But Ding Yu just came back home. Before he could sit down, the phone rang suddenly!

Looking at the caller ID on the mobile phone, Ding Yu showed his teeth slightly!

"I'm Ding Yu!" It's a formal address, even a little tough!

"I didn't know it was you! I need to get something out of the little pharmacy! And if possible, could you come to the capital? There is a very important patient, now take routine operation, it is no use! Many experts have already diagnosed it! So it needs some special way! "

Ding Yu's eyes narrowed and said, "can't you?! As far as I know, there are many masters here in the capital. Although I say that I have some knowledge of both Chinese and Western medicine, the more prominent one should be surgical measures, that is, the stability of hands. As for other aspects, they are not so outstanding! "

"You must come! He has made considerable contributions to the country, even if not to account for the future. Do you understand what I mean? " Su Quan on the other side of the phone said very heavily!

"Uncle! Is the joke a little too big? "

"It's not a big problem. I believe the chief will call you later! For the time being, quite a number of people have been identified, but the problem is that the effect is not so obvious. Now the situation can be said to be very serious! "

It's a little fucker! Ding Yu bit his back teeth!

Before waiting for the phone to be put down here, the phone in the study has already rang. Ding Yu is really helpless. She takes up the phone and doesn't say anything. The uncle over there has already opened his mouth! "Boss! If you can, come back to the capital as soon as possible. You must save the people first! As for other things! "

"No! Third uncle, just now my uncle's phone has not been put down, you called, you give a letter on the line! As for calling in person? I feel a lot of pressure

"It's not about whether there is pressure or not. I think someone will explain it to you! There is someone to arrange for you, you can go to the airport directly! Now your high-speed rail should still be available? "

Ding Yu patted his head! "Yes! I'm going to say hello to my parents. You are the leader

Although the last sentence has some stubborn taste, it is obvious that Ding Yu has no intention to oppose it!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu said hello to Tai Xi, "there is a patient in the capital, I have sent someone to arrange it! I'll leave in a minute! I'm going to say hello to mom and dad. How about you? Come with me or stay at home this way? " Obviously, Ding Yu respects Taixi's choice!

"I'll stay at home this way! I can't help you if you go! And I just came back. It's not right to leave now! What's more, all the children are here! You are gone, but there is nothing. Who knows what will happen to the children? "

Ding Yu nodded his head and said hello to his parents. After that, he drove to the station. Fortunately, he had a motor car. Otherwise, it would be a very troublesome thing! As for the procedures, there are really not too many problems!

Qu he is a little confused because he is reading in his bedroom! It was pulled up like this, and the whole person was at a loss. What's the situation? I saw director Ding alone. He didn't see his wife or his children!

"Director, what are we?" After sitting down, Qu he asked in a low voice!

"I don't know." Ding Yu said with emotion! "I don't know what it is? Anyway, the whole person is a little confused. Let's wait until the station! Can you keep your eyes closed and keep your eyes open when you have this time? I haven't had much time to rest tonight! " When talking, Ding Yu even closed his eyes!

What's the situation? Although very puzzled, but Qu he did not mean to ask more questions! All the way up the director is closed eyes, do not know is really sleep down? Or are you thinking about something? No one can say it clearly!

When the train arrives at the station, looking at the train stop at the platform, Qu he's mouth slightly twitches, such a thing is really not experienced too much! Anyway, it has some impact on myself!

Especially after driving out of the station, there are two cars in front of you to open the road, which is even more exaggerated! Is it necessary?

There is also the director side, in any case, in terms of the situation with director Ding, the director has never been a high-profile person! Now all of a sudden there's so much movement? Obviously it's not going to be too small!

What's more, the director didn't respond to this. What's more, he noticed that the situation of the people in charge of driving to the front was slightly special, and one or two of them could be seen from their bodies and movements!

If it's one-to-one, I can make sure that any one of them will be beaten to the ground. There should be no problem. This refers to bare hands, but if there are more than two people, there will be some joking!Their identity will never be too simple! For a moment, Qu he even had some doubts!

He entered the airport directly without any stop. When he saw that the plane was getting off, Qu he looked at his director again. Was this joke a little too big? Are you dreaming now?

"Hello, director Ding! All the information is here! "

Ding Yu looks at the person in front of him and signs for it! Then he quickly got on the plane. The plane was very empty. In addition to his own people, there were some other people. Although there were not many people, and even a little bit far away from Ding Yu's position, the meaning should be more than protection!

"Sit down?! The plane is about to take off! "

Fasten your seat belt, and the plane will soon drive to the runway, without any stagnation in the whole process, as if everything is ready! After waiting for the plane to be stable, the steward sent drinks and snacks!

Ding Yu has a little interest in coffee, but he is weak in other interests! Open the computer and files!

Because Qu he was beside Ding Yu, he saw something, but then he put his eyes on the side. Why? It's one aspect to understand the rules, the other is to recognize the words inside, but after they are combined together, they really can't understand! What are they?

Ding Yu is very serious about the information, but half an hour later, Ding Yu is frowning, throwing all the information to the side of the position, holding the coffee cup, after standing up for a few steps, relatively speaking, the cabin is still slightly open!

"Director?" After Ding Yu sits down again, Qu he looks at Ding Yu cautiously!

"Trouble! I don't know if this man can catch his breath?! Doubt Ding Yu's tone is very bad!

"I don't understand!" Qu he is very careful to say!

Ding Yu took a look and leaned back on his body. "In popular words, it's broken meridians! It's all in a mess! What's more, they are still playing hard inside. As for the outside world, they are indifferent to it! The problem is that they even win in the end! It's just drinking poison to quench thirst! "

"That's hopeless!" The director's words are too positive! Qu he is also very straightforward!

"At least from now on, this is the case. The information above is already very obvious!" Ding Yu is holding his chin, "it is useless to take the simplest way! It will even have the so-called counter effect. What's more, this one's age! It's also a problem! Quite a problem

"I don't understand very well, director."

"How can dead trees and new branches be so simple?" Ding Yu explained a little, "it's like a new tree, even if it's cut all over the body, but as long as it's well maintained and watered, there's basically no problem. But what about the old tree? Once there is a little problem, it will be gone! "

"I see!"

Why is it hard to see such a thing? Because it's not easy! Even in such a situation, it will be very harsh! That's why people feel so hard to do!

When he got off the plane, he looked at the vehicles and people waiting there. Ding Yu nodded to his uncle!

"What? Do you want a hug? I was deliberately waiting for you to come back at night Su Quan deliberately open his arms!

There is no crane or other people on the car. The back seat is Ding Yu and Su Quan. Ding Yu looks out of the window and says, "it's the one that can't be saved. Why do you have to let me back?" For this situation, Ding Yu still expressed a little doubt, "I have read his information! There is no possibility, at least there is no way for the current technology, to this extent! That's it

"Let him live for at least a few days. He has paid a lot for this country all his life. The country owes him something, and some things still need to be explained to his family! So you have to do it! "

"Is this to embarrass me? What's more, the capital is so big? There are plenty of people with hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Why do you come to me

"Other people are inconvenient. What's more, it's the problem of the old man. Other people don't know about him. I still know something about him. Why, even at the end of the day, the old man has been able to support so many years. Why, even in the end, is he still so peaceful? Why are they still so well now, along with the Wang and his wife Looking at his nephew, Su Quan is very sure to say!

Ding Yu withdrew his eyes and placed them on his uncle's body again!

"How hard is it for you? What a clear investigation? "

Ding Yu snorted slightly, and expressed his dissatisfaction seriously! "But since you have asked me, uncle, I'll tell you! Don't worry in your heart, whether it's grandfather or grandfather? Since I came back, I started to do maintenance for them, inside and outside. Don't you know these things, uncle? "Su Quan has so many silence, these things he really know!

"There is also a small pharmacy in siheyuan. There are a lot of things in it, but a lot of support is given to the old man. I use the things in my house. It's not so much, and it's not so expensive. Uncle, you don't know. It doesn't matter. But I think some people have done some investigation. I'm not blind!"

"I just don't understand that!"

Oh! Ding Yu sighed! "If it's really said, it's also a very simple thing. I'm very clear about the amount of hair on my grandfather's body. No matter what kind of inspection it is, I basically start with myself! I know the change of any blood vessel in my heart

Su Quan's eyes can not help but a bright, he seems to understand what!

"Here's all the information about this one!"

"No use, it's too short! I have seen his situation, can survive a week, is God's care! It's impossible for me to understand him in a week? I'm not a fairy! I know some old men in my family. After several years

Su Quan sighed for a long time, and now he has understood more or less!

It is impossible to say that there is no news in this area. There are indeed inquiries in this area, and even quite a guess! Even related issues, there are one by one records!

Why do you think highly of Ding Yu's medical skills? It's not just because his operation is good!

About the old Peyton family! The health of several old men, as well as many other things, have proved that Ding Yu has considerable medical skills, even can be described as weird, but no one can find the bottom! Why there is no bottom, can let Ding Yulu out of the medical things, is not so much!

In other words, no one knows how deep Ding Yu's medical attainments are!

However, from the known situation, the eldest brother's medical skills are absolutely unpredictable!

Although I can't tell my father's situation clearly in my heart, I know a lot about it. At that time, it was a dead leaf in the wind! But relying on the eldest brother, he made it so hard. If it wasn't for the messy things in the family, now I'm as carefree as Mr. and Mrs. Wang, it's absolutely unimpeded!

Back to God, Su Quan looked at his nephew, "if you must take any measures, feasible?"

Ding Yu's nose moved slightly, "better not! Most people don't do this. I think you should know better than me about the physical condition of that person. Under the current situation, you can still live for a week. Although it is said that he is forced to die, but at least there is still a breath, but if you really do it! It's hard to say whether you can live a day or not

"I'll report this to you!"

"Wait! I need to see it for myself! Now, I just don't know the possibility! I don't know. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never admit it! "

"You are the ancestor!" Su Quan angrily scolded a word!

When he came to the hospital, Su Quan just gave directions. When he saw the housekeeper at the door, Ding Yu gave a slight smile. He didn't wait for the housekeeper to lean over. He also patted his arm twice. "His complexion is good! Looks like a lot of energy! It's so late! Don't try to come here! "

"Sir, come back! I think so

For Deng Rong's appearance, Ding Yu suddenly smiles, but the smile is fleeting, and then leaves quickly. It is Deng Rong who sees Qu he behind and stops him! Previously, my husband walked faster, and I didn't have much to do with myself!

"Are you Qu he?"

"It's me!" Qu he looks at the housekeeper, a little unclear, so!

"My name is Deng Rong. I'm a housekeeper here in the courtyard. I know something about you. Mr. Wang has a good relationship with you. Your performance is also good! If you meet Kim in the future, you can ask him for advice! "

"I'm sorry, housekeeper. I don't know that well!"

Deng Rong didn't have much expression on his face. Earlier, because he was standing here, since he was not there, he needed to give some advice to Qu he. Fortunately, during his time with Mr. Deng, he performed well! At least there is something to be praised. Wang An is lucky!

"You're not your husband's security, but he's keeping you with you. What about that? It's been a bit of a surprise to everyone! If your husband didn't take you to Beijing, you're either head down or you've betrayed. There's basically no other way to go! "

"I didn't do anything else!" Qu he feels a little frightened!

This housekeeper said such words at this time, too insipid! But the more like this, the more people feel that there are some fears, even can not own, why? He is not a tiger, there is no need to give himself such a bully.But judging from the housekeeper's appearance, it seems that this is not the case, so Qu he has considerable doubts. What does this really want to do?

"You didn't do anything else. We all know that if you did other things, I'm afraid there will be no bones left at this time. There are too many people staring at you now! Fortunately, Wang An is a disciple of your husband. Otherwise, no one can protect you now

"Because I followed the director? Are they too cruel? "

Qu he now understood, "housekeeper, I am a nobody! incorrect! I.... "

"You have a good fortune! It's hard to say what will happen in the future. It's just that it's not a problem to keep your life now, but the same way, the road is taken by people! I hope you understand! "

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