"Dad, even if we want to correct, but now there are so many do not know how to start?"

Ding Chang's heart is very muttering! Why put your eyes on your body? It seems that I just had two words with Uncle Wei, and nothing else happened? But look at Ding Yun's meaning, she seems to have been a bit intolerable!

Under such circumstances, I still have a little self-knowledge better, don't wait for her attack! Let's shift our attention first! This will not be all right, but it will involve considerable energy! At least this kind of doing, can ease the tense situation in front of you!

Ding Yun snorted, but then she looked at her father. But she still waved her fist to Ding Chang, trying to finish the matter? It's not so simple. We'll see!

For this problem, Ding Chang feels so depressed that things do not have much to do with themselves. Don't put the signs on your body! You should know that everyone's goal should be the big devil! What kind of onion are you?

"Dad, how can this link be untied?" When talking about this, Ding Yun almost bit his own teeth. Even before Ding Chang's affairs, Ding Yun didn't pay much attention to it! Why is that?

The reason is very simple, this time we must bow down, not bow at all! Because this is related to their future development and future, not to say that they can resist the past biting their teeth, it is not like this at all!

The big devil is really so terrible. Of course, they will not admit defeat, but this time they will bow down for the time being. After they have passed this level, they will talk about the follow-up problems! However, even if it is to lower their own head, they will not admit defeat, that kind of death will not admit defeat!

"Wang An is very good at this point, quite patient! Because he and Tong Tong can participate in it personally and regard themselves as one of them. Ding Yun and Ding Chang are two of you! Neither of you is involved in it, but there is a sense of having fun in it

"What's wrong with this, dad?"

"The so-called participation is to be a part of it, and playing in it is not to participate in it, nor to be a part of it. In other words, you are always looking at and observing with a high vision. You will not show your disdain and show your nobility, but in your heart? Ha ha

Ding Yu's words can be said to be quite severe. In the past, Ding Yu never said such a heavy word!

But for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, both of them are pursing their own mouth. Whether there is a problem or not is the most clear and clear in their hearts! Comparatively speaking, many students? They are not seen in the eyes, and even a lot of times, there are some deliberately funny!

Because this is very interesting! Just like the audience under the stage, how is the performance on the stage? Their hearts are clear, but it doesn't mean they will say everything! That's not the truth!

"Dad, it doesn't mean much to be on stage."

Ding Chang carefully said this, he does not know whether this is right or wrong!

"How do you know that you are under the stage, not on the stage, so sure?"

As soon as the words came out, Ding Yun and Ding Chang were both stunned, "you are still here! If it's in the capital, I don't know what the situation is? Even at that time, you will not be able to be autonomous at all. If you can't even do the so-called autonomy, it will be almost useless! The growth in the future is not very meaningful! "

Ding Yun and Ding Chang both shiver, and even stand unsteadily! Wang An and Tong Tong came over in a hurry and sat down with them! "Master, isn't it too much? Younger martial brother and younger sister, they can't bear it! "

"Wang an doesn't understand some of the problems and situations. Don't you know Tong Tong? What is the situation facing your father, including your grandfather, and even some families in the courtyard? Have you never heard of it? Sometimes you don't want to escape! We need to face it bravely

"Master, it's no problem to face bravely, but are you a little too strict with your younger brother and younger sister?"

At this time, children also speak up! Because he knew that the master was not really angry, but to guide Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

"The situation of the two of them is different from that of the two of you! You've been through quite a lot of tribulations and tests since you were sensible! But there is a saying how to say, God is fair, lose how much you get, this is also common sense! If you want to get more, you need to have such knowledge and ability! "

"Dad, we've been through it too!"

"The so-called experience is regarded as a game, and you don't have a personal experience of all this. You saw Wang An's situation in your eyes at that time. If it was you, could you do it? Can't do it! Even if I am a person, it is very difficult to achieve this, a perseverance! It's not that easy! "This words let Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people dumb!

"The so-called perseverance is not to abandon the so-called meaningless social intercourse after seeing the road and the future! Entertainment and so on! Wholeheartedly into it, without any other feelings! This is perseverance! I dare not say anything else, but in medicine, I have achieved this, but it is only in medicine! "

"Dad, there is no such reason for everything."

"Everyone can say the truth, even we can all open our mouths, but how to say? It's totally different from how to do it. It can't be confused, just like you are! "

Ding Yu's sitting posture did not change, just like a statue was placed there!

"Really, you may have more truth than anyone else, but in reality? If you do, you may be better than many people, but are you really at the limit? did not! That's the problem for both of you, because it's too easy for you

Ding Yun's small face is full of anger, but her eyes are filled with anger! As for Ding Chang? It's another situation. I can't see that there are too many changes on the small face, but the expression is very firm!

"Wang An, you are a senior brother. You have quite a lot of experience. I don't mean to tear open your wound intentionally. I don't have any ideas about this aspect. But I need you to transmit some ideas and ideas to them. This is your responsibility to be a senior brother!"

Speaking of half, Ding Yu seems to have thought of something, eyebrows can not help jumping two down, "as a reward, I transfer you a little special things, I hope to have some use for you!"

I'll go! Ding Yun jumped up directly. Ding Chang stretched out his arm, but soon fell down. Tong Tong's eyes lit up. However, looking at his appearance, he felt a little aggrieved!

"Master?" Wang An has so many doubts and uncertainties!

"You have a good mind, you are calm, and you are very attentive. At this point, they are not comparable to you for the time being, but are you a senior brother? Sometimes you need to work harder! Otherwise, how could he be a senior brother? "

"Yes! Master Wang An's face was a little flushed, but the whole spirit was totally different!

"Tong Tong?" Ding Yu called out, "you! Because of the family, sometimes too cautious and careful! However, I can see clearly what you have done during this period of time. There is no harm in being careful! And this is also human nature, I found you a teacher, a very good teacher, I hope you can learn from him some different things, but his hands have a lot of good things

"I see! Master

Finally, Ding Yucai looked at his son and daughter, "what do you two say? From the point of view of reason, we should give you some punishment. I am confident that all the people in my family will not see it. Even if you say so, they will not have much doubt. Of course, if you ask for a reward, I will not refuse it! Discuss it? "

Looking at her father's face, Ding Yun is holding her fist. She doesn't know why. She wants to come here. Although she knows that she won't play any role at all, she really wants to make this tone!

Ding Chang here is scratching his head, a little difficult to choose!

"If you punish me, Dad! Is it too light? "

Ding Yu Xi moved his nose, "you are a little self-knowledge, not bad!"

I don't know whether this is a compliment or a criticism, but looking at Xiao Siyan who shakes his head and walks in, Ding Yu hums. Xiao Siyan looks at Ding Yu and squats there. Wang An and Tong Tong look at each other. They don't expect that bear will suddenly stand up at this time, which is a bit of trouble!

It can be said that the position of the big bear in the home is particularly special. When you come here, you can count one by one. No matter whether you are a person or an animal, you are in awe of the master, but the bear is an exception. It has always been a true color to the master!

When you look good, hum, when you don't like it, you don't even pay attention to it! There is really no place to reason! And the location of the bear in the house is also quite high! No one can match it!

"Want face?" Ding Yu looked at the bear and thought for a while, "well, give you this face!"

Eh? Wang An and Tong Tong's eyes almost fell to the ground! What is this?

Ding Yun and Ding Chang are not good there! Of course they know that big bear and daddy don't like each other! Bear never take the initiative to find his father, the same father there also will not pay attention to the bear, but the good thing is that they can get along with each other, this is probably a few good things!

But no one thought that today the bear would suddenly come out, and still walked into the study, you know, in the past, the bear never came in! Even avoid it! What happened today?Maybe he heard something. The bear snorted, but I don't know why. The sound of hum is very different. It is quite different from the past. I can't tell what the reason is!

But then the bear lies at Ding Yun's feet. It's not like looking at Ding Yu before. Now the situation is very different! Several children are so strange about this!

"Dad?" Ding Yun touched the bear's head and asked!

"It's spiritual! Connect human nature Ding Yu commented, "OK! Let's do this for the time being! Think about it after you go back! Let's get out of here! "

Ding Yu just walked out of the room, just like Ding Yu's smile! "That's it for now! Remember to get up earlier in the morning, and still need to go to school tomorrow

After leaving my father's study, several people didn't immediately go to rest or go back to their own room. Instead, they came to the study side by chance. Wang An's sister was very careful to hold her little rabbit doll. Things were not something that they could participate in, or it was better to be quiet!

We still take care of this little girl, and gave her snacks and drinks! After arranging her properly, she sat down at will! Did not pay attention to their own image, do not need!

"The devil is terrible!" Ding Yun holds the bear and takes care of its hair!

And Ding Chang is holding the tail of the bear and spinning in his own hands! It's fun!

As for Wang An and Tong Tong, we don't have to think about it. If Ding Yun and Ding Chang are not here, they should take care of their hair at most. As for Ding Yun's trampling on its head, it is impossible! Don't give you a mouthful, let you know the power, this is light!

"Who doesn't know what my father's method is. If the two senior brothers were not here today, and if the elder martial brother reminded us, I'm afraid we'd both be guilty! It's not as simple as going to the countryside! " Ding Yun's voice is not very sharp, but obviously there are some small fears!

"The devil will never say anything so simple!" Ding Chang is also groaning at this time. Who could have thought that the big devil would suddenly make trouble, and let them not have any preparation of that kind, too difficult!

"I think the test given by master should be a small reward for younger martial brother and younger sister during this period of time."

Yeah? Ding Yun's hair combing hand slightly stopped for a moment, and seemed to be quite interested, "elder martial brother, why do you say that? I'm a little confused now! A ball of paste

"Don't look at me, I'm the same way. I'm ruined by the devil!"

"Shifu has great expectations for us. I just experienced a little bit more, but I really have no experience! I'm just doing what I want, sticking to myself, that's all

"My God!" Ding Chang gave a strange cry, but then he looked at Wang an pitifully, "elder martial brother, you can only rely on you now! In addition, there is no other way. There are so many big demons. They are so terrible

"Senior brother, why is it difficult for us to participate in it?" Ding Yun looked at Wang an with thinking eyes, "is it because of the family? But this seems to be my father's arrangement! It doesn't have much to do with us! "

Headache, is a real headache, this is a dead knot, OK?

"Master's arrangement is true, but you can enjoy it safely. This is the problem." Wang An's performance is very neutral, not deliberately aimed at Ding Yun and Ding Chang. There is no such problem!

"We are also very hard, OK?" However, the more the speech is said, the lower the voice will be, because this is an undeniable fact! Ding Yu said that the two of them are big in the honeypot, which is absolutely not a lie!

"Well! We admit it, but now let's change it? How to get there? No goal, no direction! Even without any clue Ding Yun expresses her small interest and takes a bite of the snack. It looks like this. If it is Ding Yu, it may be more cathartic!

"This can't be changed in a day or two. What's more, when you were standing under the stage, you might come to the stage when you were interested. But even if it is, it's just for fun, even on purpose. This kind of mental adjustment can't be done in a day or two! A little sleepy

"Can you explain it more clearly? I feel a little confused! "

Wang an thought for a while, "so say it! drive a car! As for Ferrari and Pusan, I first came into contact with Pusan. I don't know much about others. Ferrari is what I read in the book. The driving feeling of the two must be different. The car of junior brother and junior sister is not Ferrari, and the appearance is Pusan, but everything is not different from Ferrari except appearance. This metaphor is not explained carefully All the questions, but I think I've explained enough! ""The explanation is very clear, but is it not good to play a pig and eat a tiger like this?"

Ding Chang is wrinkling his brow, very helpless appearance!

"If you dress up as a pig and eat a tiger for a long time, sometimes you will become a pig. What's more, how do you know that others must be pigs instead of real tigers? I think that's what Shifu wants to express, isn't it? "

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