Treat your old classmates, of course, they will have so many selfish!

The heart is full of meat, isn't it? So on this issue, Ding Yu also slightly willed some! What's more, I am even willful? What can I do? Can't anyone else stand up and blame yourself?

"I didn't say it! It's a success! What do you see in the house and take away what! If I put a fart, you chop it for me! " Liu bosin swore Dan said! Even there are so little excitement!

"Let's not talk big, I am their uncle! If you can help me, I don't say it! If you can't help me, you can't blame me! We also understand each other! "

"I'll call now! I'm afraid they haven't finished school yet! It's right! "

Liu Bo was in a hurry after he got up and connected the phone. He was in a hurry. "Lao Jiang, you took pictures of the academic achievements of two children after they went to high school, and sent them to me. I remember what you kept, and the prizes they got, and all the prizes were sent to me. I'm waiting for them! It's more urgent! "

"So anxious, why!" The voice over there is not anxious and not impatient! But with a serious accent!

"I met an old classmate! That's Dingyu I told you, do you remember? "

"Well! Remember! You said that when you were two young, they were very good, they were sent by them. When you left, they sent you! " Because the phone is on the amplification, so Ding Yu is very clear! For this point, Dingyu still feels quite surprised, because he has not mentioned Liu Bo to too many people!

"He is also a doctor now, or a very big doctor. Is not our boss trying to learn a doctor? So what about the results? The college entrance examination is coming soon! I'll show Dingyu to the two children! We don't understand the things. I can hardly meet a person who knows it. Let him give reference to 12! "

"Ah! I'll find it for you in a minute! oh dear! You are not easy to go back! Don't let others invite you to dinner. Old students have a good reunion. If you are short of money, tell me, I'll call you! And... "

"Don't be wordy! Get me the report card and so on. I'll see it now! "

When is it all? And you're still hanging out with yourself? Don't you know it?

Liu Bo also put the phone to one side of the position, "your sister-in-law and I, when they did not read good books, understand not so much, speak a bit straight! Don't mind! "

"Great! The book read much not much, with the quality of no relationship, the same with the people and the manner of speech and behavior also has not too much relationship! "But the people who are full of poetry and animals are not a few!" Ding Yu has no opinion and opinion on this, to a certain extent, he also has more experience!

After waiting for about 56 minutes, Dingyu also saw the specific report card on her mobile phone. When he was in high school, his academic achievement was a medium level. However, with the passage of time, the performance began to improve steadily. Although the progress was not the one visible to the flesh and eyes, it was very stable!

After a while, Dingyu also called a song crane. "Qu he, you let people check, the specific situation of this high school, and there are some problems in the college entrance examination now! Send it to me as soon as possible! "

After putting down the phone, Dingyu looked at Liu Bo. "We have such a word in this business, advise people to learn medicine! The sky is broken by thunder and thunder, and it is advised to learn the law, and it is necessary to cut the sword and cut it all! I wonder if you've heard of it? "

"What?" Liu Bo felt that he didn't hear clearly, subconsciously asked a sentence!

Dingyu said it repeatedly, "it is basically the same. How about learning method? This other said, but it is absolutely a very hard thing to learn medicine. Sometimes, father and mother marry people and take care of each other! It's absolutely not a boast, even my two students, who have not been home since they followed me, all of them have their father running to see them! "

"What can I do if I can't see it? It's been watching for so many years! " Liu Bo has a little bit of a dislike for this!

"You! It's not yet, it's time to know! But I need to make it clear to you in advance! Save you to blame me, let the child choose medicine these do not return to the road. "

"Is there anyone else who dislikes such a good job? It's a bad day! It's fucking not enough! "

Ding Yu laughed up with no doubt. "It's good! I am not satisfied! " After sighing, Ding Yu continued to say, "but it is really hard to learn medicine, because it takes a long time to soak in the hospital! There is no free time at all. Don't watch TV. Those are all deceptive. They are absolutely not as beautiful as you can imagine. In general, undergraduate education can not play a lot of role. But after master's degree, at least eight years, you need to support them at home and prepare for this! ""Don't say eight years! There is no problem for 18 years! We can't have a baby with money, can we? If it's good in the future, give us two old guys a bite to eat. If it's not good, it doesn't matter! Anyway, we have our own insurance. If we don't eat well, can't we still have enough? "

It's a simple way of saying, and it's also the consistent idea of Chinese parents! It doesn't matter whether you are good or not, as long as your child is good! I'm satisfied!

While speaking, Qu he has already sent in the specific information of high school. Looking at the standards above, Ding Yu looked at it twice and nodded slightly, "eh? High school is still very good! Liu Bo, you can see that your two daughters are still very excellent! I have some doubts, Liu Bo, how did you cultivate them? "

"Without training, I have always been a silent man! I understand the truth, but I can't say it. Who knows they are willing to listen? Or would you rather not listen? So it's better not to say anything. As for my wife, she hasn't read much. Anyway, she's so muddleheaded

Ding Yu felt so funny, "it's really a shame to wait for a group of people! I'm afraid other families spend a lot of money to cultivate their children. Your family is good. It's basically free range. How can we say that? "

"We don't know how to train them, but they still need to understand the basic principles of life, right?" Liu Bo was so happy, "we can't teach, but we haven't done it, but we've seen it at least, haven't we?"

"Teach by example! It's a very important point! " Ding Yu has a little feeling for this!

"It's all right! By the way, do you remember Mao? "

"Mao?" Ding Yu murmured to himself, "xiaomaozi? No one mentioned this man for years! The relationship between you two seems to be very good. Come on, your two families live together! But at that time, we had a fight. I still remember that, just for the sake of making the stove! "

"Why, I can't remember it! But I still have a good relationship with him. He is half a boss now! He has Russian blood, but he is a serious Chinese

"Boss? OK! I remember he left after junior high school! Specifically went there, I really remember is not so clear! And then there was not much contact! "

"Like me, after graduating from junior high school, I came down! It's not the material for reading, but what's good about that face? It is quite able to bluff people, but also because of that bloodline, so back and forth toss, now that big! Walking there, the ordinary people are really scared when they look at them

"What is he doing now?"

"In trade, I used to drive the hook, and he also did. Later, when we worked together, we two talked, OK! Originally, we were still classmates. At that time, we didn't believe it at all. However, he was more aggressive and engaged in trade, mainly in clothing and other aspects. It was not bad! Anyway, he has his own natural advantages! If we are long, we can see each other in about half a year. If we are shorter, we can meet in three or two months. We have nothing to eat together. When I got married, he did quite a lot of things! "

"Is there such a fate? It's not easy! "

"He is a fellow! Business people? In the end, he is quite cautious and careful, quite normal things, but he is more open, his wife and children have! But relatively speaking, it's also relatively hard. I feel more hard than my work, not so relaxed! "

"Whose success is not so easy and easy, we see more are just superficial articles!"

Ding Yu and Liu Bo talked for a little longer. When they went back, their parents had already gone to bed! As for their children and disciples, they did not come back at night! It's supposed to be in their own homes! Ding Yu is not so concerned about this problem. To a certain extent, Ding Yu is also quite good at their stocking!

When he went back to his study and looked at the time, Ding Yu sent a short message to Gao Jie in the past. He didn't expect that the message here had just been sent in the past, so he called!

"No rest yet?" Gao Jie came up, also very straightforward asked a!

"Just back from dinner! With my old classmates, the situation just now was not so convenient, so I didn't ask, but you haven't had a rest yet? Hard enough! It's a bit of a fight! " Ding Yu's words, there are so some light sarcasm flavor, but can hear, the relationship between each other is quite good!

Not everyone will be ridiculed by Ding Yu, but also need to have a considerable identity!

"We need investigators with considerable experience here! At the same time, it can't have too many traces, or even can't be too well known. Whether it's internal or external, it needs to be kept secret, so I think of you"The people on the other side of the farm have quite a task. You can forget it! I'll arrange another two for you to go there! But how do they get there? You need to make sure they come back with all their eyes! This is the most basic requirement! There is nothing to say about it

"No problem, you can rest assured of that."

"Pay attention to yourself. This is the most important moment. Keep an eye on it!"

Each other does not need to have too many greetings, there is not so much need, mutual greetings, it is OK! No one is so talkative! And no one is willing to vent their feelings!

The next day, Ding Yu still went to the farm to work, but Song Zhen went to another part of the farm, that is, the canteen mentioned yesterday. Good guy, this canteen is a little bit bigger, because it came a little early, so there is no much preparation here!

However, looking at the busy situation inside, Song Zhen also had a different feeling for here. Without any preparation, everything was natural and there was nothing false! There are a lot of people inside. We are very busy!

There are many kinds of things to prepare, and look at this meaning, it's not intentional! It's a real sight! "I don't know if I don't see it. I'm scared when I see it!"

Wang Jianguo also deeply thought that he nodded, "the farm side is enough for the cost. If these things are placed outside, they will lose their blood at this price."! But here, it is so common! "

The accompanying person also echoed and said, "in fact, sometimes I prefer to eat on the farm. The food is very cheap and the materials are full. The scene inside can be seen clearly. How is the thing made? What's more, what's more, all the materials are placed there, so you can feel relieved to see and eat! "

The people in the canteen are very busy. In front of them are transparent glass, steamed, fried and boiled. Everything is placed in front of everyone, and all the employees are wearing hats! Masks and even gloves are used to ensure all-round safety and hygiene!

"Assistant Gong, how can we ensure that they are like a day all year round?"

The assistant on the farm side said with a smile, "the canteen has a separate incentive fund. The better you do, the more you earn. There is considerable flexibility in it. Moreover, this is their home. If you can't guarantee the safety and hygiene of your own things, the conscience of the whole enterprise will be broken!"

Some things assistant Gong didn't say so clearly. Why? This is about some reasons inside the farm!

In other words, the farm has its own punishment method, but this punishment method is not particularly serious, but if you really make a mistake, it will affect your own integral. What is the use of this integral?

Are you kidding? Farm workers can use points to exchange farm produce, that price is absolutely different! It is true that the exchange of things is not so much, but the absolute benefits, even beyond imagination!

However, there is really no one to use this for their own benefit! No way! The salary of the farm is absolutely high, and we won't get more than we lose for this so-called petty gain! It's not humiliating enough!

However, the outside world still knows something about it. They also want to pay the so-called high price to buy points, and even there is a situation of 200 yuan points, but even so, there are not too many people interested!

Farm management is not so strict on this point, but we have maintained this tradition very well. The so-called warehouse is solid and etiquette is known, and food and clothing are enough to know honor and disgrace. This is not a boast!

Soon, the farm staff came one after another. Relatively speaking, there were more middle-aged people and quite a few young people, but they only occupied a little more than one-third, which was not the mainstream!

"There are still so few young people!"

"Secretary song, it's already very good! At the beginning, there were some old people and old ladies who couldn't summon people. Whether they were in or outside the province, they were the same, because we were not famous at that time! When they heard that it was from the farm, no one wanted to come over! Farm work doesn't make money

"Are there many people willing to come over now?"

"There are a lot of people who have come here, but it's still a little bit worse to let them work in the field now. They need to be classified and trained. Agricultural work is not relevant to them. There are also considerable differences among them! But fortunately, everyone is willing to bear hardships. Our countrymen are still very simple! "

"They can all get a good salary!"

"Hey, our farm has a clear regulation on this matter. No one dares to owe debts even if it is an hour or even a minute late. It's an accident, not a joke!" Assistant Gong also said with a look of horror, "I've never heard of anyone reporting to the supervision department for this matter!"It is obvious from the words of assistant Gong that he has a fear for the inspection department!

"It's good that there are written rules! Are there many people who don't come here to work? "

"Not before? There are quite a lot of people now, but more often in spring and autumn, because at that time we need a lot of manpower. Although there is considerable technology on the farm, we still insist on manual operation. As for the time period of winter and summer, the staff of our farm can barely maintain it! "

They did not evade some of their own problems, nor did they hide the situation of the farm! At this point, the attitude is absolutely correct! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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