Ding Yu came back late. After returning, he apologized to Gu Xiaoyan and his wife. It was really his own problem! I have been so neglected!

Several children look at Ding Yu's movements, are thoughtful! There must be a reason why dad came back so late, not on purpose! On this issue, they can understand that the father will never be perfunctory!

Gu Xiaoyan is laughing and holding Ding Yu's hand will not let go! He is very kind. His nephew is really good. As for what came back late? Gu Xiaoyan didn't mean to put it in his heart at all!

Even if Ding Yu will not come, Gu Xiaoyan will not have any views! Busy work, originally can understand things, can not be because of their own over! It's delaying the boss's work, isn't it? If I blame myself for this! It's your own problem!

"Uncle gu! Auntie, have you had a hard time? "

After sitting down again, Gu Xiaoyan shook his head and said, "very good! Come back when the direct plane, and then do high-speed rail to this side, now the traffic is really too convenient! And it's very convenient. It's not like when we went out, we had to have a letter of introduction, otherwise we couldn't make a plane at all! As for berths? It's the same thing. It doesn't mean you can buy what you want. Now you want to come, it's really incredible! How many years has it been? "

"Yes! Boss, are you busy with your work? Why did you bring the baby back? "

There is no meaning of criticism, that is, a little confused, so I also asked a question!

Ding Yu sighed and said, "Wang An and Tong Tong are my apprentices. They have a lot of talent, but they need to be calm. I don't worry about this, but the environment in the capital! How to put it? Sometimes it's too grandiose! Leave them over there? They want to be calm, but others don't think so! As for their age, they are clever enough, but they are Ding Yun Chang! "

Said a little bit secretive, but Gu Xiaoyan immediately understood it! "There's such a thing, isn't there a big problem?"

You know, Gu Xiaoyan has never been so worried about his son!

"In fact, there's no big deal. The stall in the house is a little bit big. Now we need to consider some things. They are children after all. At this stage, it's the best time to lay a foundation. When we get older, we should consider some things! If you really develop any bad habits, even if you want to change them, there will be some difficulties! It's not proper for them to stay in Beijing! So get them back! "

"I watched them perform very well! What a wonderful child

During the meal, Ding Yu's personal company made Gu Xiaoyan and his wife have some bad intentions! That's very kind of you! Waiting for Ding Yu to leave, the two talents were relieved! But their heart is very clear, it is really not Ding Yu deliberately artificial, with this point has nothing to do with!

"Lao Ding, I really envy you! Really? Why the hell didn't I have that luck? "

Gu Xiaoyan didn't care about other things at this time. His eyes were so red, not that he envied how rich the Ding family was, how powerful and how big an industry it was. He cultivated a good child like Ding Yu. This is what he is most interested in!

As for your own children? Boss, that son of a bitch won't talk! There is no difference between them. Even the two of them have no difference in mind! Why is there such a result today?

At this time, several children are following Ding Yu's side position. They also want to mention it to their father and master! If we don't know the problems and the situation, they will never give up!

The light in the study is very bright, the room is also very warm!

Ding Yu did not sit in his own exclusive position, just handle some of the documents in the handle for a while!

"What happened to this one today? Have so much leisure? "

There is no head up, but Ding Yu can do one heart and two uses, and several children mentioned a sentence, and then also sent the approved document out! Did not let these documents stay in their hands for too long!

"Master, uncle Qu talked to me!"

Ding Yun and Ding Chang did not mean to speak, Wang An had to take the lead to stand out! After all, I am a senior brother. At this time, I would like to introduce this topic first! What's more, this matter still has a considerable relationship with myself!

"Well! I know that! " Ding Yu raised his head and looked around at their five children! "Qu he chose you at the beginning. This is his own choice. I will not interfere in this, because this is your mutual choice."

Wang an scratched his head and said, "master, is there any other effect?"

There are still some special cases of this kind of thing. After all, Ding Yun and Ding Chang have no such convenience. However, they have such treatment because they have got the advantage of elder martial brother? Really let Wang An have such a small fear!However, such careful thinking is obviously unable to conceal Ding Yu's eyes! So Ding Yu is also difficult to do a smile, at the same time, because the documents have been approved, so Ding Yu returned to his position and sat down safely!

"The road in the future is for you to walk by yourself. You have your own life. Although I have the identity of your master and father, even so, I still don't want to do any interference. You are not puppets in my hand!"

Ding Yu said very frankly and bluntly, "even in the first stage, I would like to make some arrangements or guidance for you at most, but there is no influence at all. This seems to be quite inappropriate, but I try my best to avoid it, because you are all my children!"

Think carefully, it seems to be true! Ding Yu didn't want to indoctrinate them with any concepts and ideas. Even to a certain extent, he was very pampered. Of course, some of the bottom lines and principles could not be touched. There are also quite a number of reasons. The so-called state-owned laws and family rules are not a joke!

"Thank you, master."

Ding Yu waved his hand. "It's a little too polite to say thank you! Qu he chose his own choice, but he stayed with me now, and I used it more conveniently. He is more optimistic about your future. This kind of investment belongs to the future. I hope you will not fail to live up to his expectations! "

"Master, I will try my best to move forward and will not stop my own pace!"

"This is a good thing, life will face a lot of problems, there will be countless failures, there will be few victories, but these are not a problem, the problem is lazy, stop your own pace, I do not hope that you will have such problems, although I will not do too much interference, but kick your butt, I think there will not be Too many questions! "

When he saw his father looking at himself, Ding Chang opened his hands. How could he feel that his father was deliberately aiming at himself? Is that really good? I am a son!

I am so lazy, but that is just my appearance, OK? But if really with his father confrontation, Ding Chang really did not have this idea, so also touched his head!

Forget it! It's better to be a little transparent now, don't rush to be the target, otherwise the end will be absolutely miserable, and the result is definitely not what you expect to see!

Judging the situation, it is absolutely not a bad thing to admit defeat now. How about being a man? Sometimes you need to know why you give up? It's absolutely stupid to be tough at this time!

"Dad, uncle Qu's affairs have no influence on us. The first elder martial brother mentioned something about our study here. Ding Chang and I have some understanding, but we still can't think about it too clearly."

Ding Yu and Wang An and Tong Tong looked at each other. There was a little smile in their eyes!

"You two? It's a little bit good! It's not too much to say that you are in a honeypot! "

"Dad, are you so straightforward, really good?"

Ding Yun's temperament is a little straightforward, even if her father is in front of her, she does not hide her own temper!

Of course, I grew up in a honeypot. I won't deny it. It's the reality! After dealing with students for such a long time, I still have a certain understanding of some of the situations! I don't have any disdain for this, and there's nothing else to look at differently!

"This is not straightforward, but the reality. Your family and environment are at the top of the pyramid, which is a bit too high! For a long time, you don't know what kind of situation the bottom is like. If you are too detached from the public, you will be at the top, and the end will not be too good! "

"Dad, we don't have anything high up there?"

"The so-called" being high above others "has many situations! You are too divorced from reality. This is originally a form. Although there is no problem for you to live such a life, at least it can be done at home, I don't want you to be so-called dandies in the future

"Dad, isn't the word" dandy "a little too much

"Is it too much? I don't know! " Ding Yu shook his head, "because I don't know what you will look like in the future, including Wang An and Tong Tong. I can only try my best to cultivate you, and even hope that you can be better than the blue in the future. In that case, I really have no regrets!"

After saying this, Wang An and Tong Tong both have a bright eye. As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they have some helplessness. They want to defeat or even surpass the great devil. This is not a simple thing at all, OK?

To know the efforts of the big devil, they are all looking in the eyes, it is not as simple as imagined! More assiduous than them, more attentive! In the long run, the distance will definitely be bigger and bigger!"Dad, you're a little too bad!"

It's obvious that Ding Yun understands Ding Yu's idea, so this speech is a bit too much!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "is that right? It's no big deal to be bad at all. I never boast that I am a good man. As for what you know, there is still a little difference between what you have learned. However, do you look for the so-called clues and judgments, this direction? It's a little childish! "

Dad! Is that really good for you? Ding Yun is very dissatisfied, and even intentionally stares at his big eyes. However, he has no words for a moment. At this stage, they learn a lot about his father through fat Wei, but the effect of these things is too limited!

"Dad, are we going in the wrong direction?"

"It's not the wrong direction! I can only say that it is a little too narrow! " Ding Yu chuckled at his eyes, "in fact, it's too late for you to start this situation! Some things are made by our heart, and even quite a lot of people know the relevant situation, even in detail. They know what I do every day and every second! "


How to describe, several children have so many did not think of! But Wang An is the fastest reaction!

"Master, they are all aware of this situation. Will it affect you?"

"It doesn't matter to me personally! Because there are changes all the time. I supplement myself all the time. I don't let myself have any retrogression. Even I have made considerable progress. However, I'm afraid that only I know how much progress is. This situation is also applicable to you! "

"Dad, in this way, we are still in the trap, I will not do it!"

Ding Yun has some small anger. My father really knows that this is a pit, and he has to watch them step in. Even when he falls into it, he doesn't even mean to mention a word! Just watch over there! How hateful! Is he a father?

"Let go of your own thoughts and think about it. In fact, it is very simple! It's even easy to see! However, this thing for you, also did not see what bad things, more understanding, can better understand the original life and human relations, but also can let you get considerable experience, even you will make some good friends, I think Wei Lai is still very good! This little fat man is a little bit interesting! "

"The fat man is a little slippery, but he is a good man. He has made quite a correction, and now he is working very hard."

When talking, Ding Yun pinches his waist with one hand, and points out his thumb with the other hand!

Looking at her daughter's appearance, Ding Yu feels so funny. Ding Chang covers her face here. She really doesn't know what to say! Ding Yun's performance let himself say what is good, even if you are the head of the elder sister, in front of the father like this, really good? Isn't it a little inappropriate?

"You have a lot of credit for this, but isn't it too much to stop all the credit on you?" Ding Yu did not aim at his daughter, just jokingly said a word!

"Well! The two elder martial brothers have a lot of credit, but Ding Chang is not enough! Hum

Ding Chang feels that he has so many helplessness, is this really good? They are dear! Beat yourself!

For the son and daughter of mischief, Ding Yu did not put in the heart of the above meaning! "It's commendable to be able to get along with Wei Lai and even let them make very good changes. You have influenced quite a lot of people unconsciously, and even they have made considerable changes. This is highly appreciated by everyone. In this regard, your performance is excellent! It's worth praising! "

"Dad, can they go any further?"

Ding Chang seems to have some other ideas! You can feel it from his expression and movement!

Ding Yu put his hands together and placed them on his abdomen. After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "Wei Lai's situation is quite different from yours. You have seen too much, and Wei Lai's three have relatively little knowledge. But all of a sudden, the impact on him is too big to bear! Step by step! "

"Well! The next time I see Uncle Wei, I'll tell him that he seems to have some contradiction about it! "

Ding Yu took a look at his own day, this boy! There are many ghost ideas in my stomach! The idea is quite different from others! I didn't expect that he had already passed by Wei Chun!

For this, I really did not think of it, but the problem is not so big, even for such things, also not so concerned about, otherwise I knew quite a lot of news!

"You boy! There's a lot of thinkingBut Ding Yu just said a word, as for other things? Don't say much, but Ding Yun's eyes to Ding Chang have been so different! Even two hands are not live rubbing, it is clear that there are some other aspects of this matter and opinions, that is, do not know how to deal with after!

The two people have always been together, but the problem is that Ding Chang is out of the team, and still out of the big team. Can such things be tolerated? He is a total betrayal of the whole team! Must let him know well!

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