About to noon, Ding Yu suddenly picked up his phone!

Song Tianren, when they received the phone call, they were also so distracted, even some couldn't believe it. They were gathering around to eat together! Suddenly got a call! And it's still director Ding Yuding's phone. What's the situation?

"Hello, director. I'm Tianren!"

Yeah! Ding Yu's voice is relatively low. From this voice, we can't tell whether it is happy or unhappy. Comparatively speaking, how can we say their performance in this period of time? Low key is not enough to describe it?! Study history! Humanities and philosophy, and even wrote a lot of articles!

Not to mention, they are really calm and quite thoughtful. As for the previous military affairs, of course, they also know, but they still do not have any action, after all, they are not the same as the situation of the military! I believe the director will never abandon them to one side of the position, this is no doubt!

"Send me what you wrote!" Ding Yu's requirements are not so much!

"When the housekeeper goes there, I have two weeks' notice for you to go to the courtyard. I have some time to prepare for it."

What was involved? Ding Yu didn't say clearly, and Ding Yu here also hung up the phone. Song Tianren and they looked at each other. What was the situation? But we still do not rub sand in director Ding's eyes!

As for eating, they have already eaten almost all of them! Even if there is nothing to eat, there is no need now! After returning to his office, it was also the first time to put all the things written down in the past together, and then sent them to the director at the first time!

"Tianren? What do you think of this? It's a little sudden! "

There was no news from the director for a period of time. They were also honest and honest to stay here. Relatively speaking, the atmosphere here is very good. When you have time, go to the hospital to help, but do you want to go to the hospital to help? It didn't last too long and stayed too long. The blow to them was a little bit big!

The impact of emotion is too big. In the hospital, I really have seen too many joys and sorrows of life. Sometimes we can't control our feelings. When we are doctors? If the nerve is a little bit fragile, I'm afraid not!

In any case, song Tianren and his colleagues were particularly hard hit in the hospital. After returning to the Expo, they couldn't even be quiet for quite a while. However, they could understand what the director's test was for them! It's not that they are merciless. It's not really the reason for this!

It is true that the external evaluation of the director is so, but song Tianren's own heart clearly shows that the director is just a little indifferent! In fact, the director in my heart is still a man of flesh and blood!

"I don't know! Anyway, the national Expo and the hospital this period of time, physical and mental devastation, even do not know how to survive! This is absolutely not a neurasthenia can explain, sometimes a little bit of pain to see

Song Tianren, who was sitting on the chair, stretched out a big stretch. "Absolutely, everyone is looking forward to being a doctor. But what about the actual situation? My God, that's a miserable thing. Anyway, I feel that some people can't stand it. It's too hard for people to do the job of doctor! Tired of body and mind

Everyone stands in different angles, so the situation is completely different! Everyone's feelings are different from each other, but there is one thing. They didn't know much about history and humanities before. Now they really feel the same way!

This may be one of the few benefits! Although the benefits come a little bit bitter!

"It's just Guo Li, who has a thick nerve and really doesn't know how to describe him?"

"Don't you just say that stupid people are lucky?" Song Tianren jokingly said, "but this guy's nerve is really not general thick, I think song Tianren has seen many experts, but like Guo Li, who can always maintain an optimistic state of mind, real people have not seen a few, the state of mind is too good!"

Other aspects, they will not have too much envy, what money! What a house or a car! For song Tianren, they didn't look in their eyes at all. Only Guo Li's mentality is really admirable. If we say that they can have such a mentality, they are absolutely smooth!

But it's a pity that no one is Guo Li. If you want to achieve his level, you still need a lot of training. Don't because during this period of time in the national Expo and the hospital, we are all mixed up and still have considerable growth. Maybe this kind of growth can not be seen in a short time, but with the retirement of time, the changes will be more and more big!

"Yes! Not yet? What does the director want us to do when he asks us to go to the courtyard? "

All of us showed a suspicious look. There was no way to make any guess. The director didn't give any hint. What's more, the director went back to his hometown! Not in Beijing! Even with a couple of kids! This matter we still know more clearly!"I don't know, and it's not easy to make a guess in this respect. Who knows what it's like?"

When he said this, song Tianren's joy was also restrained! Director made a phone call, of course, is something to be happy about, but such things do not need to have been hanging in their own mouth! Just be happy! Then also need to calm their mind, can not be too wanton!

"No matter what happens, I think we still need to formalize ourselves. I'm afraid the things we wrote are on the director's desk now."

Ding Yu carefully looked at what they wrote, with their own feelings and some comments on history. Relatively speaking, they have been able to look at the problem from the perspective of history, rather than as a latecomer. This has great benefits for them, and I don't know whether they have realized it or not!

Comparatively speaking, what they wrote is a little bit messy, and there is not much coherence. This should be their intention! In other words, they didn't take all the homework out. For this point, Ding Yu also quite understood, and even felt very interesting!

What do you show yourself? I hope they are the best. In this way, I can deepen my impression and see their progress. As for what I feel is not appropriate? There may not be anything now, but behind this, they will never abandon it at will!

Ding Yu sees the problems clearly and clearly, and Ding Yu also believes that song Tianren and the forces behind them also see it clearly and clearly, but he does not have any action, of course, they will not have any action, especially when there are some subtle things like this!

After all, he is famous for not recognizing people! No one knows whether there will be other problems in this process. If there are any problems and conditions, then all the achievements will be wasted. In that case, you will really want to cry without tears!

After reading the report, Ding Yu made a call to Guo Li. After a period of time, Guo Li called back! "Good teacher! I just came down from the building without my cell phone! "

"I heard you both got promoted! It's a little fast

"Hi! It's not all for the teacher's face. Mingzheng and I have a good understanding of this. Although we have made considerable efforts, this is not any capital at all. We should be proud of it with the teacher. "

"I called my elder martial brother. You two are still very good. It's not easy for you to calm your mind and not be moved by foreign objects. It's not easy. It's a good thing that some people don't think of. It's a good thing that you don't get envied. It's true that you're mediocre, as long as you don't have too much confidence! That would be pride

"Teacher! How proud are we? god! So many seniors and magnates are in front of us! We are satisfied to learn from their hands! I really don't have any other ideas! However, the preparation of our predecessors for our impression is also good! Hey, hey

Ding Yu snorted and was quite satisfied with Guo Li's performance, "what about other things? Performance is not bad, but personal problems also need to be grasped! You and Mingzheng are both like this. Mingzheng's personality is a little stuffy, not as outgoing as you are. You should pay more attention to it! "

Just look, teacher! Just wait for the wedding candy

"How was their contact with song Tianren?" The performance of the two students was good. Ding Yu praised two sentences, but he didn't mention it too much. So he turned to song Tianren, and wanted to understand them directly! And the best candidate is his own student! More intuitive?!

"Tianren?" Guo Li thought for a while, "do you want to talk about their performance? At the beginning, I was in a hurry, and it was not the material of this aspect at all. But fortunately, the mentality was pretty good. At least now, there are not too many problems when I am an escort! But teacher, it's a waste of material to let them be caretakers

"You said good things to them Ding Yu said a word without salt or salt?!

"It's OK. Sometimes I have a meal together when I'm free, and a few people have a little bit of fun. But their nerves are still slightly interesting and fragile, and they don't have so much contact! This is forgivable! We didn't get much better than them in the first place? It's just a little bit of contact! "

"When they write materials, are they not ashamed to ask?"

"Almost, most of the time it's their treat. It's not only me and Mingzheng, but also other people. The communication is relatively broad. At this point, I'm a little ashamed. I really can't do it. I don't have this time! There's no such thing. "

"Smooth, isn't it?" Ding Yu said, "I know the general situation! by the way! Did you keep your notes when you were in medical school? "

Ah? Guo Li Leng for a moment, "keep it! Mingzheng and I keep all my notes. As far as I know, everyone's notes are kept! " Guo Li is a little puzzled, but he said it truthfully!"The child of one of my classmates will take the college entrance examination in half a year! You may want to be admitted to medical school. Please copy your notes and let me show her. If she has the chance, she will study hard! "

"Teacher, persuading people to learn medicine is like thunder and lightning." Guo Li exclaimed!

"She chose it by herself, which has nothing to do with me. What do you think now?" Ding Yu scolded, "this is it for the time being! In the evening, song Tianren and they may go to the courtyard, as well as the things I mentioned to you earlier. You should pay more attention to yourself and don't always let others worry about it! When you have time, let Mingzheng give me a call, his phone is always unable to get through, and I don't know why he went there! "

"Hi! More busy than me! Even I need to go to the operating room to find him sometimes

After putting down the phone, Guo Li was also a little happy, even a little excited. As for the situation of song Tianren, he was just honest and honest, without any embellishment. As for selling such things well, it was not really. The relationship between them was good, it was true, but it didn't mean everything!

Believe this truth, they themselves are also clear and understand, they will not do the so-called bad good people!

As for the night, they're going to the courtyard? See what that means? There should be good things! Otherwise, the teacher will never let them go to the courtyard, but they have worked so hard for such a long time that they need to give something so-called sweet. After all, they are not doctors, are they?

Let them come to experience for a long time, this is no problem, but to let them stay here for a long time, this situation is a bit unreasonable! The teacher there must be other aspects of that row, but this point does not have too much to do with their own, they also can't make up what they care about!

Song Tianren didn't make any stop after work in the evening. They drove to the courtyard directly. However, when they came to the courtyard, the news had already spread!

Why is this possible, the reason is really again simple! The siheyuan is a place that people don't want to think about. The alley is very clean, but you can't see any people coming and going. In other words, there is no bird in common! Not to mention people!

But today's car is obviously not a Siheyuan car, and the people who came down from the car are song Tianren and several of them! You know, if they don't get informed, they won't be able to enter the courtyard gate!

Under everyone's watching, song Tianren's courtyard really entered the courtyard. The housekeeper personally received him. But after he went in, there was no one who could explain clearly what had happened! In other words, what happened inside, no one dare to visit!

It's a quadrangle. Although it's not director Ding's office center now, it's the place where director Ding settled down. Are you kidding me? Dare to brush director Ding Yu's beard and feel that his life is very long? Right?

Song Tianren, the forces behind them, of course, knew quite a lot of news, but everyone's performance was very calm, even there was not much action, even a considerable wait-and-see! Song Tianren and their were sent to director Ding, although we are concerned about them, but there is no action!

How director Ding wants to train them is all director Ding's business. Don't worry about it at home! Who knows if there will be any so-called changes in the middle of the process, dare not to do this aspect of the guarantee!

However, they all went to the courtyard, which shows that the previous training for them must have been seen in the eyes of director Ding! Director Ding's approach may be a little arbitrary, but does it work? It's really good!

At least song Tianren and their performance, we all see in the eyes, not like the original jump, can judge the situation, have a very clear understanding of their own, these are enough to explain their growth, even the one visible to the naked eye! We should know that if there is no three-year five-year training for the faction, it will definitely not reach this level!

However, the faction will never adopt such a method. It is not the reason for being cumbersome and tedious, but there is no way to control the scale in this way. If there is any carelessness, it will be a total failure and there is no room for saving!

Such a way is too dangerous, too frightening, and the success rate is too low. It is true that he really becomes a talent, and the possible result is brilliant. But why did director Ding select so many people to select such a limited number? Don't you understand the reason?

It is because director Ding himself knows that such a way is too cruel, too cruel, too much gambling! Sometimes even broke down, not a piece of material! So don't try too hard!

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