Xiaogang is the first to come back! Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan went to the airport directly!

I saw my son with a bag and a box on his back! That is called a like, poor to hold in their arms! Lin Qiuyan didn't mean to worry about her body! As for Wang Yang, he was also a little excited. He was forbidden by his elder brother! But I haven't seen my baby son for a long time! Even if there are other people, this time is also can't help!

"Feel a little heavy?"

Give it a hug. It's like it's true?!

"Dad! When I was growing, how could I grow if I didn't sink a little bit? "

"Yes! dad! mom! I brought you presents back! That is, some of the specialties in the provincial capital are selected by me deliberately! " Xiaogang is very proud to say! In the past, I have done such things, but I don't have any feelings, but now? The feeling is different! Very profound!

From the perspective of Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, what about gifts? It is not so concerned about! Even if Lin Qiuyan still has some sensibility, I don't know if it's because of pregnancy?

When Su Yuan sees his grandson, there is no need to mention it! Fortunately, he didn't say too much bad things about Ding Yu at this time! Just two sentences! If it was not for Ding Yu, why did Sun Tzu suffer so much? Ran to the field alone! You need to bear all this at a young age! His uncle is really not very decent!

As for Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, they are staring at each other. They are also quite distressed for their children. After all, this is their own, but they really don't have the kind of resentment of their mother!

Because they are very clear, big brother to do so, completely for the sake of Xiaogang's future, and Xiaogang alone in the provincial capital, performance is very good! Even let people have so some impressive! There are many older children than him. Lin Qiuyan is a teacher, but sometimes he doesn't feel as sensible as his own son!

"Grandma, look at me. I've grown up! And it's fleshy

Wang Xiaogang raised his arm to make a weightlifter's posture, which was very conspicuous!

Su Yuan couldn't stop smiling. Looking at the gifts Wang Xiaogang took out of the box, some of them were finished products, but some were made by Wang Xiaogang himself! Is everything ok? No, but in Su Yuan's opinion, these are all true! I didn't waste my heart to love this grandson!

"Not to mention, it's really grown a lot? Full of spirit, too Su Yuan said with emotion, "how is your life there? If there are any problems and conditions, they have already gone home! "

"Good! Have been arranged is very appropriate, exercise my ability to live independently! Is sometimes, for some things the decision is not so good! Other aspects are very convenient! "

Tired of slanting in his grandmother's arms, Wang Xiaogang is very natural to say!

Because my life is like this, it's really good! Uncle, you don't often call! Because uncle's work is busy! But every two weeks, will be alone with their own phone, point out their own, is not boring to their assigned tasks or goals! There is no such situation!

What's more, it's very interesting to communicate with elder martial brothers, brothers and sisters. Now the society is very developed. We can connect with each other quickly through the network. The only feeling is that we can't get together! This may be one of the few defects!

But fortunately, I also have quite new friends, elephant and fawn, listen to the name! It's like opening a zoo! Fawn is better. The elephant doesn't have as much time as he imagined. In terms of self-discipline, he doesn't give in to himself at all!

You should know that he has a good family education and guidance, but the elephant's family environment led him not to have too much education in this respect, but he can still restrain himself!

I went to the provincial capital of this period of time, although not very long, but their contact with students and children is not a small number! It is true that not many children have such self-discipline! This has nothing to do with whether the school is good or not!

In the evening, Wang Xiaogang went to the courtyard alone without his father and mother. For him, he was familiar with the road! It is true that not too many people can enter the courtyard, but it does not mean that Wang Xiaogang is the same!

The rules and regulations of the quadrangle obviously do not have much effect on Wang Xiaogang! At this point, he is even more arrogant than his Laozi! He Laozi still needs to say hello in advance when he comes here. It's better if he agrees! If you don't agree, you can only be rejected, but Wang Xiaogang wants to come! Go if you want! There will be no one to stop!

As for the reason why Wang Xiaogang came back so soon, it is also because Ding Yu came back earlier! Otherwise, Wang Xiaogang will delay two days here!

"Uncle?" When entering the study, Wang Xiaogang can't help but be stunned, because the uncle's condition is quite different from the usual time! Under the heart there are so some anxious Wang Xiaogang also rushed to the front, "uncle, what's the matter with you?" Between the words, for Ding Yu's situation is also concerned!"No problem?" Ding Yu pursed his lips and laughed, "I treated a patient in the hospital before, which cost me a lot of energy and energy. It's better these two days! There are no too many problems. It's good to recuperate for a period of time! Are you so late? Why do you come back here? Isn't it hard? "

"Nothing hard! I heard you are in Beijing! I'm afraid I'll be late. Uncle, you'll go back! "

Wang Xiaogang knows some things about Uncle Wang, which has nothing to do with age, but these things are not what a child should judge! Have nothing to do with yourself!

"It may take another two days. Ding Yun and Ding Chang will come and live for two days, and then go back together!"

If it is someone else's face-to-face, Ding Yu doesn't have anything to do with you. But Wang Xiaogang's face-to-face, there's no need to cover up anything? Of course, he did not want to pass Wang Xiaogang to spread the meaning of the matter!

In fact, this matter is clear in each other's heart! We all kept quite silent, because if we really want to publicize it in our mouth, it may be another thing!

"Uncle, is there nothing wrong with your body?" Wang Xiaogang still has some worries!

"As I have said, the problem is not so big!" Ding Yu held his chin, "yes! I heard that you sang a song at the new year's party and then ran away? Is it true? "

"Uncle, I am already very good! They're like sheep! I still have a performance at least! "

For this matter, Wang Xiaogang also has a grudge, because his brother and sister's performance, he has seen, the video on the Internet now, quite hot! Even some people do not understand!

"Have you seen all the performances of Ding Yun?"

"I've seen the full version! The performance is excellent, but I should be able to join in. My violin is good! To boast a little, there should be a good standard! "

Let Wang Xiaogang sit down beside him! "Their business is different from yours! If I want to stop it, there should be no too many problems, but I didn't stop it. It's too noisy! "

"Heard from the elder sister!" When saying this nickname, Wang Xiaogang also threw out his tongue!

Ding Yu hehe laughed, "if you let Ding Yun know, you say so, be careful! You will never have any good fruit to eat, for your sister, I know quite well! "

"No! Is now Chang elder brother intentionally yells Wang Xiaogang touched his head, "but uncle, there is no movement on my side! Even if it's different in nature, I'm also taught by you, right? "

"Different! You are young, but you have a lot of heart! "

"Your future path is quite different from Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Wang An and Tong Tong Tong! I didn't say who was more relaxed or who was more difficult. I didn't say that. In general, it's almost the same. Now it's simple, and it won't be too easy in the future. If it's difficult now, it won't be difficult to do anything in the future! "

"Uncle, what you are suggesting is too obvious!" Wang Xiaogang said with his mouth full!

"Well! So say something else! This small half year's performance is still very good! There are considerable achievements and considerable progress. This is very good, even beyond my personal expectation. Of course, it is not without any shortcomings. However, I think it is worthy of praise to be able to get timely correction! "

Hearing his uncle say so, Wang Xiaogang's eyes can not help but a light, "uncle, you give me the inscription?"

"I'll be ready with you before I go!"

The current state and its inappropriate, so Ding Yu did not immediately have the action, but since it is to give Wang Xiaogang praise, then we need to do what we say. On this issue, Ding Yu really does not want to cheat Wang Xiaogang, can't make it! What's more, he is still his nephew!

"Go back and rest in the evening! I'm afraid your father and mother are waiting anxiously! "

"They have their own little days, OK?" Wang Xiaogang muttered, "OK! I'll go back! I hope it won't disturb them, but I don't know if I'll get used to it after a period of time? "

Completely intentional? Ding Yu didn't say too much about this trick!

Wang Xiaogang lingered in the courtyard for a certain time, and then went home! Looking at his father and mother's appearance, also spit out one's own tongue! "You boy? Even if you don't go home, you run to your uncle? "

There is no sense of blame! Is a kind of care!

"I went to send some things to uncle, and asked for some things from uncle?"

"You boy, your uncle broke his heart for you, and you still open your mouth to your uncle. What do you think?""Uncle said that my performance in the past six months is not bad, but I need to see the progress. I asked my uncle to write a word for me, and the uncle agreed to come down. However, uncle is not in good health these two days, so maybe I don't have much time. I will definitely give it to me when I was a year ago!" Wang Xiaogang is very positive about this!

Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan were both stunned. "Don't look at me. I really don't know that big brother will be like this. I haven't seen it before?" Wang Yang has no intention of concealing this point!

Xiaogang, who had finished his work, laughed happily, "uncle's handwriting is actually very good, but not many people have seen it! But elder martial brother Wang An has a copy of the master's handwriting. I've seen it! I'm very envious

"Manuscript? What and what are they? " Wang An is very puzzled about this!

How do you want to explain it to your father? After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Gang then said, "uncle's things are basically not so popular! Even yunyun elder sister and elder brother Chang don't have handwritten copy! Master uncle is very important to elder martial brother Wang an! I feel more important than my brother and sister! "

Wang and his wife don't understand this! Why? Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the children of elder brother!

"How do you know all this? Didn't you tell anyone else? "

"My brother and sister also know that we played very well. Previously, they came to the provincial capital to see me, and I was responsible for the reception! There is no arrogance. I feel very stable. It's just that Tong Tong is a little silent! "

The son did not have any estrangement with Ding Yun because of the distance, and the relationship was even better than he imagined. This is a good thing for Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan!

Because everyone knows that big brother is very important to Wang An and Tong Tong! This kind of value has never appeared in the past! How many families hope that their children can be with Wang Yang and Tong Tong, they can pull a relationship! But such a thing is just to think about it!

Do you know that big brother put them in that small county? Who else dares to approach! It's not killing me! To a certain extent, that place can be regarded as the private plot of elder brother! If you're free, you'd better not go there! Otherwise, if the elder brother really turns over mercilessly, nobody is easy to use! After all, big brother has a precedent in this respect!

But what about your son now? He has taken a considerable advantage. Of course, it is also because of the elder brother's reason. If the elder brother really does not allow it, then his son Tiangao will be far away from each other, and there will be considerable estrangement between them. The relationship between them will not be as harmonious as it is now!

"Take a bath?! Be careful not to catch a cold! I've been tired all day, so I'll have a rest earlier! "

After the child came back, he did not stop his steps. Even an adult could not bear it, not to mention his son was still a child!

Pour also don't need the babysitter in the home to start, small just oneself can! Even blowing your hair is an expert! Wang Yang motioned to the nanny and asked her to have a rest! My son doesn't need her help anymore!

"You boy, is that really good?" Dressed casually, Wang Yang looks at Xiao Gang who has changed into a parent-child outfit. He is very happy in his heart. He is the same as himself and is very spiritual! What's rare is that he didn't develop any bad habits. The future of the little guy is definitely one that can be expected. I'm very proud of this!

"You're alone at night. Are you afraid? Do you want me and your mother with you? "

"Give me a break?! I'm no longer a child! " Xiao Gang's face is bulging, like a little adult! "But it's good to be with you! I think about it! "

For his son's action, Wang Yang felt that he wanted to laugh!

The next morning, looking at his son who got up early, Wang Yang didn't know what to say! I don't deny that he went to bed earlier yesterday, but he didn't have to get up so early? Right?

"Are you out?"

"Yes Xiaogang took off his coat, "I went out for a walk, but I feel that the air here is not as good as that of the provincial capital! It's not as good as it is on the farm! I wonder how you and mom put up with it! "

"Not as bad as you think? How about it

It's really hard to deny this, because the farm has very high requirements for the environment!

In addition to the benefits created by farms and other economies, many provinces in the North attach more importance to the environment than expected. What about the capital? Also has the quite benefit!

Why do you say that? The capital is close to the north, but there is not much farm land around the capital, so the farm is not very good to develop to the capital! Too many constraints! But even so, the surrounding changes also have a considerable impact on the capital!

But his son said so, there are so some intentional!"You boy, don't be proud!"

I put the things I brought back on the table. I didn't expect that he was so attentive that he went to buy breakfast in person. There is no shortage of this thing in the home. After all, there is a nanny in the house, but such a small child has such a mind, and there is really no one else?!

But Wang Yang has not continued to say, Lin Qiuyan has come here! Wang Yang is also in a hurry to welcome the past, after all, she is now the highest status in the family! It's also the most infuriating!

"Mother! I'll get you breakfast

Wang Xiaogang held up the things in his hands, showing off! Lin Qiuyan is holding her son's small face, and mercilessly kisses them!

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