Ding Yun and Ding Chang came a few days late! And Ding Yu's side of the situation is also good, almost! At least from the surface is not to see that there are too many problems and conditions! After all, the foundation is better!

Although did not go to the airport to meet, but still went to their parents there!

Such action or let Ding's parents be overjoyed, the eldest one all came back! It is true that their hearts are very clear, the boss this time will not stay at home for the New Year! But the joy in the heart or diluted which little so-called little sour! The boss is more fastidious!

There are more children at home all of a sudden, but there are some feelings of herding sheep! But even so, the smile on Su Yuan's face couldn't be restrained at all! It's good to be lively!

Tae hee has gone to help! As for Ding Yu? It is a stable sitting on the sofa, as if he is the same! It is true that there are not too many people in the past to disturb, along with the children is also the same!

"There's nothing wrong with the body, right?"

The boss has been in the courtyard over there, he is very busy these two days, there is no leisure at all! Today is also a special situation, so I went two steps earlier, otherwise it is really difficult to say!

Don't think you can do whatever you want in such a position. It's impossible! It's not realistic at all! The country is so big, any place needs to be cautious, absolutely can not appear any mistakes, otherwise, no one knows what kind of things will be derived!

Holiday? I almost forget when the holiday is! I also want to have a holiday, but don't go to such a dream! Early home for their own, are already very good!

"Not bad. I've recovered well these days! There is no big problem for now! But the follow-up words, still need to take good care of, can't have what big movement, otherwise the body aspect may not be able to bear! "

What is the actual situation? Ding Yu's heart is the most clear and understanding!

If Ding Yu stands out in good condition now, good guy, make sure that the threshold of his family will be broken! 49 cities are so big, and there are quite a lot of connections in all aspects. In the past, chief engineer fan belonged to the scope that he could deal with, but even so, he did his best!

You should know that the profession of medicine is constantly developing. Even Ding Yu dare not say that he is really invincible and does not exist at all. It is also unrealistic. Ding Yu has a considerable understanding of this!

For a long time, he has not given up his study and research in this field, and even has paid more than others. But even so, Ding Yu dare not say that he is one of the best. He can only say that he has some achievements!

Being modest is not a bad thing. He is a doctor and not an immortal. Ding Yu has the most clear understanding of this! So even in the face of his father, Ding Yu's words also hide a lot of things!

Looking at the appearance of his eldest son, Wang Changlin nodded his head. As for his son's situation, he always looked like this, saying he was proud?! A little bit, but if it's someone else, I'm afraid it's going to be heaven now?

"In the past few days, my ears are almost cocooned! It's all about you! "

Ding Yu held the tea in both hands. "It's all because of the situation of chief engineer fan. Are they too anxious?"

"How normal! To a certain extent, we all want to make friends with you! Previously, it was because of other aspects, but this time, we all had the same purpose. It was better for the fan family. But at that time, not only the fan family members were present, but also many other people! The news is out of control! "

Ding Yu's appearance is a little bit old God in, "can you control to live, this thing is very normal originally! It's a bit of expectation in this respect, but I didn't expect that everyone would be so enthusiastic? "

"Although we are usually strong and fierce, it is only at that time that we know how terrible things are! Not many people can really face such a thing. So your appearance, especially the appearance of this event, makes everyone feel quite touched in their hearts

After a sip of tea, Ding Yu's expression on his face did not change. He was a little calm about this matter!

"Quite a lot of things are powerless. Under normal circumstances, chief engineer fan should be able to persist for a few days, but what's the matter! After such a way goes down, completely overdraw his vitality, it seems to be to save people, but in reality? It's not a long-term plan! "

For this, Ding Yu still has some taboos! The so-called people are doing, the sky is watching! Of course, such an idea is a bit idealistic! But Ding Yu has his own consideration! Even if it is used to excuse others!

"If you say that, the outside world will never believe it! What's more, such a statement can't hold water! "Wang Changlin and his son discuss related issues! Absolutely not to say to find an excuse for his son, but the outside forces are a bit too fierce! My side is really so some can not carry! Now I even want to hide from others! Because once someone comes forward, it's all the same!

Looking at his father's appearance, Ding Yu thought for a while, and felt that the tea was a little cold! After pouring out the tea in the cup, I changed a cup of tea for myself again! "If you can't, then you can find the third uncle to do something about it! Anyway, this matter is caused by the third uncle. He should bear a considerable responsibility! "

For his son's words, Wang Changlin is a little sad and laughing! Isn't this the same on purpose?

"I said, what are you thinking? I want to go to the chief executive for this matter? " A little complaining, but I feel comforted by the intimate relationship between my son and the chief executive. I don't have any jealousy. I know something about it! But Wang Changlin's heart is very clear, some things even if it is their own, also do not know the right!

Anyway, my boss has never disclosed this aspect information and the situation! I can understand it myself!

"What if not? Anyway, I have other things to do. I need to be cautious about this time for three or five months. This is not the loss in other aspects. If I take two such jobs a year, will you? Don't say there is no other time left, even if there is time, it is basically lying on the bed

Wang Changlin did not believe in this matter, but he believed it or not, which is not so important. What matters is how the outside world views this matter!

"Another thing, I heard from the outside world, I said it was some friends from foreign countries, who also inquired about quite a lot of information?"

Yeah? Ding Yu slightly wrinkled his brow, "I didn't hear the news about this. The main reason is that I have been staying at home to take care of the body for the past two days. I'm not so concerned about the external affairs."

"I've heard about it anyway? I don't know if it's true or not, but I think it's not bad! "

Ding Yu leaned back on his body, "if so, the old Peyton bastard must have deliberately indicated something! This old guy is really as cunning as a fox! I'm not a bit of a loser! "

"You mean Tyler?"

"Well! Tyler's grandfather! At the beginning, I treated the situation in his home by myself, but I also extorted a lot of things. I didn't expect that this old guy should give me such a hand! " Ding Yu hums and laughs!

However, it is obvious that Ding Yu's hum and smile let Wang Changlin hear other strange things! But I don't care about the meaning of my son! At this point, I know the power of the eldest son!

You should know that the reputation of the eldest son in the outside world has always been a kind of revenge! Just two years? Seems to be convergence! But actually? Is character really so easy to change? I really don't feel it!

The eldest son did not attack is a thing, if he really stare up this eye, it is another matter!

So now there are quite a lot of people, looking for the Wang family! Su family and Zheng family, but there are not too many people go directly to find Ding Yu, which must be the reason for this?! These guys have their own little nines in their hearts!

"I know the old man you are talking about, but I don't know what is involved in it! But I'm afraid it will take a moment and a half for the domestic side to stop! Why don't you take it easy yourself? "

"Take it easy. They'll come to the door, too!" Ding Yu has a very clear understanding of the situation, so his speech is also slightly straightforward!

But just after finishing speaking, Ding Yu stood up, because the old man and the old lady came! Originally Ding Yu wanted to let Taixi and his children go to visit them together tomorrow, but he never thought that they would come together!

The children in the family didn't gather around together, but they were dispersed by Ding Yu directly! Let them go and wash first! Just now, these children were playing a little crazy!

Ding Yu helped the old lady, and Wang Yang helped the old man. They were quite different from each other!

Wang Pu looked at his grandson, but he didn't mean to be angry with him! There's no need for that, OK?

However, it should also be said that he has a very rational judgment on things! Although we all know that Ding Yu is the eldest son and grandson of the family, but this is not obvious. Anyway, Ding Yu has never meant this aspect! This name still falls in Wang Yang's body above, so Wang Yang stands by Wang Pu's side, is the most suitable!

So Ding Yu took the first step to help the old lady, willing or unwilling! I did it all!

"I heard that before! You're a bit of a troublemaker! Some old comrades who came to pay homage in the early years all said this thing! " Looking at Ding Yu, the old lady also took his hand and said in a low voice!"Hey, it's a little exaggerated!"

"You don't look so ruddy. I heard Wang Li mention this before. After several days of recuperation at home, you are not very old. You need to pay attention to this! Don't damage your body. It's a lifetime thing. Did you hear that? "

The old lady's speech is eloquent, and her pace is also very steady. At her age, she can't see that there are too many problems. What a surprise! In this, we can't deny the contribution made by Ding Yu. Wang Pu over there is the same!

Some people who went to pay homage to the two of them in their early years were also secretly surprised, but there was no way. There were quite filial descendants in the family, but there was no such great doctor! There is Ding Yu in this respect regardless of the cost of investment, these are other aspects can not do! At least not so comprehensive!

We can only envy this, but there is no way!

After the two old people sat down, soon after many children washed up, they also came to salute the great grandfather and great grandmother! Originally, Wang Pu, who had a stiff face, also changed to be like an old child at this time! one 's face lit up with happiness!

Although it is said that there is no new year, but from the current situation, it seems that it is not much different from the New Year!

Soon Su Yuan also took the children away! After all, father-in-law and mother-in-law are very old! Let them take care of the children, a little too difficult for them, and the children are a little too noisy! It's not good for their evening rest!

"A little better?" Wang Pu difficult asked!

"Not bad! In the hospital before, he was also reluctant to do so. Chief engineer fan's health is no longer good! I've been working for the country all my life. I don't have much time for my family! That is to say two more words to the family and eat more than two mouthfuls of rice, so he can't do anything else! "

"It is the people like them who have made our country's progress and development today. They can be said to be the backbone of our country, carrying the whole country forward!" Wang Pu's evaluation is also very pertinent!

Of course, from this discourse, also deliberately one-sided said that Ding Yu did this thing is very right! Even if it is paid a considerable price, it is worth it!

Taking advantage of his leisure time, Ding Yu touched his grandfather's pulse. It was not bad. He and the old lady maintained them very well! It's a good thing to have a rest. It's a pity that my grandfather left a little early! If he did not carry so many things, it would not be!

"I heard about Xiao Gang, but he has grown up a lot!"

General engineer fan's business, his own points can also be! The rest of the matter Ding Yu, the child can think about by himself, no problem! But what about Wang Xiaogang? But it's about the future of the family! No matter it's yourself! Wang Changlin or Wang Yang attaches great importance to it, as well as the whole faction!

The boss didn't mean to mix it in! It means to mix with factions!

Even his two children didn't mean it! At least, there is no sign of this, and his large consortium is still waiting for someone to inherit. As for his two apprentices? Children there is no need to think about it! His birth is doomed! If other people dare to stretch out their hands, they are absolutely unable to get along with the intelligence department!

It would be strange if the Department of emotion management could be relaxed!

What about Wang An? I little interesting! I just got in touch with him. Although this child is young, I can see that he has been trained very well by Ding Yu! It's definitely the treatment of a humble disciple!

They are all from the Wang family. Can we have some so-called ideas in the future? It's not that you can't think about it, but it's not something you should worry about! Let's see if there are any other ideas in Changlin?!

Their father and son's mutual communication, should be better than their own horizontal intervention! What's more, I'm already enjoying my life. If it's not for the children's sake, I and the old lady will not come here!

"It's OK. It's been a good performance in the past half a year! Some problems can still be found in some places, but they can be corrected by explanation, some good friends have been made, and considerable horizons have been broadened. The ability to be independent has been further enhanced, but there is also a lack of considerable things. Is this true? ...。”

What is missing? Ding Yu did not say, but Wang Pu is very clear, Wang Xiaogang is alone in the provincial capital there? No parents to accompany!

But in this matter, Wang Pu or more support Ding Yu! Although Lin Qiuyan is a teacher, how can I say that? In terms of education, there is still a considerable gap with Ding Yu, and this gap is not a little bit!

As for Wang Yang, he is just like that!

If we really give the children to them, in the future, Wang Yang may be admitted to a better university, or even one of the top universities in China, without too many problems! But then? What to do afterwards? Will it be a little late in terms of time to train at that time?It's like his father Wang Yang, who graduated from a famous university in China. But if it's not for Ding Yu's reason, it's really hard to say what Wang Yang will look like now! But even if he started to catch up, put into a considerable effort, but there is still a considerable gap, which is the reason, say, a little bit sour!

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