When the brothers and sisters were talking, the housekeeper came in from the outside and said, "Sir, Secretary Qin is here?"

It didn't take long to see a person coming in from the outside, and the walking speed was not so fast! But from the appearance, very elegant!

"Director Ding!" Someone called out kindly! "It's a little abrupt! Originally, the chief executive would come in person, but there was a temporary state visit. He left by plane in the morning! But deliberately told me, come to greet director Ding you! Hard work

"Well! Thank you for your concern Immediately also a smile, "Secretary Qin came alone? My sister Wang Li, we are very familiar! I'm careless in my usual time

Secretary Qin, who sat down, was very clear that director Ding Yuding's face was not so good, at least these were visible to the naked eye. As for the previous time, his attitude towards himself was very good, not to say it was aimed at himself, it was entirely because of the head!

After all, I still know the personal relationship between the chief executive and director Ding!

What do you want to do in front of director Ding? This is not what you should do! It's better to keep a reasonable mind. Don't lose your wisdom. Then the result and the end will not be too good!

Secretary Qin stayed here for a long time. Ding Yu didn't mean to get up to see him off. He asked Wang Li to send some. Wang Li showed his teeth to his elder brother. Why did such a thing let him start?

"Secretary Qin, that's the nature of elder brother. Excuse me!"

Big brother didn't mean to send him off, because he had such capital, but he couldn't do it himself! It's not a level at all. If you're acting like a tiger, it's not appropriate!

"I understand!" After hesitating for a while, Secretary Qin continued to say, "director Ding has expended considerable energy before, and the chief executive is particularly concerned about it!" Why don't you tell me some Wang Li?!

I believe she can understand the meaning of what she said! Because their own expression is very clear!

Wang Li was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that when Secretary Qin left, she would say such a thing to herself. What do you mean?

Hesitated for a moment, Wang Li suddenly wanted to understand! Obviously, Secretary Qin didn't expect that he would come to the elder brother's side! If no one else is here, it doesn't matter, but I'm here! Some things need to be well explained, don't make other things come out!

"Yes! Secretary Qin, I understand! "

Secretary Qin smiles at Wang Li. Minister Wang's children are really different. He just ordered a little bit. He didn't mean anything else. If Wang Li wasn't here, he didn't need to worry about it. But the problem is that Wang Li is here! This is what I need to do!

Really, if something happens, whether it's the chief or director Ding, he is not so good to explain! Right? So it's better to get this vaccination in advance!

Wang Li came back to see her brother again!

"Brother, Secretary Qin said something to me just now!" Wang Li is very worried, looking at her big brother! "I said it just now when I came here! You look so ugly! Is there anything wrong? "

As far as I know, elder brother's physical condition has always been relatively good, but today he is wrapped in a coat, which is not normal! Moreover, it is still a kind of extremely abnormal, and the things and problems in it are worth doubting!

"I'm just tired. This is over! This is the end of the relevant things, don't ask! Don't mention anything else? " This is not a warning, but it is full of meaning!

Looking at her elder brother's face, Wang Li hummed, "good intentions do not know donkey's liver and lung!"

"It's not good for you to know too much! How is it arranged at home? "

"I don't know, but yesterday when I went back, my father's secretary said it. I think there should be some arrangements." Such a thing can't come to Wang Li! Maybe there are some arrangements for the merchants, but Shangnan can't either!

When it comes to serious things, Wang Li is not so stubborn though she is angry in her heart!

"I'll call! Come on! I have nothing on my side! If you don't have breakfast, we'll be together! Put the two children here first?! I should have nothing else to do today

There is no tea to see off the guests, but it seems to be almost the same, Wang Li hummed! I ate something in the morning, but now? If you are hungry or not, don't say it first. At least, you should "disgust" your big brother first!

So when eating breakfast, Wang Li behaved a little deliberately! That's how I am! What can you give me?

If you can't give me anything, then you'll suffer! Wang Li has such a little proud posture about this! I don't believe big brother will make a noise! I know that he has some small cleanliness, but now it is not sipping his mouth!After eating, Wang Li patted her ass and left! As for the two sons? As if it was not her at all, she was still in the courtyard! At the beginning, I had quite careful thinking. Now I can't say what I want. But naturally, there is no harm in such contact, is it?

What's more, Ding Yu is their uncle! Usually, both of them want to come to Siheyuan, but they have some difficulties. Now that they have such a good opportunity, why don't you cherish it?

"Dad, I'm Ding Yu!" Or to his father Wang Changlin there to make a phone call in the past!

"Well! I heard from Wang Li that you need to recuperate for a few days. Is nothing wrong? "

He was his own son, and he was also his own son. Although I did not see with my own eyes what happened in the hospital, I still had a considerable guess. The eldest son stayed in the hospital for a considerable time, and he must have paid a considerable price. This is a certain thing!

In other words, those means will never be used in ordinary times, because every time they are used, they may cause considerable problems and conditions for themselves. If this is really the case, who knows if other things will happen?

"Nothing? Just a little tired, the problem is not so big! " Ding Yu said a little too light! "Is there any arrangement in chief engineer fan's home? If there's a plan, count me in?! It's quite peaceful to go. Anyway, it's a one-sided relationship! "

"All right, I'll make arrangements for it." Wang Changlin quickly made a decision, "if it's OK, give your mother a call! She's worried about you! "

"I see! I don't like to move today. If I have time tomorrow, I'll go and have a meal. "

Now that I'm back! Then don't take anything as if nothing happened. In that case, there are many problems, and there are no other contradictions between yourself and home! Is their own personality a little bit so cold, that's all!

The two nephews got up at about the same time, a little bit noisy!

After dinner, he would hold his uncle's thigh and chew on it from time to time!

The housekeeper was helpless about this, but he didn't mean to go forward. He didn't know why. He was very popular with the children. He couldn't tell what the reason was! To know the evaluation of the outside world for Mr. Zhang, they are very cold faced!

Children should be very afraid, but after they come to the courtyard, they like to revolve around Mr. Chen. The contrast is a little bit big, which makes people confused!

"Sir?" Deng Rong got quite a lot of news, but also came to find Ding Yu!

"What? Is the news spreading so fast? " Ding Yu snorted slightly?!

"After all, this is the capital city. What's more, this matter has been paid close attention to by quite a number of people. Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to keep it up to now! But fortunately, it has nothing to do with my husband, and I don't have much to do with Wang Li! "

Why does Deng Rong want to say so, as long as the news is not spread from the courtyard and the Wangs, then there are not too many problems! Things to be completely satisfied, this is a little bit unrealistic!

After all, this is the capital, isn't it? There are a lot of people with great powers!

Ding Yu is not so concerned about this matter. It doesn't matter! Know it or not! What can we do? At least Ding Yu has such confidence and power now!

But the outside world is really not like Ding Yu's calm! Why? Because Ding Yu's performance is really a bit against the weather!

What are you doing! What are you? Dead already? Although it was said that there was no rescue in the end, what was the situation of chief engineer fan unknown? If there is such a situation, then there will be Ding Yu such a person's existence, its value is absolutely incomparable that kind! unimaginable!

However, Ding Yu is really not difficult to do in general. Why do you really say that?

Too many things are enough to explain the problem! Not that we don't want to, but something? It's not so simple to think about it! We all know that Ding Yu is powerful, but really want to talk about Ding Yu, or some other ideas, ha ha!

Don't think that Ding Yu is a free gift, and don't think that the Wangs are dry rice!

This is just the surface. What about the back? It's hard to imagine the power behind Ding Yu! But even if it is like this, we can't help it. It's really greedy!

It's impossible to call Ding Yu. The possibility of going to Siheyuan is not so big. It's not that everyone doesn't want to. It's really that the phone can't get through. At the same time, the siheyuan can't get in! However, Wang's side should not be so big a problem, what's more, Wang Li also went to the courtyard before!

I heard that the two children were also thrown into the courtyard! Good thing! Right? It shows that Ding Yu still has considerable feelings, at least not a cold person!In the future, we can't walk along Ding Yu's road. If we walk along the road of Wang family or Su family, it doesn't mean that there is no possibility at all, is it?

Why do you move now instead of slowing down?

Are you kidding? Can such a thing wait? I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Ding Yu! I don't know how many people want to be able to go through this way! It's still up to us to decide how to take advantage of such things, isn't it?

"You said uncle, did you worry about this, so you left early?"

"Sir, you're kidding me, aren't you? The chief is not something I can talk about casually

Deng Rong is very suspicious looking at his husband! Ding Yu shook his head, "I also said nonsense. I don't know how to rumor this thing outside? It's a headache to think about it. The third uncle, too, won't come forward and explain it a little bit? " For this matter, Ding Yu is a little angry!

"Sir! If the chief executive really comes forward, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome! "

"And you all know that I'm not the one to provoke, do you?" Ding Yu didn't say it in a good way!

But to say that Ding Yu is obsessed with this matter and can't commit it, he just makes two so-called complaints. Can't it be like this? But now Ding Yu can imagine how noisy the outside world is!

Even in the fan family, I'm afraid it will be quite lively now. Why? If you go to the fan family to inquire about some things in person, you can feel at ease. After all, all the people of the fan family were present at that time!

"I don't want to move. I just want to stay quietly for a period of time. I didn't expect to have two living treasures."

"They are very happy!" Deng Rong's response said a word!

Ding Yu didn't end up in person, playing with the two children! But the two children didn't mean to let Ding Yu go! As for Wang Li's side, I don't know if it's really stupid, or the Wangs! Anyway, I didn't mean to pick up two children until the evening! She was relieved to leave her child in the courtyard!

Two children who had been playing with their uncle for a day were lulled to sleep after taking a bath! They are very quiet!

Ding Yu holds his chin and looks at the two children. It's quite fun. It's not like their own children and apprentices. They are a little older! It's not fun at all!

The next day, the two children got up in high spirits. They didn't pay any attention to their uncle's meaning. Even if they were eating, they almost broke up! If you are at home, you can't see it at all! But on this side, Ding Yu does not care at all! Children? There's no harm in being noisy! This is my idea all along!

After dinner, Ding Yu took the two of them home together! Look at your mother!

Su Yuan looked at his son. Yesterday, there were quite a number of phone calls, but he didn't ask about the fan family, but he also got some news. Looking at his son's face, he was still a little white!

"You! You can't take it easy! " As for the two little mischievous, Su Quan gave them two slaps on the buttocks, and they both came to the home. How could they be so naughty!

The two children were beaten and ran to his uncle's side in a muffled voice, holding his uncle's thigh and not letting go! Even if the Su Yuan came forward, it didn't have any effect! They have found the backbone now!

Looking at the actions of the two grandsons, Su Yuan's eyes showed a little bit of the same brilliance. He didn't expect that the two naughty children like their uncle so much. After thinking about it, Xiao Gang seems to be like this! When I was young, he was very attached to this uncle. I don't know why these children are so close to the boss?

"All right?! Yesterday, Wang Li threw two children to me! They are honest

"You just came back? I heard that Tai hee is back, too? "

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded his head, but his movements were not visible. "I came in a hurry, and she just tossed back, and several children are at home! It's not so convenient, so it's reserved for her

Su Yuan was satisfied with Ding Yu's explanation! It's true that Su Yuan has quite a lot of opinions and opinions about his eldest son, but he is very happy to be able to come here today, not to mention with his two grandsons!

"I heard Xiaogang is going to have a holiday there! What's your arrangement? "

"There are not too many arrangements, his performance in this small half year is not bad! There's no special arrangement for winter vacation. Look at his own! I don't have too many hard and fast requirements on my side! "

The so-called does not have too many rigid requirements, that is to say, within the reasonable scope, will do quite a thing! But he will never embarrass Wang Xiaogang too much. This is the hidden meaning of Ding Yu's saying this!

If placed in the past, Su Yuan could not help but say something! But now, Su Yuan really did not have so many opinions and ideas!And Su Yuan noticed that after the eldest brother came to the house, his coat didn't come off. He just unbuttoned his coat. In the past, it never happened!

What's more, I don't care about the old man's coat, what's handmade and style, and so on. I don't care about it at all. What I pay attention to is that there are quite a lot of measures to keep warm inside! The temperature in the room is not specially low! The heating in the house is also very good!

Under such circumstances, the boss didn't mean to take off his coat! Look at the two nephews. They have been making a lot of noise for a while, and they are almost sweating!

The situation is not so normal, or extremely abnormal!

According to Wang Li yesterday, when she went to see the boss yesterday, the boss was wearing the same overcoat! I didn't hear about his physical problems and condition before!

So Su Yuan also said with a worried face, "what's the matter with your body? I remember when I talked to Ding Yun and Ding Chang earlier, they said that everything was fine with you!"

"It's no big deal. I spent a bit of energy and energy in the hospital. I'd better take a rest for a while."

"The environment and conditions in the courtyard are good. If you can't, you can have a rest in the courtyard for a while. Don't do anything else! Don't be young now, don't do things once! Do you hear me? "

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