Ding Yu walked into the ward. There was not much sound inside. It was a little exaggerated to say that it was absolutely quiet! But relatively speaking, or relatively quiet! The light is also relatively dim, after all, it is very late.

However, there are not a few people around. When they see Ding Yu coming in, they all look at him. Of course, some people salute Ding Yu silently!

Ding Yu nodded to say hello to everyone. Although he said that he had seen the most detailed information before he came, he still needs to see the patient's specific situation after analyzing the specific situation! It is not a good doctor to jump to a conclusion without seeing the patient!

"How is the patient now?" Ding Yu's voice is very low!

"Very bad! The reaction was a little violent. I just used the medicine, but after that, I didn't have much consciousness! "

Yeah! Ding Yu whispered! It's really troublesome! He thought of such a possibility, but after seeing the patient, Ding Yu also frowned, too thorny!

At the head of the patient's bed, before Ding Yu turned back, someone had already pulled a chair for Ding Yu!

Thank you! Then he also sat at the head of the bed, took up the patient's arm, and then put up his finger! It's better to believe in yourself at this time! As for the others? Later!

Less than 10 minutes, Ding Yucai's face was a little ugly, released his hand, put the patient's arm gently in place, and then stood up! Sorry for the inconvenience! Now, it's not a simple problem to drag this guy back and wake him up!

"How is it going?" When Ding Yu came out, Su Quan rushed forward to inquire and said!

"The patient's condition can be said to be particularly bad! It's even worse than you think

Because there are a little more people nearby, Ding Yu didn't explain it completely. It's not that he evades, but it involves quite a lot of things. So it's better to be cautious!

Su Quan took a deep look at his nephew, can't you say something constructive? There's no need to say that kind of cliche, right? How many people have demonstrated this!

But soon Su Quan understood it, because there were a little more people around him! He looked around, and then Su Quan also snorted. What did he do when he gathered around? Is there something delicious or funny? If you have this time, how about going to see the patient's situation?

When they heard Su Quan's voice, they suddenly realized that he was embarrassed! Then we all scattered away! Just now, it was a bit too much! It's true that some of them have fallen behind!

But this is also because we have seen director Ding. What is the external evaluation of director Ding? Is this thing? We don't need to know that clearly, but in the system, the evaluation of director Ding can be said to be incomparable!

"Boss, tell me the truth! What is the situation? "

Su Quan is a little anxious and looks at Ding Yu's eyes!

Help his nose glasses, although said that there is no degree, is used to protect the eyes!

"It's very tricky. I didn't expect that there is no posture to wake up now. This is more troublesome!"

"I want the result. Don't tell me about the mess. I don't understand. What I need to know now is whether he can wake up! It's so simple! " Su Quan's tone is very bad!

"It's no use trying hard at me! I'm not a fairy. You can save it if you come back! Impossible thing! And the patient's body! How to put it? I have just checked it, and the internal situation can be said to be fragmented! "

"I want results, results! Do you understand! I want results Even Su Quan did not know that his voice would be so loud!

"Results?" Ding Yu snorted. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with his uncle's attitude? It's hard to say how many days you can live. What else do you want? If it's hard to hear, maybe it's going to pop right away! This is the result! "

"No! Make sure he wakes up! Can't let him go like this! No explanation! Absolutely not

Ding Yu didn't think so, "do you mean to wake up when you wake up? Is that cheap? You want to return to the light for a longer time, the question is whether his body can persist? I just checked it! His condition has made his body full of holes and leaks everywhere. It is not suitable to take any big measures at all! "

"Don't understand?"

"It's like a water pipe! The problem is not whether the water can flow now, but the channels of water pipes have been broken! If it doesn't work, you may still be able to hold on for a while, but if you open the water, everything will be destroyed, but you can release some water. Can you understand my description like this? "Su Quan's mouth twitches a little. Of course, he knows what Ding Yu's nephew means by saying this!

It's not a question of whether to use it or not, but after using it, there will be no follow-up! And after using it, there is no guarantee that this one will wake up. This is two times! But just look at this sleeping past, let him go quietly, really good? Su Quan is a little difficult to choose!

"I'll report it! You should find a place to rest first. This time it's very important! "

"It's not important. I dare not make any guarantee for this matter, because it's too late for this person to come to the hospital! I don't know what happened before? I have some doubts! "

"This is not something you should care about!" Su Quan hummed, and then he left quickly!

However, the housekeeper stood quietly beside Ding Yu, and Qu he was not far away! Ding Yu put forward his body and said, "how do you look at Qu he? It's a bit like a quail. Did you scare him?"

"Not to frighten him, how old am I already? There's no point in scaring him! " The Butler looks a little serious!

Ding Yu couldn't buy a smile and said, "housekeeper, have you looked at it? How do you feel? "

"I don't care about identity. I don't care about it. It's a bit silly to talk about my first impression."

Qu he is not far away feeling, because he feels quite depressed!

"He hasn't experienced too many things. To be exact, what he has experienced before is not on the stage. He has been playing around all the time, but his relationship with Wang An is very good, and now he is quite progressive! In the future, at least give Wang an a hand, there are not too many problems! "

For this problem, Ding Yu did not conceal the meaning of the housekeeper!

"I said to him simply. After all, the situation here in the capital is not the same! If he goes out rashly, it's really hard to say if he can keep his life! "

Is the actual situation, do not need to do any explanation!

"Have you heard about the previous children?" Ding Yu suddenly changed the topic!

The housekeeper nodded his head slightly, "I heard! Also saw the video, the performance is very good! It's very excellent. It even makes people have some unexpected things. It's just that the heat is a little bit over the top! "

What should be said and what should not be said? What should be said? Deng Rong has a good sense of propriety in these matters!

It is true that I am a housekeeper, but it does not mean that I can act recklessly in front of my husband, or even evaluate several children. What do you want? God?

"Yes! A little bit too much! " After saying that, it was also a hum!

"I may stay here in the capital for two days! Look at him a little bit! Wang an finally has such a helper. Don't give up. It's really hard to talk at that time! "

"Yes, sir!" There is no guarantee, and such things don't need to be like this!

Seeing his uncle coming to him quickly, Ding Yu nodded to the housekeeper. The housekeeper bowed down and said hello to Su Quan when he left at the same time. That's all! I am the housekeeper of my husband, not su Quan!

Come out of the far away position, and then stand there, Qu he is standing behind the housekeeper!

"Dumbo, I don't understand. I've met the director's uncle!" When Qu he talks, his voice is very low, even the kind that can't be heard. But Deng Rong hears it clearly and clearly!

The housekeeper did not look back, his hands crossed in the position of the lower abdomen, he now represents the courtyard, represents the gentleman, any improper action, may hurt the quadrangle and Mr. face!

"You don't know much about your husband! Do you know that the parents in your hometown are the adoptive father and mother of your husband

Ah? Qu he almost exclaimed! But fortunately for the first time to cover their own! This thing is really the first time to know, but never heard of it before!

Then Deng Rong also explained the reason and situation in this!

"Qu he, I warn you, this window paper has never been pierced. What will happen in the future? This matter is not so clear, but one thing, I warn you, things can not flow from your side, otherwise, no matter what the outcome of the matter, you, ha ha

Qu he subconsciously is a shiver! Have been waiting for their own body to lean on the wall, just feel how much inside the heart there are so some rely on! Otherwise, I always feel unstable in the heel, always floating in the sky!

I want to put this tone down, but I don't know why, there are always so some of this tone can not be pressed down!

"It's not easy to build this foundation, sir." Some things do not need to be explained to Qu he too clearly and clearly. At least, the current situation is extremely inappropriate. Although I did not see him, he could still hear his breathing voice, which was a little rough! Even quite chaotic!"Dumbo, I'm not very sensible. You should mention me more!"

This breath is still not able to breathe well, but Qu he has more or less understood the danger! Now some people talk about themselves! It's better than groping alone in the dark. Who knows what kind of monsters are there?

"It's a bit smart to understand this, but don't play with the so-called smart. The 49 cities are very big. There are many capable people, and there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers! If you think you are smart, you are a fool! "

"Dun Bo, I don't quite understand why everyone seems to be so afraid of the director?"

"Ha ha, that's a bit interesting! It's a bit eye-catching! But to a certain extent, it is not fear, but awe! " When saying this, the housekeeper also has some exclamations! "But I don't like to socialize very much all the time. It's a good thing to have a leisurely time here in the quadrangle."

What is a quadrangle like? Qu he doesn't know, because he hasn't been here, but he doesn't know what Siheyuan looks like, but he still hears some news. At least in the courtyard in the capital, not everyone can hold it up! Money alone is enough to make many people look backward!

"Boss, you give me a letter, I need accurate information!"

"No one knows what the consequences will be. I can only make sure that if I really use the means, I will definitely die. As for whether I can wake up, no one knows. Besides, I need at least two days to examine carefully. This is definitely not so easy. What happened to the patient in two days, I'm not responsible! "

"You know what you're talking about?"

Su Quan's voice was a little loud. The housekeeper and Qu he looked up from afar, but then they all narrowed their eyes. Things had nothing to do with them! They should not intervene at this time!

"I'm a doctor, of course, I know what I'm talking about, but there's quite a hidden problem involved. For doctors, it's not as simple as stepping on the line! At least in terms of Western medicine, no one dares to make this decision. What's more, I'm not an executioner. I need to consider more! "

"Bullshit!" Su Yuan became angry. If he had not been able to control his emotions, he might have given Ding Yu a kick now!

But Su Quan still tries to control his mood, why? Does this reason need more explanation?

"It's not a big problem at the moment, but I may need to run back and forth these two days! I don't care if something goes wrong. At least I can't take over the patient now. As for two days later? Better words, wake up, but I'm afraid it won't last too long. After all, waking up is a process, not medicine! The man came back! impossible! We still need to respect the objective medical facts, or else we will be fooling around! "

"I don't care about that. What I want now is that people may not be saved! But we must make sure that he can sober up for a period of time, be able to account for a considerable amount of future affairs, and try to reduce his pain as much as possible. Do I understand? "

Love looking for who to go! Ding Yu glared and then lowered his eyes. "I am a doctor, but I am not a fairy. Your requirements are a little too harsh, at least for me, I can't do it!"

Su Quan, who was extremely annoyed in his heart, walked back and forth. He really couldn't control his hand. At this time, he said such words to himself. Although he knew that what he said was ok, what should I do with your words like this?

Now all hope is in you! You even give me up? Does this sound like it?

However, the pressure that Su Quan gives to Ding Yu, for Ding Yu, has never been treated as a matter of fact. If it were not for the inconvenient situation here, maybe Ding Yu would have been carrying a tea cup to see off the guests!

"Uncle! It's getting late! Why don't I go back and have a rest first? "

"Rest an egg!" Su Quan angrily scolded, "you can't be enough now. I'll leave you two people here. Anyway, Deng Rong is also here. He is in charge of the small pharmacy. You can stay and talk about it tomorrow."

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with this nephew, and even knew what he had just said, he was provocative at all, but he really had no way to take him! If he leaves now, who knows what's going on behind him?

Let him come here to save people, not let him come over for a moment! Primary and secondary or need to be more clear point! It's not really that there is no one to take over, mainly there is no way! The most worried person!

"All right?" Ding Yu looks at his uncle's condition, also straightens up own waist! Without any attention, he went to Deng Rong's side, and Deng Rong saw Ding Yu's action, and then walked forward quickly!


"I'll write you a prescription. You can take it back and bring me my box. Maybe you need something in it!" Ding Yu's advice said, no way, the breath inside is not much! You really need to use some "heresy" things, otherwise it will not work at all! And even if it's used! Can it work or not!"Yes, sir! I'll go back at once

This matter is absolutely not enough to borrow people, because no matter it is a small pharmacy or a study, when the husband is not in, except himself and the security joint access, other people are unable to enter! The reason for this, of course, is that the things placed inside are very valuable, and of course, they are also for safety!

"Sir, I'll take Qu he back first and come back as soon as possible!"

After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, Deng Rong left the hospital with Qu he at the first time, and drove to the siheyuan!

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