After dinner, Ding Yu didn't stay too much. When he left, he said hello to the shopkeeper!

"Shopkeeper! Good stuff! I heard I had a report with the farm before! "

"Ah! I made an application with the farm side, and the farm side has also undergone considerable examination and approval. At the beginning, I still thought whether I should show my hands, but I didn't think of it. I almost showed my timidity! I don't know. I thought we were going to do something! "

"It's all mutual. It's all inclusive." Ding Yu also explained a little.

"Absolutely! In our city, a total of six have been approved, but who is not like a treasure, and no one dares to trouble us. We all know that we are specially approved by the farm! But the same thing, they are all business people. They will not turn customers away. This is impossible. We will not cheat our customers! "

The shopkeeper is also very serious to explain with Ding Yu! However, the attitude is respectful, but there is no humbling!

After saying hello, I left! Ding Yu didn't mean to drive back to the farm. Instead, he found a coffee shop with Tai Xi and casually found two books for himself. The location of the coffee shop was not bad! Taixi's people also went to discuss with the coffee shop! With their own stuff!

When there is a need, people will come forward. If there is no need, they will stay here honestly! As for the husband and wife, they don't need their care!

It's a little bit wanton, but the problem is that people have this capital! The manager of the coffee shop naturally knows that a big supervisor has come to the shop, but obviously people are not here to look for trouble, or they are tired, so come and sit for a while, that's all!

If you come here to look for trouble, it will never be such a situation! What's more, they opened the door to do business, and they gave money! As for what happens next? It doesn't matter!

"Good coffee!"

"It's rare for Dashan to send it here, and it's hard for him to think about it!"

"No wonder, his mind is no one!" Ding Yu tried it again. It was very different from the taste given to him. It was not that Dashan intended it, but there should be a considerable difference between them!

"But Dashan and Tanaka are a little strange this year. Do they stop? It seems that it is not like this, but to say that they do not stop, it is really low-key and fierce, and it is a little unclear how it happened! "

"The orange apricot didn't mention it to you?"

"I mentioned some things, but I don't care much about things outside all the time."

Ding Yu is not very interested in the snacks delivered by the cafe. He has just had lunch, but the coffee is OK. As for other things? I really don't mean to care too much!

"Tangerine and apricot are busy. Are they two families in Dashan and Tanaka? It's not that they don't dare to stretch out their hands and feet. They have quite a plan for the future, and I have much support for them. It's just that we need to go step by step on the way. We can't go forward too far. We need to lay a good foundation for them. "

Yeah? Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu with a suspicious look, "how do you feel that you mean something?"

"There's no need to be so clear about it!"

"I knew it must be so!" Taixi has a little angry, but in fact? Ding Yu's heart is naturally understood! Two people are not so as a matter of a time! A little fun between husband and wife!

"But you've always been here! Even for the sake of children, is that really good? "

For other things, Taixi didn't see such a place in his heart, but the father of the child has always stayed here, which really makes people feel uneasy! But how to deal with this, for this, I really don't know, such things should not be too much to participate in!

"It's no big deal. Their growth needs company. After all, at this age, they will give up. Should I cry or laugh?"

"Give up?" How embarrassed is Taixi's face? Does this describe your son and daughter?

"You don't think they will, do you?" Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to Taixi's small movements. He kicked himself on top of his body, and he didn't feel too much! "I underestimate them! I don't know what will happen if I go crazy

"You can't say that, then?" For the description of the father, Tai Xi expressed the most serious dissatisfaction! Because no father would say that to his children! No words!

What does it mean to let go of it? Don't you understand it? After all, the big bear inside! Small lazy and so on, let oneself impossible a little knowledge of this respect do not understand! At least I know the basic situation!

"Just a metaphor! At most, it's a so-called little joke! "

It is absolutely impossible to apologize, at least not with Tai hee! Of course, it is impossible now. As for what kind of situation will be at night, this matter still needs to be discussed in another way! Right?"The previous performance was very good. You, as a father and master, didn't show up at all?"

Since talking about children's problems, Taixi has decided to go from the shallow to the deep. There is absolutely no problem with children's performance. I still know this! But I still hope to know more about it!

"Under such circumstances, let them not be too high-profile! You haven't seen the video in the morning. If I give them the so-called reward, I have some doubts. Will they go to heaven? "

"I doubt it. What do you mean by that?"

"All right." Ding Yu put down the coffee cup in his hand, "I'll tell you the truth! Their performance is very good, but it does not mean that everything is smooth! I think then they'll see what the outside world will react to? "

"Reaction?" Taixi's Willow eyebrow is also a stand, it is obvious that what thought!

"Who? How dare you? "

Looking at Tai Xi, who was full of evil spirit, Ding Yu waved his hand, "I just want to see what will be involved, but now someone has come forward to solve this problem? It's a little too early! However, after Wang An's affair, there was not much movement, which seemed to be a little abnormal! "

"I've heard something about Wang An, but I don't know much about it!"

"Don't understand is normal, if you say clearly in the heart, I don't know how to deal with it!"

"No one else in your mind?" Tai Xi looks at the father of the child, really don't know what to say! "But if you do this, are you not afraid of what will happen? After all, it's your children and apprentices

"If I don't do anything, will they be ok?" Ding Yu sighed a little!

And this sentence also let Tai Xi be silent down! Yeah! Even if the father doesn't do anything, there's nothing left? It's all going to dissipate, isn't it?

No! Although I can't say that I am a vassal now, I seem to be the same. I have a deep understanding of the situation. The more I think about this aspect, the more I feel fear!

It is said that it is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son, but it is even more difficult for a rich family to have an excellent talent and successor, and the danger is absolutely unimaginable by outsiders! Let them empty their heads!

Other aspects will not be mentioned! On the South Korean side, the most prominent is probably Samsung! But what about the successor of Samsung? Is it really excellent enough to be added? Absolutely not!

To know that rather than say South Korea's Samsung, as directly say Samsung's Korea, this may be more appropriate!

It is the consortia that control the fate of South Korea, and the vast majority of government and parliament departments are their spokesmen!

But the children of the major consortia have seen it themselves! As far as their education is concerned, what they have to bear is definitely the best one. But has this so-called best really achieved the so-called effect?

Why didn't it work? We should know that the enemy is not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The forces in all aspects are complicated. The influence of this kind of intersection is easy to change a person's! It doesn't even take too long! This also led to the Korean consortium's reserve forces are mixed!

And the reserve forces of good and bad, is bound to lead to the future of the Korean consortium is also the same!

In their own foresight, the future of Korea! It's not going to be too good! But how can many consortia turn a blind eye to this! Because they are just greedy for the so-called interests in front of them!

It's not that they are greedy and don't have so many ideas. Relatively speaking, their own industry for children, to a certain extent, may be the so-called fragmentary little bit! After all, Korea is too small! The little ones are so pathetic!

It's not that there is no chance at all! But what's more, the leader of Samsung Li's family is too afraid of the father of his child! We would rather choose the United States as the so-called dependence, and absolutely not let Ding Yu get involved in it!

But as far as I know, chairman Li Jianxi and chairman Li didn't think about this before. He chose Ding Yu at the beginning. But how could his son make such a choice? Could he abandon his son and let Fu Zhen Ouni go to the front desk? It's impossible!

The status of women in South Korea, low let people point out!

This sense of dislocation, I don't know what kind of consideration Li Dong is now. Of course, Samsung is huge, but now it is so difficult for some ships to turn around. Now it is only the third generation, and it has already spread out a certain twilight. It is really hard to imagine what kind of situation and changes will happen next!

On the other hand, if we look at our own sons and daughters, as well as our apprentices, we should not talk about other aspects of them, just the spirit and spirit, which are enough to be able to stand out among the heroes of the same age! It's not that you can't, but the father of the child has his own unique understanding of education. Although they are younger, they also know how to hide!But even so, they still cause a considerable amount of prying, and they can't directly attack, that is to say, they can't exterminate them physically, but what about the spirit? Deliberately guiding certain aspects of things, for some forces, is absolutely a matter of experts, more simple and easier than imagined!

Although the time is not long, but the thing that Tai Xi thinks is really a little too much! I don't care about it now, leaving my child in China! If you really leave them in places like South Korea, the environment may be better, but for the future of children, it is absolutely devastating!

"I know, but I can't tell you! But pay attention to their safety! "

"I know it!" Ding Yu rubbed his finger. "I just looked at the mobile phone. Although I said that their children's performances were very good, was this popular a little too much? What do you think? "

"Is it too much? I can't say that well! But what you said is a little too popular, I have the feeling of this aspect! It's just a few children's performances. It's not a star, or something frightening. The heat is a little too sudden! Just don't know

For Tai Xi look at their own expression, Ding Yu shook his head!

"No, at least not at this time! There is no problem in hyping a few children, but if you and I are involved, the nature of the matter will be different! No one would be so stupid? "

"You make sure there's no such thing as a fool?"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, "OK?! Really dare not to do this confirmation! But if such a fool can come, I really want to see and see. It's so rare to see such a fool! "

For the words of the child's father, Taixi is really helpless! Think about it! Will there be such a fool in the world now? Maybe there will be?! But the possibility is too small! There are so many small neglected!

However, taking advantage of his leisure time, Taixi also noticed some news on the Internet. The performances of five children are about to make headlines! If someone didn't help it, it would never happen!

It's hard to say that Ding Yu doesn't have any control, but Ding Yu doesn't have anything. It's just a kind of indifference! Look on coldly, since all have made a choice, then wait for its development well!

Coffee in the afternoon! For several children's situation, Ding Yu seems to have some indifference!

After several children went to school, nothing else happened. Everything seemed so natural. Of course, their classmates showed some excitement and noise, and even surrounded them all!

However, the noise soon died down. Why? Because as the parties, Ding Yun and Ding Chang were not too concerned about it, or even too casual. They didn't have any excitement at all!

It's just a show. It's not a big event, is it?

Moreover, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, all realized that the uproar was too fast! It's even the kind that people don't have any preparation for! This is not the case in common sense at all!

To know that their education is absolutely different from ordinary children! It's a time for them to get involved, but it doesn't mean that they don't feel at all after they have encountered quite a lot of things!

However, their performance was very good, and they didn't reveal everything. They handled it properly. Even Taixi, who has been observing all the time, felt so overjoyed! I didn't expect that my son and daughter would be so calm. If you put them on the body of quite adults, they have not been able to live with reserve!

"Elder sister, almost all pacified! In fact, everyone is happy, even a little excited, after two days there will be nothing more! " Wei Lai is very casual, as for the two students beside him, is also a considerable force! "But it's easy to get rid of such things completely!"

"A bigger story? Right? "

When Ding Yun talks, she looks at Ding Chang. Why is she so smart about it? The reason is so simple! Ding Chang is definitely a good hand in this respect! However, I didn't think that Wei Lai, a fat man, could think of this. I really disagree!

However, Ding Yun was pointing his thumb at Wei Lai and said, "fat man, you've got some insight. There's nothing wrong with it. Make a big news, at least an internal one. Just dilute it! But this time, we can not be involved in the matter? Let's talk about it and see if you have any good ideas? "

If we talk about serious business, they have not been able to do things, at least they are still a lot worse at this age. But if we want to say some so-called bad ideas, there is really no problem. If any one of them is taken out, it will be enough for people to drink three pots!After some discussion, the public also decided on a certain skeleton, but this matter does not need to be in a hurry for a while. Why? It's a little too impatient to think of all the things to be done in one day!

However, after hearing quite a report, Tai Xi grew up and looked at Ding Yu with his mouth. Is this still his own son and daughter? You should know that you have not thought of these things! But what about their own sons and daughters? Even so fast to do out of the reaction and response!

Even there is no help from home! How could that be possible? Right? Tai Xi does not know now is exclamation? Still feeling! Anyway, the whole person is slightly confused! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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