The performance on the stage is very wonderful. The mouth of the people under the stage is a little bit big!

We all know that several children belong to the director's family. Even if their performances are not so good, they will give them a lot of applause! Absolutely can't appear cold situation!

But who ever thought the satellite was so big! The instrument in the hands of several children, unexpectedly burst out unimaginable sound out, people really do not know, the original performance will be so wonderful!

You know, they're just children, not performing artists!

Listen to the sound of the tsunami below, Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people look at one eye, are happy! Then there was applause!

As for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying who are sitting in the back, they are also full of joy. The children in the family really brighten their faces. Nothing is more pleasant than this!

At their age, they have no demands on their children, but what about the next generation? It's another problem!

And through the video watching the performance of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan, are also looking at each other! They really did not expect that several children in the family would give them such a hand! It's really a little overjoyed!

"I didn't expect that their children still have this kind of cell!"

Su Yuan snorted, obviously not satisfied with her husband's words, but the performance of several children was really good! If you were on the spot, it might be better! What a pity! Fortunately, I saw the scene through live broadcast, which may be one of the few things that makes me feel happy!

"The boss must not have this cell!" Wang Changlin said definitely, "I just saw my daughter-in-law! When did she go back? Do you know? "

"I don't know!" After Su Yuan saw several children go off, he didn't have much to pay attention to! "But it's normal. I'll show it to mom and dad tomorrow, but they haven't seen a few children for a while! When I went to visit them before, I still said to them

When hearing this, Wang Changlin feels that there are so many toothache, why?

The problem is very simple, that is, after a period of time will be the New Year! Judging from the present situation, several children won't come back for the Spring Festival this year! Without them, the atmosphere at home will not be warm up basically!

The other children in the family will not have any problems, but Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the eldest's children. The family has no binding force on the eldest. On this issue, it is not clear that one sentence or two sentences can make it clear!

What's more, the elder brother's feelings for his adoptive father and his adoptive mother really don't say! See Wang Changlin and Su Yuan two people, there are so some small jealousy, but they are not very easy to express directly!

"Would you come back years ago?"

When he said this, Wang Changlin was not so confident!

The relationship between the boss and the family? It needs to be discussed, but his EQ has no problem at all, so he will definitely consider it carefully when dealing with such matters!

"It's not the same thing that can't come back?" Su Yuan is a little disappointed!

"I heard Xiaogang had a holiday there! I don't know when I'll be back? That's what the boss said

Su Yuan couldn't help but take a long breath. The children in the family didn't have a worry free one. Didn't they know? Do so many people in the family miss them? It's one thing to see a real person, and another thing through video!

"He called me earlier. He's been herding sheep for half a year! However, I did well in my studies, and my performance was also very good. It was a little unexpected

After all, Xiao Gang is different from his brother and sister! He belongs to a separate life, under such circumstances, he can bear it, and this bearing can't be underestimated!

As for whether it was his uncle or his eldest son's cultivation, Su Yuan didn't think so much about it, and even had the intention of deliberately avoiding it! Anyway, Su Yuan had some opinions and ideas about his eldest son, even revealed them on the surface!

Wang Changlin is very headache about this, but there are not too many good solutions, after all, this problem is not his own can solve! If I had that ability, I would never wait until today! Oh!

Ding Yu didn't stand up until the end of the party. He shook hands with many leaders of the farm. He even took the initiative to come to the backstage with them to greet the participants and thank them for their hard work! If I didn't come, it would be like this! But since I'm here! Then it means show! Even if it's a fake gesture!

The people in the backstage warmly welcome Ding Yu and many leaders!"Director, I need to admit a mistake to you!"

Ding Yu slightly Leng for a moment, looking at the mobile phone not far away, but also slightly to the person next to a nod, "you say shooting things?"

"Yes! Just now, I didn't think well of it

"They took pictures of their children's performances all the way through and put them on the Internet! I just got the news! " When talking, he also looked at Ding Yu apologetically! Even some of them are hard to do!

"Director, it's my fault. I didn't think about it in advance!"

"It's no big deal. It's not something that can't be seen." Ding Yu waved his hand. "Since they choose to perform on stage, they are just for everyone to see, right?" Looking at several children's happy appearance, Ding Yu continued to say, "don't put me in, today is their stage! Just don't steal the limelight from them

"No, absolutely not!"

It can be said that the farm is particularly concerned about this matter, but it is precisely because of this that they have ignored the situation of several children, so after knowing the situation, they are also quick to admit their mistakes with Ding Yu!

I didn't expect that director Ding's attitude towards this was somewhat disagreeable!

In fact, from Ding Yu's point of view, if you want to eliminate this influence, it's really not difficult. At least for yourself, it's a matter of lifting your fingers, but Ding Yu didn't do it!

If the children are happy! What's more, it's good to see the reaction from the outside world, isn't it?

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't have any other reaction, the people on the farm also gave a big sigh of relief. They were so lucky that they also had some opinions on the logistics support. Fortunately, the director didn't care!

However, such things need to attract their own attention, can not appear other things!

"It was a great success! It's worth a little pride! "

Ding Yu didn't say too much, but Tai Xi saw the appearance of several children. When Ding Yu turned around and left, he stretched out his hands and showed his thumbs. It was obviously a compliment to the children!

The father of the child doesn't like to talk much. It's a common thing. He doesn't say much about it. But he encourages him a lot. This is what he should do! Several children saw the action of Tai Xi, and they all cried out. Ding Yu's feet stopped for a moment. After Tai Xi followed up, they left together!

"What a good performance?"

"Yes Ding Yu's mouth slightly cocked up, "they! It's all monkey grandsons. It's not a bad thing to press it down! "

That is to say, but Taixi can still see from Ding Yu's face and the performance of his movements that Ding Yu is very happy, but he is not good at expressing this aspect!

Tai Xi is also holding Ding Yu's arm and leaning against Ding Yu!

Qu he, who has been following Ding Yu's back, is quite far away at this time. Now, don't take the initiative to step forward! Even if you don't understand the reason, you can still see this situation!

I don't want to be supported by this dog food. It's really sad to see it! How old are you already! Director in this matter, there are really so some not very authentic!

But fortunately, the director still pays more attention to his own identity, and does not show too much. Otherwise, how to deal with himself is really a troublesome thing. After all, such a thing has never happened to me before. For myself, the test is a little bit too big!

"New comer? I haven't seen it before On the way back, Taixi whispered to Ding Yu!

"Well! It's called Qu he. It's good Kung Fu, but it's Wang An's man already! "

Two people's pace is not so fast! Ding Yu's explanation made Taixi quite surprised, "Wang An's people? I didn't think of it! " For this issue, Taixi did not mean to go into it. He was not a person who did not distinguish right from wrong!

"It's life and death with Wang'an, but it's not appropriate for him to go to Wang'an now, which will hinder Wang'an's growth. So stay with me so that he can absorb some nutrients and perform well. What will happen in the future? This is up to Wang an! " What Ding Yu said is very natural! Even a little casual!

"Wang An, after all, is your great apprentice. You are so casual, isn't it a little bad?"

Tai Xi complained, "I learned about Wang An and their brothers and sisters. It's a little sad, but Wang An is very strong. No wonder he can be valued by you. There is a lot of light on his body."

"Is it snowing?" Ding Yu suddenly looked at the sky! Tai Xi was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at the sky. The snowflakes falling from the sky were a little sparse, but they were very artistic!

"How nice!" Taixi is very emotional to say!

After the two returned home, Qu he did not follow. After saying hello to the security guard, he also went back to the farm and stayed to eat dog food. Obviously, it was not Qu he's choice! I've had enough to eat tonight!Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back a little late with the children, but they were still excited and couldn't help themselves!

But when he saw Ding Yu and Tai Xi waiting for them outside, they were all flocking together! Tai hee played the snow on the children for them! The face is full of doting! Ding Yu here is to call his father and mother home! It's not so cold outside, but it's not proper to stay!

Open a supper, in fact, the more important thing is the atmosphere. If you don't eat something, I'm really sorry!

However, a few children did not want to go back, but when Ding Yu and Tai Xi left, they did not know whether it was Ding Yu's intention or unintentional. They directly carried Taixi on their back!

The children lying on the window immediately howled. Ding Yu didn't show any sign. At most, he raised his fist to express his protest. As for Taixi, he buried his head deeply. If you can see clearly now, you will find that her face is like a small apple!

After waiting for her own home, Tai Xi patted Ding Yu. Obviously, she was too impulsive just now. Although she said that she was enjoying herself, such a thing would be different when she came back home!

In the morning, Ding Yu still got up early and didn't slack off. This made several children disappointed. He thought that his father could get up later. But who could have thought that he didn't fall into the gentle village. This is quite a pity!

At breakfast, Ding Yu watched the security pass on the tablet with videos of several children performing last night!

Even in one night, the performance seemed to be on fire all of a sudden, with a little praise and comments. Ding Yu then handed it to his parents

as for Taixi! Ding Yu didn't care about this and lose the other! She did not have any maladjustment, even with the usual no difference, some of the breakfast things, or she deliberately prepared!

However, Zhao Shuying took advantage of not paying attention to her eldest son. She didn't look like him. Her daughter-in-law only came back yesterday. You treat her like this! I don't know what's in my head! Who has such a daughter-in-law, not well served? How about you? That's enough!

Just like his father! Do not understand the amorous feelings! Married them, I really don't know how to be wronged in my heart!

But I think about it in my heart! When I look for a chance, I will tell Tai Xi that she will not be wronged! After all, this involves the "harmony" within the family!

Although you can't say anything to Taixi, it doesn't mean you can't say anything to your eldest son, does it?

So in the morning, Zhao Shuying obviously had a little temper. Anyway, she was very aggressive in criticizing Ding Ding Yu. At the beginning, Ding Yu didn't quite understand. What's wrong with mom? I don't seem to have done anything! But soon, Ding Yu understood!

Ding Yu is helpless to look at Tai Xi, but he also knows that at this time to let Taixi explain this matter is purely to find the so-called discomfort for himself, his mother will never understand! Even think they bullied Taixi? But I really didn't do anything, OK?

Having been waiting for dinner, after several children left, Zhao Shuying pulled Tai Xi to one side and explained it carefully. Ding Yu was helpless and stood up at her father for a moment!

"Dad, isn't my mother a little bit allergic?"

Ding Lin thought for a while, "do you dare to say this in front of your mother?"

Get it! A word directly blocked Ding Yu! Let Ding Yu have nothing to say! It's already like this? What can I say? Although the father is the head of the family, but in such a matter, it seems that even father does not have any right to speak, so I still don't want to die!

"No, let's forget it! It happens that I have some things to do there. Dad, do you have nothing to do today

"Hi! There are so many things! Don't worry about my business and think about yourself more! "

Speaking in a very low voice, it is obvious that Ding Lin still has some small fears for his wife. It is better to have less of such things, and some things are beyond his control! What's more, in my own opinion, what's wrong is not my son. There is absolutely no problem in the relationship between son and daughter-in-law!

What about your wife? Can't say is wrong, after all, she is a mother!

Ding Yu said hello to his mother and Tai Xi, and then went to the farm. Zhao Shuying watched her eldest son leave. Her eyes were so terrible and terrible!

In Zhao Shuying's heart, Tai Xi comes back very hard, you don't accompany her also calculate! If you go to the farm at this time, don't you have this home in your head?Ding Lin didn't stop here, but when he left, he shook his head secretly to Taixi. Taixi nodded his head to understand the meaning of his father-in-law! My mother-in-law is a little stubborn here!

I really don't have any ideas and opinions about this! The father of the child is just not good at expression! What's more, father-in-law and mother-in-law are all here. Is there something? It's really not easy to express directly, is it? Some things, I'm afraid only the two of them know the most clearly!

But fortunately, now that I am at home with my mother-in-law, I can have a good communication!

Waiting for noon, Tai Xi appeared in Ding Yu's office! Look at her appearance, it seems that there are some small tired!

"Hard work?"

"Not bad!" Tai hee smiles! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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