When Ding Yu came out, he looked at the busy people and did not make a sound. He just nodded his head! I said hello!

But the whole crowd called out a big brother! After Ding Yu nodded his head, he found a place to sit down and tighten his coat. The housekeeper took a blanket and spread it on Ding Yu's legs! Very concerned and considerate!

It's not that Ding Yu is particular about it, nor is it that Ding Yu is deliberately artificial!

Now, we need to protect ourselves! That's it! No other difference!

"When did you come?" Ding Yu, sitting at the table, asked casually!

"Big brother, I've been here for a while. I heard you're resting!" Su Yu and his wife looked at Ding Yu cautiously! Although the big brother did not plate his face, but also do not know why, see this big brother feel nervous inside the heart!

Looking at the table has been full of things, Ding Yu is showing a little smile out! Obviously satisfied with this!

Let Su Yu so busy, not to say appropriate or inappropriate, he was spoiled by his aunt, to say let him eat, may not be a problem, but let him start, forget it?!

"Listen to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, you two are very good! I also heard some things, others are OK to say some! You beat up the children of the Yang family. Is this the case?! And it's still in public! "

Su Yu shivered a little and peeped at his elder brother! I found that the expression on his face was not so serious!

He took another look at his daughter-in-law. After two people looked at each other, Su Yu gave himself a boost!

"Big brother! You don't see that guy, he's just looking for a punch

When talking, Su Yu also looked at the big brother's expression! Seeing that there was no obvious change on the elder brother's face, Su Yu went on to say, "brother, I don't know. I'm not a good person. I'm even a little confused, but there are some things! I don't think we can break through the bottom line! "

Ding Yu snorted a little funny, "that can't nearly throw people in the toilet! It's not very decent! "

But obviously can feel out, Ding Yu for this matter does not have what censure, even has so some small encouragement flavor! "And one more thing, you are both married! Pay more attention to the usual time, don't make noise, and don't move the manual foot! Do you hear me? "

"Brother, you wronged me?" Su Yu's expression should be more aggrieved and aggrieved!

Can you blame yourself for this? The responsibility is not in your own body at all, OK? I also want to be good, but the force value of this one is a little too high! High so that they do not know how to bear!

If you can't fight, if you don't fight, it's a bit too bullying! How did you get obsessed?

What's more, whether it's at home or outside, you can't find any support. What's good for you to say?

Now big brother mentioned this matter again, I really feel that.

"In principle, the two of you are your own problems. I shouldn't be so fussy!"

Looking at Su Yu's appearance, Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "what's going on at home will be solved at home. Don't make the outside world boiling. If you want to know something, you can't say it clearly! I thought what happened to you two? "

"Big brother?" Su Yu is very aggrieved!

However, Ding Yu noticed the appearance of their husband and wife, and deserved it. If Su Yu didn't have a man in charge of him, he didn't know what he would look like? What's more, this is not a matter of one's own. Even if it's a matter of one's own, he won't say anything. As for why he opened the golden mouth today! In the face of his daughter-in-law!

Su Yu didn't quite understand, and he was too lazy to explain!

"You are such a fellow! Hi A little bit of a point, "can moisten live, is this not enough, how dare people? How much land production, this is not in line with the actual, you! Although not much experience, but there are some things you should have experienced! "

"Big brother, I have begun to learn to be better now!"

Ding Yu snorted! Not to mention, it's very powerful. At least Su Yu is very stable! "You are too straight! It's just OK to do things, but it's too easy to lose money when dealing with the same things! But if you and your wife can stand together, they can play a complementary role! "

When everything was ready, there were five people in total. Ding Yu didn't choose a big dining table. Although there were many things on the table, it didn't seem luxurious, exquisite or magnificent. It was a little simple and crude! This is also Ding Yu's consistent style!

It's not about these things! What's more, he's not from a bad family background. Is it really necessary to disguise yourself?

"Housekeeper, bring me some wine!"Although there was wine on the table, Ding Yu didn't mean to drink it. He gave it to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! Including Mr. and Mrs. Su Yu!

"Have a taste! Home brewed, as well as Su Yu, you two, drink less, don't drink too much

Why? Ding Yu didn't explain! I've said it anyway.

"Big brother! I know your drinks have been sent to the Kremlin, but are there any good things in the house? It wasn't very common in the past? "

"Most of them are used for processing medicinal materials. I have no interest in wine. Because of my work, and I don't love it personally! Another point is that there are some sales inside the farm, but because of the cost and other reasons, there is not much meaning of mass production! That is to say, some relatives and friends have a taste of the past! "

Ding Yu gave a brief introduction! The bottle on the table is a bit primitive! It's like a small pottery pot! But not too much decoration, but also can see that there are quite different places! This and packaging are two things!

Hesitated for a little time, Xiaobao suddenly took out his mobile phone! Scan the QR code at the mouth of the bottle, and soon the relevant information is revealed on the video! Suddenly, Wang Yang and Su Yu took out their mobile phones!

After reading, are full of exclamation and admiration!

"Big brother, there is no one who can do this! Put it on other people's bodies, I can guarantee that it can't be done absolutely. The cost of investment is too large. There should be no too many technical problems. But in terms of specific operation, who dares to make such an attempt! A little careless, will hit their own brand! There is no way to avoid this problem! Therefore, we do not know, but deliberately turn a blind eye to it! "

"Su Yu, why do you dare to do this on the farm side?"

"Quality assurance?" Su Yu said in a low voice? But when I speak, I look at my daughter-in-law!

Ding Yu shook his head. "Quality assurance is only a small aspect. Of course, what you said is not wrong. In my personal opinion, there are many reasons. If any link is missing, there will be considerable problems. This is an obvious thing! But it should be used to admit mistakes! This is the key! "

Yeah? Su Yu is a little confused! But Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other, and then they looked at Su Yu's wife. The implication is very profound!

Big brother said this, not to say them two people, but to Su Yu and his husband and wife to listen to! To be exact, it means to listen to younger siblings! Why did you bring them here today? Isn't it because of this?

"Big brother! Thank you Su Yu does not understand, but does not mean that his daughter-in-law also does not understand!

Ding Yu said, "I won't drink any more! The body is not so suitable. I'll have a meal with you today. It's not convenient for me to intervene in the family affairs, but there is no problem in taking care of each other. What about Su Yu? I'm very optimistic about the combination of you two! It's not easy for him to find a wife like you! "

She's on the pole

Su Yu wailed!

"This is your own business! It's also a good thing to have harmony between the harps and the harps. "

After Wang Yu opened the box, he hoped that it would be good for both of you to open the box at will? Can go further! "

After dinner, Ding Yu did not want to keep their meaning, but before leaving, they took a lot of things to leave!

"Sir?" Deng Rong can understand that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao can come here. But is the arrival of Su Yu and his wife a little too high for them?

"Su Yu! He's still a lot worse, but if he just asked his daughter-in-law to come alone, where is Su Yu's face? "

In this regard, Ding Yu is also quite helpless, sometimes these problems need to be considered, not exist alone!

"Su Yu's growth is a little too slow! Compared with his daughter-in-law, there are some that are not worth mentioning! What about the future of the Su family? Su Yu certainly can't hold on, or need to see Su Chen, but will my uncle's family admit this matter? You should know that there can be no problems with the things above the surface! "

Deng Rong suddenly understood that Su Chen could take over the influence of the Su family. There was nothing to say about this. But if Su Chen directly stood on the surface and directly stripped Su Yu, it would be a mess! No doubt about it!

And this will cause turbulence in other areas!

"Fortunately, Su Yu's daughter-in-law is still very good! But let his daughter-in-law stand up, what is the face of the Su family? At least not now! Although I don't need to think about these problems, I can't take Su Yu's face down at will. Is it not intentional to support Su Chen? What does uncle think? What about my aunt? What else does Su's family look like? It used to be, but it doesn't mean it can be done now. ""Sir, I see!"

Su Yu and their two returned home, but it was more light!

Hua Xiaoying looks at what they bring back. The expression on his face is very surprised. What's the situation? It's a well-known thing that it's hard to get into the courtyard. But when they went to the courtyard, they brought so many things back? What happened?

"Mom, I've got a lottery today!"

Immediately, she also said what happened today, but her daughter-in-law didn't say anything. She even took the initiative to pour a glass of water for her mother-in-law. For herself, it's not a great thing! It's not a pose!

Getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a troublesome thing! Do a little more yourself, can make your mother-in-law comfortable, also can let oneself more comfortable, nothing better than this?

The box has been opened! Looking at the things inside, Hua Xiaoying has a feeling! Things are very valuable, but Ding Yu is for his son and daughter-in-law, even if outsiders have any opinions, they can't use this to speak!

And it can also be used for pressing the bottom of the box for your son and daughter-in-law! What does the so-called pressure box bottom represent? It means that if there is such a day in the house, it can be taken out to help!

Although this thing is said to be for the son and daughter-in-law, but from now on, they basically can't use it! Even their children have not been able to use it. What will happen in the future? This is not something that I can worry about, because at that time, I was already a cup of loess!

When Su Hai comes back, Hua Xiaoying also mentions this aspect matter with him in a low voice!

Su Hai was silent for quite a long time. The things were still put there and didn't put them away. Whether they were valuable or not, for Su Hai, he didn't care. What he considered was the things among them!

"Boss! Hi! There is no one else in my mind

Hua Xiaoying didn't see the situation clearly. His son didn't understand it, but his daughter-in-law should understand it! If even she can't understand, the boss will never let her go to the courtyard!

But it is obvious that the daughter-in-law did not want to say this matter! If you really say it out, the mother-in-law has not been able to accept, the husband is also the same, so it is better to understand their own side!

Why did Su Yu go? If it is to let the daughter-in-law go, how does the outside world see this? Su Yu had a bad reputation. Anyway, his son and daughter-in-law are one, and the two of them go together. It's hard for the outside world to make any mention of it!

At least will not grasp this matter, to the son and daughter-in-law two people to make trouble!

But Su Hai's heart is also clear, his nephew so to arrange! On the one hand, it should be explained to the Su family. On the other hand? He should be particularly optimistic about Suchen! If it's not like this, it's just their daughter-in-law, they will never have such treatment, this is certain!

"You mean, boss, there's something else in it?" Hua Xiaoying's face changed slightly!

"You underestimate the boss! My nephew! He's very thoughtful. He's very thoughtful about things. He doesn't pay much attention to Su Yu. However, he just throws the Su family aside, and the Wang family is not so easy to explain. But fortunately, our daughter-in-law is fighting for our family's face. "

For some things, Su Hai doesn't want to explain too much. Why? After all, it involves his other son. If he shakes out all the things about Su Chen now, what will Hua Xiaoying think? At that time, I'm afraid that I don't want to explain it, I can explain it clearly!

That's why I said, the boss's mind is no one! If it was someone else, would you consider it so comprehensive?

If you want to come, it is not possible to say that there is no such possibility? But standing in such a position of Ding Yu, and being able to consider things with such delicacy, it seems that this guy is really a little unusual!

"What does he mean?" Hua Xiaoying asked!

"Su Yu didn't strive for success when he was a child. The boss didn't look up to him! Later, after the old man's business, the boss let go! But if you let Su Yu join in, the boss won't say anything, but what about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? What would they think of Su Yu? Let any of them stand up, Su Yu can't carry it! "

Hua Xiaoying is very clear about her son's situation. If Wang Yang and Xiao Bao really raise their hands, is there any other way for his son to be confused? But in that case, I'm afraid the whole Su family will become a laughing stock!

"It's possible for Xiaobao, but it's impossible for Wang Yang?"

"Why not?" Su Hai took a glance. "What was he like in the past and what is the situation now? It seems that there are not too many changes, but in fact? The boss is very important to him. I don't know how much resources have been tilted secretly. But Su Yu of our family is a little frustrated. It depends on his daughter-in-law! "For this matter, no matter how hard Su Hai and Hua Xiaoying try, they have no way out, because this is not a matter of effort at all, OK? But fortunately, there is a support at home! Not too embarrassing!

Of course, we also need to see that Ding Yu's nephew doesn't really mean that he doesn't talk about any affectionate feelings, but he still talks about some so-called affectionate faces, that is, his mind may be too delicate! Sometimes it's hard to figure out what!

"Yes! Hearing of the previous events, his health is not so good? "

"I heard! He also called Su Yuan, but it was hard to get into the courtyard gate. In addition to quite a few people, Wang Yang and his colleagues were already in a mess today. They were all about to spread out! No one can say anything! After all, it's a courtyard

Think about it, it is a strange thing! If it is placed on other people, it will at least be full of guests, not to mention the open door. But is the quadrangle better? When the gate is closed, who are you? Sorry, no reception!

Even the elders in the family sometimes encounter this situation!

It's like Su Yuan. She seldom goes to the courtyard? What's the relationship between them? Let's not say this one, but that one is my mother! This shows the general!

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