Although there are no other people in the office, but Tai Xi is still sitting in front of his back, not any lazy, or so elegant! After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu also shakes his head to Taixi. Why is it so hard?

But Ding Yu did not have any consolation, because his own consolation has no effect! For this matter, Ding Yu's heart is very clear, after Tai Xi came to China, has always been like this, why?

Did she not know that there would be so much fatigue? It must be known, but for her own sake, she needs to do so. Both of them have such a tacit understanding! So each other is quite a smile!

"Really speaking, it seems that I haven't gone out a few times since I came back. I'd like to go out for dinner at noon and find a place to drink coffee together? Let's also see what changes have taken place in the city! "

"Don't give in to me!" Taixi said in a low voice! But the words can clearly feel the joy! After all, he has no time, and the father of the child does not have much time!

"Here they are! If I don't make a gesture, I think my mother's broom will have been placed on my body when I go back tonight, and you will be pitiful to me? " Ding Yu deliberately said, "you can't see me beaten with your own eyes, can't you?"

Tai Xi smiles all over his face and nods to Ding Yu!

Two people go out to eat, do not need a particularly high-grade restaurant, in the small county side, there is no particularly high-grade restaurant, you know, this is a small county after all, although the economy has been quite developed in the past two years, but other aspects, still need to be improved!

The restaurants in the north are quite different from those in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They are more forthright! Also more realistic! There is no Southern kind of graceful, to a certain extent, there is also a lack of so-called delicate! But don't have a taste!

"I feel that the city has changed a lot." Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Taixi was a little surprised!

"Although there are no high-rise buildings, the pattern has changed a lot! There are signs and so on! It is also an obvious change, more unified, and hygiene. How can you feel cleaner than before? But you can't see too many sanitation workers on the road? "

Ding Yu not only chuckled, "now even if it is for the regular establishment, there are not too many people willing to come! Because I came here to work, I didn't go to work on the farm. Although the work on the farm was tired, it was more profitable. For this reason, the city thought of a lot of ways and means, but good in terms of health, it was still good! And we also hope that the living conditions are better, so we should pay special attention to and keep it

In fact, this matter is quite a headache in the city. In the original time, we can still find quite a number of people. We are just trying to have a bite of food. As long as we can eat this meal, other things are easy to discuss!

But what about the problem now? People can find a better one, so the difference suddenly comes up! In this case? Why not choose a better one? No one is stupid, is he?

This has also led to the lack of staff in the city's health management. The city has tried its best, but this is not to say that you have raised your salary, but fortunately it has been maintained for the time being! There is no way! Urban development is absolutely away from these people, without the work of these people, I am afraid the city has not looked like it before!

Ding Yu and Taixi came from an old shepherd. Even from the appearance, they were a bit old, but there seemed to be a little more staff. In this city, there would be no Michelin restaurants. It was impossible!

Just walked into the restaurant, the waiter in the room rushed forward in his coarse cloth coat. Fortunately, the heating in the room was good, otherwise he would have caught a cold! "Mr. Ding! Welcome, madam

Ding Yu looked at the people who came over and laughed, "manager Chen, you are too talented to be a runner here, aren't you?"

"Hi! Mr. and Mrs. Ding are laughing at each other Please let Ding Yu and Taixi two people go to Yajian, while explaining, "this morning, I don't know how it happened. Magpie didn't listen. When my father bought vegetables, he also mentioned it to me. Our father and son both encountered this incident, and we knew it must be extraordinary!"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. This explanation is so ridiculous!

"Yes! No wonder people say that the old store of Chen family is worthy of its reputation. It seems that it is true. If you can lean down on yourself, you can see that this old shop can be prosperous for at least 30 years in your hands! "

"Ah?! Ah This one also exclaimed in surprise, "good words from Mr. and Mrs. Xie Ding!"

"I heard of the old manager? Now you go shopping every morning? Is it? " When I came to the elegant room, the temperature in it was adjusted properly. It would not feel too hot, but it would not feel too cold. At the same time, the environment inside was commendable. It was not so luxurious, even a little elegant, but it made people feel very comfortable!"Mr. Ding! madam! Tea, please

On the way to here, we have already made this preparation. We can't let the guests wait. This is the rule of the old shop! What's more, director Ding is still here today. As for the one next to me, I really don't know him! But I call the word "madam", whether it is director Ding or the women next to her, there is no change on her face, and I have a number of them in my heart!

Obviously, this lady should be the main palace in the rumor! After director Ding returned to his hometown, we have heard a lot, and we have heard some legends. In other aspects, we are not so curious, but we only have some feelings for the palace lady!

I've heard about it, but I haven't seen it! Even more strange than director Ding!

Today, I called my wife. There was no change on her face. I accepted the address gladly. Can't this explain the problem? If it's really other relationships, it's called like this! Even if there is no joy on the face, the brilliance in the eyes is absolutely unbearable!

But in front of this, there is no such problem, so everything is so obvious and clear!

"The two of us! It's too late to be here! Their children have tasted it at an early age

Tai Xi Leng for a moment, the face can not help a smile, "when things, I did not hear!"

"This old shop! I heard about it when I was a kid, but it's just that! At that time, I was not so interested in it. After I came back, I heard it again before I realized it! They've been here for a long time, and they've taken their parents with them. I don't have much time for this! "

"Shopkeeper, just serve some special dishes! Let's try it today, too! "

"Come on The shopkeeper's voice was very long, "just look at it!"

I didn't stay in the room too much. When I left, I brought the door with me!

"I haven't heard of it before, but I can't feel any oil smoke here. I can't even feel that it's a restaurant and the layout of the room. I just had a look at it. It's a bit tasteful! This is definitely not a random arrangement, but it still has some craftsmanship! "

"What a strange thing Ding Yu tried the tea, the taste is OK, but that's all!

"Wang Jianguo, the third brother of Wang Jianguo, was here before. I went to the farmhouse with him and had a good meal. The decoration and decoration there are almost the same as here. With the combination of China and foreign countries, if we have time, we can go and have a look. If the environment and conditions are too luxurious, we will feel like a big bully in the shop!"

Taylor couldn't help but brighten his eyes. "I remember that the restaurants in the North seem to be more simple!"

"Yes! Restaurants in the north are different from those in the south! This is also different from place to place, and the right one is the best! "

Taixi took a look at Ding Yu and said, "the economy in the North has developed quite well in the past two years. I still know about this situation, but is it about the catering industry? It is also quite vigorous, but some big catering shortage has always been unable to enter, on the contrary, the local restaurant has a considerable development! Is that why? "

"Specific reasons? It's very complicated, but from what I know now, large restaurants and even chain stores are not suitable for the north. The economy is just getting better. It's OK to improve the food occasionally. But more often, the flavor we expect is not from foreign countries, but from local ones! But there are so few such old shepherds that they can't even make that kind of taste! After all, there is an essential difference between fast food and fast food! "

"Love the old! Do you mean that? "

"Now, on the whole, they are all in charge after 70 or 80! Our generation has tried a lot of things, and there are many things left in the memory. It is also a very interesting thing to read occasionally, but it is just in the way of family! I can't read it for work and other reasons! "

"Can't, not don't want to?"

Ding Yu nodded, "yes! It's a kind of pain to read it when you don't have this condition. Of course, if you can, it's a aftertaste. "

"What an interesting statement! But think carefully, it is true! I remember the New Year cake

"There is no problem for me to cook, but I really can't do it, and it seems that I haven't had a long time to do it!" When talking about this, Ding Yu sighed, "but when it comes to the occasion, that thing still needs to be eaten in your side, which has more flavor and flavor."

Tai Xi couldn't help but smile and said politely! "Not for the time being!"

Why not? At this time, Ding Yu's past is absolutely inappropriate, and it is also very inappropriate. Maybe in the eyes of himself and the father of the child, it is just to eat a meal, but the outside world will never treat it like this!Too many things are involved! Although the child's father did not care about such things, but for himself, is absolutely not able to see such things happen! Don't let the small lose the big!

During the interval of speaking, there was a knock at the door, and then the shopkeeper sent all the things up!

It's not all over the table. There's a lot of embellishment on it! Thank you

"Mr. and Mrs. Ding, please." Did not do any stay in the room, soon also leave!

"What does this pot of tea mean?" Tai Xi can't help but ask, the previous tea has been removed, and now give a pot of tea, it seems that there is a problem! I seldom drink tea when I eat. This is also a rule! Don't old restaurants understand that? This should not be their negligence!

Ding Yu not only smiles!

"Old restaurant rules! It's a bit of a laugh! " Ding Yu shook his head. "The old restaurant has a name. What is the most important? The plaque on their head is the most important!"

"It's like a company sign, isn't it?"?! But what does it have to do with this pot of tea? "

"It's common for people to smash the plaque on purpose. It's a common thing for peers to run, but what about the plaque smashing in restaurants? It's not that you have many people and great strength. In other words, it will break the rules of the same trade. For example, the sliced fish and cherry meat must be different from other restaurants, that is to say, they have their own characteristics! Other restaurants can also do, but never deliberately lower prices, or deliberately bad! And so on, there are quite rules! "

"I haven't heard much of it!" Taixi is quite curious! After all, he is not a Chinese! For Chinese culture is not so understanding!

"It's all the rules of the older generation. There are not so many people who know it now!" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, took a bowl of chopsticks for Taixi, and poured a cup of tea for her at the same time! "The times have changed! There are some rules that people don't follow so much! "

Then Ding Yu also took up his chopsticks. "Some things are the signs of other people's houses. It's like here. Everyone who knows about it will come here to eat! What's more, the sliced fish here is the benchmark of the whole city. It may not be the highest, but it is basically the best! "

"That is to say, everyone will be in line with him and strive to surpass him!"

"Well! On the whole, it's like this! " Ding Yu tried one mouthful, the taste is very good! After taking a sip, Ding Yu took the tea to gargle, and then turned to vomit out! Then Ding Yu Taixi laughed, "after eating, use tea, so try other things will not string flavor! Don't underestimate this green tea. It's also exquisite! "

Oh! Taixi also suddenly realized! The original bit between there are such exquisite!

"Inside story?! So this is the inside story? "

"See how you understand it!" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head. "Maybe in the eyes of quite a lot of people, this is simply poor and fastidious. It varies from person to person, and there are not too many problems."

As for the father's explanation, Taixi took a sad look and tried the things on the table. The tea was also a lot less, but he really tried out a lot of taste!

"This craft, even if it is out! There will also be some achievements! "

"Hi, you! A little stubborn Ding Yu didn't put away the dishes and chopsticks early. He tried some things with Taixi, but he tried everything! And can't help cheering!

"Is it a good thing?" Taixi said angrily, "I haven't heard of you before. There are two young people who have no conscience. We must educate them well after we go back."

It's just a joke! Ding Yu also smiles!

"Maybe in your opinion, we should expand the market, or even create a new face! But for the old manager to come, did not have such an idea! Do you really think the old manager can't open such a scene? I haven't seen it! Let's come in. This half of the street belongs to others! In other words, the real estate is appalling enough

"Half the street?" Taixi also exclaimed!

Generally speaking, Taixi should not be so surprised, but think about it as an ordinary restaurant. Although it is said that it has quite a time-honored brand, half of the street is owned by others, and it is not well-known. This is a bit exaggerated! It's not that they don't have such power, they just don't want to show it!

"It's all over the street. That's what Dad said when he was gossiping with me! Or I don't know! People open this old shepherd, the picture is a happy, ask about to know! People around don't know how much favor they have received, which is convenient for themselves and everyone at the same time! For a lifetime? Sometimes you don't have to worry about that! "

Tai hee snorted, "OK! You belong to the great master. Can't you listen to you? "

"I don't want to listen to me. I'm just saying that. It's OK for people to have such a mind, but obviously they don't have such a mind. They think it's very good here. What about us? It's the same when you come here to eat. How about the conditions and environment here? Of course we know it ourselves, don't we? ""Don't say, now I feel it, it's not like that!"

"It's a good thing to have a taste. I'm afraid I won't get anything, you! Seemingly relaxed, but in fact, there are so many things to carry! What about me? It seems to be very tired, but in fact, it is not so tired as imagined! "

"You are a great master, of course not the same!"

"What's different! It's not all human. Is there any difference between me? " Ding Yu also looked at the past reproachfully, "if you put it a little more gently, there will be no harm if you don't see it, especially for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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