Ding Yu is the ordinary instant coffee that he drinks. It doesn't matter whether he pays attention to these things now. Except for this, Ding Yu really doesn't eat anything else, although the things he sends are not small! But Ding Yu doesn't have any interest!

However, Qu he and the other two people opened their mouths to see the meaning. They didn't pay attention to the taste of things. They just pushed them into their mouths! Fill your own stomach again! But Ding Yu didn't have any meaning to dislike. If he didn't eat for such a long time, I'm afraid it won't be too easy for anyone to do it!

"Director! We're going out first! " After eating, the other two people cleaned up! Say hello to Ding Yu! After all, they are now serving Ding Yu!

"You take turns to rest! There won't be much for the time being! "

What Ding Yu said is very simple. At the same time, Qu he was given a temporary rest. Now there is no need to accompany him with the suffering. As for the hospital, they don't understand at all. It's no use letting them follow him!

Call for a doctor and two nurses, to help themselves, because they are the most professional, not like Qu he they! Come to the hospital, they don't have much use! It's even a bit of an eyesore!

"I write a report every two hours. In this report, I have detailed items and contents to be observed, as well as the video data I require, which must be sent to me at the first time!"

"Yes! Director Ding The doctor and nurse nodded seriously! It's obvious that director Ding is not a good role to fool. Just look at this battle and know that things are not ordinary! If something goes wrong, it will not be as simple as picking up clothes!

Ding Yu runs back and forth between the office and the ward. There's no way. If you want to master the first-hand information, you need to do it yourself. Why don't you put the needle in and why don't you send the medicine? Are you kidding me?

Do you really think of yourself as a fairy? Needle can do anything, on the hospital bed above this, if not through scientific means to understand the specific internal situation, the needle is to let this death faster!

In fact, this process is just like cooking. The dishes have already been done! But the problem is that if you want to change it now, it doesn't mean that you can solve all the problems by adding some salt and chicken essence! It was already unbearable! What will it look like in the end? It's really hard to say! Even the one I dare not imagine!

Although Ding Yu said that he came and went back and forth, he was very organized. He was a little strict with doctors and nurses! Fortunately, the two nurses are also head nurses, otherwise it is really easy to be in a hurry!

Ding Yu and four of them may be in and out of the ward, but what about outside the ward? There are a lot of nurses behind the two head nurses! In hospitals, doctors and nurses are totally different from each other. Sometimes doctors can instruct nurses if they don't see them!

On the head of the nurse? Or head nurse!

"Director Ding, this is a summary of the situation in two hours!"

The head nurse is very respectful to put the document on Ding Yu's desktop, there is no way to be careless! You should know that when you are transferred here, the Party committee of the hospital will talk to them personally. There is absolutely no mistake in the matter! Maybe you will lose your head!

"I see! Thank you Ding Yu directly opened the medical record, carefully checked and compared!

"No mutation?"

In fact, the meaning of this word is not so big, why? Because now the patients have such a situation! If it's any worse, I'm afraid this one will be gone! It is a rare thing to be able to maintain the current situation. It can be seen that the hospital has made considerable efforts!

"For the time being, it's like this! We're monitoring all the time! "

"Everybody's hard work!" After hesitating for a while, Ding Yucai then said, "in the evening, someone will send some sweets over. When the nurses stay up late, they can be a little bit energetic."

"They will jump up!"

Ding Yu did not have any response, head nurse's heart is also some sigh, for director Ding, there is no such need! Stop talking about the nurses below! Even if you are yourself, you don't dare to prick on this matter, and even can't have any complaints. If you don't perform well at this time, when will you perform?

Desserts and drinks were delivered before dinner! There are even quite a few fruits!

When they saw these things, all the nurses at the nurse station cheered. They were young and had a good self-awareness of these things. Even if they were themselves, they usually took a look at them. Do you really want them to make up their mind to buy these things? It's better to save some money to buy something else! More practical!

As for the head nurse to see these things, the expression on his face is a little bit serious!

These little girl films? Still can't realize the seriousness of the matter, why? What about director Ding? Next, when they get hurt, make sure they don't even have their heels on the ground!Dinner is in the hospital side, is the canteen of the hospital, Ding Yu did not go to other places! At this point, Ding Yu didn't do anything special! And Ding Yu never thought he was a special person!

It is Ding Yu's appetite is a little bit big, but in addition to rice, there are many steamed bread! This also makes the small nurses around some gaping, a bit of steamed bread a little exaggerated, but two absolutely will not have any surplus!

Also did not feel the canteen food is good to go there, they usually eat here, eat so long time, also have quite irritable! But for director Ding, there is no dislike at all. It's really doubtful!

After eating, Ding Yu went back to his office and took a nap after checking the patient's condition! After waking up, Ding Yu even washed and changed his clothes again!

In fact, it was done in two hours!

Look at my uncle waiting in the office! The expression on Ding Yu's face didn't change any more. It was a little dull!

"Nothing at leisure?" It's a simple sentence, which makes Suquan feel a little crazy! I really don't know that my nephew would be so venomous! Is that really good? What's in his head?

"You've been doing this all day and night? Just looking at the patient, I heard that you have refined the medicine already? "

Ding Yu took another look, went to the position opposite his uncle and sat down, "I have explained it before! I don't want to make any mention about the rubber mouth grinding. Now I'll see if this one can survive the night! Get through it! There are still some opportunities. If they can't survive, the gods will have no way out! "

Su Quan sighed heavily, "boss, tell me the truth, when can I start? I have another preparation on my side! Can't be in a hurry at that time! Isn't it? "

"All said! After tonight, let's start tomorrow! Start to prepare at five or six o'clock in the morning, but you need to wake up for the first time, so don't be hard at that time! Generally speaking, this is the case. Moreover, although it is quite possible to wake up, how long can it last? I don't know. Be ready at any time! "

"No hope at all?" Su Yuan has already heard the hidden meaning of this discourse!

Su Quan felt that he would succeed because of fighting for it, but he always felt that he had a chance!

"I don't know! I don't know. One or two hours at most, right? I think there are quite reports on all aspects of his situation, but if I do it like this, it is just overdraft. Of course, if it goes on like this, there may be a time when we can get back to the light, but the time will not be too long! Just make a decision

For his nephew's cold and merciless, Su Quan is biting his own back teeth! But he is very clear, his nephew! It's not enough to prevaricate myself with such a thing!

From his present status, he should disdain to use such things to prevaricate himself, but it is precisely because of this that Su Quan feels that things have come a little too suddenly!

"You wait for me for a moment. I can't make this decision unilaterally! I need to report! "

When Su Quan left, he was quiet, but when he came back, it was very hot! Directly opened the door of Ding Yu's office!

Hearing the sound of Ding Yu, he took a look at the people coming in from outside! But that's just a look! I didn't pay much attention to what my uncle wanted to do!

"Come on! Come in Led two people into Ding Yu's temporary office!

The two people behind Su Quan look sad! The man on the bed is their father.

"Boss! Here, let me introduce it to you! This is fan guangfan, director of the equipment department, and fan Mingfan, director of the statistics bureau! "

Ding Yu, who stood up, stretched out his hand and shook them with each other!

"This is my nephew, Ding Yu!"

They shook hands with each other. If we talk about it from the angle of age, Ding Yu is definitely a junior, but obviously we can't talk about it like this now! "Hello, director Ding!"

When two people say hello to Ding Yu, they use honorific names!

Although the two people are not particularly outstanding in terms of family status, it does not mean that they do not know about Ding Yu, but they can't contact them at ordinary times! But before they came, they had already learned the details with Su Quan, and some things were very clear and clear in their hearts!

Now there is no need to have any greetings, under the guidance of Su Quan, we all sit down!

"Boss, you are a doctor. You should be the most clear and clear about this matter. We all have a black eye. We don't understand the situation in detail. They are the son of chief engineer fan, as family members! They have the right to know the details and the whole story! "Su Quan's real meaning! It's really hard to refute!

Fan Guang and fan Ming are also looking forward to Ding Yu. They have a good understanding of their father's situation. Maybe it is just two days! They have been working for their father for a lifetime, but they have not been worried about the country for a long time!

But the problem is that the current medical conditions can not make the father wake up. The greatest possibility is that the father will wake up between his last stay. But what is the use of that time?

If possible, I still hope that the father can sober up for a while and let them have a good communication between father and son! This is also their biggest wish! If you can, even if it is to pay what, also at all costs!

Ding Yu's waist is very straight, which is also his consistent style! After a careful look, Ding Yu helped his glasses and said, "I have seen the patient's condition! If there's nothing to do tonight, I'll start at four or five o'clock in the morning tomorrow morning. There are only two situations in which I can wake up and die suddenly! What's more, I think we all know about the patients? " Ding Yu's insidious order!

"Director Ding, we need to do something. No matter what happens, we have no complaints about it."

"The notice of critical illness has been issued, I think! I have a few documents on my side that you need to sign! " Ding Yu is still not salty tone, even from the words can feel quite cold! "It's very possible to die suddenly. I'll try my best and keep calm as much as possible. I need you to be present at that time."

After thinking about it, Ding Yu knocked on the table twice with his hand, "and a little bit, I've seen your family relationship, and your mother is also there. If you can, let her prepare some soup tomorrow. I'll give you a list later! There are quite a few things to pay attention to, just pay attention to it! It's better to get there by six o'clock tomorrow! "

"I see! Director Ding, you have to worry about it! "

"I need to see the patient, so I won't disturb you!" With that, Ding Yu got up and left, and didn't stop at the office. Su Quan, looking at his nephew who left, shook his head helplessly at the two brothers of the fan family. "Don't worry, he is also a little impatient."

"Ah Looking at Ding Yu who left, the two brothers of Fan family really didn't have any complaints! You know, this period of time can be said to be begging grandfather! Sue grandma, do not know how many people, but we are helpless, can only be so helplessly watching, there is no other way!

"Director Su! In the past, I just heard about it and didn't have much communication. We didn't have any problems here! Don't worry

Two brothers at the same time, if it is them, can you please Ding Yu over? It's impossible! At least standing in their position, there are so many difficulties, they are all in the capital! For director Ding Yu Ding, although not so understanding, but at least some of the wind!

For director Ding's indifference, they didn't take it as a matter, even in their hearts still have a considerable gratitude, how is the soup at home? Is this director Ding's statement not obvious enough? Don't let the old man go like this!

How to say it is one time, how to do it is another!

Looking at the list sent by Qu he, the two brothers of the fan family understood it. "Director Su, let's go back and prepare. The situation here will temporarily trouble director Ding first."

The so-called great grace does not say thank you, some things do not need to be said so clearly, now said these also have no use, and even make people feel disgusted, see the performance in the future can!

When he was left alone in the office, Su Quan felt helpless and even melancholy. His nephew! Let yourself say what is good?

I don't know if he really has this assurance. I really can't say it clearly. But one thing I can be sure of is that since he dares to say so, he will certainly do it, which is certain!

Do you want to stay in the office? Or go back? Come back tomorrow?

After thinking about it, Su Quan stayed in the office and waited for his nephew to come back. There was no way. Some things still needed to be understood by his nephew. Otherwise, it was very difficult for him to explain!

The waiting time is a little long. I have already made quite a number of calls!

Looking at Su Quan in the office, the doctors and nurses following Ding Yu pause slightly! Is this really a good time to go in? Su Quan, director of the CPC Central Committee, can be said to be their leader level! Director Ding has no problem how to deal with it, but they need to be careful!

"Just a moment for me. It's a lot harder for everyone tonight." Ding Yu said back to the rescue!

"Director Ding, you are busy!" They didn't dare to go into the room to say hello to Su Quan. Then the three of them also turned around and left. Director Ding had already told them quite a lot of things, which made them feel the heavy task. Now they are really not free!Those little girls, don't think about sleeping today! I promise they'll be worse than dead!

Do you really think that the things I sent you before are free? Are you kidding? Eat those things, you need to pay a considerable price, this is certain! It's just that director Ding has given you quite preferential treatment!

"Why do they look like they saw a ghost?"

Su Quan was willing to make a joke! Ding Yu snorted!

"Don't think it's too good tonight! The nurses below have not rebelled, I feel very good! As for the follow-up? It's hard to say! Some related things need to be prepared, now? You need to pray to God. Pray for this one. It's not so hard for you? "

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