"Boss, how sure are you to tell me the truth?"

"I don't know!" Ding Yu's reply was very indifferent. There was no change in the expression on his face. "It's a matter of fate. No one knows what changes will happen to the patient's condition. No one dares to make this guarantee."

"But you asked the family to prepare soup?" Su Quan has obviously found quite a loophole!

Now speaking, also has the taste of coercion!

"The meaning of preparing soup is very simple, I don't want to leave any so-called regret in the future! Really if you do! Although they say they will wake up, the final result is the same! "

Looking at Ding Yu's quiet eyes, Su Quan couldn't help but shiver. His nephew's eyes were a bit wrong!

"What I can do is to try my best to satisfy everyone's wishes. It is also one of the duties of a doctor to give you some psychological comfort. I can't say it's too heartless. I need to have considerable humanistic care!"

"What else can I do? Say it all together? In this way, I'll be more at ease! "

"I'll take a break in the morning. I don't know if I can hold on to it tomorrow!"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I explain it clearly enough?" Ding Yu looked at his uncle suspiciously. "It's not a simple thing to cure a patient and save a person. Otherwise, I would not have done so much preparation. What's the situation on the bed? Do you think how long he can hold on to it? Do you really think that after he does it, he will need all his eyes? Right? What are you thinking of? It needs a lot of support! "

Su Quan's face is not very good-looking, this son of a bitch, he really want to slap him directly!

Forced to suppress the anger in his heart, Su Quan angrily left!

Ding Yu did not have any feeling here, that is, fighting back and forth between the office and the ward, and the nurses below looked at Ding Yu, and their eyes were already quite different! Although the things on the table are good, they are not enough to comfort their hearts. It's too bad!

In the early hours of the morning, Ding Yu took a nap again. After waking up, he washed and changed his clothes. The clothes were sent by the housekeeper. When Ding Yu came, he didn't bring anything with him! If it is still wearing the previous clothes, I am afraid it has already rotted! You can't get close at all!

This for Ding Yu has a little bit of cleanliness for the people, how much is so some can not accept!

Again came to the ward, looking at the person still lying on the bed, Ding Yu gasped a long breath! Bless me?! What if not? Don't ask heaven, ask ghosts and gods, now this time? ha-ha!

When I came out again, I saw fan Guang and fan Ming brothers holding an old lady waiting at the door!

"Director Ding, this is my mother!"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. He looked at the things they were carrying in their hands, and then took a look at the old lady!

"Hello, I'm Ding Yu. I'm the attending doctor of the patient now." In terms of attitude, respect for the elderly is a virtue!

"Director Ding! You're in trouble

Ding Yu's eyebrows slightly raised. Looking at fan Guang and fan Ming, he helped his glasses and made an invitation gesture. Everyone came to the office together! Even if the old lady sat down, no one else had to sit down. To a certain extent, it was also a manifestation of respect!

Looking at the old lady, Ding Yu sighed slightly, "old lady, things are cruel to you. I respect you and Mr. Fan. If you have any opinions, I can guarantee that this matter will be pressed down temporarily! I believe you should sell me a face

The voice is very low, but there is a considerable strength! Let people have an unquestionable strength!

"Director Ding? Dr. Ding? " "Has the final say," the old lady smiled. "Ding Yu is so sad." the old man has been angry for a lifetime. He has the final say in the outside world, but everything in my family is my final rule. I'll trouble you this time! I'll make this decision. I'll sign it! "

"I dare not!" Ding Yu sighed again, "I don't know how long it will last. I try my best! Calm down. If the patient wakes up, don't stimulate the patient. In this way, the time may be delayed as long as possible. What about diet? Before the time did not eat too much food, soup can also, other can avoid! Finally, feed me a little and know what I wish for

Obviously, Ding Yu is to account for some of the future! Don't want too many deviations and problems!

"Director Ding, it's up to you!"

Ding Yu took a deep look at the old lady. They looked at each other, and then suddenly laughed, "this is not a struggle with God, but it is not contaminated with any cause and effect. I will do what I should do! But don't worry! "With a flash of smile, he nodded to their mother and son, looked at the time on the watch, and then Ding Yu left the office. However, when he entered the ward, Ding Yu cleaned up!

"Ready to start!"

Next to the doctor and head nurse is closely following Ding Yu! The temperature in the room is appropriate, at least it will not cause any discomfort to the patient! At this time, a lot of people gathered in the room! It's not so real, but at least you can see the busy situation of the people inside!

There are more acupuncture needles in Ding Yu's hand, and the position under it is also chilling. What's more, director Ding has been sweating for a long time! Although the temperature in the room is a little high, it seems that it is not so? The director will not have too many physical problems!

"Attention, keep the patient's body stable!"

Ding Yu warned some doctors and nurses. As for the people standing in the corner, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to them. They are just door gods now! Or more frankly, it's just a decoration!

The previously made liquid medicine penetrates into the patient's body. On the one hand, Ding Yu looks at the signal change on the machine; on the other hand, he senses the patient's body. There is no way to do it. It must be carried out in all aspects. This patient's body! It's not enough to describe it!

It's a strong medicine, but it's like a flood! Since he needs to quench his thirst, he can't let the flood break through the dam at the same time. Although it's a matter of time, Ding Yu needs to control the flood now!

But this is definitely not an easy thing, so Ding Yu needs to be quite busy!

"Open the curtains, and the sun will soon rise! And invite the old lady and them in

The sun rises, and so does Yang! This is not to say that there is no reason!

With the help of her two sons, the old lady came in slowly! Look at the people on the bed! There are so many uncontrollable! Ding Yu motioned to the old lady and asked her to sit down beside the patient. At the same time, he put the patient's withered hand on the old lady's hands!

"Old man?"

Ding Yu nodded, "ten to fifteen minutes, the power of spirit is strong!"

At the same time, Ding Yu nodded to the guard over there, ready to invite someone! However, Ding Yu didn't relax. The sweat on his forehead was still continuous. Fortunately, there was no stream! That would be a bad thing! But even so, Ding Yu also spent a lot of energy and physical strength!

Look at the time on the watch. It's only seven or eight minutes! The person on the hospital bed cried out, Ding Yu let people cover the patient's eyes, after all, the previous sunlight came in, for the eye irritation is still some serious!

"I..." The voice of speaking is not so clear, but has been able to speak! Even opened their own eyes! For the people in the room, it's really overjoyed! The voice of speaking is very low, even thin can't be heard!

"Ten minutes, so that the patient's consciousness can be slightly restored! The patient's family and the doctor stay, the others go out first! " Ding Yu's tone is beyond doubt! And Ding Yu's hand did not leave the patient's body, and staring at the instrument, watching the signal change above!

"Keep calm, don't be too anxious, the situation is still relatively good now!"

When talking, he looked at the old lady again, "don't feed, don't worry, the situation is not so serious, just wait for a while. During the ten minutes, you can speak as much as you can to make the patient more conscious! Wait a minute. There's still time! I promise, there's no problem! "

Facing Ding Yu's sincerity, the old lady is very grateful!

Because I have been informed of this aspect from a very early time, and I am also informed by the authority that my old man may never wake up again! Even in these two days!

But I didn't think about it. Now I saw the old man wake up with my own eyes. And yesterday, Dr. Ding told himself that he had prepared something for the old man. He hardly slept all night and prepared several things. I hope the old man is gone! Also does not leave any regret!

After waiting for about ten minutes, Ding Yu breathed a little, "director Fan, take your mother out first!"

After carefully checking the patient's physical condition, Ding Yu then said, "let the old man rest for ten minutes, calm down and let the people outside come in ten minutes later?! If anyone dares to break in, just say what I said and be killed! "

Looking at the old man who was panting on the bed, Ding Yu looked into his eyes. "Don't talk first. Your consciousness has been sober up. This is a good thing, but don't think too much about it. It's not good for you. I'll leave a lot of time for your home after a while."

The old man on the hospital bed turned his astringent eyes. Ding Yu's age doesn't look very big. He hasn't seen it before, but he doesn't know why talking makes him feel comfortable!"Ha ha, I didn't expect that I would wake up again!" The sound is still very low, even intermittent!

"There is great terror between life and death! It's not the same after waking up! "

Ding Yu's words seem to jump off, but the movements on his hands are not slow at all. The head nurse beside him wipes Ding Yu's forehead. We should know that some places on Ding Yu's body are almost wet through!

"Not before! I thought I'd meet some old guys and old guys? "

"They should be here soon?" Ding Yu said with disapproval, "let the old lady go out earlier! Although she can control their emotions, but for you, or some excitement, need a little bit of stability, has considerable benefits! Things that are stable will be easier to handle! "

"There is great terror between life and death. Who are you? I should have never seen you before! "

"Ding Yu?" Ding Yu says his name!

The old man on the bed was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized, "no wonder I heard your name. I have some feelings. I have never seen it before. I didn't expect to meet you here, and it's still under such circumstances!"

When he spoke, he gasped a little. Ding Yu paid attention to his own technique and tried to be gentle. There was no way. If he said that his hands were a little heavier, maybe his blood vessels would burst! There is no way, now the blood vessels inside the body, just like the paper roasted with fire. The crispy one is called fierce!

"Can my name still enter your fal?" Ding Yu jokingly said!

"Well! The supply of vegetables and fruits is basically the output of the farm. I've learned something about it. It's our country's own thing, OK! " The old man is very happy about this! "The domestic agriculture is very developed, and there are quite a number of agricultural groups in our country, but you have found a new way, and you have made a name for yourself. Happy!"

I don't know if I'm a little excited in spirit, or I'm fully conscious. Anyway, the old man's words are a little too much!

"Hey, at the beginning, I was just fooling around, but I didn't want to be famous in history. I didn't have that idea. Even if a person could eat again, how much he could eat, he could do something meaningful! Just keep your mind level! There is a saying how to say, friends come, there is good wine! Here comes the jackal, with the shotgun

The old man is in a good mood! I was a little confused before, but I had a chat with Ding Yu, and I didn't know why all of a sudden I got better! But looking at the sweat on Ding Yu's forehead, he sighed!

"I don't have much time left, old man?"

"It's OK. There's no problem explaining some family affairs! People! It needs awe and self-sufficiency! "

"It's no wonder that you're a good boy. You can see that you're so ordinary! Good! Good

Both of them were silent for quite some time! When Su Quan and they came in, the atmosphere changed a little bit! Next to the doctor to stay, because only Ding Yu alone, is not enough! It's not enough!

After all, Ding Yu didn't hear anything out of the window, so he thought he didn't know anything. He just needed to make sure that the temporary safety of the patient on the hospital bed was OK! As for the others? Do you have anything to do with yourself?

In the whole process, Su Quan didn't always stay in the room. To some extent, his identity was not enough!

As for the people who can enter this ward at this time, no matter their identity or position, there are some inestimable!

"You boy!"

The middle-aged man patted Ding Yu, and just then he felt that Ding Yu's body was almost wet through! Wash your hands with water! Obviously, in order to maintain the above of the hospital bed, Ding Yu may not be as simple as his best efforts, and consumed too much spirit and effort!

"It's OK, but it won't last long! Uncle, let's hurry up! I promised the family of the old man to stay for a considerable time Taking advantage of not paying attention, Ding Yu whispered in his third uncle's ear, "we can't persist until noon, even earlier!"

They didn't have much time to talk to each other, and Ding Yu even started drinking water on his own initiative. These were all prepared before! Ding Yu deliberately prepared it for himself, and no one took the initiative to feed it! Mainly by straws! This is more convenient! Save a lot of trouble!

It's been more than nine o'clock since early morning! Time goes by a little fast!

After the third uncle left, Ding Yu asked his uncle to come over, "uncle, let the old lady come here! I don't know how long I can hold on to it. I try my best

The patient's spirit is much better, but the loss of vitality, Ding Yu can maintain to the present situation, is quite difficult! If it goes on like this, joking, even if it's another Ding Yu, it's not going to hold up at all! It's not that I didn't try my best to have nothing to do with this!When the old lady came in, she didn't let anyone help her. She staggered open the food box. The contents were already prepared by herself! The old lady put the things on the small table in front of her!

To some extent, it is convenient for patients, on the other hand? It's also convenient for Ding Yu, because at this time, Ding Yu can't get rid of it, which means that his identity will collapse immediately!

"Old man, I made you something you like to eat!" The old lady was feeding with a spoon, very slow and gentle!

I also know that this is the old man's last meal! I don't want to leave the last regret to the old man!

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