk more if you have time? "

Liu Bo can understand the meaning of this, but it's not a bad word. The old man has really reached his life. It's not the filial piety of the children in the family. It has nothing to do with this!

"I'll treat you to dinner in the evening, and you'll have less! I'm afraid I have to go back to take care of the old man later? You don't have any opinions about this in your family, do you? " Ding Yu asked casually!

"No problem. They can understand. Who doesn't have a parent? Right? Even if the two girls can't come, they all need to go to school, and only their two dolls are at home! It's not that appropriate! "

When you come to the place, there are not so many people, but the environment is very elegant. When the boss sees Ding Yu coming, he also deliberately comes out to say hello. After all, no one is Ding Yu, is he? It's absolutely right to have a good relationship with this one!

"Mr. Ding, everything is ready for you? Serving now? "

"It's a nuisance to all of you!" Ding Yu picked up the tea cup and poured two cups of water! Very polite!

"What's the trouble? Don't worry. Mr. and Mrs. Ding always take care of my business. Are you here? I welcome you too late, not to mention you come! This is to give me face, I can't disgrace you! "

"Well, let's have a taste of your craft, too!"

Although Ding Yu said it was not a long appearance, but people who knew it all knew that Ding Yu's face was cold and true, but his temper was really good! He has never seen him get angry, and he has never had any dispute. The so-called first-class people have ability and no temper, which is really right! It's about people like Ding Yu!

"When I left, I forgot! I really can't remember if there are any high-end hotels in our city! "

"I remember there were restaurants in the city at that time, but how to say that? It should not be regarded as a particularly high-end one, but it can't be regarded as a fly restaurant. After all, the people who went to the restaurant at that time were all different. At that time, my father had never been in or out of the restaurant several times! As for the old library, there are! I still listen to the children at home

When the two people were talking, a waiter specially sent food. Ding Yu opened two bottles of wine here, "drink that? I'm not so good at it. I don't drink much at home. There are some old wine at home, but I really don't have much interest in it! "

"That's it! I don't drink much, drive! In addition, I still hook the train. If I really want to "work with illness" and destroy others and myself, although I haven't read too many books, we need to understand this truth! Isn't it? "

"There are not many like you!" Ding Yu sighed. After pouring out all the wine, he had a special wine cup, "I haven't seen you for so many years! How time flies! Let's have a drink for our reunion

After Ding Yu opened a head, the two people did not have too much constraint. For Ding Yu, an old classmate, inviting himself to dinner, Liu Bo was still a little nervous at the beginning. The more he knew, the more he felt that he was not very comfortable. However, he slowly contacted with him and found that he was no different from when he was a child! At most, I don't have such a bright smile when I was a child!

For so many years, there are not many people who can remember, that is Ding Yu, the old classmate. At least at that time, the relationship between each other was very good! Now it seems that although each other has considerable changes, but the feelings are still the same!"I hear you have children!"

"It's not just having children! And it's still twins. Now I'm in junior high school! In our vernacular, they are not easy goods. The girl is a little too noisy! It's not that she's stupid and bold, but she's careless in character, that bastard! Sometimes it's too quiet! And two apprentices! Not bad

"Very well! What are not satisfied with, our two girls, originally want a boy to come, but later think about it! I don't have that spirit! I can't stand another girl! "

It's just family talk. Two old classmates haven't seen each other for so many years! Now when we meet, we will talk about development and future. Are you kidding? It's better to say that the so-called family routine can bring the relationship between each other closer!

"Now that the country has opened up its policy, we can consider it!"

"The conditions at home are just fine. It's a bit exaggeration to say that we're going to eat big fish and meat. But we're still skilled workers. I don't want to be rich and rich. We don't live next to us. We feel that we can eat a meal honestly and feed this family well."

"That's how it looks?" Ding Yu laughed. "Everyone wants to have a better life. This is not a bad thing. Our city is becoming richer now! Changes visible to the naked eye! "

"That's it When Liu Bo was holding his glass, he also sighed! "Ding Yu, let's talk about it. When I was working, I didn't have any idea. Sometimes when I made 600 yuan, I gave my daughter-in-law 500 yuan, and I would still keep 100 yuan. However, I didn't do anything disorderly. I didn't have any interest in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. I just thought that if there was anything wrong in the future, at least there was food and heart in my pocket There's no panic in it, is it? "

It's a simple idea! Ding Yu raised the glass in his hand, and both of them took a sip!

"After all, that's my father, isn't it? Sometimes give a 3000 2000, at least let him also be a little bit at ease, I have such a big ability, after all, I am his son, can not enter filial piety, can not show that there is no! Don't be a son of man


"What is so rare! Comparatively speaking, my younger brother and younger sister worked harder. In those years, they went out to work. But who would like to go out to work? It's alright now! There's a house! Although not big, but life is enough! The conditions are much better than before! I hear you made it all? "

"I don't have the ability to do that. At most, I'm involved! I give a direction, make a decision, to say the truth, let me personally end, forgive me! I can't even hoe the land. Don't laugh! This is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two! "

Liu Bo stood up his thumb. "I knew you had become a big doctor at that time. Later, I heard about it at home, and then I knew that the situation was different! With an old classmate like you, we have light on our faces

Ding Yu is a little sad and laughing, "what does sister-in-law do now?"

"I'm old enough to be a salesman! She didn't earn so much, and I didn't enjoy happiness. Anyway, for the family, it was not bad for her money. It was to let her have activities. Don't always stay at home and pay an insurance! As for the others, there are not too many requirements! We can't do it, can we? "

"Yes! Where's your sister-in-law? I didn't hear you talk about it? " Liu Bo's look of doubt came out!

"She! Abroad Ding Yu simply said about the situation of Taixi, "she has her own career, involving more, if there is time, we will be together! If there is no time, video chat, give each other a space alone, also very good

"Ghost talk!" Liu Bo is a little wanton, "holding his wife to sleep that is the right thing! I don't know what you think? "

Ding Yu can't laugh or cry about this, but I'm afraid there are some unclear explanations when explaining this matter to him. Some of the problems are just like Arabian Nights. They are really not something that Ding Yu can solve alone!

When two people were talking, Ding Yu's phone rang abruptly!

Looking at the phone call above, Ding Yu Leng for a moment, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"I know, otherwise I would not have called you! is it convenient? I want to tell you something! "

"I said you are a chief secretary? Now should be a little more leisurely, the last time you owe me the favor, you have not returned to me?! Now there's another hand. Who do you think I'm going to argue with? "

"I know, I know. I'd like to buy you a drink, but you're very kind! I have been to the capital several times. The gate is closed and you are not here. What can I do? No way, I can only destroy everything

"Yes! You really have a face Ding Yu was helpless, "if you have something to say, I've got an old classmate here! Are you drinking with me? If you have anything to do with it, just say it"I want to borrow two people from you. I don't mean there is no candidate on my hand, but their faces are so familiar! Not at all! And the marks on their bodies are too obvious to fit! I don't want to find anyone else now. I can't believe it! "

"Is it urgent?" Ding Yu asked back!

"Not so anxious, but finally before tomorrow night!"

"All right! I know about it! " Ding Yu also responded, "yes! I've heard that you're going to be transferred to the Ministry! Is it true? "

"Are you so well informed?" Gao Jie has so many small complacency!

"Someone told me about it! I didn't know the news that long, but it was a good thing! okay! For the moment, if I forget, give me a call tomorrow! That's it for the moment! "

After that, Ding Yu hung up the phone, which made Gao Jie on the other side of the phone feel a little surprised. Ding Yu is such a guy! It's really quite heartless, but this guy has always been like this, but there are not too many strange places! Nothing can't be understood!

"What's the matter?"

"There is nothing, even if there is something, it will be tomorrow's matter!" Ding Yu didn't want to talk about Gao Jie's call. "Liu Bo, the market here is pretty good, how about it? Have you ever thought about coming back for development? "

Liu Bo shook his head! Ding Yu, I know you are taking care of me, but I am now?! I really don't have this interest. Do you think you can't farm? What about me? Not really! It's really not. My brother and sister have told me quite a lot about it. But I think it's very good for me to drive the hook now. If I can't eat that day! Ask to your door, give stuttering on the line! That's all I ask for!

"you! Still really is not the general stubborn, that year's time is such a look! You must give me the stationery box. No one can say that. In addition, when I ate in our house, I said that I would not eat eggs. I can't remember other things clearly, but I remember this very deeply! "

"I'm not without hands and feet. If something really happened to me, I'll definitely come to you, because I can't solve it on my own. I don't have the ability. I can only ask for help, right? But now, there are no other requirements! People can't be too ambitious

For Liu Bo's attitude, Ding Yu did not comfort too much. People are different. You can't ask too much, can you? What's more, is this Liu Bo's home? It seems that you can't really say that? So whatever he wants!

"Yes! Your girl said to study medicine Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of this thing! "Ready to test that school?"

"I don't know." Liu Bo's head shook with what like, "anyway, she said so! I never ask about this matter and give her any pressure! "

"How about learning?" Ding Yu asked a question! It seems that there are some casual looks!

"Good study, but a little nearsighted! Everything else is OK! " Liu Bo said that his daughter, but there are so some self satisfied appearance, "school inside more than 50?! I don't know what I can do this time

"I am a doctor! And I'm also a doctoral advisor! I still hold a position in the medical college in the capital. Originally, there were some students in the school. Later, because the work was too busy, the affairs of the school were delayed, but I could say something about it! " What Ding Yu said is very understatement!

But Liu Bo's eyes were red all at once! "Ding Yu, we don't take deception, really?" When he said this, Liu Bo's whole person was also a little rude!

"True, of course! Why should I lie to you? What's more, I'm a doctor originally. Didn't you already know that when you first came to me? "

"What do I know? I don't know at all. People say that you have the ability. The hospital can be laid flat. So I called you, and I haven't seen you for so many years! So find a chance to see you! I know so much about you there! I wipe, if it is really like this, I have to think about it carefully! "

"Ding Yu, can you really do it? Don't be kidding me?! It doesn't matter if we spend some money on it, as long as the children have this future! " For his old classmates, Liu Bo is still a little excited! Other things you don't care about, but for things like this? I really care about it!

"What about the money? It doesn't involve any relationship. What's more, what's more, what's more, what you've earned in your whole life may exceed your imagination. However, I need to know something about your daughter's study. Moreover, I can't tell her about this for the time being, so as to save her from floating or other things. Her academic record is good, I can introduce you, right! This is no problem, but if she is not good at school, I will arrange a job for her in the future, and there are not too many problems! Say it! Including your other daughter, don't be too biased! Isn't it? ""Come on! Other things I did not as a thing, but this thing I remember in my heart! I'll tell your sister-in-law that she can find out all the children's transcripts and let you have a look. Instead of mentioning this matter with her, I said that I met an old classmate and wanted to know about the situation of the child. Are you a teacher? Isn't it? "

After that, he also held up his glass full of wine and drank it out in one gulp!

"I'll arrange it, but I won't make any guarantee whether it will succeed or not. Only the two of us will know about it. We will talk about it after we succeed in the future."

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