Song Tianren entered the courtyard. It was a little longer, about two hours. Moreover, they were not together, but separated. What was the reason? The housekeeper didn't explain. When the same three people got together, there was no mention of this situation!

There is no airtight wall in the world, is there? If the director had passed the news to them, would it have been possible for him to tell them? It seems that I can't! How about then? What else can you do if you can't even keep a secret?

After coming out of the courtyard, everyone went back to their homes! Each to find their mother, but no one came to inquire about the so-called news, and the forces behind them did not do so!

However, song Tianren and his wife, who returned to their residence, were not as secure as they thought, and the lights in the room were not extinguished all night. This also made people feel a little pressure. It is obvious that song Tianren should have suffered something, or Ding Yu has arranged quite a task for them!

What is involved? No one knows, but the three of them didn't go to the hospital or the Expo today. If we look at this situation, the task is to stop here! Because they have already expressed their opinions and opinions on this aspect to the faction!

"Can you understand what our director Ding wants?"

"I don't understand! Too abrupt! There is no sign not to say, even make people feel that there are so some inexplicable! But it seems to be director Ding's style, which is hard to grasp! I can't guess! I don't understand! "

"I heard that all three of them have reserved their tickets! And not too many people! The general situation is like this! "

"Well! Air tickets have been set down, it is scattered, it is obvious that this should be a further training, but now there are so some can not understand it! But now, as time goes on, it will gradually show up. I just don't know what kind of price director Ding paid? "

There are so many exclamations and some helplessness in the words, because director Ding is also regardless of the cost for the cultivation of song Tianren. For the faction behind them, he has no intention of paying attention to them. Even there is not much communication and understanding between them. How I do it is my business, it has nothing to do with you!

On this issue, we are both happy, but also have some small grievances!

I'm glad that song Tianren and director Ding have taken a fancy to them, and their future is bound to be boundless. However, their grievances are due to the fact that director Ding has contact with song Tianren, but he does not have much contact with them in terms of faction. Is this a bit too contemptuous of us! Didn't treat everyone as a thing at all?

In fact, we all know that the truth must be such a truth, but it is not easy for anyone to make this matter clear directly. In that case, it would be a bit embarrassing! What's more, song Tianren is still in the hands of director Ding Yuding!

By the way! The seeds of the former military? We still know some news. Director Ding seems to be interested in them, but he is still the same. I don't mean to interfere too much!

Because this news is not particularly difficult for the faction to inquire about. Of course, interference is one thing and knowing the news is another. This can not be confused!

Director Ding was there, just like a sculpture! It's amazing. Sometimes it's just to point out the direction. As for the specific action, it's basically not there! It's particularly weird to feel like!

If it's someone else, I'm afraid they've already put these seeds in their hands at this time?! But director Ding didn't do it at all, and even had a little dislike. Who would you like to argue with?

Song Tianren and their leaving speed is relatively fast, and really did not carry too many things, amazing is just a few change clothes! As for where to go? There is not too much adjacent between each other, even a little far away from the distance!

People look at Song Tianren and they, there are so some do not understand the feeling! What does director Ding want to do?

The things they went to were quite different. From the geographical location, they were all slightly remote, which could not be said to be out of place. However, the development seemed to be slightly worse. Director Ding sent them there. What's the reason? What do you want?

And Ding Yu's side? It is not too much feeling, arrange to go on! As for the rest? ha-ha!

I made a phone call with my mother Zhao Shuying. In the evening, Wang Jianguo and the third brother of Wang would come to the house to be a guest! I need to treat this third brother well, but it's just an ordinary guest. I don't have any other involvement. I just tell my mother!

Zhao Shuying for Wang Jianguo and the sea two people or know more clearly, of course, mainly listen to Ding Ding said! I didn't expect Wang Jianguo to come! This is definitely a good thing! Wang Jianguo is definitely a great help to his son! This friendship can never be forgotten!"Boss! What does Jianguo like to eat? I cook myself. There are quite a few things in my home, but I don't know which one he likes! Give me a good talk

"There's nothing wrong. He doesn't like coriander. There's nothing else."

"Yes, I see! I'll arrange what you'll drink in the evening. I'll ask your father to prepare it. Don't be in a hurry and let others laugh at you! " It is obvious that Zhao Shuying is not interested in this matter in general!

"I see! My third brother Jianguo and I are not outsiders. There is also the sea. When Ding Ding Ding is tossing about in the capital these years, they are the two of them. It is not so convenient for me to be outside. The third brother came with the investigation group! Come to the door, always can't let him return empty handed, right? So I invited him to have a meal at home. At least it's not illegal at this time. There's no problem! "

Wang Jianguo still attaches great importance to visiting Ding Yu's parents. It is true that the gate of the courtyard is closed, but there are still some people in and out of the courtyard. They have also been there. There are not many people visiting Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother. Even there are not many people who come into this small county town!

There is no doubt that the relationship between Ding Yu and each other is no doubt that it is not like this! And the feather elder brother son this person! Don't look at the silent, but the heart of a free gully, sometimes for some things, is also very important!

He invited himself to come here, and he really regarded himself as a friend! And a friend of mine! I can't be in front of Yu Ge'er's parents, I don't know what's so-called! We can open up a little bit, but we must pay attention to this scale!

Come to the villa, not to mention, the two villas are not very far away from the location, from the top of the outside, really can not see too much luxury, or magnificent, it is not like this, but from a distance, the two villas half hidden in the trees, it is a good view! Quite beautiful!

"Brother Yu, what a wonderful place you have built! Half hidden and half visible, I'm in the woods, but I don't know where! "

Ding Yu said, "a little repair was made outside, so it looks ok. As for the inside? My parents have been decorated by someone, while my side is decorated by Taixi. Their styles are slightly different! "

Gave Wang Jianguo a little introduction, then took Wang Jianguo to see his parents first!

"Dad! Mom! This is what I often call the third brother of Jianguo! Wang Jianguo Ding Yu first said! "Three, this is my father Ding Lin, this is my mother Zhao Shuying!"

"Oh! I've been listening to the old man and Ding Ding Ding all the time, but it's always a rare sight! "

It can be seen that the father and mother of Ding are not polite, but are really enthusiastic. Wang Jianguo saw this in his eyes and wrote them down in his heart, but he also had some doubts about it!

Why doubt? Ding's father and mother are both so enthusiastic. Why did Ding Yu grow up in this family environment? How could he be cold and cold at ordinary times? There is Ding Ding Ding, who has seen her before. She is very optimistic and cheerful! Anyway, the feather brother in the family is really how weird, how weird!

But strange to strange, such a thing is really not their own judgment, think about it is also from their own information, Yu Ge'er graduated from high school, is still very cheerful, but at that time, for the whole Ding family, the blow is a little bit big!

What's more, during the service, I had quite a lot of experience! What is the way of life? Don't say it for a second! But the emotional Road, can be said to be a bumpy, even so some of the miserable! Later, Yu Ge'er found Tai Xi, and he had some thoughts in other aspects!

Of course, this is just a guess in my heart! Whether it is true or not, this matter is really not good, there are so some not very easy to say! After all, it's impossible to talk about such a thing with brother Yu, can you? In that case, for the feather elder brother son, there are really so some too smack!

Anyway, such a thing is absolutely impossible to do! Don't say there is no conflict between yourself and Yu Ge'er. Even if there is any conflict, it is absolutely impossible to speak with such a thing!

"Uncle! Hello, Auntie! I'm Wang Jianguo! " Wang Jianguo showed great respect! After all, these two are Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother. There is a lot of discussion about them in the capital!

On the one hand, it is because they raised Ding Yu, on the other hand, it is also because they have cultivated Ding Yu! These two things can never be confused!

If it is not their cultivation, how can Ding Yu be today? Don't even think about it!

What's more, although two people said they raised Ding Yu, they didn't ask too much! Now I'm retired! But teach! Free medical support! Can it be done by placing it on someone else's body? It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not, but other people have never seen such a mentality!"Good boy! Long is elegant! Extraordinary bearing Ding Lin shook hands with Wang Jianguo with a smile. "When Ding Ding goes home, she often mentions you and the sea. She is taken care of by both of you in the capital! As for the boss? I've heard the boss talk about the things between your brothers. Without your help, we would not have achieved today's achievements! "

"Uncle! Auntie, this is really wrong for me Wang Jianguo said in a hurry!

"The feather elder brother son can have today, is he own hard work to come out! We dare not say that! "

"Sit down! Sit down and say it! Finally came to the home, how to come over alone? " Zhao Shuying is also extremely friendly! Hello Wang Jianguo did down, tea table above the fruit and snacks, is also a dazzling!

"Because of my work, I came here to investigate. I didn't think brother Yu was at home, so I had a chance to visit!"

For this matter, Wang Jianguo or more cautious, if Ding Yu is not at home, if he rashly come over, the nature is completely different! Are you kidding? This is not a trivial matter, especially for brother Yu!

"When you're OK, come home more! You don't have to bring anything. You have everything at home! We two old guys are happy when we come here Zhao Shuying delivers fruit to Wang Jianguo! A kind face!

"Is the job going well?" Ding Lin took a look at his wife and said, "come to the house. If you need anything, just say it! Let the boss help you! Don't mention it

While talking, several children also all the way skipping from the outside to run in! It's not implicit at all. When I saw Wang Jianguo, Ding Yun and Ding Chang! And Tong Tong is familiar with Wang Jianguo! It's all up to the question mark! Then it was Wang An, brother and sister!

Wang Jianguo here also prepared some small gifts, gifts are not very valuable, but do not have some intention! Is also very in line with the taste of several children! Everyone is also very happy!

Because there is still a while to eat, so Ding Yu also took Wang Jianguo to his villa, which is a small visit! The layout inside is quite different from the previous villa!

"Brother Yu, I really have some doubts! What do you think? " Looking at the layout here, Wang Jianguo doesn't know what to say!

"What do you think?" Ding Yu looked around, and then he understood, "what you said is the decoration here, not bad! I don't ask too much about this. It's set by Taixi! "

"Yes Wang Jianguo was also helpless. "I don't mean that the layout here is not good, but I feel a bit out of my expectation. However, it's very comfortable to look at. However, compared with the old man's side, I prefer the style of the old man's side. The reason for my personal preference has nothing to do with other things!"

"Some colleagues and old friends in the hospital are willing to go to my parents' side when they come home, which makes them feel more comfortable and relaxed. I always prefer to be quiet, so there is a little bit of solemnity here."

Wang Jianguo sipped his mouth. He was helpless. Of course, he also visited Ding Yu's study. It was not so messy inside. But looking at the books and specimens in the study, he felt that he was not quite used to it! Because the bone specimen and the study is not a little bit out of place?

I saw it this evening! Don't you think it's infiltrating? I don't know what Yu Ge'er thinks? Some are suspicious!

"I said that you put these specimens and bronze figures in the study. Are you not afraid that children will feel fear when they see them? What do you think, I say

How much Wang Jianguo appears to be so angry!

"They are all used to it! Also did not feel this actually has any problem, these things let them face up to good! It's not such a thing Ding Yu is a little bit "not satisfied with this." after contacting more people, he will feel that there is nothing wrong with these things! It's normal! "

"I really want to hit you!" Wang Jianguo looks at Ding Yu with vicious eyes! Then he sighed, "to be honest, I really doubt how you educate the children! What do you think? The question is, how many children have been so well educated by you? Is there any reason? "

"What does this have?" Ding Yu is still disapproving, "let them have more knowledge, this is no harm, don't always think they will be afraid, let them go slowly contact, don't always think they are timid, or afraid to let them contact some things, even force them, this is extremely inappropriate!"

"But the problem is that no one can accept your way! Haven't you thought about it? "

"Yes, it's a process. No one is stupid and bold! Learn to let them accept it! It's like seeing dinosaur fossils, it doesn't make much difference! "

For Ding Yu's heresy, Wang Jianguo is obviously not able to accept, if let his children accept this? Killing yourself is absolutely not allowed! It's impossible!This is the difference in concept. It is really hard to say who is right and who is wrong! Wang Jianguo can't understand his feelings and can't say that Ding Yu is totally wrong, so he can only gnash his teeth with Ding Yu! What else can we do? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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