The two old people didn't have much to say. As for fan Guang and fan Ming, they were watching in silence!

They are very clear, this may be their last time! I thought that there should be countless words to mention at this time, but now I don't know what to say!

Ding Yu here did not have any slack, the hospital bed above this, the situation is very not optimistic! I'm getting wet all over my body! Said that he just came out of the water, absolutely someone believe it!

Fortunately, the nurses nearby always pay attention to the sweat left by Ding Yu's forehead and sideburns! But even so, there is still some sweat dripping on the hospital bed!

"Xiaoding?! It's hard for you

General engineer fan on the hospital bed, looking at Ding Yu's hard work, smiles slightly, without any pain. His heart is also very clear. His present appearance is completely due to Ding Yu's reason. He feels that his mental state is very good, and even has a corresponding appetite!

I have no regrets now! Be a man? Should be content! This is just what Ding Yu said to himself! My wife's stuff still tastes like that! I spent my whole life in this flavor! Originally thought there was no such opportunity! But I didn't think that the God didn't treat me badly!

Ding Yu is slightly nodded a head, "chew slowly some, eat a little slower!"

"My wife's craft is quite good. Many of these things come from your farm?"

"In the future, when meeting with the political commissar, remember to mention it! Let me also touch the light, at least we are not short of food, clothing, the country's development is very good, we are all struggling! Move on! No matter what kind of obstruction there is ahead, it will not stop us! "

This seems to be a bit unlucky, but after Ding Yu said it, the patients on the hospital bed laughed, but they didn't laugh. Instead, they were very happy. The old lady sitting next to him was satisfied!

Although the old man at home didn't eat so much, he tried everything! For myself, there is nothing to regret! I didn't think of such a chance! Now with such an opportunity, I will not have any regret or regret in the future!

"Good mental state! Director Fan, let's clean it up and leave some thoughts on it. "

Ah? Oh! Fan Guang and fan Ming brothers immediately responded! Soon also cleaned up a bit! Then I sat with my father, and the doctor took pictures for them. It was very warm!

But from behind, how much seems to have so some pain!

The old man ordered a few more words, looked at his red face, and then looked at Ding Yu!

The hair is wet through! If not for the doctor to wipe with a towel, this time is really sweating! It is really necessary to use a towel to start with, other things have no use!

"Sorry, chief engineer fan!"

Ding Yu seldom says such words, but he has already lost his stability! To be able to stick to this time, for Ding Yu, it is not so simple to test! Except for the trouble of the old Peyton family, I have seldom been like this!

If someone really wants to fight against him now, he doesn't mean that he will fall down, but it is definitely an extremely troublesome thing! However, chief engineer fan looked at Ding Yu with a slight smile. He lay on the hospital bed and gave Ding Yu a thumbs up! It seems to be very comfortable and natural and unrestrained!

Looking at the smile of the last corner of the mouth, Ding Yu also received a sound, and then casually cleaned up what he had left on him. After cleaning up, he bowed down! It took a long time to stand up, but the people behind rushed forward, because they had noticed! Director Ding Yuding's state is a bit wrong!

The rest of the things basically do not need Ding Yu! But the old lady still took her two sons and found Ding Yu in the office! Their intention is very simple! Thanks to Ding Yu!

Ding Yu is sitting on the chair, or with the help of Qu he, just stood up. He has just changed his clothes, and his face looks pale. Obviously, it has taken a lot of effort! Receiving thanks is one thing, but returning gifts is another! This is the rule!

I didn't feel that what I did was wrong, because I had tried my best! No reservation!

"No!" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say that two people, give people the feeling of a little bit ruthless!

But for the three of Fan family's mother and son, the so-called "no sending" means too much! incapable of further increase!

Coming out of Ding Yu's office, the old lady sighed and did not look back, but said in a low voice to her two sons who were supporting her, "this time, our family owes a little more gratitude. I have contacted director Ding! He didn't mean to accept this favor. He was not a mortal! But our family can't forget it! ""Don't worry, mom! We'll deal with this matter by two brothers! "

"Give your dad the last ride?"

Although Ding Yu said that he had been changed, his mental state was not so good. The reason why he didn't go now was that the action was a little inconvenient! What's more, the security of the courtyard has not been fully in place, which is the reason to stay!

It can also be seen from this that Ding Yu spent a lot of money before! Even the ability to protect themselves? Ding Yu's feeling will be lost! Otherwise, it will never be like this!

Having been waiting for her to return to the courtyard, Ding Yu sighed, "is it better at home?"

"Sir Deng Rong was very worried. Looking at Ding Yu, he could see from his face that there was something wrong with Mr. Ding. He was pale and worried. However, this has never appeared, at least in his own impression, it has never happened!

"Nothing! It will be good to recuperate for a period of time! " Ding Yu, sitting on the chair, looks pale, but his mental state is still good! Did not see that there are too many inappropriate!

"Sir! Everything you need is ready! "

Nodding, Ding Yu sighed, "although back! But it should not stay too long! Chinese New Year is coming soon! But a few children there should be a holiday soon! Ask them a, see if they will come back to play a station, see their respective opinions! I don't want it

"Is the boss back? Do you know? "

When she saw her husband, Su Yuan mentioned it!

Wang Changlin, who took off his coat, nodded, "I've just heard the news. The specific inside information is not so clear. It's just that someone told me that the boss came back?" Puzzled looked at his wife, "how do you know?"

"Suquan called me earlier!" Su Yuan slightly hummed, "I just called the courtyard over there, and the housekeeper Deng answered the phone. He said that the boss had already rested!"

Yeah? rest? Wang Changlin some do not believe that looked at his watch on the time, this time to rest? It's not normal! As far as I know, the boss seldom looks like this? His usual rest time is after 11 o'clock. What's wrong with this today? So early off? Haunted?

"I really don't know about this?! Steward Deng didn't say that, but I did? Hum

From the final tone above, we can feel that this speech is somewhat unusual! Obviously, I'm very angry in my heart, but the way of expression is a little different!

She had been waiting for Wang Li to come back with her two children. Hearing this, she burst out laughing, "Dad! Mom! You don't know about it. I really know it! What's the big brother coming back for? "

Yeah? We don't know. How do you know?

"This thing is not so popular. It really doesn't do anything about big brother, but the blockade is relatively tight! I heard that they went to the hospital in the morning? "

Wang Changlin slightly frowned on his brow, thinking about something, "you mean chief engineer fan there? Is that so? "

"I don't know! Who is involved? I can't say clearly. It's not easy for me to know the elder brother's coming back! If you want to find out the inside story, please forgive me! "

"Why did you come back Su Yuan looked at his two nephews, but it was quite fun!

"I'm afraid I don't have much time for the meeting over there! Don't want to let them both stay at home! So haha Anyway, her mother is in front of her. Wang Li really doesn't have so many taboos and scruples!

"Have you eaten yet?"

Su Yuan took a look of complaint! But also grasp their own two grandsons, they are their own treasure!

"I heard that your elder brother has gone back to the courtyard! What is the specific situation, know is not so clear, previously to Deng housekeeper called, said your elder brother has rested! I don't know what's going on? "

"Brother, have you had a rest? Are you kidding me

Wang Li almost breathed fragrance. Why? Who is my elder brother? He's off so early? How could it be? Is the sun coming out from the west? I don't feel right!

"Are you kidding? I don't know about it, but I haven't heard anything else

However, when Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were suspicious, Wang Changlin's secretary came in and mentioned some things in a low voice with Wang Changlin, and then left quickly without any stay!

"Just got the news, chief engineer fan died! Should it be noon? "

"What do you mean?" Su Yuan was a little impatient, "is it related to the boss?"

Although I don't like the boss's character, he is his own son after all, isn't he? No one knows what kind of role he played in it? Is it good or bad? No one can say good things!If it's really a bad thing to say, there are activities at home, isn't it? After all, he is still young. In some aspects, he may be impulsive! I'm a motherfucker. I just think about it like this!

"I don't know the specific things, but judging from the current situation, there should be no problem!"

Wang Changlin has his own judgment on such matters! Think about it, and then also picked up the phone! After all, the identity of other people is not so appropriate!

After the telephone was connected, Wang Changlin first said his name, "director Fan, I'm sorry to change!"

"Hello, Minister Wang!" Fan Guang is stunned for a moment. The relationship between Wang Changlin and Ding Yu is unknown to others. Doesn't he know? What's more, although this matter is more obscure in the 49 cities, it's just that we don't talk about it! It's not that we really don't know!

To a certain extent, they are not willing to offend director Ding Yuding. On the other hand, they are not willing to offend the Wang family!

No matter which one it is, it's a giant!

However, after contacting director Ding, fan Guang found that it was quite different from the rumors of the outside world. Of course, his face was cold and merciless, which was just the appearance of director Ding! Or to the outside world!

I think director Ding is really good! Although the age is not big, but its own calm, and even let people have some admiration! I still have a good understanding of my father's situation. Anyway, I don't think there are other people who can do this in Beijing. I don't want to think about it!

It's perfect, father. It's true! Both the mother and their brothers were extremely satisfied and even quite happy. In a word, these are the credit of director Ding!

"Minister Wang, things at home are quite busy, and we can't find suitable opportunities all the time, and director Ding's quadrangle is really a little difficult to enter?" This is not a sarcasm, but an exclamation, "if you have a chance, I will certainly express my sincere thanks for all he has done for my father!"

"Ah Wang Changlin has known it now! However, I know and return to know. How to say this need to be carefully considered, "director Fan, you are too polite. My child! How to say it's good? In terms of personality, there is a little bit of indifference. Can we be more tolerant? "

After hearing Minister Wang's remarks, fan Guang was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was such a thing. Anyway, he had been in contact with him for such a long time. No matter what his attitude was or what the attitude of the outside world was, director Ding could not see too many changes on his face, which was a little too serious!

Two brothers on my side face to face! But director Ding didn't give any chance to speak. At most, he respected his parents! It seems to be helpless to think about it!

"Minister Wang, director Ding left when the matter was over! Our brother and the current side have expressed sincere thanks, but always feel that there are some debts! "

"Hi!" Wang Changlin didn't mean to go on with this matter. "He has his own unique understanding in this aspect, but what about me? I don't really know that. I didn't mean anything else when I called him. He is a child! Do things sometimes? Maybe the consideration is not so comprehensive, but I hope everyone can tolerate it! "

For fan Guang, what can't be understood about such a thing? What's more, it's a little too modest!

After a few more words, this just put down the phone!

Looking at his wife and daughter, Wang Changlin shook his head. "The boss should not have too many problems. Judging from the speech of director Fan guangfan, there is no problem. Even the words of thanks to the boss are very real!"

"Isn't it? Is it not to say that chief engineer fan has passed away? "

"Death doesn't mean everything. Is there something? If you don't understand, you will have no right to speak. Today is not very appropriate! If you have time tomorrow, just ask! I don't know if the boss is tired? "

The next morning, Ding Yu looked at his sister. Was she a little early! And come with two kids! Look at this posture, they may have been dragged over before they wake up!

He motioned to the housekeeper and asked him to take his two children to rest!

"Big brother, you look a little ugly?" After watching for a while, Wang Li was worried and said!

"OK?" Ding Yu's tone is not salty, "so soon there is news spread out?"

"Hi! I went back home yesterday. My father and mother also asked about your situation. Listen to the housekeeper, you had a long rest yesterday! Home is also very strange, think you have something to do! Don't worry, so let me come and have a look, but I have something to do today. Let's put the two children here first! "

Ding Yu tightened his coat, "I know it!""Brother, if you have two more words, nothing will happen to you!" For her big brother's attitude, Wang Li expressed a little dissatisfaction! What are you doing! This is, I came to see him, not to find uncomfortable!

"What do you want to ask?"

"Why don't you look right? Is there anything wrong?! When I looked at you before, the expression on my face was serious, but basically it was very ruddy. But now I look at your situation, it's not right! I don't know what happened to you! We are concerned about it. Don't treat it as a donkey's liver and lung! "

"Oh! I was in the hospital earlier! The work is a little bit heavy, but the problem is not so big, there is nothing else! That's what it looks like on the whole

There are many words, but they have no meaning! After listening to Wang Li, there are so many people who want to hit people! But I can't deny that what my elder brother said is wrong! He simply caught his own loophole, which made him slightly resentful! Big brother, are you really good?

"Big brother, did you come back by yourself? I heard my sister-in-law is back, too? Didn't come back with you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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